Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1950, p. 2

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PAGE lllleYFOLR lfit liAltltlii EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA OBITUARY Iames MeEachern Ios Beswetherick Tossorontio Born Dies at Age of 87 Mrs David Bauldry Dies At Her Home Mervin Ganton Dies In South America Native of Hillsdale iiezatit tllllltl ilIle decade school ititltti2 at Taught At Victoria School In Barrie Mrs Pearce Dies toiaziri Kiri lie ci itaioiii litt and WA 11 till ziliv iii finz tlii Iiittin ctezy it iiigaigi Dotllllas lliuie Iitilix nett lie Roy aii tillt ii tzivt iioii ti iilit lion tlee and vieiii littt Etawit ilnl iii tantra Mrs Sandiord 91 Formerly Of Essa Dies In Florida tlii idiiesdiv iiioiiiiiig Feb iioiiie viiitc llavcii iiia Mrs Orpha Saiidtord mother of Fletcher lie torter departed this life ii ii tiiiiiah iloiii at ilt Nova iiiiie 1030 eiidaiit of family of Uiiitei tiliii1117liztfiiiif0EiffgLtitlillRINtlnAt Toronto Gencrit eiter who died Mar 11 liltlt to escape itigors oi the northern wiiiters she purchased 110 acres of virgin pim it land part of which she sold tiitd it Nimrlthe baiaiice with the assistance of her second husband Sandforo ii 1031 Iiir Nicol was iiiairied toi cleared tiie land and planted it to liiitthain citrus lived ttlitli liiiiylllL to from which she passed away Illllltlitll was at the Mausoleum at Winter liaven Friday Feb in trypi iitil Site had purchased twenty years ago Uiitii iaziat itoiailti and not Lisioii whore tiiiiiiey Itiii liei iiii iioji ter tiikiiisoii int tl Itii ilti mutton iii treeiiiiie liilottto iiiltt tidal lit the rilluti It hoot tiiiil lloit Niiiiivrous from frieiiih aiiu icaivi igbeit foiii tiiltI tliii limit Noiiiial 5551 tlil tiliii Sii later School itll ll iiil litiiiei Associa tloit oolistiieni litail Siitiiii tii ieihiiis Social taxo er Lombard iitvviizaani of the llell leiephoiie Relatives lilti tities came from liraiiiptotif Siieeisville ilayioii It on iiibei the tiiircii and itili II iar Vicoii Nottaita 5l years School Barrie iitidi the priiieipai 11 till it ship of the late James larliii She is survived by her tnisbaiidi and three daughters Marilyn iai stirtiviin are her iiiotiier lis liia Wilkins treiiiiore and two liltliit Lake iloy filial and the tii tliti dcceased aiiii tiiiiiii Iames Nichol Dies At Bosemont illt liiiitioii and aiol Also oii Illti Tlltilllbttl Acton illUod atharins and SrlZEZIIJIIIltiitili tend the funeral jolli loroiito ii iii steis iivirta loriey Atkinsoii at lloiiititizs Iiils ller and ihl iltlrs it died sitti gtiiilit till lariies iliwooti ao in art Iil It 11130 at his home ttose tii ttei day iiioiit llorit iilt of ti Mar died two loin Florida iletgrave ltt late iaiiit Netheij ars ago in California Barrio I000 Hog Grower $6000 Barrie l5o Hog Finisher $600 Buyer to Supply Bags inn riotiii Milk Per Ton iiliit Waiters fruits and build home Iwtieie the Vlliilt itiitti 51 illitili to ii lroiniierit iii the Orange ioltlue lll to Newinarket they ttll to Rose later Per Ton when suffered partial stroke she loved to read and always kept in closi current ciaity those pertaining to the land of her birth she was constant ttliCllIlilT Star asCtiiiiiaiii Wm iiiiseiiaiii tilti iiieiiinLa of ltDl No tiTi Iaii lfe leaves to mourn his loss his iaii til iiid Wayne tuitter Noreen Two and Tony lcbltif touch with events espe ttife two soi and one It in taiifoiiiia funeral was from the home short service was eoiidiicl Toronto Daily last visit to Iiibriitoii and Ivy five years ago at the age of eightyseven Surviving lgugliter