Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1950, p. 11

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IAUP TEN 8020 C1 in Why Do We Work At All 11y Ll IS MILLIGAN and 11111 1111 iiitl of 1111t1 11111 ilittieuli tilttitllg lll 1e UllitHlx pluiritlit dial or no 111111 111111 system in in is ziiple oi 50mm Iliths g1 1111 that the proceedings at 1N 11 11111 donorIi and mtlwu 311111111 311211111 I4 an MARtllBlltN IIIIII II 11111111111 this good time to take down 151131 II IIIhI hm III Ml in 11 mi the screens dear ion ioiildiit need iilddtl mzuoxri III IIIIII IIIIII 11111121111 11 11111 if 11111111111111 about the belt system but Minior uunty 11 111 to 1111111111111 1111 mudLA II III IIIII IIIIII III II IIIII in 1111111 11111 111 Illililil1It12IDefence Munster Cloxfort 11133 1337 I1 1cm heroine littlltolulltllh am 1111 ln II 1111 11 one iliiililtti to 111 11111111111 Approved PromOtlons II IIII II 11 11 111I II III 11011i limos IIIIIIII IIIIIIIhII IIIII1I111m I11 111 11111111141111111 um To PrinCIpal Chaplains Ii II II 1111111111 111111111 Ini 1111 world are III ii tii11= who 111 11 settled 111111111 01111V 31 WlMUl 1311 HUI 1111111111 11 11h 111 111 irlil 11111111111 111511111 111111tt1d mm In illililltiltilltllh work 11111111114 P1011101m vi 1111 ilililllllI l11t111 1111 mt nil MMhmicIHII I111111111I11Iv 111m 11 111 chaplains of the Canadian 111 11111111 111 mm 1111 1111 Immm hid the Royil Canadian Air loie1 11ee 3111111111 HII IIHIi IIVpIHI IiIIII$IlII11111111 will gt11 tot hours happi iroiiioieeio the 111111 oi 111111111 II ILll 1111111111111 11110111 111 eonipell ii Colonel 11 11 01 11 L1 I1 Ii IIIEIITKIIII llltellith to do gt11 lh1 liuot111 511011 311111 111 Ottawa and en11 IIMIIW lliIIlI operator who stts this article has 111o1io ewiouiidluiid liiiienial 11111111ns1 WIN MIN Inenotoiunis Jul but he probabli liaplaiii tliotestiuiti and 11 11 is 111111111t1 unimI 11 1111 it1 II II 11th II III III III IIIIIIIII IIII IIII II 111111 111111111 111111 111 Beniidi 1111111 oi ttlt Soweil in 11 111l111n 111 is With Selliiii the Itllitil1 Mtilliltill lHtlli11 here 11nd 11111 1111 II Mimi Th hm llie Littlilttgt are that lie is not Iliaplain Itoiiiaii atliolim 11 11I IKII II 11 11111 11911111 01 IhIIIW M111 wohwmkhr mind lIIlhI IWmI It Iii II IioiIiiottd to 1111 111111 oi lioiIiIoi Craftsmanship tiliitliiilwl 11 11 tt 1111 11 11 111111 out 11ei Iiiieh pi 1111111 10 will II mll mm 74 1Il 11111 11111 111111 11 mmkmll hi5 Mimi 10mm 11 iVIdIClle of Stonewall 111111111 Hill 1111 1111 111 II II IIIIIIIII IIII III III 1111111 oi 01 111 11111111 11 ropis tIoiltl111I 1111111111111 1131113111 11 cunts IIIIII1IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III wIIdIIII iniake with the ouinz lady he ant and 11 Win1 indiz II II III II 1I II I1 II II This liiLiUMtt and idles at home HIM if fur II 1min If Itiduu4im4juM ihtmintyhnrmork UliY iiilllxti to Saturday By this 111 mu um um mph Rmmm molm 11 11 ilmlimi Him 11 1Lmt 10 1le 111511 411m The Royal anadiau vy tliap HIWVQI II II II II 11111115111 11 I1 01 is 1o II II hi IIIIII II II IIIIII II II II II 14111111 11 1111 IIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII IIII 11111 in i1 in 1ins 11 11t 111 11111s1 13I ol than 1111 11 II II III II III II III II II Is 1h III IIII II 11111ilt lltit 1111111 11111111 I1 Ii Md Hm Hum 111111111111 11 dueed instead of iiieieas 13111 we have no problem IftruIIIIEIIIiIC IIIIIIIIISIII iILIIIIUIIIdI eii1bilily 111 III huh 111 tun lltlIIlei 111111111 to mummy 1H1 hams 11111 Air Shaw should be the last lwork in Canada and the on re1 IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII 11 111 that problem has 111 1111b11111e1111 111 III MI IIIIIhII1 III LUthIth 111 11111111 1111 at 111111 to1 itlusini to son II II II 4099 HIHL IIII III III III mm with 11 ork lull time when they can earn in Britain is that ltlilSttl has 1e In 11mm 17 111115 hf plowing 1111 bmw u1 11112151113115 1th 11M hIII IIIIIh IIIIII 01 1111111111 to live on in