Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1950, p. 3

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PAGE Two 11111 OLINTEER BRIGADE Zl IUIHRX Nlll l1I 11 550 to $1000 IlIllOUl INDORSIIS 0R lANlAllf SKUerY Sli111ll Written 1111 lilrrir 111 IHDNVIIl for Auliuer ADAlull lrixx SL111 Writer ill 111 1171 11 111 11 i111 211 111 11 Allutt 1113 11111 11 111 Plllilg up i1 111 dcr 111 Hospital Broadcast Trio Male Quartet In Sunday Musicale Former Pastor Here 1111 tons Dickijlliyiz 11r1111r 1111111lcr 111 11111111 lnilcil lilinll mi HVL 11 111rric 11111 Slroud 11111 1111111 Hip 1M1 NH MM bunhex prior to coming here in gt 11331 pund 3111 11 orunlo iiIi dill LI lhl 1r11 llmpital on Illtl1 Ieb 31 Ilinlulh 1211 1111111111 1111 11111 111 lr if Ill Pickering went to lrlnity Iniled ff lluirrh Hanover in 191117 11 here WIN 111 1r11d for 111 years going to pi 111111 tltlftlt in July 1311 11111 Wl 111ii l11il 11v 11ml 11111 Tim 3111 1111 iiiiLni lgt1l1l 11y ll111r t111 11l 11ll 1rvlcl 11111 interment 111111 on leb 11 1111 11 ere llie Ilanm er losl lJItllZ Rev Mr Pickering 3h 111 eloquent and sincere spiAk Hm 1W 11 SIN 11 11111 111Ill very 1112111111111 Lmt UK 17 lllKlIl voile lle lfItll ltlllIllU All mull ilk 111 the 111011 here for yen1111 years Hmll during his pastorate and was p1r Hm 111111111y interested 1n the young people of the church among 111111111 111 very popular Surviving Iiiides his widow urn 11111 sons loui 11i11p111 111111 111 from 1111 11112111 and 111111111111111 111t111l polit 1111 lielzalt 111 the 1111111111 111ml K1tllllllfl They were Mn John lllfl Randolph both 111 l11ri ll 111111 111111li1l1 p11 presi onto third son Robert xix3 llvfl Tilill AMI killed eventas while serving vltli kl 5111411 kllIilllall of 1111 Ihe Royal anadian ir l11r11 WWI 111 Liillva l11111 may 11 11 l111 hip and l1 11111 11v lil1ll ll1 1111111v r1 lll11 11 111 11113111lt 1111zii 11i 11111 plibll i1ipIll1 111111 11dll 11 l1 511 1111111 iv Crmmnyh 71 111111111117 111 111 $1111 11 AW n1nr 11111 111111111 1112 out 0f5 choose Household 111 1111 111 11 tinny 11 flidlll 111 111 11111111111111cllll 1urleous i1cS11iou111c 111111 11 gt il1j1 Ull 1211 11 kll tip 111111111 110011m 111 1111190111131 sg 11111111 litlfll 111 111 Amt1111 N11 11 11111111 111111 11 1111111112 read 11 or ylu Cpl Shaughnessyl 11 11 V11 1131 510168 Slit 11 11v 111 Yl iExerClsc Sweefbnar if 11 111 provmcia 5214 11 111 11111 11itlc111 11 11 $49046 18 313011 11 11 11 3111 Accounts of mold event Ind l1ll1v11111 111 deeds 570058 31 gt111 11111151 111 111 of visitors to Dnd from Barrie Onh CANADAS AROISI AND OVLDISI HA and AlliIda are apprechned Ill llllllllllll lulll llllll lI tb ocial de artment CONSUMER IINANCI ORGANIIHION by PHOVE 1111111 1111111 record amount MONHWWN YOUNHD 11111 1111 11111 1111 to coordinate 1111i 111111t lxlltllllllllll with tha lo 1111 1111111 linl II Wu WW1 1111 11111l 111111111111111 10 111111 ltl 11 11111 1111111 lll 1111l llr 11111 111 mm Im 15 1111111m1l 1111111111111111 to 111 all 111111111 111 would provide lUlll in pump eivi 111111i1 where no 11 111 26 lllxaboth Strut W4 II1 11 1111 llym 11 1111111 1111 111111111111nud Iuond Floor Phone 5529 L11l 11121 111211111111 1511111 311 WW1 1ill bid 11 M01 111111111 Ill 11 null 0m 11111 12 1111101 13 LUWith 11111111m 111 11 0mm Enrica 1111gt1 511 1111191111 111 11 11 111111111 Mllnau 315altb2nd Flannlhano 2194 imagine 11 1111111 Mi Mi MI 31mm llllli INTER gil otm lo or yoppolntmon loam modIo miller1 olnmby 1m 11 Sa111ini=lt remit 111111 1M 11 $11 ll 111 111111111 1t111gt1 of unithen 11 trad than 1111111 11111111 tlntario lkSltltlllS centred on t111 llmlktblhlllcSNtzldTS 11 Sam1111 1111 111 