90th YeorNo 67 uWquW 93 Ehiinriallï¬ngr of Ellie lï¬arrir Examiner 9n MQW is not unlike that of the people of Hamilton BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA FRIDAYJUNE ll l954 FROM RUSSIAS VIEWPOIN Intc etu cWJIIA and Audit lune at recitation For Parents Only CAMP lilWEllllllilI By Nancy Cleaver Camp is real adventure and Seciion 27 to 12 But if increased camp fees IIF II Si Line Of Dalence 37 the thoughts of youth are long make this particular camp It is easy to see that prices go up When long thoughts What finer ex really beyond the amount of Whether the free worlds first line of de wages 30 pi that lorelgn manufacturers t1 pression of the idealism which money the family can devote at world are causing unemployment here by taking stirs within campers at good to it why not consider mo ence aga re over the Canadian market It is not so easy camp on High Occasions can be the cmp where the rates are domination lies in the United Nations the found than in this Code for Cam not quite so high This would North Atlantic Treaty Organization in tohslee that isdme public thsitllpays the pers seem better solution than tti nuclear weapons in powerful air force 09 003$ ustrys wage We Aim ï¬ery all or in great naval strength ls matter of tdnonal Notes To liye out the things we believe different price nngou in most To have sincere care for all as unending debate It is therefore refreshing to find the problem put in its proper per spectiveand to discover that none of these important as they may be are the real key to the security of westernrcivilizatlon In an address before the Periodical Press Association in Toronto Canadianborn Sir William Stephenson put his finger squarely upon the problem when he said The true first line of our defence is information Information as to what the aggressors resources weapons and strategy may be is one facet No less important is public in formation in which free press occupies role of vital strategic importance Communism Sir William asserts and few will quarrel with his view is but the propaganda and the Fifth Column of Soviet imperialism Its followers are not as some socialists and others profess to be lieve starryeyed idealists who happen to vote the Labor Progressive ticket Rather they are traitors to their own country and to the free world which Soviet imperialism is dedicated to destroy Soviet imperialism imposes its will on sub jugated countries by infiltration by seizing by democratic process weakened by propa ganda or by force the machinery of gov nations destiny If the proper steps are Be not the first by whom the new are tried Nor yet the last to lay the old aside Popc To those who want to see this country continue to grow and prosper and to provide the employment needed for our greatly ex panding population the real concern com ments The Post is not that manufacturing profits are too large but that they may well be too small The worst way to improve the world is to condemn it Phillp James Bailey Toot their own horns is must for small towns of Canada declares The Wood stock NB SentinelPress community must not be backward about pushing its claim to be the birthplace of famous man the site of pioneer industry or the scene of happening that was merely interesting or perhaps was significant to change the taken now Canadians of the future may be made conscious that they live surrounded by history God forbid that should go to any heaven in which there are no horses Robert Bontine Graham awe WINDSOR srni people To be disciplined in all we do To see the job that needs to be done and carry it through To be constructive in our think ing and speaking To learn to work in group To be willing to recognize and to correct our faults To study and work for sound homes united communities and peaceful world Written by the Crees or Senior girls at Camp Tanamaboon Al gonquin Park To campor not to camp that is the question in count less homes where boys and girls are eager to go to camp Its such fun they chorus summer camp adventure for boy or girl has become an ac cepted holiday pattern in thous ands oi Canadian families But with rising camp fees accompan ied by the higher cost of living many parents are wavering about camp this summer The younger generation show no signs of doubting the value of camp They just know they will learn to sWim and dive lot bet ter Jim can handle canoe just like an Indian since he went to campand did he ever pick up some smart ï¬shing tips Helen who is an only child says bit wistfully Betty just raves about camp being such friendly place What is your idea of good camp Every parent will have different answerbut they all want to be very sure their child will be well cared for and happy My husband and want to know that the camp our boy or girl goes to is safe place that adequate provision is made for nourishing food and sufficient rest that the camp director and staff have some of the same ideals for the campers that we have for our children We would like to feel con fident that our child willbe happy at camp