THURSDAY JANUARY 195 rni Bimini EXAMINER BARRrE ONTARIO CANADA Early Closing Hour Reduces New Years Eve Celebrations NJ Il two ocll daughter on Dec Lil Collingwooil Sadl Hospital Chitiiis visitor uric Mr and Iioltd hitch or ii talk St tti if and Bob Glitch of mwf lithe Bic iv tiifl oi to list iz the an Wri Ilstrs and fairiin of howl One thing we ltgdr never felt ad M23 lain Vva limycll Lunch tiliti Mr and Mr George lsuble was to make New Year and Ils that Patti If ll is Stathey Willi Mr liiltll millions On this cii l9iu Sunnidole Corners MD to ivimi FJtlzli Seizy vciitm Nee pm Ziml of Euclpl It tlil ii Wood few duh iM Melvtl loiii Mrs iEi Mclnl mgr 19 sullc Noiiiiiiii tiifieii iiid llamch Pitt iie iilltllt tlzc Vim if lithe Mr and Mi Anti spent it irw thes lll2 liltllth zit Ilium cutilrt Mir iIIl llilit ldSl hti ltiftl woli uti Idl 11 1mm lllltlil and all iiiU NI toiiptatulzzloi to Mr had lI llLiloltl thlll llli llw iiiltli vvfv Mr and iv ni Mr llltl Mi if Matiiil lltlt leii Many tli tloiizitilzg and it ilates it lc of Itiiiiligood Mix Vic tlosson tili pleased in NW llitil bill lii pIai and IS getting tilting iiicciy Dilgt Sccds spent the liolidiiys in Toronto with her two douglitcrs Il home ftoiii the ll and Bernice Seeds links to II George ill shopping bags Mrs looke and hll and Mrs= Gleason iii of To onto spent the lltllltlllgt with Ms and ghis ji thn tlic Iitlc iilIlIS liid the gritf of low engulfs and matures you our tllillt personnel your llttlltl lliey will your eciy wwh sympalluticaily and aiiauge all detil Modcraid Ieiiur Funerals tlglllpltllyllritll Sill and iip Petliicit Smith on Dec Silttt Itll are variet the lro the il till wear llll Mrs in mull funny Millme icseiitative of the local ministei Mr loiii rawford has been very Iaitiiful helper Thank you in with pllitti going girls softball team The items on the township office and as liltSIi tiic pioitiaiii were all very good quarters great number of 0m men and io modelled vomciis clothes coiisistiiig of bathing suits sports mnrmm pa 1m mmunl N1945ll1lttll ll Willi afternoon dressc and the bride and her attendants iioii The children of No it School iii date set by statute has always blIII no field their hristiiias concert the first meeting of the new comp grca great which linims was it did concert was held tlllllll on ltt Lll to the coals tor lrlll taming six llllllll of pop to each Hlltill cliild Bill and MB id ifcliitym and vlireido ulti SI blind of Toi onto veiled Willi Mr Lind Mrs Joe llltl tor couplo of ti1 Mas Cciaidule Davis of Toronto spciit the llllrilliil lltilltillyx who theie scents to be no gicater iiicc 5in liafin tlhttul to do NI iti tie hope that for the residents of itlv iiisiil It may be one liappiiusx rind fitpcttl To Arrange Transportation To Barrie Arena ln order that the small fry of the Stroud district may havi at opportunity to get littli skating practice ariangemciitc have been made with the operator of the Stlluul area hits to transport any of tiic pupils to llarrie on Saturdix afternoon 5U they may skate from to pm This service is beinv iiiangcd by the committee spon ored last year by the local Fftliltr lion tiAgpicuitiLic it is hoped that the teachers will volunteer to chapcroiic Inauguration Meeting of ouncll liiiiislil 1930 council will liold their inauguration meeting at liiirehill oii Monday Jan This cil lhcyuwill be sworn in and the usual custom of having rep present which Reeve ii the order The meeting is usually iield ii was started by Todd will again bc are might be very suggestion ciaiiiped ll that the held in the Community llall at Churchill