lV CANADA TiliLtNVDAYVFFBRLARY ti ltltiil Glenoro Meeting Name Mrs McCann Campaign Started IV BVVETHESDA At Oro Twp Hall Secyglreasurer To Support UNICEF VV VV VVV rattan aria Essa SCthl Area CANADIAN by ALEX MCKINNEY Jr Direztor ONTARIO PIOWMENS ASSOCIATION jcenlly James larclcs Ronald Marquis All lllli fultjnam onto lllli ii tvlitltillull Ilil llll is the ll ot series lltr the hind ni that tin Ij mixtti farm VVn he VVM at weekly stories which le gold lltilti winners lll lItit tltiltll 7Ii hm turn Iillt 311 jam ltKinney Jr of Brampton Iantie Iltllrt azitl tiactoi lanw ji pittaant lltltlltgt tot Vllir lt tttlr trill ll tum Ontario llirctlor ol the On Vlllt llIItlllltliti itow tiatvlt l3 vlvif For the last oar onionlav Ill aal tario lloununs ltllillln haxe been an tlttl iLIespeirv lie llc been liyin for top illlll Hillilllvlit who as their toacliinanager paid pips to la tiuiml iguanai ma 31 i1m Ili iIlIl IIVttii will write about the visit of lint III llllll way tny Ia Zzip tai liltviilpilii II lthi llljhlhlhl inadas chiiIiiiiiIiploumen Illfltliltt fun the illlll IllIt ioiath the next year hell4m Vthui Mi Zillilitt iogi Ira It MINI Iltx Isl loi on mu lmpnml til it ieitti lfli tollowuai lAIi MV RV MUM ViiVigot rather of lll littii II lii le past Impustl tlllttl Ill 3l TutXIII Shunt HPHHHIV la litillnlb and the cotlt llll arotltci lItlll If nfwm tit1iill of Int wilnau ollti first like to meni llii malnutritth mun imn only it 2II ti Iic toi NHLUF Ilmlb only company ponwi tin the li iii In IMl Wm Ll Pu Netherlands VV llll Illal ll of as lune Inucli lllltfl gtllllll to alts ilzlsiw LIlnlhlnn 30 Lth ltlllAltll UN juV3V1i jitij Qijzf IIIIr lIun this Vtll ltiull il itil lllt IIIII latxis llt Lhllli lltltll llml lilliildlill rilllllli hllr mlle MIL In ill YVIVVV VV VV VH Vlltlti ill the past the Ionian of Its iam pun lilttVI cattle and we VVlVltVVVXVIVVVV NVIVVVEVVV 41 jlplv In lIAL lblAll BROKER VVVVVVi VIV VHVV miIV IVVVHI 11 mounted and limitart ll oi toluazd to lllllf some of VVVVVVVV 11pr IVMVcV 1bVwt VlVllVVVdVV VVlV Vl cppmim 111 mm in ii tlu famous litIds iIi the old cottn Animal 13me toi tl tia Ii liratl tieV1ythd Kdele NV mummm WV 5ij Vla up Appnqxnmlc laitcliaiiues Insurance 14 up VHVa VVHVVVV wt Ilvl bolt to jitrillwlm 115 VHII WI iWIv Ayrshire Breeders Communicablc DISCOJCS II IieII Iivr lttl ot liiafilli ton and lion Haitian of Sunder land thc ltlttr tazi II champion plowincn and mm II llt on our way UIIti to latte part in lilirlll lllilltlll it iltil llritain and to see how liltll are done on the other side the Atlantic PAINTS For Beautiful Floors GILi umuo long wearing pale glossy var nish for interior floors lnusually resistant to ligcl lllltl foot traflic Q11 It the bad you can buy ll YOI WANT THEBE$TWW USE FOR FLOORS WALLS TRIM Ilttll stay in the tl to that they ican lltlI Vcst leiiitany lloiland land Denmark lhis tlianiu lll timerin was made at our request whovt protuiiy are or popular in Ianada leiliapx you wonder why am llll the team when did not 41 myng xl Hwhtlilh at the International last involved in visitini the continent VAnotlier chance is that we lll fly flinch to tanada instead of returnI IVpions Imperial also provides for Inn by boat ager will be it sort of historian IVieporttr aiitl this letter and those we do atid some times what we illtill lf Mark Twain hadnt al ready used the title ld suitgest that these newsdetters be called The Innocents Abroad for this is the first time that any of us have crossed the ocean although We are all of British descent The boys greatuIandfathers aiitl my great VLIIOI grandfather crossed over from the