11111111111111111111 111 51100000 pro Iml and two child 11lt 15131121 itli 111 Monical 111 lK111 the toimeis 111112111 11 111111111111 Dunbai l1p Ave Mr and T111 l11111111t and son Lloyd have 111urned 111111 Parry Sound ltt11 they allendi ed the funeral of Mrs AtkinsonsI 1111111 l1m1s Rankin who passedl away Feb 211 in his 011111 1111 WONT BOTHER TOU IF YOU PHONE 2927 BARRIE HOME LAUNDRY Let your telephone be yourclotheslinc PICKUP STORE NOW OPEN A137 Elizabeth Street FREE PICKII ANDDELIVERY SERVICE to London after visiting her pai enf Mi and Mrs Louis Brown gllunlopSL Mr and Mrs Roy llrw1 and daughter Sandra 111 Oshliwa tere weekend lw1tl1 the 1111111v1 parents BOND HEAD February 24 CltCHJllt 1S stiffer our home town for Sorry to inc at tw lliirteen years Judging by the Feed catalogues arrivuig we n11s1 soon layw our iplans for our 1930 gardens and lets 1pray for rain this year As we write this the Womeps lWDrld Day of Prayer is in session in Bond Read Some of us who are shut111s did enjoy Rev Mr Carlstons ABC of SalvationfEarl Crowes llmv Beautiful Heaven Must 83 and Ed Mellugbs fThis Stranger Of Galilee Wadd of Toronto died Tues day Feb 21 and his funeral was Feb 24 Mrs Whitcsides of our village is his only child and every stunmerMr and Mrs Wadd spent their holidays across the road where Mr Wadd did enjoy garden ing and giving his six grandchild Spring dsltiOn Review Wednesday 11111111122 ATwo Performances gt States All of them three months ago glowed to see American represen tatives in Budapest confinement MAY FINE REBELS affairs will 1a1lt 30011 year The plan calls for an 11 111111 111 lr1pping 11 Ontario north Mr Scott said the fed well as grain 111 develop the provinces fur resources during the next10 years lands Minister Stottltud Ontario 111111 1111 federal department of 111 llllllllll1 advisory 111111 vincial cooperation would providl direction so that the Indian 11111 i41101pil1g area as the vlnte1 mans trapping area will be man ged for increased and sustained 11gb production of fu1 SPY TRIAL RObert Vogeler business man enced last week peoples court death and 11 United was sen to 171 years in prison on spy charges by 21 111111 garian Vogelers six IDdefendants sentenced to Sanders his British aide was song tenccd to 13 years invprison 10 lidgar Vogeler md the others had con made Vogelcr and Sanders were duri The defiance off172000 United States coal miners has on fesscd to spyingundcr orders of the American intelligence service object state ments to the Communist court arrested not 11 ng tlteir striking 1011 good time He was an 011 muttered the rich trensmr 01 2030 p111 pmo gxavci by trade and spent some llltlI unionthe United Mine years in the West Workers Union Nearly all the Admission 50c Adults only 3s OTTAWAI fccl greatly llOll Oredto have the opportunity of forwarding money to this worthy leause said Jim Coady of Levack Ont in letter to UNICEFthe United Nations Childrens Fund Ottawa The $11 donation from Mr Coady will alloyUNICEF to give 300 sick children dose of Can adianproduced cod liver Oil THE CASE FOR VSLACKS The Vancouver school principal who sent half dozen girls home because they were clad in slacks is far off the track Slacks are canvenient warm and modest mode for women and insur ance against frostbitten 1cgs Prbceeds for HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND Obtain your tics kets early from the Information Desk at Zellers DIAL 2439 EELLERS LIMITED to work This week Oneroom Expansion Attic in HQ me with Two Bedrooms KAMLOQPS 1BC SENTINEL 11114111111111111 111111111111111111 111111111111 announce theiropening fa 77 aFcr newlocation 59 EliZabeth St THREE DOORS EAST or