ITI LL GIVE Autos 059 To My CA3 OSFCE Ed AND 11 HA= FUNHEQEWCU EACH GETA BATCH THESE PAPERSJ BACK KITTY HE HAS LITTLE IODINE IN Hts OFFICE TRViNG TO GET yamm GE 1T To My MostV JUST 637 GEEvONT nI TAltE is LONG TO 6EALLTr3 0310 WHAg rrS THE ClRCULMB HELLO JANITORlV GAVE IOCINE 73 ERE ALL TVOSE 9xch QPLANES cont FQOM THAT as Ammo orrs 2759 YA KN 0w MR81650ME is liaaeoonessu mu GIVE GREAT 5mm Halliele IM someate ME DOLLAR ou sure ARE INGENIOUS ENE THIS KID IS THAT WHAT MVCIKULARS ARE you WERE FLYINGALL any AV GOINGTDS Kizgwu it lVIilk Cooling Important But Inferior Product The problem of proper milk cool ing on the farm is an important one and should be so considered by ivory milk producer who wishes to ship high qualitymilk to lllll ket The cooling and holding of inilki Vs ILL opt 111m KIIIF lltll ylllhllz In htl Ilgllli llll 125 llBlind Persons Need More Recreation llors itilte rehabilitation of siulil lls1 it llllllI Not Purified By 00 ingif1 ludluri toiiiieil of tlie lllzitil lhts am he continued involves cool the milk in half the usualipror and lllllllil ietiezi time can be used most of the wiii physical social 101 as well and will only require tioii half as llltllliltftll cooling it ice Naturally in many 1504 ll is used Any producer planning aIsaid such lttIttntiiil can only be new water cooling $15101 SllUUhliachieved sabstitetorilg alone with build an insulated covered cement they blmil pcuplr lnlwnrwllll the at low temperatures to check the lilllli llllS Ill1 lillll lllllVCllW siulitld handicaps would he too ob Immmh lmclmia are itggcnlinl to electric cooling by the addition Violin llii is particularly 1m in steps in good milk production It is iiolaii established fact that if Izlsatistictoiy product is to lesult freshly drawn milk must be quickly cooled to 501 or lower and held at this temperature until delivered However prompt cooling must not be considered care all for careless production methods When carelessly handled milk will have high initial bacterial count and yen the most modern cooling le vice will not correct this Various tests shouIthat the bac teria iii any milk stored at 40F tor 16 hours do not increase to any extent At BOCF no increase occiirred in low count milk and giades were occurred in high count milk At 60 ill the lotW OLIlllllllllk the number of bacteria tripled but in high count milk the number of bacteria increasedia most 50 times after holding f0iItli ltlI hours At 70F the increase in bacteria was very rapid The very iinportant tole that cooling plays in quality milk pro duction was emphasized this sum mer in the work carried out by the Health Unit During tthfirst five months of theyear the milk fairly satisfactory With the advent of hot weather in June the poorer grades of mill dropped toI72 01 the total and in luly this figure reached 80 The temperatures of these samples were taken and in June 51 of all samples were between 6070F at the dairy and 28 were over 70F In July 39 of all samples were between SW70F at the dairy and 479 were over 70F It is easy to see how in these two monthswith almost 90 of all milk arriving at well over 00F that the milk grad ed the poorest in the whole year With the approach of cooler weather the milk grades immed iatelystartedIto improve and the November samples were the best in the entire year Samples taken Iin December were also quite sat isfactory but with many mild nights Add No beaten eggs than 314 and many shippers resorting to air cooling there were numerous comlt IplaintIs at the dairies of milk com ing in with feed odours and tastes and stable flavour many cases Too many shippers are air cooling the milk arid this does not do Sat isfactory job It is true that by morning the milk maybe cold to the touch but it has taken humv bCB or hours for the milk to reaclt thLS temperature and bacteria have had ample time to grow and cerl tain flavours and odours have been retained due to the slow cooling It is just as important to cool your milk quickly in the winter as in the summer Electric cooling is the most sat isfactory method both for winter and summer use Milk can be cool ed from 90F to under 50Fin one hour and after 12 hours will be un del 40W The initial investment inay seem high but will soon pay for itself in higher qualitymilki with few or noreturns WatercOolingycan be quite sat istactory if good supply of cold Avatar is available and wellmcon structed tahk is used In the 1101 summer months it will be neces sary tochange the water in llll petattire down If covered insu ltiteclcdnclete tank is used lql good results tvill be obtained An insulated tank will cool 10 lower tank frequently to keep the toml ot cooling titlit Milk cooled iii barrels metal perhaps with swimming and lanez the ram 111 liouliliu and less so ti stiili5ztiil ttllllf as and dominoes oi lltlllill eeiitition drums wash tubs etc in most ilS ing or wit es is not of satistacttiiy quality es cards the peclally in the summer months In the llbis type of cooling must be com liinveveiIllr Jackson Isaid tlioSe dtlllllCCl as wholly iiiadequoti without Sliilll lll becoming mole since there is usually as much milk iiid more eiuiseiotig of 1m plops to be cooled as there is water to of mile I113 111 putt cool it and it would take hours Ill are to achievele Qlt test