The She made hiet iiis The liiet where Sii iidu lloseiiiont lieid besides and four randchildrcn itv mil III In mmL eiid eight grandchildren Ciaocti for Lalihie assisted by lev West of lieporth formerly of Rosetnent The services were iini der the auspices of the LOI of lloseinont and llei Burial was in Friends and relatii from Kiiicaidiiic iccswater Wingi tiaiii Toronto and Newinarket iotleiihani Sentinel 15b llkrkl lcv ILIIK service by APPRECIATION ave rave eiiieteiyn were prescnti wish to thank neighbors and relatives for their kindness shown to Helen also for the flowers fruit received while and mail which was in the Hospital Aibcrt Pratt BeGoodvtOerBudgeti any BLOUSES atZVELLERS White and Pastel Colours chaturcil for the Sinartqcllitrifty switched to theSANIIONE cleaner look how spotless and fresh mydresscs are now AB suns 12 T0 20 White piiik pastel blue maize in the assOrtment Cclancse Jcrsey Cel anese Crepe At $l98 CELANESE CREPE BLOUSvaitii nice inscrt embroidery Whitey Pink pastel blue maize Sizes 12 to 20 dainty Swiss $398 OUSES AT $298 Many Lovcly Springnight Styles Shortsleeve styles so lovely to wear with Suits and separate Skirts 0f Cclancsc Crepe prettily detailed and trimmed with embroidery White pink pastel blue maize Sizes 14 to 20 vMziiirciimnsm ATTEND zamnis SPRING FASHION REVIEW WEDNESDAY MARCH 22 330 and 800 pm 0003031 Compare iusl once and youllplvyoy demand Sanitone Discover how Sanitong gets out More dirt Stubborn spots are gone andrhere is no trace of dry cleaning odor Youll know youve found the dry cleaning servrcc of your dreams Find out today call us Admission 500 ADULTS ONLY REFRESHMENTS ricnurs ON SALE AT swoon Proceedsln AidOf Hospital Building Fund L430 Dunlop St PHONE 2430 among ian liaiiie Eiilitl la llogmlavlv liospiti liniw en litll 1050 to Ill iii iii Dot liiiiioiu lib flinta iVilh tiaiiesitti tlhvlllld leei the tieai Vtvtillla flit ilaiiit on ithiiiaiy 32 to ilitl lis iiiai niiz ttopia daughter ilSiiN tit iveltii ielullii ti ziitai Ilaiii itl IVtllillt ii 213 and hli Lloyd tho Station an Al the Royal ictoria itaziit oi lNbiiiaiy and Mrs tloyal Victoria on tebiiiziiy lit two to To and Spciieej to Him Sti daiigiiitti= ltitlllttll ielii tiliiS the ilojai fltltllltl tio tai iiaiiie on February li lliili to Mr and li lrav ii if icioiia St run lhhiili the lloyal Victoria tlopitat ilarrie oii lebriiary 13 ilIAU to and Mrs Joseph itt tiiieiiie tlilllllfl iltlttll the lloyal Victoria Hospital ilairie on lebitiaiy 17 two to Mr and Mrs James AW oiiveii fr lltltlitviil St son Midlife laii iiiiistiii im home oio Matron on Monday Feb iii 1030 ltl ret Ann lett wife of the lat Ileiijaiiiiii iearsaii iii tier tiltii year Service was held iiit Lo tlnited Church on Wednesi dak Feb iii Interment liithrie tinetiay iiospitai Monday Feb 20 1030 itev Lotiis Pickering formerly of Barrie dearly beloved iius hand of Lila May Rowan dear father of John and Lois in his fittth year The iateRcv ir Pickering will be resting at the parsonage Acton Ort from Wednesday noon until Thursday where private service will be iieid at 230 followed by service in Acton United Church at oclock Interment Fairvicw inetery Acton WARNICAOn iiiestttiyu Feb 21 t03ti at the home of her sister lift Churchill Ave Jennie Warn iea wife of the late Angus Warn ica of Stroud Ont sister of Isa bella Mrs McCtiiiottghi Resting it the above address for service Friday Feb 24 at 130 pni In tcrmcnt titti Linc Cemetery In nisfit Ont YOUNCrAt Stayner on Feb 21 1030 James Young beloved huslt band of Catherine McKiimon in his Stith year Mr Young is rest Int at the Ctiatterson