MARY sr 5111 MARCH4Phone 5441 Beonoom icyc1011 DSIGn loos strikers have ignored coal or der to return obeyed similar orders from their president John Lewis while the countrys and dis Tho 11111111 give no exact figure but it committee to improve the managdl grounds funds would be used in the parllt of the Wrench and Mattawa rivers where shyera Mrs loiiistal 1115 11111111ll11111Sillll Indians live by 11111111111 trapping and fishing Liva Doom IG0xll5 car drinn by Ernest Mayer tarroll 1111 1ll11111111 111 1111 ll1r 111 11111p1111n lhe p11l11r 1111 l1 llitlmid 111111ullam director for 1llll Thousands Flock To $85000 Shoe Sale At Barrie fHeovicst Snow of Winter 1111 llllllSllll 1r1111y 111l 51111121 1111 111 lasl week 11 1111111111 lilo122 InChCS at Mt Jlmmy 111yl1111l 111 S11111111 1I1iiily v11 1111 to 1111 111 pair of shoes 11 inlrod11c1d pxmir11n 1111 l111l 1111111111l111e of 111 11111111 11 Monday 11 1a niii 5010011 sale of 1111 slot1 11 11 Moore 11111111111 51111111 1111 IM 1115111 1111 3111111111 by 1111 111 111111111111113 311131 1m him WM Mp MW mm 11114111 1111 Sunday 11ll1 low of in 1111 degrees below 11111 registered Iln ll up K1 on Sunday 1111111 lollowing mild but ltlilllj ll1ursdl1y 1l1d 111 111 store to gel chance at 11111 day 1111 l1111pl111pi1gt fell to Zero agIliu on Saturday There was heavy snowfall all day Thursday opening day Specials Sine then staff of 110 clerks has 111111 kept feverishly busy mi Hid Wmmz civlng thousands of people who my rm mo wk uh Ilmlm the WI LlLvllllttS1111181111tl last Saturday mmlw lulled Ht5 The heavy snowfall rave exeoll 11111 11111111111551111 111111tgen1ent1Hi1 skiing at Mount Jimmy wk and over lhe weekend was estimated that 110011 or moreiTwUnlwtwn inches mo on the people must have passed through hm hm and mm in mp bum 1001 p110 Smmlu 113 were record depth for the Winter 131111 1111 crowds 111111 as 111 asl In ever l1 11 The sale is to go on until HitHi 1108 15 entire stock of children 111611531301 20 4x 20 and womens footwear of all kindsFob is sold 1p 31 11 Judging by the number of green PM wrapped parcels to be seen carried MD 32 everywhere in Barrie the buyingFvb 05 public was approving of the sale fVAERUIBW which is believed to be one of tile biggest ever held in Barrie leausing damage estimated to be in lechss of 81000 to the two vehicles Taken to the Soldiers Memorial illospilal for treatment of injuries 11vcre Jean 505411111 27 and Albert Sabourin 20 passengers in the Mayer car and Mrs Jessie Love if driving 11611111 her husband Sabourin most seriously injured of the three sustained cut from forehead lo chin and the loss Of six teethMiss Seguin suffered bruised knees 111111 abrasions and Mrs Love received abrasions and Three Injured HeadOn Crash Near Hawkestone lOrillia Packet Timesl Failing to make the curve on Highway No 111t the Hawkestone cutoff on Sunday night Feb 19 of Windsor ran onto thocutsoff land cpllidcd headon wuh ahauto in possublc fractured nose mobile driven by Ernest Lode 07 The accident took place when of Shanty Bay injuring three and Mayer drivingI north failed to make the curve andshot up the culeoff on which Love was parked coal st cks dwindled Ian the tin to court Red the union for contempt on the lg 11111 as soon as it was clear If the me didnt get the Inc two cars collided headon back to work by the weeks end it could mean heavy fine against the unions lreasuryyariously es timated at 3113000000 to 8200000011 The court action didnt seem to bother the men in the coal fieldsl Said one man Let them fine US One million Canadians are mem until our money is gone They bels of the seniorCanadian Red hadbegun theirstrikc to enforce Cros Society