three 111 1111 stroyed 11 natnr incentivesi take care of C1111 owners liolstery work that will 11 11 11tttth1lle economic 111 111 1111 11 11 11 under the 1111 in the cattle 31111 liro 11it 111 Li hlmih 1Hn1m1mm 1111 10 NH 1ii1 lilliib II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II III IIII III IIIII 1111111 and he has admitted that 111 11111II Why should anbeiIdIv Ioni 11 mm 11h drivmh portion 11 tier had to work to keep hinii tart it the governmen ieii 111 11 11 11 Hm HI WW1 It I1 mI U11 151 oiisltt Lnlx IljDIC 11111 Hm WI 11h Ih rthIIISIJIht in those days he would have siren over his neial res ilities huhdimm 11h hhmhlh thnhhm ADVISURX SERVIth III 1III II WWI III hIIh IhI 12 LIIIII II II 1111115111 objected to the lash 01 1101 the tutui If man can earn Im 1111111111151115 industrial service 11110111111 for his present needs 1111oiinerllor owan still 111 ind3 Mr Shaw has always argued that three divs th hould he work Councillor Bruce owziu has een II 15151 Socialism by di on of wealth ix day when the extra inone confined to bed for over week and 11h III Shmwm wmII mm ham huh and labor would Illll workers snt much use to him anyvavIIS recovering very slowly It is II hII hIhII IIIIII 01th Ht IInthhm Chmh more leisure and insure econoniiciBernard Shaw is quite right and thought that beside the trouble he 11131 11 WM Show Wm 17 hIIht hhh security 1111 everylod He stilllouieal when he Non that has been having with his cireulalt One II IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II1IIIIIIII MIMI SIIIIIRIIV righilllilllllilills that th can bejehie the lash of stari IS ab ied Etlon he level ped slight attack hm 33 Wham hIIIIIh It 0mm thIhI IIIkhIII by allvout cialisni whiai he 1eompnlsory industrial service as of pneumonia He is recovering 311rk11 511 313111 51111111 11 111IIII1 11h phhlthII 31h 11th IhthIII mm hIIIIII SOImI is 1111111111riiigin but that it demand hIiIIIitabIlc as C0111pttinm1y mllliiiyy slowly 1111 ll 31 Went to 01111111 to attend Church 01 BARRII 11Hthth 1I Canadas total liinliwa inileaize 30 Jim St 111 I1gtllltl HarrieBill WW three 1101 duration Any offers 15 5337a WIN 33 iltll tl lil 11111 itillcltid Fine lay 111 111I 111111 11111 at Them mm 0165 canvassmsi WI 1I 111111111111 11o weathe cutting pease llad 11111111 appointed in the Township 111051 Sh 10 11 111i11m IIH 11111110 Riki 111151 By RLS of these have already started on 11111111 11111111 tau eiop succession of slim 1nd ther alls II 1111111111 it Hlihtl ltllltdst 111 1I IIMII 1111 the 11 11131115 but it did not do much mischief llsi II ImI MunI thruugh Sat and Corn are pretty well ripened Employed cutting Oats LilieclItcvI101ns lIIckeiing Thanks For hilt 11 1112111 111 still L111 111d not dry enuueli for taking in ttrLcti Umw UIIC Immms Iml We received card on Thursdayi lung II 1111 1111111111 11 see the Provincial Exhibition 1mle 0111011 Bar and 1m last rat invited us to free moviei 010 Surprised ml deeply 50 showing one full length picture and IOltlll to learn of the death ot the Re No shorts Oh the evening that had 111111111111111 1111111 loriIiIntoI lound Mari11 here 121 Employed end Louis Pickering at Hanovcr just passed wgdhcsdayI The Card 1111111111 lull heat held arm weather resembling Indian Summer lCClltlII did 110151111 where the pictures were liss l1reh went away or the Sault Commenced lifting1 the Potatoes M11 pletImti imd 115 film 10 be show we do not know on 111111 ludizni Summerweather the last 21 or days Finished liftini the Cilmt 10 1h 1151 Chillgt in 19 whom 10 mhhh or the hwimuon Repairs 111 crop and not in in eood order Rained the whole lav H0 1310301d at Show and Leno or if the show was held anywhere II 11111111111111 threshing Oats Wm took load of Wheat to Coldwater 10 mm he accepted can to com Sorry we miss it The postmai No 5111 111111111 Joseph called on his way from Toronto to the 5111111 and Ulmfd iWELhI II 813 Im was House of Assembly T010111 staid all lle aii George went on Sabbath morn to Sturgeon Bay