in order that the public might attend hlirraiu coiitiliilcrl at Hut if duf itiLLil tt lit unlit notiiiignl In the due fol int13 titling wa on undecided isuc Soon wxxlcottird tilt Nev Icul llc llstlllioivii nearing whih other local Illitlll of tilt ltllitlll hl the Lords Day Alliance at the Sunday nad iiiuiit lipid on Jahuati to do tlicic ihtiiip utl age lchl tcit Tlii itlirr on Now reriis Eat pioper fui mimic as if it would tip as much of hindranc to tiitlliiij last ycar Iahiio ilii lUitl Conditions illi pioyul lllitllitl av the tlllll adtunccu and the ice liar rctilh daizgeioii only on tin hail llttl of llll lHWII The llltltltlhlt tziizp tlttillii letpt the mud fioiii Hill on into ll WWI as Illillllt lain fell Hill Ill thu evening and interval llil oughout looked the night ljfilly closing liolli had its Illtl on both proprietor and customs within illl town limillt on Satur day cyiiiiiii luh 7ft waU the oiil establishment which llluftlittlllttl it New Years live tradition of formal daiicc Willi all the llllllv iiiiiigs liit ddlclimvn ieiiiple where lliiltlll was over at iIlvi phi held only regular Saturday night iiop lccii iowii did lltll fcvl iISIlf stiicictitly well organized in dance and tin was silent annual lli ruse hold their omiiiunity lhe laiimizil invitation dance it the liairie Aiiiioiiiy was l111tttl 11cm of it that Aui OIDIEIWS ALI twain IM itllll limb lm on New ith li ilu dlli ltlllll it Elli iiiy exit on partitr li irlchlclllic pluxvd for daiiczny ltAtllu to UltllWl ATVII BURDEN airip liniiitn was the dune oi pilliiil= ii ifitytfl itlti lliwl ittii NM YculK the inflict tiii yiii lltlll iil Stlgt gt and izcii li millet the infantry iiid Sewnw ftllh lll united their clioib in Ntw Yeais Ev dance held lill lilASL School lilitch Tllt ilt llltrM and the litla il and Air Force li ceiiis of wiwial otlni taiiip lit2 tltlt Irlllt Several loud peop iiltciidcti the litllttlt iiiid at ic partiw lli llaizc tlie llltt flit ii wvmai ollmi Iltttil it ll Olliccix Scrgcaitb and oipoiahi llrlhllndk Parlin iiiimw ill the Ali Force sectionlli the ciiiip and the iiiiiixi Iliillty licid in tiic drill liaii prism Mr and Vfrsfltex Watson Dtll llllwllllilx in llarric It orge lhompsoiiwas iii loiontoi on tiay this week ltc liugh llitlaggait pent Moll hrrrmner 29 Mimi 17 11 Kiting lilis line helped bring lciul from haththe ii lrcztiiiv lie lunliiryt kl midSiltitliiii lills tolls at any drug Utilllrt ooh lot the llur lIllltl luu I1 tltttllhlull llotldz ill ii lrvl on llll ti liL ii tr in 31 inc Ft itimy llt ill iiili licll Iltl ilil r9 i1ilitiii it Mu Jim fili Uri i7 YOU NEED GOOD BRAKES tiigo iv paid iiiriini ill Ul li he lrli lli tinv ii ti tin 3m iltl liltii of llllell villl tilill which quiti iiiEtilu cartoon hmn it Iw Santa tlll iiieviid tli Yip illlil of li itriilril itill uit leainns SHANTX BAY lllltlillltl iiiil iioii Mr and 311 iI uo lion an Bathrlicis oltrndue to an upset iminc rendi ti lur over lull union odds in will the Pd 15 LIKE FLASH litll iii llus you ilo need your you certainly IHI iiccd rmi ISl Ilrakc Scr it is ollt of tlic ifest form ol piotccthc insurance you Iilll buy Brake 13 service in you drive frcc of brake IIllIIII llll and jitters Stop iicic for RARE lilieeltllp Iodi IIAIHDLII ILL lilMlilEli CHRYSLER ILIJIUUIII FARGO 55 ELIZABETH ST Phone 2427 BARBIE The boys did very good job Then there was Aunt Miiiiili laiiiiiy Album great many tooklltlotls part of the meeting it wl111hflnlm1I01211hiucliiiiliimlmih lpart in this play which was veryiusual to ask the individual coon11h IQ interesting with the ltililSlIlllllttl llers