and close to 900000 contract demands and their stand school children belong to Junior was still no contract no work Red Cross The acccnt was investigated by Oviucll Constable Fred Mac Don111dof the Orillia detachment assistedby Constables Ian Hutch con and WilliamnKellctt THE DELMAR has oneroom expansion attic and two bedrooms living room and kitchen on the first floor All of the rooms are connectedto small central ball This provides excellent circulation be tween the rooms The modern kitchens cabinets are arranged for efficiency The kitchen equipment is builtin as bropm closet in the room There is also ample din ing space For economy inplumbing the kitchen and bath room are adjoining The laundry equipment issitu ated directly below the bathroom The exterior walls of The Delmar are of frame but because of the straight lines the plan is adapt able to the use of concrete blocks if desired The roof iscoveredwwlth asphalt shingles Overall dimensions of The Delmar are 30 feet by 26 feet including full basement The floor area is 816 square feet with vdlume of 17382 cubic feet For further information about THE DELMAR write the Small House Planning Bureau St Cloud Minn USA More 11350 IONDA FEBRUARY News About The Davies of Canada 11 111i11 11 111111 oitl 11l 1112L11 11121111111111 ll11 111 111itl1 $111811 21111r cuzurrt eueinbil 111111 1111 rem1111 11311 g1111al 1pp111111 1151 Weik our 111 1111 It 1111 11 Toronto 111 received 111 111111 11111111111111 1111111 111 llvltllli 111 lr1u11 111 Vt 51113 111 111213 11 11112111 1511111 111111 111 191311 aits School 11 1111111 1131111 11 1111l 11i 11 5111I1 til 3111 1111 1111 11 111 111 151 11113111 11111l71111 11 I11lltr 121 11 111 11 111 t1 111t11 11111gt111l 111 11 1111 1111 111 111 1111l111Zl111l111111111T1111 31111 111111 1111111l111lil111 9111 11111 111 111x whilll lll 1111 111111111 11 11111 11 111111111 111 1111 11 11 11 111191 1111 L11 11 111 111111111 111 111111111 111 11 1111341 111 111 121 11n lr11 l11 pl11 111 pl 111 11111 1111 151111111111i11 112 1111i111 111 111 imf 11 11131 11 1111211112111 11111111111111 1111111I 1111111 1111 Navals 111 pzlpuliit 1311 41111113 11111l 111 11111 1111111 domain11111 11l 11111 1111111111= 1111 1111111111I1 11111111111111gt111ol 1111l11 lllv l1111 111 11 Zlllliili 1111 1111l 1111lt 111 1111 p151 Tiny 1111111 11 111 11 it 11111i1111111 1111111 15 111 111 of 111 Litfi11 111111 11111l111111gt111111111111l111111 111 11ll 11111 111111 1121 12 111 Ulllt Lose At Newmarket To North York Team combined team of 11111 ll players 111111 tltc llarrie itltliSuIl lladniulton lub 11111rn1y1d lo Nl11111l1 111111d1y night and were 1111111d by 111111 111111pos1d of players 1111111 Newniarket Aur Ma and Rislunond 11111 Games wet1 played on lhecourls llll the Nev 11111kei lligh School and 11 llLlitllli College Al the lligh School 1111 leains broke even in the 1111 College decisive tolal the win Alter the games lunch was serv ed in 1111 cafeteria of 1111 lllll School lrank Vims captain of home team welcomed the Barrie players lahn Ouglt Barrie team captain expressed the appreciation of the Barrie players Three weeks previously 1111 learns played in Barrie with 1hc ilocals emerging as the winners 011 the evenings play Barrie players who went to Ncwmarkct were Mr and Mrs 1111111 0111111 Mr and Mrs Raytlnv lingslon Mr and Mrs Don Rum ble Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Mr and Mrs Ken lreadwelb Mr and ers ChillickMIss Terry Smith Miss Audrey Sarjeant dlliss lillarjorie Longhlnsl Miss Margaret lllodgesu Doug Smith ROn Hardy John Straltou and Charlcs Wilson 11 Survey In Orillia Re Liquor Store To Decide Wishes Orillia NewsLetter Proposal of