Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1954, p. 5

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Bowlcs pictured with one of their grand daughters Joyce Hartman nine years old of Ottawa who was here for the occasion AMONG THE OLDEST living members of St Pauls Anglican Church Coulsons Hill which celebrated its centennial at special services yesterday are Mr and Mrs George mr 441 Pjaul nglicgliurc ou REPRESENTING the younger generation of St Pauls Church members are Brian Johnson sixyearold son of the rector Rev Johnson and sevenyearoldAudrey Lane McLean of Bond Head professional and managerial cate gory dont think wed be over estimating when we suggest that the 500000 or so workers among the immigrants have among them total annual buying power of something in the neighborhood of threequarters of million dollars Thats big business Managerial Category Id like to spend moment or two discussing the managerial cat egory Many of these people come to Canada with the intention of owning and operating their own businessor industry in Canada and UN HERRTRW AR RLEY HADD moon or manure two many have succeeded in their in tention There is for instance one refugee industry in Canada that employs more than 4000 peo ple Those employing 100 and more are far from unusual while the small businesses employing any where from two or three to thirty or forty workers can be found in all areas of the country How do these newcomers start these businesses Some of course have only foundation of deter mination and knowledge with which to start but there are up migrants who have substantia amounts of capital availableto them Figures of the Domimor Bureau of Statistics indicate tga from January 1946 to Decem er Bishop of Toronto was preacher at the morning service on Sunday and Ven Lighthourn OBE MA DD Archdeacon of Simcoe preached at the evening service THE 16TH RECTOR of St Pauls Church Rev Walter Johnson with Mrs Johnson and their family The children are left to right Elaine three Brian six and Louise four Rt Rev Beverley MA DD Million New Customers In Postwar Canada Continued from page one ours permits selection to be in line with the type of requirements Lets say for instance that there are steadily increasing opportuni ties for diesel mechanics If that is the case we can increase our selection of diesel mechanics and go to those countries where supply is available Similarly if in one particular type of industry opportunities are not favorable we can cease selection of workers for open placement who would norm ally go to that industry As an indication of what mean we have not selected workers for open placement in the textile industry Ayou can sellvthem exactly What you sell the Canadian born Workers and Dependents Included in the million new merchandising and with million new customers available to you its help to know something of your market To begin with since the end of the Second World War the immigration program has brought approximately one million people to Canada They are your new market It has brought infants and it has brought grandparents It has brought people with sub stantial amounts of capital and it has brought displaced persons and refugees ent wives They want the things that any wife wantsthose things that make home and that make for efficient management of the home There have been 238000 dependent children What do chil terested in after year in Canada their in terests and wantzs are the same as childrenborn in this country And of the million there have been 500000 workers Lets look at the workers for moment or two to see if we can get any est imate of purchasing power The largest single group total of 132000 have been skilled trades men who have fitted easily into But by and large theyve had one thing in common no matter what their race creed or circum stances Theyve seen Canada as the country of the future Theyve seen it as country where they can find opportunity and where they can raise their children in freedom from fear and with chance they never would havehad in their homeland And in that ton the motivatin force our economy and who after cost $106 all creased purchasing power right £01 many months fggreiiiigration in an amazifg num short time are in receipt of the attractive chromium 1313 along the llnHrom gm to fac the PUC and the Arena Commis Now who is admissible to Can ber of cases is chance for the going rate of wages Their pur Sets All these were 1311 toryfrom transportation worker own each of which holds 12 meet1 ada First Of all lets dealWith children Chasmg D°W81 accordingly is new The wifes harr rficelhas to retail sales clerkand might ings annually total of 36 meet British subjects United States cit highcertainly some millions of regular permanents