llritisli Isles and settled in Canada Our fiveday voyath on the Queen Mary is about equal to the number of weeks that our ancestors took toV jsail to Canada century ago But to start at the beginning as every news reporter is taught to do Ill introduce the two cham pion plowmcn and myself years of age single alidfltveswith ISOacre farm near Sunderland about eight miles north of Us bridge Ont Ron has been con testant at plowing matches for the past 13 years and he has won half dozen gold Watches plus large As in the mm the eoachnumu lliy the lllgtllt Ilowmcns As llonal ll gt horse lowan 11 thrJ mvddi INmm WW lllllllllt1 member of the group He is his father Lloyd Marquis air til Well that is easy tumor plant In addition to paying the costs of scrutiny over the chain coachIniiiaier to be appointed sotration lhat association oper Ithat follow will be my account ofiVm ml Inllnnmndl mun the trip will try to describe that we see where we go whall Matches As director it was my luck to be selected Last year it was lllliott Moses and before that it was George Valdie and lark Young acted as reporter In 1946 it was lll limbcrs You prob ably read their newsletters and it is my sincere hope that will be able to follow in their footsteps and provide letters that will be as interesting But to pet back to my life story In addition to raising purebred rattle grow registered seed on my farm called lionecr Lodge bicallse it is the family home stead have always been inter ested in municipal and govern ment affairs and during my over seas trip hope to study some of the governments over there In London had hoped tosee parlia ment in action but as there is an will only see the However in these days when so much is being said and written about representative government it will be an expen ience just to see the Mother of Parliaments Since October at Buriord tth the close of the 1940 International Plowing Matchi when we were iii formed that wc would be going Hold Barn Meeting Few Here in December 1ij lltlill Mgr At Straths Farm The Siiiicoc and ilklib ltliiic tattle lub ticld Illil ary barn meeting at tin hail of iordon Stiatli lIlnoalc Iil about 30 lllittltl llltttil lhzV president ctil French prc nitti and considerable lltlloti taas brought out regarding an iLllllrlI of cattle II the coinqui llilll llIllIll al llowinVL Match at Allistou The sixth annual lied and White Show at Oro Fair Sept lit win planned and the prize its IetIIIi for some classes alf lub program and assistw once was arranitcd and expected to be enlarged this year as there seems to be keen interest in lhr project and large llltllltlltlll is expected this year lheV breiL eis think the calves can be bought locally this year committee was appointed to see what cotild be done about building permanent place or buildingI to tie the cattle at the lied and White Show class of four mature yrsliire cows was judged by everyone antit reasons given for tilll placing liiclilroupht out many argui inents in favor of the highest pro ducini animals The filial and official placing was given by liantVJcriney otj llawkestone wlui described theI various goodiuid bad points about each cow to the satisfaction of all Four junior heifer calves were judged and placed by the st cretary of the club liiViieVllarrieV According To Reports Ivlitltl titlIlIlh in NH VVVV Vv wrrii is new to litattl til Iillltl Ittel ilf IIIII1 it Siotj lleziti tin EVIQVVVVH potiiii Mirror liit titiit icpottti llft that litany new air II that pran IIy ltII do not Vinai and HUilll railizot Ullllfiiiirv UllH till Scott Itinul tlilvlnt llittlllni llil Wwl at If Iiiaid