benefit Changing 10 illCI llllnk ill from forums lectures iiiiir contests lolllllilll the milk dOWIl talking books and discussions on even leasonable limit led through their Braille reading lemurlnannens mm 2414 nnrvwv musnxnuuuuun My Ilia7 LEXIS do Cookies are always in demand around the festive season French Cookies Swedish Fingers Cream lb of butter or butter Claim together bup 0f 211 and shortening with tbs of ter With cups of l0ll sugar SIIgaIII NIX In VII cup of ner chopped unblanclied alinoildsIand cups of oncevSifted pastiy flour Cups of OIIII Put GSIde In ChmgIor rst Ito make the dough easier to ground almon 1h ms handle Then make lingerSize or four hours the er rells ctif about inches interigth thiotlgli cookie DIGSS and 10f plate each inner lIlgIl mmybns Of COOtedCherFy or mu lllll in ll clip offineiy chopped out and cutt indewd Shapes almonds Bake 10 delicious covered 37 About 514 dozen cookies Want coal Or cosmetiC Orlpowersaws thatbiizz But teWyou who does Isolsiriien Chairman Of Board HGable gfrtogIIStIiIlchomq glIijIIMVjI xegifhsm It for entury =II Tells Victoria 88 Assn III III llltlil llVli 1o it gt1 ii till 11 lr kkkkk ti Ll Lle aim lgt 1rd otter he WE l1 ll vll vl ll ie ltilllllldlfl of ill i1ivlv oie 11 hilr iliid ll 1t1 Bunkhomi ml we 11 11i il ititiitittn tl He II TH in it I1 miiil 111m tllltll wold ln loti llulLzI All lilni mount ll til iai tli each ol pa oi thinmat iii sssxssxxsssVuxxsy sto lf il idlll have 113 rooms iiieiiuinitt it kill itllltidllilllgt planooiiiaudi in 3111 it by 311 feet plus Itoot gtltt1 they are to be llStl leciialioii physical tiaitiiiijl land are to be divided into areas One of the most llllllllllillll t1lliIiilihle for colilniiuiitr use in the have more skill and adeptncss in iled it they the points of view they have aehievi That the inteicouise between the 12am This cookie keeps for months in golden bmwn Im 375 dengeesII ymow IMtsdantsell thems or nui ilian 12h H111 tiivl lllltllltllllll lite lllllllll 214 llllt rllIS laid iltl lltliiii1oii Slite1 Sulltttl xtotifil he tit single storm rive elitiit oi or of land Willie lllp lulouo Stilt Stlzool vsiitltt lll lttlll ll two storey lei illlt on 11111 ieix lhe Mtlllltl gtliili lo tl iiilollio Shel1 struc ilil era liiiiil 1LttlI because ill tie itlll ilvl Tit ltl llt szlld lIiel he stlimia lll be capi 11lile tl luii1i ii1iiiiltiii of Altlll pupils llit loiutiu 81 it Siliool lll harp ll liltllllr itltliuiliiu l111der nthit lell taa llitl lllllll lilllilllll 111 and ciall ltill llie ltllltl lil rip15 lt th tlritl ll llll week Hurry Hurry Only three days left to Last Chance Proctor Gamble Soap Coupons vvill be re Itilltlillll ilt and ltlilllgtltlitl deemed at Boyview Grocery forthe rest of this The totirinscton Sliimt School illlililll lhe plzi1ooiistiditiiiiiiliis are to Cosh In on these wOnclerful buys iiblr of pupils aiid will be 1llllll lh gtllitllilll illr Gable said are to lie landscaped and plantele where necessniy fol beautication for lit and girls llltl are to be concrete pin liens iiiair thel Charlotte St lust Twowlllioicks 1kiiuleruarten entrances As well as the usual washrooms lfor bovs and hills llltl are to east of the be separate testislirooiiis for kind1 itlgillltll and irate it each of ltlie ailing Bus Terminal Outlining lllc mi and layout of llllil lllillillil II w$$$ho$XX$ iIbliild and the sighted lsIInol morei common Mr Jackson feels is as iglfill loss to the Slullltd as it is to the blind llte sighted naturally physical and social recreation but because of their very freedom from list ictioliItiIie blind gain by reason if their sightlcsness lheir mental Epeieeption may be and frequciitlyi is the lteenei so that in philoso phy of life in discussions on various points in analysis of music iii lCI tentiveness of memory the sightv less often have much to contribute to such general conversations Perhaps because of this he saysl the sighted have become little Went about offering their coniTmxxx panionship to the blind Mr Jacksoii vith intlny of his Iblind friends is hoping that as iesult of White Cane Week many of the siglitel willgive thought to their blind neighbors and friends inviting themto go to concerts and llectures and Seclal gatherings with tliem calling for them llll neI cessary He feels thatthe extra letfort involved will be well worth while for both groups helping to maked of each more united part of the whole community Worlds No1 typewriter SALES RENTALS II Barrie Easiness College motion ijeuiiiii lleiiiiibrinki From Coustto Coast JoseB Could lI 66 TORONTO STREE Phone 4824 Please call onlyafler 330 pm Try it both waysServei it often Libbys is air excellent dietary source of vita mins andC which your family needs for growth for appetite for sparkling III teeth and strong straight bones Keep iifsiilfbyfsin the refrigerator and encourage the youngsters to help themselves Libbys is the Gentle Press Tomato juiceuthe choiicestjgee from rmredz Tmlripetomatoes Servedeoldpthis famous tomato juice is delicious appetizer at breakfast lunch or dinnerfIleated just tothe boilingpoint its super culd weatherv beverage 191149 FIRST IN FAVOIURFIRST in IFtAIvoun II if DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK it you dont agree lbnt Libby GentleJwd at Products lt Juice the beat ti