and even add in the field of advertis mgs which the mayor must attend izens and citizens of France In mght find hme pmfiim dollars every week and perhaps in Storage black 1391313 find ing itself The office of mayor carries with effect they may come to Canada exammmg these people hifle three hundred million dollars over coat that cost $350 Thehus rée it many other obligations It is quite freely if they are of good more careflullyb Bagemomfiit the year That is one group alone carries $2500 In his azuriext CALL THE EXAMINERFOB his dutyto sign all cheques and health and character and are In new arrvas There have been 125000 des which he hopes to PRINTINGPHONE 14 in 1954 there will be betweenispoo comers have been 209000 depend dren need and what are they in Again Id say that of 1953 immigrants brought With them to Canada total of 000000 The estimated figure 1953 alone was $75000000 curse 15 group Wlifatcabout the average runofthe mill immigrant Before tell you what wn about this group nminute or two to tell you about the new Canadian couple wr whom sometimes have dinner These are in Toronto when ams who came to Canada early in 1952 The hus hip LatVian works as bZildwith wholesale firm in Tor earning ab 13 German when they substantial The wife who at timesUsuauy not much different nadian wives Sim flat of four rooms Their th om is furnished wr lgldlddlg tlifeepiece chesterfigltli name brand radio go mes and two or three end ta bilgcourse the usual lampsbggzroi iece et in ei nflmiiieipr kitchen is complete With electric refrigerator electric stove set waterless cooking an aluminum one of those Exomtner Photos by Favo Were they crowded together Well not according to the census tabu lation for the space occupied by these other 30000 households aver aged little more than four rooms per household Lets go back just second or to thOSe who owned their own homes It may surprise you to know that of these 24000 homes more than 7000 were entirely clear of mortgage Now that was in the homes To begin with more than 43000 of the 62000 were equipped with either gas or electric ranges Thirtytwo thousand had power washing machines and another 52 000 owned radios Twentysix thousandhad mechanical refriger ation and 18000 even owned elec tric vacuum cleaners In about half these immigrant homes tele phones had been installed and one of every three had passenger automobile Bear in mind that those were the figures for the 1951 census Project them across the million immigrants who have now reached Canada and you would now have about 128000 immigrant households to be serviced That for the re coiid is about fifty per cent of the number of households in the Greater Toronto trading area an area that stretches from Scarboro on the east to Long Branch in the west and from the lake on the south almost to Aurora on the north Those 128000 households would have bought by this time something like 90000 gas or elec tric ranges 66000 powered wash ing machines 42000 passenger automobiles and 107000 radios The figures have quoted are an indication of the immigrants importance in the home furnishing market alone In addition theres clothing and there are services There is jewellery and there is food Market For Food My time of course is about up but before close lets take quick look at the marketgfor food The most recent figures indicate that across Canada it costs on aver age $640 week to feed one per son Now as 1ve told you it will only be very short time until Canada welcomes its one millionth immigrant So it is simple matter to multiply one million by $640 and come up with the answer that Canadas post war immigrants are proyi ing new market for food alone that totals about six and half million dollars every week And in addition to that direct market lets not overlook the in warden Kenneth Hughes right Their first predecessors were Enamed in 1865 in the law firm of Smith and Mc TIIE BARBIE MONDAY JUNE Id 1954 members uni worms WARDEN Selby left and 01 MEMBER OF St Pauls Choir for 12 years Miss Phyllis Edney of Bradford at the organ which was installed in the church in 1916 Five hundred people attended the centennial services many of them former lslins Hill llolds 185 41954 entennial Servites STTmo CHURCH COULSONQ HIlL residents of the community Following the evening service there was reception in the church basement for parishioners at which an anniversary cake was served 6mm DUTIES 0E MAYOR GlViNBY MAYOR HEBERSMIlH WEEKLY ROIARY lUNCHEON At the regular Thursday lunch eon of the Rotary Club of Barrie last week Mayor Heber Smith addressed the members on the subject What Mayor Is and What He Does He wasintroduced by Roy Bar rand who referred to his boyhood in Tiny Township to his training as lawyer to his experience as an army