llltlltlltl potted tlllllll the month The Ii Vlmi UV m4 jpnlntuhlll Ml cluditi Izirie Viaxrr of tVlIltlCill pm six o1 diphtheria three of llttllt Ilfi oi mumps two of scarlet tcvc VHNTHVHV tuberculosis one and lloiitilli cough llit unit ofn iniimniiation lIptlllttl proeecihd tll iIIlIcgtIntnvi llquVVVHmV woilt and neat lluv tltlul injections diphtheria couztb and smallpox IIW Vt nIIIrntan of the Hoard covertnitt Igt hauntthump tiara ttllllltil ll tlllgt ii iwl iilutl otl thiisoiist NV 1V NM VHVVV MVVVIVVEVVVP FANS gttIitltlt1jl Year until llcdupiicatcd by Ill wiictaiy lliis than it siltillltl be done it supervising Sta liatl IiiIliltgiveit atILIIIN piiiictpal and Ittllil1 stall alsoI tetanus Non eIilV Years New continued when more wort whoopinz that no conlraII conain any word lift ollier St Phone 38 VVV VV tut New Lowell an VVVV VV VV VV thone 102r2t LIST YOlll PROPERTIES 133 ha Ijgtft VI ilItII lIi liillllltll eI thin iiiiiei lb GlINliltAi ELECIRIC APPLIANCES authorized dealer Eplett Furniture Electric til an Ir twilliv ltuitili ttIIIJIVlrliutllltt In dealt trim in WASHERS nations IV IRONERS REFRIGERATORS lllitltlti to la =tltIIl tlnV TOASTERS IRONS VACUUM CLEANERS GRILLS POLISHERS HEATING PADS ELECTRIC BLANKETS AND CARRY LARG ASSORIMENT OF PARTS Phone 3721 TRAINED RADIO TECHNICIAN AND SERVICEMAN cozoance with It llltlltgtvllllll lltc followup lllllllltlt wett ll tots tillllllitlittllgt and Ietoiciscs should not be handled oi Iti pertaiutni to It jutitiaiutil llbl ri winners ttltll ct Iucle It WV quantity of silver cups and trays at international and county matches UPBOARDS ETC Iiverseas it has been busy DUI itinu bag of feed donated by in Itd Iftlxllillons 01 1C Itll teicsted teccl companies were have llllOlVCd 115 ill DISSDOIIS John Black Stttyncr Bariott hm ECCIQS 11an 1h at YiFilS IvtllliiZn CXChilllRC imd Illlm Muir Shanty Bay Gordon Stratha 36 Billfm Sl Brlle llor cmss halls 1mm Bmmpmn and mm the mmmmnml iEIHWHIO Howard IVILmh ljllll If my 0121th 11 is trinisimrtntion regulations but we vale and Jack Dyer lilnwnle 30 years if 2110 married and managed to cope with lhcm Therel Everyone was invited to gt were also meetings to attend andhouseV when welconii lunch farewells to be said and of course and ion wvas served by Mrs PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY had to be done beforclcaving our The vicepresident Grant ler farms for so lone time It will mcyV moved vote of thanks to Inobablr bosix weeks before up Mr andMis Sllnlll for tile pitasI ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS got Immo ant afternoon spent at their farm But whcp we gathered in lo The next meeting of the club ARNISTHONG IaiAREN RVMVT lOllIl Oll rJtllltlilll IO 10 tthCtid 115 toib at Dalton VJcjiiiVltV Imu CHARTERleACCOUNTANTS TEACHER OF PIANO SINGINGIillltC IVLIIWhCOH =31 the Royal ratts Corners Saturday Feb 53 Collier SL Barrie and IVHEVORY fPtipilstrepaCrVed for York ljotcl these things were all kk til Yongc St Toronto examinations the Will ODSEF behind us Bcf0rc the luncheon midst Illnef valory 0f MUSIC Toronlov an we were interviewed atidehoto KermOde Appomimemt EIVMIICLAREN BC0mmu CA grades incmdilg ARCT MOdem graphed by the press then vhisk TO Indonesian Embassy Methods uAnOLEr Studioum Bradford St Cd 0mm radio swim mm Noted in London News views and finally to the bank to ACC UNIANT VAND AUDITOR 810 Street Barrie VV VVDOROIIIY JOHNSONV draw expense money Mamvsono Rena 31mm 1m 34lllclepli0nc4735 lfswcuiteMpg T050111 dconfrvajl Al lunCheOn Cm1 Ovendcn College staff has notchco INCOME TAX SERVICE cry us an on on Idmssed by COL Pom KenthV an item in