and Officials to weak Aim Ancr Hm imugmuon 1nd cven better attendedthan last year day Will his parents in Toronto Miss iloti lilll lll ltIi ml and Jmms 11V Hnnqivlllllit and lilille tIIl till hiit tiliii family spent Monday in llilll mi lllll lioiiaiu Ilaiidy has returned to llll WWI 7ltl PHONE 2530 127 Hayfield St Barrie illlll lti iilll lilt lltlgtl Listen Sun 530 pm Iliapcl Chimes YKBB Ihose whl SCtlltS 73wa Oiiaiityf helped behind Fuc SHHJEHNT Bi LTD PHONE 2451 mum mm EBMESJNLEDHE ll umpy irritable poor sleeper suffeinfrom back title pains skin disorders CONSULT lieu Tliuiia aclics stomach liverkidiiey complaints arth Mil THENOTEDTORQNTO HERBALIST has helped tliousfinds to better health CliitF llii Milli lllilllks l0 any otlicr visitor who may wish to lllllllllmld mgdm ml pass along good wishes to the eoun tell This year begins one iiundredl years of municipal government II lnnisfil Perhaps spine ccntciiniaz celebrations will be decided on The public are welcome Iiinlsfil Baby Again First District Baby of 1050 The Walsh baby born in the Royal Victoria Hospital about pm New ars Day is the second baby from Innisfil to win the piilze given annually to lllltlifllllVfIls Several years agoyet it does not seem so long Mrs Lyail Guest was the first as her boy was born shortly hftcr the hour of midnight He is now well on with his schmil Ling At that time the entrant was not required to be Barrie resident and Mr and Mrs Guest were loaded with every kind of gifts from every Learniilnxstmmcdwgut was again held in thc Stroud Community Hail OFT be mmqh FOR TSMART tAPPEARAN cE Booms finished Donnaiconallnsialihgi Board bring full marks for smart appearance Donnacona insulating Board and Donnacona Decorative Specialties beautify your home and saveiiiel fitthe came time economical wig gt watts andattractive for new donstrution 6r renovation it Art of sexiness store in BillTlO including hairdress ing establishments Just whether the Walsh baby will qualify for those gifts is not definitely known New Years Dance Well Attended The New Yehrs dance which last and was well attended There wits no trouble with any intoxicated patrons and everyone enjoyed very plcasant evening Slippery lronds gave some ofthe attendants in little difficulty getting home blimaid Camp Borden and llln traditional open house and house party oh xeiyed by several individuals wrth in the town itself Were the saviiv features of New Years lIrc fol many As in other years mes parties at ltorden for all ranks at tractcd ii number of young Indie from town Unlike last yeaiviici closed the road from Borden to llariic iiiitil latr iii the milling of the first day of the year travelling was not too dang erous Althouin the loads wcri slippery and greasy the much tiavcllcd highway to camp fared better than many of the local streets which were not main thor oughfares for New Years live tial fic The Sign of the Elk on Highway ii few miles north of Barri was taken over by about 25 local couples on New Years Eve for private party with dancing contin uing until close to four in the morn ing Alcoholics Anonymous held their own New Years live Celebration the first in the biiefrihistoiy of Iiiei organization here in town The New Yeuiwas welcomed at bestattended dance yet held at Pine CrestDaiice Hall near Anleii Mills large number of local couples attended the midnighttill fourinthcmorning dairice to old time and modern music provided yennlds Orchestra Lads Find Bottle of Liquor Wbcii car went into the ditch on the highway south of Stroud on New Years Eve the occupants alf paiently threw away paitly