mm hmh me Cduc La in the public school in Osmond 21111211 County Assessor to Spcakatstroud SSUED or any Amount for tom 11 181111 the Barrie high school Consrstcd 011 Oh Monday evening The count ve ML Iuarneed boghuwpnncipg ire Line with rain the two last days Got in all the luriiips three boys Bevoile Gauidham Assessor Eric Simpsmh is 10 address and interest Interest cheques mailed to T91 Sim 1115 1th MW in of SHOW last night Hld CUH Who 135 killed as in the meeting of the Federation of Ilr mph holder on due 111 orI at hoiduj tinned prett nueh all da D1111 udy weather Mr G1 VI p1 1e11c1d RCAF and Randolph later known ChumCI in Shoud 11 is expectdi optionI my be moved cumuhu at Coldwat 221 Sonic sn last night Mr Gray went awaI Ein as Louis Rev and Mrs Pickerine hC mm have thC answrs to some compound interest DION Ilitkshiug Oats vhonere always active in com the vexing prohlemsrucing tax Per munity work had summer home An idul inveatmcnt for individuals can EMBER at Cedar Harbor In Ilnnism This payers in rural arcasIat present We Ton would sugest that the Township luthorrzed hv In for Fine Ir ithei inunlo ed underbruslniiy Snow 011111 111111111 1115 pan ea emote they nuci tailed to occupy during have some data on hand about local baud newton and cum RecommenieI on 111g id continued all the week 24 Pretty hard frost then holidav period Bl last night with omo snow which has iinproted the sleighing Last week Rev Pickering was most 131 izscsiingfnd in oigtmptfii 1111 been geteall incl 1111151 to thaw Went to Oiillia II ented mnsician on the piano and mECs WI opu ation The warble fly petitions Pel vocally Since leavrnzr Barrie he THE had beanocatcd at Hanover unt1l $0 In re 01 thImetrg Ton STERLING TRU 5111111 Ch1d1e21 Carry c121111bi11251Staiifli to Live Am inccessary for relief to be tcmpor er CORPORATION munhon 1th appointed Mi gunmen t1 From the camp Bordcnt Hood om Toronto II III 11 TlFrchfuncralzgwas held at Acton Ne Teacher at Criigvale 1111111 LT ii 01 en scioo cactus on ruaiy PM om 13 DUUIOP Stud 11 Phyllis Cockburn is Visit had their hair standin on end re 01 Monday momm$ M15 chlllcl Jamicson W111 take over the Craig 38 youoh 1111 11113111115 in Banm Gently whenthey found that school innisfit Canvasscrs Dinner Wcll iss June Hutchinson spent alchndmn have been brm Attended moSdom and replace MI II ging to 77 dqBS gghfgollzc ehool undetonated cartridge cases Although 10 510m DTLVICUWd ll Who has been mlIO 51 la and 11111 Sampson 010 Station 0f small arms ammunition 111 number Of the hospltul fund 91 and MN Gob Wihon TL the propelling charge intact Thclvassers from being out to the din Mr K011 is accepting smaller with McAlhstng 015 children had picked them up 11 her at Stroud on Wednesday evcn school an another area The Board Wi on improving atter lOlmtCi11nD 1113 last thero were about fifty per havc been under pressure from the 0m iplauon All camp personnel have been Sdm attendance T1105 Who ratepayers 0f thls pathf1ihe Area With tIh recentwcold stoinieI warned not to remove the bullet were mere had erV emoyable as they f6 that the dlsIcplme them weather it an all time oh keep from I303 Small Arms ammlmhion evening storm started just about was not in IkCCplng Wlth the g00d lligihnnd it 1V II in the future This practice is dam the time most of thoscIIwould have ofI the pupils Perhaps the board 111111 sprihg on mo gerous and may result in serious been leavmg home which had the Will supplyII the IiIrch Teacher wrthi Work on Ih CommuniterIIII injury 10 someoncI especiauy 10 effect of deterring some of those the oldiarthful it one 15 not al progic favoyabiy The CO Child Offenders will be doa111111111 from the back roads ready on hand This usuallyItends mitt aphreciate the help given Severely Anyone found in possqs The speaker for the evening was to make good behaviour both in and by everyone ShelswenI wim sion of small artns aniiniinition1Ralph Slielg10V00fCKBB Barrie 0111 or 50110011 1hchilp 01 several men is now except