Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1954, p. 12

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12 TEE panamame may JUNE 11 1954 Mrs Harry Low is Installed President of Barrie Kinettes Review Four Years of History Mrs Harry Lowe was Installed as president of the Barrie Ktnctte Club at its annual dinner meeting in Central United Church Sunday School rooms on Tuesday evening June Installation of officers for 1954 55 was conducted by Mrs lrank Bemrose past president of the club who outlined the duties of each of the officers and wished them good luck in their new post 1105 Each member of the incom ing executive was presented with corsage in the club colors of purple and gold 195455 Executive Officers of the club for 195455 are president Mrs Lowe first vicepresident Mrs Ross Archer second vicepresident Mrs Will iam Jackman secretary Mm Earl Cote troasurerMrs William La Verdierc immediate past presid ent Mrs David Denney registrar Mrs William Murdock bulletir editor Mrs Benny Straughan counsellors Mrs Alvin Eyeiu and Mrs Miller Amos Mrs president of the club who prev sided at the dinner welcomed the members and guests Pine for 200 per cent attendance were presented to Mrs Harry Michie Mrs Bem rose and Mrs Good and for 100 per cent attendance to Mrs Slraughan Mrs Clayton Wilson Denney immediate past ccrs Cockburn of the Barrie District Collegiate institute showed colored slides of various scenes ad vantage Mr Cockburn was introduced by Mrs Lowe and thanked by Mrs Denney who presented him with small gift as token of the groups appreciation The toast to The Queen was proposed by Mrs Denney follow ing the singing of the Kinette song which wu led by Mrs Good at the piano Grace was said byl Mus William Baker Following the dinner Mrs Goodl led in short singsong The minl men of the last meeting were read by Mrs Henry and adopted Mrs Good presented the treasur ers report which had been audi ted and found correct Mrs Archer gave the historians report The Kinetic Club is the womens branch of the Kinsmen Club There are about 20 mem bers The Barrie branch of the Kinetic Club was organized in November 1950 One of the pro Jects which they undertook last year was the running of re freshment stand during Centennial Week and at the Barrie Fail Fair Simcoe County Aquarium Society in Barrie and district illustrating different types of landscaping The Canadian Army Offers You Outstanding Opportunities for Trades Training You may be eligible for one of the many valuable skills and trades offered by the Canadian Army The Army can make you master of the trade in which you are selected experience is an asset but it you can meet the requirements the Army will fully train you in one of its modern Army schools across Canada Here are lost few trodes in which there are immediate Openings Accounting Clerks Electricians Radio Station Operators Telecommunication Mechanics Survieyors Ifocto rs Assistants Dentists Assistants Technical Assistants There is real future for you in the Army with the trodes train ing high rates of pay pension plans free medical and dental care annual leaves and travel To be eligible for this training you must have Grade I0 edu cation Or equivalent be I7 to 40 years of age and be physically fit For full information write or visit the Canadian Army recruit ing centre nearest your home and Mrs Denney by Mus Denney Barrie Scenes Following the regular business meeting and installation of offi llo I3 hound Drool Valli Ilousc Ilia Gulch 51L IliaI tint Ioloplim NW lie tormncl Drool Artillery Put Moi 11ml Kingston Ont Iticpllm 6i tInIdiIo Amy Running Intro 90 lirlnond St Iirolio OILIllephm Eli oIllltoul 116 Ito tutorial bowl Wnlulcy IIIIIdI Orin EliIItnIh 51s tendon Out Iolrylm Mill Mrlmiling tcnlro230 Hill llIIIlorlth OILill tInIdiILmhtmiliw Silica ling mm on Human oI tarpon RITA titru War grandad flit 0wn6r5liip olour Home Have you made sure By GUPIIE The Simcoe County Aquarium Society held its 42nd monthlyi meeting at Community House in Barricon Wednesday June large number of members were present to hear Bill Hankin