swimming and diving and boating and try ing out fresh hobbies and mak lng new friends Discreet ln quiries Inade to parents of last years campers satisfy or dislilusion father or mother about the true quality of camp Camp has all kinds of values for different campers meeting their own special need and helping them grow As counsellor four years and as director for six we saw very clearly that although the contribution camp life made to some youngsters was much more vital than to others with very very few exceptions theyail sccm ed to receive benefit from it camper can echo Ulysses words in Tennysons poem All experience is an arch where ernment That is why it is of prime imf portance that the press itself remain free that it fight tooth and nail to preserve in The girls had marvelous time through in their cabin group Gleams the untravelled world whose margin fades 300d 03ml beneï¬ts the Foreverand forever as move There is not single sound reason wiry all national holidays should not be officially celebrated on the nearest Mondays just as the public can be helped toa decp these broadcasts are representa ei understanding 01the sickness tivc of those coming to the clinic alcoholism CKBB will carry sub for treatment They certainly give New Alcoholism rivat at er than offlcml hands not only we have observed Civic Holiday and Labor sequent programs in The Secret the lie to the concept that all alco whole childbody mind and COpyiight pu Shmg 0f the printed word bill all media Da declares The Final Vi ZVSickness series at the same time holics are rubbydubs on Skid Row spirit It is not just place Of mass communication OS ua leach week Many of these people are well for recreation or even just for every citizen as well as industry and busi The stars of this highly dramatic educated and come from what 39 education but forthe growth at ients under treatment pear to be good backgrounds Most of boys or girls total char ser es pat The Periodical Press Association is to be Hess would be in faVOF Midweek houdays commended for having provided forum are disrupti of work and they arent for speaker of Sir Williams eminence mum g00df01 h011day either The federal man who does not fear to face the truth EOVemment ShOUId not 18$ few misgumed sentimentalists block this long overdue re form but to our way of thinking this must Surprlsmg Survey not apply to Good Friday or Christmas Therefore Dominion Day and Remembrance The opinion research company which op crates the Gallup P011 in Canadahas reI Day are the onlypgggaxagggging revmon cently published the results of surVey con OPINIONS OTHERS ducted in the city of Hamilton to discover what the people of that community think about their jobs and related matters Some Par liamenl of the results are quite surprising actor and physique Miss Pat McKay Barrie spent childs or youths enthusiasm the Weekend with Miss Shirley Mc for particular camp where he Van1l has summered is likely to be as MIS° N01 DaYI pen° ardent as his loyalty 101 his own l0 days holidays With girl friend school There is great satisfac New Y0 lt tion in meeting old friends again MYS M°°dxe of Ham °n and returning to familiar haunts Elle at lhe mm of and Mrs It isquite possible that the camp W95 OWN your child loves even if it costs June Vbit is worlh ï¬ery fem Rev patient at the present Stage ms deve 01 in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie at Brookside Clinic for alcohol ad 9f them have nice families gOOd fiction or in the case of the 10b5 and accepted Slams the ourth program the wives of alco community hoiics They include medical Mr Robinson summed up the Plillllt Punch doctor housewife highly edu purpose 0f the broadcasts as t0 830 WWW TueSdayy Jul cated private secretary salesman increasethe pilblicsund91818ndlng 15 Barrie radio listeners are in la psychologist factory worker of 3190mm to bung about ear for shock They will eavesdrop even teenager Each tens his ier recognition and treatment of on an interview between radioTV or her own tragic story and then the illness and to assist in its personality Ted Allan and very members of the clinics staff eXplain prevention sick verydrunkmanrm Imam01 the Sigmflcantï¬speclsc The Alcoholism ResearchFoun The interview takes place at their illness damn W85 estathhEd by the itde Clinic erated by the The very breadth of this cross Governmem of Ontario in 1949 to 2118311le RescarchpFoundation in section of the population is im conduct research into thenature Elem We wish for him aspeedyrecovery th first of ortant notes Robert Robinson and extent of alcohol addictiondn Glad to hear Henry Davis is im 322 813d Siihlsreaï¬lue broad Idirector of education for the Foun this province to develop effective to bring aboutgreater understand provmg after his misfortune of casts tapelecmded at the clinic so dation The patients heard in ways of treating the illness and ing of it through public education falling off ladder Map Plan of Barrie in Early Days Gives Historical Detailshloo Years Ago North Bay Nugget FOI instance Hamilton