filled bottle of liqubr This was found Sunday bysqme boys anddares were exchanged among the gang as to who would take real swallow of Iheliquid One way of getting Er isttastcbf the istuff spent December 29 Mr and Mrs Horn Barrie New Years week with Mr and Mrs Murray Carson UClarence Czson also Mrs Par son and son Ted were in Toronto for thelholidziy Mr and Mrs Dyer spent Christmas withrelatives at Stay Iner At the school meeting held last Wednesday the retiring trustee Frank Kennedy was replaced by Henry Kanis New Years friends at Brays were Mr and Mrs Biay and daughter Mr and Mrs Philpott and two children of Toronto Happy New Year tovlall Friends here for Christmas in cluded Mr and Mrs Chandler and children of CometCliff Mr and Mrs Jack Parr of LanSing at bers of the family from Barrie and There were midnight showings le all the local theatres on Sunday evening before the piociaimed Monday holiday Large crowds and lineups revealed better at tendance than in other years when midnight shows had to compete with local dances Clusters of evergreens vitli sii vcr cones arid ornamentr and tin officers mess folllle annual invi ltation dance of the 135th Battery 01 the 45m AntiTank Regiment RCA on New Years Eve The officers andguests in attendance who num Major JT Clark 0C Battery and provided byV1Walter Perkins and buffet supper was served in the lounge atmidnight In charge of the decorations were Mrs Clark Mrs Donald Cameron and Mrs An gusMcNabb CLUB 79 Don Wileys Orchcstia played for dancing at Club 79 where crowd of about 150 persons were iii attendance Horns and bats were given eotas novelty souven irsad the cltrb itself was decoru ARicbardsons as well as mem Lqmte number of teenagers due district Mr and MrsMorley Feas by ofUxbridge Mr anders Dar nd Brianr of Willowdale Mr MrsThorntonof Langsta and dtliersrbf the family at Irving Car Mrs sons Mr and Mrs Quine Alliston Lucas and Miss Janet of Toronto at their home Doherty and yGlenna of Georgetown Mr audlVlrs Haley of Elmvale at Johnsons Mr ners GreeiLanddaughiter SI McFaddens ley MfEfiMcMaster of BaTri at to thewcancellation of their own dance at theHCommunity House Eight prizes for novelty dances were given out during the evening and buffet supper ofA turkey and pork was servedjafter midnig Although dancing wasiconcluded at the stroke of midnight the club GuiIon January Coral Sottof Toronto spent her Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs William Gorbam Miss Eileen Elson and Miss Jean Robinson of Toronto Were New Years guests at Lou Neillys Mr and Mrs Paul Russell and son Eddie spent thcir NewYearvs Day with friends In Toronto Mrs mas and New Years with Mr and Mrs Atkinsonof Leiroy Mrs Norman Davip the Christmas Miss Eileen Fryer of Toronto spent theNewgearcmeekend With Mr andSM erman Todd Everyoe gs glad to know that is home from hospital and each day isfeeling better Sylvia and Edith Kell visited for holidays with their aunt Mrs Hubert McKenzie at New Toronto Mrand Mrs Stanley Gibbons of Meadowvale Mr and Mrs Jeff Burgess of Toronto and Mrs pita way of Vancouver were weekend guestsiot Mr and Mrs Bay Can lt nem MPlant spent both Christ AN UPLIFTBELT FORMEN Two detachable pouches made to dur spclricaa toglve comfort and maximuwmporteExT perfenced Fitters to serve you for till surgical Sup portgttgjc patio STORE BAititiii ARMOURY foildraped between decoratedth bergd about 125 were received by Mrs Clark Music for dancing was Ith with traditional New Years Eve balloons The crowd was mixture of age groups and included Ihc hospital in Toronto after spciitl iiig the holiday at