give an illustrated address on the different species of Mollies This was followed by Fish Quiz for which prize of one pair of Pearl Danios was won by Mr Renaud of Camp Borden An open discussion concerning Mollies and Gouramis regarding breeding and rearing oftheir young was thoroughly enjoyed The monthly Show prize win ncrs were First Donny Hodges with one pair of Red Swords sec Golden ONE OF THE LARGEST Pike ever drawn from the waters of Kempenfelt Bay was made over the weekend when 0nd Jack Lynn with Barbs third David Humphries with Catfish and how they could be used mi MOUNT ST LOUIS Attend Midland Wedding Mr and Mrs Nick fiawley and family and Harold Carver of Welland spent the weekend here and attended the SwalesShells wedding Mr and Mrs Rolly Belanger and family of Selby spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs James Belanger Ralph Twomey attended tea chers mediing at Grenard School on Thursday afternoon Toronto Visitors Mr and Mrs Joseph audet and Michael Mr and MRS 0m Fraw Iey and Brian Mr and Mrs John Rumbali and Jack Mr and Mrs Ernest Burtch Mr and Mrs Bill Burtch of Toronto spent the week end with friends here and at tended the SwalesSheils weddin at Midland Plan Strawberry Festival Mrs William Miller and Mrs Sid Clarke attended WA meet ing at Moonstone on Thursday evening and made plans for the strawberry festival in Moonstone Hall later this month Mr and Mrs Joseph McHugh Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald and also attended the SwalesSheils wed ding at Midland Mrs Jones is visiting friends at Ebenezer Cecile King has returned homo after spending two weeks with friends in Toronto Jeannette King Coliingwood Mr and Mrs John McCulchcon and Karen of Walkerton Richard King and Marian Dawson of Tor onto visited Mr and Mrs Phil King In Midland Hospital Mr and Mrs Murray Todd Bar rie spent the weekend with Thom Bi Rankin W0 door Prize Fowler 14 Mulcaster Street caught this 40inch 14pound which he donated back to the Society for bingo prize Bingo prize winners were Mar barber Mr Fowler stated it was his first catch in these wat ion Dodds pair Clown George Barrand paiiPearl Danios Barbs ers and approximately 30 minutes was needed to land the Mr Blong pair Variegated Platys prize He was casting with sevenpound test line when he The executive is arranging to have speakers of note from other FISII SDCIQIICS IO address the meet Park leaving Bradleys Lunch at mas when the Society reopens 615 pm Those who wish to at tend please contact the president ln September made the strike VITAL ENTRANCE The Straight of Gibraltar gate Two new members were ad at Bradleys Lunch so that arrange way from the Atlantic to the Med mitted to the Society Blong Camp Borden Trites Napier St Barrie The annual wiener roast and sports program will be held on Wednesday June 23 at Innisiil OIIR ORRS HAVE TO BE IIOOO WE BELIEVE SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford SI Ph 5971 that ifyour income was lost to your family your wife wouldnt be forced to sellthc housebecause she payments couldnt afford to keep tip the mortgage Crown Life Mortgage Redemption Policy taken outon your life Will provide your family with sufficient money to pay off the mortgageif on should die before the mortgage has been cleared Guarantee the ownership of your home now Gel in touch with Crown Life rcprcs6ntative He will be glad to explain Policy to you the details of Mortgage Redemption attractroman JACK NIXON lowsu mango POST OFFIQEROX 98BA HANK HOWARD curIII Puvaa 5931 HERES mp VALUE Charles ments may be made for transpor iterranean varies in width from and Mr tatlon PWER iawrvMOWERS Powerful nch ROTARY MOWER ass TRIMMING The lowest price weve seen for In efficient Rotary Power Mower of such exceptionally high calibre The RoleClipper breezes through tpugh or toll tangled grass or weeds cut ting herghts Full 18 safetyenclosed ruior sharp Sickle blade recessed sldewheels for closeup trimmIng Mow forwards or back words Automatic sllpclutch protects motor and mechanism from overload damage Tubular steel flouting type handle