group of busines mcn within the Board of Trade that survey be held among mer chants to dgrlcrminc whether they believe the establishment of gov ernment 11111101 storc in town would aid tourist trade has brought about varied reaction Businessmen who advocated the surveyadvanced the argumentthat the new superhighway lLQitC is to bypass the 101111 and said town must get new attractions to induce points while 11 home leain scored 11111111 vital 111111 11111151 111 1111111 111 1111 1111114 piliiln lu 1111111131111 1i1Ii1l 11 Sullll 51111 1111it11J1l1111111lli11 Barrie Badminton Club tlicinsclVOs large volume of tourists to leave the highway and drive into town The They suggested government liqu or store might be one inducement Local Option for 43 Years Leaders of dry forcesproud 01 the fact that the town has been un der localOption as legally dry community for 43 years have ex pressed the fear that such step would be backward move insofar as temperance is concerned There are some who question this view arguing that this would only divert purchases now madc for Orillia people at Barrie and Gravenhurst to store in Orillia While some are inclined to wage hot arguments on both sides the moderates admit there are sound arguments to supportboth View points mop STRASBOURG Scisk CP The family tree of Al Kruegar took quite shaking recently His wifcl presented him with daughter the rst girl in four generations of the Krucgar family Below is one of many Written statements by women whowere giyen sample of Heinz Soup and asked to make comparison with other wellknown9brands Try test in your own home and taste the wonderful difference none and anytime Ilwant 5Weeks vacation to leave him of Heinz Soups 340 IMyl husband galls fit is second 31 1121 11112111v111 111111 11 The I11 S1di11 iu11r1l on 1111 111111d 1111111 64 Elizabeth St 1111m 1311031133956 Hydro Superintendent At Des Joecbims GORDON Imus native 111 Maple Iarni Scott11 Settlement Simeoe County was recently 1111 pointed plant superintendent at the Ontario Hydro lIlcctrjc ummiss ions pouer develo ment at Des Joachims on the tlawa Mr Faris was formerly line sup erintendent lOantu Region 111 the HEI He is the son of the late Farisand Mrs Paris now of Toronto With Mrs laris and their two children Mary 11111 and Paul he moved some glue ago to his new location The powerAle velopment is about 118 miles up the Ottawa River from Pembroke Vic Trefry Scores KOOn Mitt Show A1 Temiskaming Two membersof the Barrie Box ing Club gave good ajccount of Friday night on show at Tcmiskamiag Matched by manager Orv Dash were Strouds unorthodox southpaw Don Wall ace and knockout artist Vic Trefry Wallace carded impidpycpjihm 01s with unbeaten John DcVoet Temiskaming and although he had the fight all hisown way for the entire fiveiwiounds homelown judg es rulcdit haw DeVoet was dropped 101110 can vass in the fourth with left hook and knocked through the ropes in the fth Trefry scorebills second K0 in as many starts under Barrie colors at the Show Working the semi nal Irefry sent his opponent Bill WoodburybfyTemiskaming to the boards for the longcounl at 156 of the second round The bout was Deal roughwhouse Woodbury had Trefry down tWice the first round for no count but Trefryrevcrscd the procedure in the second He floored Wood bury three times with the third punch succeszul Manager Orv Dash drove the boys to Temiskaming and returned immediately after the fights He reported the roads in fair condi tion They hit storm at Hunts ville causing them to arrive at the show at pm just in time to get dressed and enter the ring River h01150 Httrgntairtost

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