rcccntccdition of the C9lligev of Pa Ontngo minister of agricultmcVC Illustrated London News Mm llllltllliitl HARRIS 152 Maple Avenue Gtha 0mm dePlW mm she believes will be of interest to istcr ol agriculture Louis the mam Barrio friends UL ML Certified Public Accountant T910030 mid Barr ANGUS ROSS Ravenslom the Nethellands VCe and Mrs Dcrwin Kcianodc ol Barrie Officez lInSlluClion in Fla and Theory Consul in Toronto Mills Of England who spent some time in Wilson BtiilclitigPostOffice Square Preparation for Conservatory Imperial Oil and Carroll Barrie during me hm 01 Telephone 3397 examinatmnsv grades If dCSICd Secretarymanager 0f the Ontario the wait Kcrmbdc Wills then RcSid9m Manager 140 Dunlol St Plowmcns Association and others late from the consular scr CARRICK WH They 11 ughei GOdSpCCd vilccda His lwo daughters attended The day certaian went fast and lt 1U ROSE Ovendcn while hi sons were at CsligitcreEd Accountant LEGAL before Vwc knew it it was evening Pickering 30110ch 69 Collier StrcctV Phone 4949 BOYS BOYS We said our final goodbyes and Mn Kermodc has been appmm Bafn Soicnmst Noml bgmded the tram for New York ed British ambassador at Djakarta WARD MAYOR AND COMPANY lubhc Conveyancer Etc City Our xovcrsetis trip had be in BavaiaV The appointment was vaudmgnigygr gig MONEY To LOAN gun made just before the New Your Office 13 Owen Sin Barrie Bca 159 of the exct VV 18 Toronto Street Toronto Branch Officezv ElmvaleV Mano gettinglunder wav Velafdnillsleg IVhe faintly lived onV Paiksitlc Telephone Elgin 6116 BOYS 11 1h bt Drive during their stay in Barrie JXROWE SEAGRAM 301 we On Ilam nevm The article reads as follows VV OJ WELCH ANDERSON 00 0855 we felt ne when we Consequent upon the transfer VVV VVV VV Chartered ACCOUUIBMS TPUSteeL COWAN COWAN 10th New York the em mom of sovercivntv in Indonesia and Etc BaniSters soncnors NOtaries ing The Weathmv was Clear and the establishment of an cmbnssv VBIOCK BUlldmg 200 BA StV consultingt Hours 10 am to pm bright which was very fortunate in DmkartVVVBatavimV MYV DV WV Town Monday to Friday for us 4M R055 cowa We were met atthe stationby KelmOde has bcen appom EOPATHY COWAN BUILDING BriIiSh ambassadmihele London Ontario ste ed forth Willi V53 SVV BarrieV 0m Eyic Branch of Standard Oil aHe is 51 and he MS been set VV PVP LOVedPy and he quickly applied ml WV 2V Company New Jersey who was in the Me officefor the that 70551ny saved life EDWIN WILSON issA no mg QSTEQPATHICPHYSICVIAN GLADSTONE comm JuliV hOSftV ffr Vthe day past few mtth He had WV VV VV WILSON BUILDING libfgllta8 563 YO W2 thiltnlifeshsgn wingedch iously bxeenV consul genmi at He was the first St John Ambulance Brigade member to apply his training in BARRIE ONT CVVVVVVVVVVVVVOVVV by appointment 97 Dunlop St name P119 1V75 lot since saw it last manyVyeaS Stfgt gig SVVVVECCJEESVVVVV service Canada And now at every major sporting event at every place where crowds gather9 tribeietler the new iigreateityou will find members of the Sijohn Ambulance ready toj tlEPlt0NE 2293 DONALDIV MMLARENV KVCV ago All the street cars hijl gone in 1921 and has sewed in TokyoV Igivcifreely of their time and skill Two socccrnplayersl crashed Weber its they bOthVIeapecl to litid the ball One fell to the ground where he writhed in pain From the crowd of specrators at and only one Elevated ralway re Yokahama Kobe Mukden and Barrister Solipittir Etc OPTOMETRY mains Th Oney to Loan 0r 915 29 Mason Temple Buildinii around by taxm buses and under aurilsemis being accompanied by ROBT BARRE FFSo ground railwaySw something the MBARRE HEBER Sunni people of Toronto will soon be OPTVOMETRISTS