captain with the 5th divi sion in Italy andto his return to civilian life first in partnership with Stewartnow Mr Jus tice Stewart He then purchased Judge McCuaigs practice and now is the associate of Arthur McLean Directors Meeting Charles Wilson club secretary gave complete outline of the topics discussed at the last dir ectors meeting and distributed blood donor cards and pamphlet explaining the need for action in supporting the Red Cross Society iiithis project President Jim Gilmore stated that the directors had voted $25 to the Red Shield campaign and that axletter had been received from the Inner Wheel thanking the club for the donation of $50 Ambulance Donations He then referred to the fine work done by Harold Moreton in providing leadershin in St John Ambulance Work He outlined briefly but concisely the steps which led to the formation of brigade in Barrie He stressed the fact that the association was in dependent and functioned on its own He then presented two cheques to Mr Moreton the first being the proceeds of the radio auction project for sum of $41789 and the second gift from the Lean He was thanked for his in teresting informative and lively address by George Fricke Jr In his opening remarks Mayor Smith reminded his audience that although his official position plac ed him in the spotlight in local municipal affairs he was like everyone else entitled to only one vote It was well he thought that the mayor should remind him self or be reminded of this fact from time to time His main function was to act as presiding officer for the town council The business of the mun icipality is carried on through five committees Chief among these are finance and public works bothof which carry heavy responsibilities and are timeconsuming in their detail The present council has been successful in limiting the length of the meetings by delegat ing more responsibility to each committee As mayor he is member of the Police Commission Iw waunu club for $250 to assist in providing JUSTICE uniforms for the 15 members of the local brigade Harold Moreton in reply thank ed the club for the fine contri butions and assured the members that it would be great source of satisfaction to the members of the organization to know that uni forms could now be provided The members he said had given 1202 hours of their time last year In January 175 hours February 225 March 190 and about 100 hours in April 1954 The Associations amb ulance augmented by Jim Gil mores station wagon had provided services for the British Racing Clubs field day at the Edenvale airport on May 24 and for the two preceding Saturdays as well On May 24 19 accident victims Were treated and four ambulance trips were made to the hospital He assured the members that the Rotary donations would be most welcome surprise to the members of the Barrie brigade Rey Barrand reported that due to the fine cooperation of his com mittee consisting of Angus Ross Maurice Barre and William Bren nan the rural school music fest ival had been an outstanding suc cess The net proceeds amounting to $19177 would be turned over for the boys and girls who partic ipated in the festival as their own contribution to the Royal Victoria Hospital Visitors this week were Dr Robert Delaney guest of Dr Ross Turnbull and Rotarians Frank Daugherty of Midland and Wilf Taylor of Toronto been British whose language way of life and customs are all similar to our own Another 70000 or so have come from the United States immigrants of French origin have numbered more than 19000 The remaining600000 are people whose language is differentbut Iv sug gest and believe that this is the only real difference There have been something in excess of 100 000 Germans 1115000 Belgians Italians and Swiss 100000 Dutch Therehave been 60000 Poles 000 Jewish people and 30000 Ukranians and 8000 of these It would seem that other safeguards could be legally provided which would re lieve the mayor of this onerous duty He is also required to sign all bylaws Committee work calls for supervision and he also acts as buffer between the manin thestreet and the council in con nection with complaints It is his duty to attend asmany of the official functions to which he is invited as possible These may average from two to five per week He greatly appreciated and position to maintain themselves until they are in employment here All others with the exception of Asians who are covered separate ly are admissible if they are found to be suitable and desirable year and as sickness Blue Cross that this family standard much different iisf rifle average Canadian family these Now you may say the are superior immigrantsthat many newcomers to Canada havebuying habits much different from these Buying Lets see what the last