in cases where it has been and histalk was one of real intcr II Ad dI Dilllltmt 10111101191 duly authoriied will be subject 10 est not Only to the workers but also gang SigASE oguzaiaries has disciplinary action Parents are to those who were hospital minded warned to be especially vigilant so Mrs John Mitchinson wife of the fen 11ng up as acciphablc hfot as tocnsurc that children are not general chairman ofIthe hospital oar 359 may no Fl allowed to carry cartridge cases campaign gave special message has been asked byte Couriy eration of Teacher but they are theladles on the part the what the Board Considers they can Februarv 221 cam ai 1n The should discuss with tM Pb IIMb Alvm Calms Spellt 2110W 111a101151E31B2ggglni ESff 83111 their husbands their contribution to 0qu at the p1 eseni tlmean 11 oav ronto last week pet 5mg heir mIC ladi me fund hired man was the expressmn ofI huntIO SaggltMstgIiirgggnIg the Craighurst Womens institute Mr Mitchinson who introduced 59mg Boardlmeinbirs they MaySI Itll 31105 MIIS Beaver 0f gt331 the speaker told of the long Strug me no aqua Va ge Mrs Janz ivas lucky Winner 116 Wind be the nest Speaker gle to bring thCCWhCISPitalbwld Still Confined toJioine vhogteegieiPctlggB Hddcn Individuals andcorporationsIIczin mg quid Emmy hope Allan township cleik 111 III Camac and Eleanor arerws claim tag deduction on sub1 PW lib Wllght Offer that though up and attending to some iting with friends in Toronto Lls scriptions to the Canadian Red 1131 strive to the$761000 would township businessvis still confincd 10111101 and ther places Cross1Socicty annual appeal for fumumenipfihe efforts of the to hisihomewPerhaps this isjust Niagara Loan gives fast some ioIorgcm budget I1 rhe Worms Institute will meet $51100000 this March committee as wll as the complaint that the problems YourNiagara Loan specialist will help gt DeputyReeve MCCOHREY W011 office takes Severalhoursto11warm You choose theloan plan best fitted to your mod med the wka behalf or the up in the morning 631190 119 Township and assured thcm that eris shut off at night would not be en mounuIang repayment plan up to every efIfort would be made tokeep a1very1suhable place for someone gluonde gives yoncash quickly Wc furnish life thekIromiI IcpenIIwhile they Were getting over an attack of Imam ma mg 011 ca onia Just why the heat cannot be no GENERAL litEciTnlc APPLIANCES Team Captain Allan Todd thank kept on at night is Ineffdenitely WM au or zedIdealer gd megadfies igtthStEEUdItvowtlgs known Perhaps some daya move Slue 01 113 to havea rcper and modern town wi vigngaras Loany WE of which are to be donated to the ship ofcepbuilding will matealizeI llospital Time we had aMunici al Buildin Prizes which Chairman SI II III wrth Councl Accommodation pro lmpml 13 F0118 OF PTO per heating and inside conveniences IRONERS REFRIGERATORS gressivc euchrc were handdd to the TOASTERS IRONS ladies as owing to the storm it was lnnisflls 115 Miles of oods 0pcn 11 felt the meeting should close after Although he is holding his fmg VAGUUMG AN R3117 1GRI1LL157111111 116111115111055 311151111 111111111 cards erscrossed roadsupervisorConan POLISHERS HEATING PADS had been distributed advises that the townslhip xoadsIare ANS ELECTRI The Institute will hold 11 dance all open There is penty of light BLANKETS and euchre eciall forvthe hos it SHOW t0 blow and 150C Wind II AND CARRY LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F PARTS al fund Thisimay be held on rrIngh IgIIiIiIe 10 oIfII trguble IIhe Tuesday night when radio bingo sate new truc is 139 Dunlop St Phone 3721 cards can be distributed also They doing inJIeIIIIIdicLioIlIJ aInd hIasIbeIIcIn lookin mu 11 assrgne or es ar THE WILSON BUILDING I1 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN 33 51 11 2th 331 1own1sh1p me 10111 ame GENERM ELECTRIC 111 198 OIFFICE SQUARE PHONE 5533 BARBIE thisdance which will likely be of It has been computed that vim II

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