liisnhome htre The Womans Association wll meet at the church basement on Jan It New Years Resolution Mi and Mrs lloy llltllllt llil iii lllirlllluf 11 and tl iuiiiily time logt Itltltl to lcplitl liic itath Itli lloll call was answered by Mrs George llrooks at loi onto uni December 10 and take illlr opiioivl Fraser triilllllllv to Ichlul the deepwt swng Windsor Mr and Mrs liwin lltl patiiy to her relatiycs lTl the will train and ltobert of Midiiurst spent agc Monday with Mis ll llertiam Mr aiid Mrs Tudiiope aiidlpd sons of Jariatt Mr and Mrs Lorne 11 of wulmvdp mi 11 out MVKHI 11ml Clllldltll RWV ll MVV time made tlic acqruuntaiice of their McMullcii and Paul Visited if new my pummpp 1mm ember lo llrowiis Mr and Mrs Jim lhoiiipson and baby of Cliprcol MI and Mrs lcr cy Jory and Phyllis Mr andtriml Brock Cline and Darrel of frown Ilill visited at George llioiiipsonr Mr and Mrs Max raig and Sheila Mrs Wailwin and Mari ion and friend Mr and Mrs Bob miiiitl children also Mr and Mix Handy Jr visited at Hardys liiethiistnias concert was real success and much credit is due the teachers inl pupils Santa Clan arrived and presented gifts 51nd ups of candy to the children At once followed after the program The Christmas Church service was well attended and special mus ic by lilu choir was appreciated tcv Mi MTaggiirt preached lultmllLillllLilLi mCSS Th beautiful cycitmicn plaiiFYiWUiT aiiar was placed in nrciiiory ltcv and Mrs Stewart Dalston Pioneer Honored chenhom who is residing with his granddaughterat 14 Grove SI Barrie was giclitly surprised llnChllSlllIZlS Eve when Brown aiidL Handy presented him with gifts from VDzilston Iriciids and neighbors All join in wishing lillS pioneerinany days of good health iiitlhappiness intltc years to come EDGAR HDcccmbcr 3f ivisitcd pareiitshcrc recently We are sorry to report the ill ness of Mrs Dicker Her many ward Illth her husband Mr and Mrs BllClltllillll of Sault Ste Marie and Mrs Martins brother TRUCKING PCv CLASS 24 HOUR SERVICE annual party on Decciiilicr 2t whcul 412mst JmMwllzim Vice wgisoh oiivididi of Allistoii and Mrs lloy illtliiltli lli her daughter Mrs ll lli with Trucking LOCAL LONG Visiting with Mr and Mist lleie Martin over the hristiiiax setison yerc Mrs Martins sister lidwaid liii her of Chatham riit Ladies iuiiti iicid their Iliii they entertained their husbands atj the home of Mr and Mrs Wiiiii d1 lllSSitdLU Touit Villril was much enjoyed liyall as were Ihel ilbtlIlTiillll rcfresht rents providwl and served by Iiictgidics DRIYEURSELF CARS PANEL TRUCKS LARGBTRUCKS of Mrs Lauder oh lhuisday Dec Ell with good attendanto llicWA oflicers wuro Idelected for another year WMS officer at Pres Mia lIllis Hutchinson Sec lreas Mrs Bouncy Mrs Le resigned as president ot the WMS TFrom buttonalioles to hardivarel Consult yourWNW PM First Cause everythipgs listed in there friends hope she will soon be Well riggin Mr and Mrs Jnmicson of Elmvale and Mrs Robson of Crown Hill visited at Sfiachuns ilitlS week liiWA and WMS held their an nual business meeting at the home Due to serious depletion of coal reserves ol th railway bedousiegof wOIkfstoppoiqsond ienedwprkingihoursinnitngStates mines ConodionNotiohdlonnounCs tempordivreQ ii ductions inCriaihipcissenqer trgin services effectlive Januaryigth REGISIIRID short TAILMENT Service DISTANCE 10c per mile DRIVEURLSELF 12 TON STAKE 10 per mile 15c permile kWWM Vibranytliing that you might Tea fTEMPQRARY 1OFVPASSENGERFTRAINISERV ACCOUNT COAL SHQRTAGE Farintormotion enquirecityournearet Cdnddisn Netiqnal Rdilwqys Ticket QiCe 01 see yoprlocai Agent ANAPIAN NATNV