Funeral Home Coilingwood for service on Thursday Feb 23 at pm Interment Stayncr Union Ccmc tciy Agtr ARDS OF THANKS BAULDRYThc family of the late Mrs David Bauldry wish to thank the many kind neighbors and friends le0 scnt flowers arid ex pressions of sympathy also Doctor Bigclow and 81 Captain Strachan in their sad bereavement 15p McEACHERN Mrs McEachcrn and family wish to exprch tdtheir many friends relatives and neigh bors also Rev and Mrs Dog gett their heartfelt thanks and ap preciation for acts of kindness rmcssagcs of sympathy and oral tributes extended to them in their recent bcrcavcmcnt 15p PEARCEMr and Mrs Waiter Pearce and family wish to thank ritlieir friends and neighbors far their floral tributes and cards of sympathy and their loving kind ness in many ways in their bc rcavcmcnt 150 F0=O=o=o=l ALLANDALE HARDWARE REDUCEUNTILVSOLD SPECIAL Gurney burner heavy duty electric rangewUndcr oven high shelf good buy at $3300QIhis stove to beVre duced $100 eachThurs until soldWatehsihis rad ruiirvs STROMBERG Used console lrarlio ryefinish ed cabinet reconditioncd radio tubes bands good buy 30 daywarranty $5495 Thor Electric Was er Uscdi Rporcelain tub rescon ditioned throughout mon warranty $6995 PRICED TO CLEAR Good used coal wood stov es with and without reser voirs Quebeclicatcfs ZCole man Qil Space Heaters small size Coal Wood Circulat ors ctc Your USED radio washer4 rangcttc etc can be in most cases your DOWN PAYMENT 34 ESSA ROAD IMPHONE553I AND 5532 PHoanen Wenomoaogai iiiAiiiEiiilsioiir Forever remembered by daugh Four Models $l l950 $I3250 $14450 $15450 IllE LOCOhIOlIVE SOLD EXCLU SIVELY BY THIS STORE SOLVES ALL YOUR WASIIDAY PROBLEMS MAKES ALL YOUR LAUNDRY DIFFICULIIES DISAPPEAR ELECTRIC HEATERS PUMPSVCAN BE SUPPLIED ON ANY LOCOMOTIVE WASHER All Toboggans selling at liberally Reduced Prices Dont criticize the Memorial Hospital Campaiin or Tainpaigncrs They are doing noble work for us all and deserve the most hearty cooperation from every person in Barrie and surrounding Townships lciim play is most essential Mr ll Wright has set the pacc and its up to the rest of us to get into high gear and show our ap preciation We have Town to be very proud of so lets have that kiiid of Hospit al too Old English Sdmpler ODD PIECES CAKE PLATE SERVER $250 COFFEE POTS $350 Jugs $l45 COVERED BUTTERS COVERED CHEESE $225 TRAYS SIZES Sl25 $175 $195 AFTER DINNER COFFEES METAL RECIPE BOXES $125 In Red Yellow Ivory and Green PLASTIC MIXINGTEOWLS inch 500 11 inch 000 HA RRY ARMSTR 98104 Dunlop St IN MEMORIAM NEW LOWELL Mr and Mrs Lawson Mumbcr son of Toronto and Jps Mumbcr FRASER1n lnenioiy of mnem son and Mrs AllSmOII of Barrio wife and mother Muriel Love SDGDt Saturday With Mrs Thomas last Wednesday Fraser whopasscd on Fcb 22 Bates and also visited with other 1945 friends Gone from us but leaving mentorr congratmations to Bill and V91 dy mot non Mumbcrson who were on thestorm The fifth meeting of the Home Home on the Range also Gail and Community Club was held last Thursday evening Miss Irene Mc MA Womens ics Death can never take away Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay Remcm 15b Paddison who Davidson1 GIBBONSIn loving memory DIG dcar Dad fancLGrandad Robert Gibbcns who passed awayi His name We oft recall His smiling waysand pleasant face Are pleasure to recall February 21 1943 We think of him Oftcn WON iAI Tb Mlltliignfailhawy AiitfigUi IF YOU PHONE 2927 BARRE HOME LA 15b and Grandchildren LUCASIn memory of Frederick Lucas who passed away sud denly Feb 22 1949 Sadly missed and ever loving ly remembered by his Wife and 15b family