fpuxcmisulciceiiiiiitihta imir doing 93V DumVpAat sign was VBarstrlrsocitolI Durian tour of the city we around checking out of ottrVVhtitcl en Va Ce VV Ross Block Bafe Phone 2719 spent more than an hour in the rooms and attending to the in ROBERTH SMITH0 NEY To LOAN ObselVatiOHJOwel of the Empire evitablelastminiite details not OPTOMETRIST They ate living symbols of the spirit of cooperatiOn which has made Canada great democratic nationbecause tlicychoose of their own free willto servesecure iig the knowledge that thVeirrighr of choiceisrprotcaed by their right to voter than YOU ta yaw371 644110 at every lectfonmunicibal provintial federal5 exerase zt dill and pumegeftmmed worked and fought forVbe your refatberr Your vote State Building the tallest build made for NewYork harbor to goL Fittedr IM future afythtreryidren lo fail21 tbir duty is V10 fie leis rim good urge CIT inf in the wbrld and because of aboard the QueenMaryx HOUIS 96 daily nggggdfngweglt the perfect visibilitvae could see The Queen Mary is said rtoV be NOEL STEPHENSON 8Q phoneme Mod to Loan formore than 15 miles in every the largest ship afloat and can OPTOMETRIST WM direction We really saw New weV11 believe it Imagine ship Dunlon SL Barrie Phnni 4201 iNSURANCE York Spread out beneath us We 75 rods long or about 1250 feetl 4V Support the John Ambulancg had lunch and saw the ice showVVras long as thcrEmpiie State Build1 VCHIROPRACTORSM IALFRED 1L mung c1 at the Centre Theatre followed mg is highand you get sOmcl Personal and Family Plans Pro by television and studio tour at idearof its size It has accommoi GEO RELSiE ABURNSDIC gramfmng and EState AnalySiS NBC datioanor 2000 pssengers carricsVV Licensed Drugmss Therapists vClosel Corporatloll Group Key At night while the boys decid crew of 1100 and is cquippcdi Elmtrim RadioV Hydro and 1Mallgirt3222ilgipeggaggg 5019 ed to make their 0an tour of the to supply everything that makes Mechuno Therapy EREEPNIDLYS DgSCUSSION 0F big city wentout to see my for comfort and pleasure It ill5 union Street P113 3194 brother who lives about 35 miles truly city afloat gt comm Do You VmANCEV from New YorkV returned in And so here we are passengersi cmprACTOR AN Phone 4174 orV2705 VBarrie the morning during rush hours Vonthe Queen Mary far out in tliclV DRUGLESS THERAPIST Representing iLondonjLife and that proved to be an expch Atlantic aVntheVthViing for England Home 3070 17 Given Street wlnsumnce 00 tence and it is timeto bring my first Canada Oldest Dzstrllery ===Newrokha lt ltt iti rub APPEgIrlleTMENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS about 8003000 sndaazzlllieilgffli 223gliofeqabootfte thcoblhgriipioteil ES ABPISHED 1832 080 people from within radius of Canadian plowmcn and about howl miles find dVaily emplOyment they make out in thc OVCISCtlSI there As result saw com matches but would like to cniVj my WV BRACK Eshbushed 1869 nutter trains pouring 4000 people phasize that the boys feel that they VeterinaVnanVantCt SViurgeon into Grand Central Station every will not be competing as individ mva minute stood forrabout 10 min uals but as representatives of the Phone Elmvale V3411 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT utes Vand watched the crowds fan 1178Vboys whoplowed at Btllf01lj We BARRE ONT PHONE 2530 from the Station and Ive ever Winv 105 01de VOW be loud mt vnmmuAniAN and EON Motor ambulnncqtn 00e see dygtc5i 0f Wm 15 gm 510 9400 Solihlu It MIlV 10M 45 And so more 1erng CanVPdans PUBLISHiIVD iN THE INTERESTSV orVVGoot CiriiENsmPVnr derliam at K1 rcw Waretftont of the Town of York now Toronto GaotVlethmuWoru infotwoa