census disclosed about immigrant buying habits The census taken in 195 an indication of the pur timed to farms True propor tion leave the farms as do some of the sons of Canadian farmers and indeed some farmers themselves but many are still farming today Our best estimate is that about 10000 farms in Canada are either owned or operated under an agree ment to purchase by farmers from overseas who have come here since the end of World War II suggest to you that his total represents pretty su stantial market Those of you who have farm machinery accounts will real How do we establish suitabil ity and desirability Customs of the country from which the immi grant is seeking to enter Canada or his way of life in that country maybe factors The economic re quirements and needs of Canada certainly are consideration We would also ask ourselves in de Twotone grey and green fin ish new tires very clean throughout Buy With Confidence At Simcoe Countys Largest Deale ize thatthese 10000 new farmers ave us féingerififiagggfimghfgh22 5g Ivé met lot of thgse people will buy at conservativeestim Ehasing habits aggroothgtostyng enJPlZeg thetfiprlzfilege Of bang and except for the arrier of ate erha $40000000 of machin rant house SW13 W1 91s munwlpa live among us could be integrated mmg affairs and it was source of sat been set up at that time Now when analyzing the figures will ou remember that at the glve taken many ime the census was if the immigrants had been in Canada only comparatively few monthsImam more only yea purchasing poweragain perhaps or twoyet at that time 24000 little better than $4000000 weekly the 62000 owned the1r own homes And finally there have been and the majority of them were 47000 domestics 35000 whose back single detached dwellings With ground was clerical 22000 in the complete facilities trading field and 33000 in the What about the other 38000 DISPERSION ABERDEENANGUS CATTLE WEDN ESDAY JUNE isim 954 or 100 pm at Rouge Valley Farms Agincourt Ontario BULLS 52 LOTS 44 FEMALES Famdies and bloodlines the best in Canada Bianbaras including Anoka Baubara Rose Blackcap Mist Blackbird Juana Erica Miss Burgess Queen Ida Blackca Pride of Aberdeen and Ericas Progeny of these OUTSTANDING SIRES Prospectmere 502ndEileenmere of Don Head Cesors Blackbird Evader Hideaway Black Prince Prince Bandolier 7th Bandolier of Don Head 19th En LTMITED 233 Bradford St Dial 31981 USED can DIVISION language Ive found them little different from the average Canau dian They have the same desire for home andsecurity that we have They have the same ambi tions for their children and they have the same appreciation for the niceties What can you as advertisers sell the immigrant Id say that if you are good salesmenif you take little trouble to learn about this market of 1000000 new Canadians cry and equipment We have had116000 who come into the unskilled and semiskilled category Their incomes perhaps are not so high as those of the larger group of skilled workers but they still represent substantial into the Canadian community in which he would make his home We would be interested in whether he could assume the duties and re sponsibilities of Canadian citizen ship within reasonable time after his arrival here Who Have Come Here Now who has the program brought here imagine you will be particularly interested in this for you are in the business of STONE and CONCRETE WATER WAsHeo onusnan RUN wasrnio GRAVEL isfaotion to him to serve as part icipant at public functions and to enjoy the personal associations thus made possible 0000 USED rnnuuiiciiiiuiir nucrmii SALE Sal June 19 011230 noon PR0T6N1c0RNERI Halfway betweenDundalk Fileslierton be completely new method of fly control forrfarmibuildings Re duces fly population 90 to 01 within four hours Kills resistant flies Exceptionally easy to use Ask for FLORBAIT Fly Killer4 now available at Comp Be sure to attend the Wilf Carter Show at Barrie Arena on Thurs day June 24 sponsored by North Slmcoe Junior Farmers rilMr an Driveway stone crushed concrete stone and sand For sale at pit or delivered rrrhr MIDHURST ONTARIO ft gralnvbinders 10 itpowor binder good canvasses oil bath and grease fittings some on rub Prince Sunbeam is woos nusmsss chanrter of Bordulac 2nd Bandolier of Anoka 100b Bandolire 85th of ber makes of hay loaders Cultivators mowers thre co Wilton Anokamere 5th smug machines SIMCOE DISTRICTCOOPEMM Elmo Sale under the Management of 3329 HAYS FARMS LIMITED Qox 64 Oakvllle Ontario Cameron McTaggart Aurora Ont Sale Consultant SEND FOB CATALOGUE Dont miss these bargains Buy at your ownprlce Owners rirzIMMongndnourishment autumn ier thllif iPlanivli Quinlan 300 aAYvFYELoST proma PH 4839 an Madalyn Muwauvww rwmm

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