MORRISIii loving memory of Very dear mother and grand mother Bernice Morris who Thet dizpths of sorrow we cannOt Of the loss of one we loved so well And While she sleeps peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Sadly missed and ever remem bered by her son Howard daugh terinlaw Joyce and grandson i150 MORRISlabyrian memory of my mother vBerniceWlVIOfris who COME TO passedaway Feb 23 1945 The worldvmay change from year to year And friends from day to day But neVer Will therone love From memorypass away Eunice soninslaw Herb and 15b grandson Bobbie MORRISIn loving memory of dear mother who passed away February 23 1945 Today recalls sad memories Of dear mother gone to nest And the one who thinks of her to day Is the one who loves her bestJ errEver remembered by Bensonr 151 Ruth and Darlene HELP FOR MISSIONS The Very Rev Dr Jesse Arn up secretary of the Board of over seas Missions of The United Church of Canada has made an ap peal for workers for the West China Mission of the United Church of Canada Workers requir ed include women educationists doctors nurses dentists and pharmacist mechanic and mt and trained accountant clear liLilzil GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS Sale of Electric Ranges 29800 1000 Two Reconditioned Washers $3900 and $8900 Two bargains in used machines AY FEBRUARY 23 1950 Jewel Burner Divided lop izziige Tito Ovens This is real bargain JHVLL BURNER APART AIEINI SlZll ELIXYIRIC STOVE Priced for this Sale nin CONNOR GASWASHER ltieriiio liib new iiiiietiint Regular price is $23000 IO $1995 In ONE Utlli CONSOLE RA lilliltflltlt FLOOR POLISIIERS for rent Ilttlyilttt ac lickeit tip again FLOOR UlrliAlNlitf ltitlIlt Special lb lasie Wax it Cleaner for ltUlllllltlJlill MAITING per yard 69c 30 inch lltaet torriigatcd Matting Excellent for dozens of uses Oak Bread Boards 35 290 50t 05c 750 nouso OVAL OULONG 235c Morn Glo Dinnerware OPEN STOCK CUPS AND SAUCERS Set 49c PLATES Each 22500 390 450 OATMEALS 539C PLATTERS 600 CREAMS 750 OPEN SUGAR BOWLS FRUITS for 35 OPEN BOWLS 600 COVERED SUGAR $125 50c KINGSLEY MAROON 66 Pcs $4500 ROSEMORE ccPce Sets $3450 savov 00 Pc Sets $3750 ONE Phone 2801 li EDENVALE February 20 successful salc of the late Mrs Alex Gilchrists furniture was held boot and church schices were withdrawn on Sunlt ning on account of the The Sunday so radio Monday night singiiig 1b B1 dhelchl no In on our in ow il Bride me by d1 dnfamaiiy Gailis only stx years old She was Branchyaner Hancock BSA accompanied on the piano by Mrs gzlive addresses on Icenagers pro ems sang Institute BOTHER YOU UNDRY Let your telephonebc your clothesline PICKUP STORE Now OPEN At 37 Elizabeth Street FREE PICKUMNDDELIVERY SERVICE passcdvaway Feb 23 1945 MMMMQMQMQQ QWQ FORGOOD RELIABLE USED FURNITURE APPLIANC ES AND RECONDITIONED STOVES AND HEATERS Air siviirirs Tiade iiiiStmes Below are listedijust few ofnthc good buys now fcady for quick RESENT GOODS ACCEPTED PART PAYMENT WICKERDHAIR sale IV to matchhigh zair l000 up $200 up $300 one rocker and chai back upholsteredseats ODDDRESSERS WASHSTANDS SMALL TRUNK Excellent Condition MOFFAT CHEF COOKER good condition TUDHOPE RANGETTE nearly new MOHAIR CHESTERFIELD SUITE pics Green Walnut Showwood trim good condition $7500 rrors $500 up ODD BUFFETS $800 up FLOORCOVERING BEMNANTS all new priced to SIDEBOARDS with high backsaa mi COMBINATION RADIO PHONOGRAPH Northern Electric Table Top Model good condition $3500 onditioned Stoves Heaters All Guaranteed AftRec BUncEnrriMS FREE DELIVERY Tova9r 00mm qltltumsht5$omg5mmssQ

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