has been the focus One of the more amusing places of interest for of trades union campaign to make lndust 1211 Ottawa visitor is the House of Commons rial wage rates in Canada equal to those paid After quite properly being awedby presesslon in the US on similar tour of the Parliament building which is quiet JObS The fundamental and inspiring it is pleasant bit of comic relief to riason Why such demand cant succeed case into chair on the public gallery and watch COWSE is that Canadian producers have the core of government in action much rod smaller malket than do American The other night Mrs Ann Shipley MP for Tern ucers and as result the massproduc iskaming provided the comedy by voting against tron advantage of the US manufacturer her party in error Mrs Shiplcy was engrossedin allows newspaper when the voting time arrived Lib greater pmducuvity per hour or eral member beside her rose to be counted and work and higher wage rate It might have Mis Shipley went up with him She naturally been expected that every adult Hamiltonian ï¬gured the me had come 40 the Liberals would now be stand in body and as always win an over th acquainted With this fact whelming majority opinion survey turned up the mag nificent point that one person in four in it just 5° hapbened that Mrs Shipleys com anion was votin ainst the art this time that area has no Idea how men greater Elie hastily correctid hgenseifu is the US population than is Canadas Parliamentary comedy is not always so obvious Anotheisurprislng resultconcerned the There is something pathetically funny in watch 50caned ing an obscure MP stand up and talk at length funge beneï¬ts that 15 the about the international situation while his fellow Pensmns enjoyed by many industrial work members chat between themselves read news AWgtW ivd be he mi 493 ers sickness benefits holidays and paid vacations and so on About onehalf of the public thinks that these benefits come out of wages and nearly the same number think the employers pay for them Only one perv son in five had the completely correct an swer that fringe benefits are paid for by the pmployers customers who are the source of all industrial income However onlother questions the people of Hamilton scored Very goodmarks Nine out or ten said that higher wages result in higher prices Half the people realize that if wages were increased further local in dustries would not be able to compete with imported goods produced by foreign manu facturers Only one person in ten thought it the course of wisdom to press for higher wages in plants where workers were being laid off Probably the thinking of most canadians 119 Published Monday WALLS president GHlTTICK iiittrru Examiner Class Newspaper Al The Wilson Building Post OfficeSquare Barrie Ontario Canada wsAPE THE BARBIE EXAMINER annrnn number of Class Newspapers of Canadi and Icanadian Weekly Newspapers Association papers and magazines or write letters The chatter on the floor can often be heard above the voice of the speaker But he doesnt mind as long as the folks back home read about his speech the next day and ï¬gure hes doing his job The other night representative of this news paper on his way through Ottawa stopped briefly to attend night sitting of the Commons He found fewer than 60 of the 260odd Members of Parliament in attendance Of those who were present two were asleep halfdozen looked halfasleep and the mothers were reading or writing while ancpposition MP fromthe west discussed foreign policy Our staffer asked the whereabouts of an MP he hadearlier seen entering the building and learned he was playing cards on an upper floor with some friends mali MP5 He took notes on the only four things that made an impression The thick dust on the Speak ers chair green discoloration of the statues on Parliament Hill brdken stainedglass window panel and the sight of two old men in crutches moving down corridor in the Senate wing Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today Benjamin Franklin Wednesday Friday ViceJPresident RIVEII SecretaryTreasurer This property is situated on ris sixVfhotelspAlthree of them class tho printing offices two weekly paper The Barrie Herald and The Nor hem Advance ing ground commanding beauti ful and extensive View of the bay shene Orillia pour WALLS Menuhin Editor cannon sue Honour Average Net Paid AiBC Circulation Mdnvhs Ending Man 31 mm the lines the orith and east 0m mmw 3211Sigroiliriadlgisiï¬ggylplortirdn of telegraph offiCealso four placesot mm nor the flourishing town of Barrie smce the 9°1menc9minult public Worship which fodé man COOPER Gwermmdm and is surrounded by park villa Northern Railroad the in ease ï¬the residencesofthe cial and building lots carrier deliver in town too for weeks 3600 you months 3300 months 0150 The main arteries of the north BUISCRIPTIONS PAYAILE IN ADVANCE IY MAIL OUTSIDE outrun 10m 1400 ner in Canada month 1253 months 0125 0500 new outside cued ern country see plan run along side or into it viz the Sunnidaie Nottawasaga and Owen Sound line aw um threats Jam