with rubber grips cycle 16 llp Clinton motor Handsome red bolted enamel fInIslI EXTRA VALUE rOWEREUL 2CYCLE CLINTON ENGINE curs EORWARDS on BACKWARDS SIMPLE FAST EASY See ourvcompleto llne up of HondMowcrs Rotary and Reel Typo Power Mowers at Canadian Tlroc voluo givmg prices ADI clung canon 93 DUNLo smear WEST Barrie0lit as Todd and visited Mrs Todd who is patient at St Andrews Hospital Midland Playing With Eimvale Mary Berthelolte is playing ball with the Elmvalc team IIIY Banquet Mrs Frawley and Teresa attended the mother and daugh ter HiY banquet at Midland YMCA on Thuusday evening Karl and Nelson Miller attended the Junior Farmer meeting at Jones on Tuesday evening MANSFIELD Mr and Mrs William Bates and family moved ink their new home on Ilhursday Mrs Leonard Hodgson was ablc to return to her home week ago from The Elms Shelburne where She had been convalescing from heart condition Mrs Beaton spent the weekend of May 24 in Buffalo vis iting Mr and Mrs Fallis Arm strong Rev Spéer attended the To ronto Conference of the United beauty off Allandaledock Formerly of Gait and now local Church in North Bay last week Mrs Harry Sawyers with her mother Mrs Hunter motored to Huntsville on Saturday 038 Church Service Members of the Order of the Eastern Star of this district gath ered for divine service at the Pres byterian Church on Sunday after noon Thc Late Mrs Phoebe Greer Mrs Phoebe Greer passed away at the home of herniece Mrs Hart in Toronto on Saturday of last week in her 89th year Her kind ly and cheerful disposition had en deared her to all who knew her and the Presbyterian Church was well filled with relatives and friends forthe funeral services on Tuesday afternoon Gordon Greer Sault Ste Marie attended the funeral of Mrs Greer and spent the remainder of the week with relatives The Late William Sallons William Sallons son of the late Mr and Mrs Richard Sallons pass ed away last week and the funeral was held to Perm Cemetery on Tuesday Willie attended the Mansfield school as boy when the family lived on the filth line Visitor from Barrie Miss Velma Ireland Barrie spent the weekend with her bro Lher Carl and family II it IIEIIIIIIIIIIIS lnstrumentolists Vocalists Have Master Recording of your Artistry made COMPCEIE WEDDIN LEREMON RECORDED Dial 4126 Nights 6539 IEFROY Mrs Susan Reid Stroud Spent last week with her sister Mrs Wil frid Stewart Attended Toronto Conference Wilfrid Stewart spent last week in North Bay attending the Tor onto Conference of the United Church for ministers and laymen Returns To Sunnybrook Jim Reid is again patient in Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto Anniversary Services Anniversary services of Lefroy United Church will be held on Sunday June 13 at 11 am and 730 pm Rev Elmore Brampton of Thornbury will be the speaker male quartet will sing at the morning service and Cockatoon United Church choir in the event ing Everyone welcome Special Speaker At WMB United Church WMS will meet at Mrs Groses on Tuesday June 15 at 230 pm special speaker will be present It is hoped there will be good at tendance NORTHERN VOYAGER Alaska was discovered in 1741 by Vitus Bering Danish naviga tor employed by Russia SAVES CLIMBING The worlds first mountainside cog railway opened at Mount Wash Ington in New Hampshire in 1869 8qu peulumawc Show pERMASTONE FRIIIICIIISERVRIIRRIE FOR BRRRIE RREII To man Interested in establishing business with up usual sales and Income potentialities in the building field we have available the franchise for marketing Perma Stone throughout the Barrie area PermaStone is the original structural stone facing which has been used and endored by thousands of property owners in the United States and Canada for more than 25 years Mail your application to the address below giving full particulars as to background experience and other quali fications arrangements will be made for an interview PERMllSIONE OI ONTARIO IIMIIIIO IBIZ YONGE ST TORONTO RETAIL AND WHOLESALE IOBBERS FOR Scarte Paints VIrrlm Innilvlls Wu The sARIEANT Co MARY STREET PHONE 2461 VIrmshes Pumls MPANY Limited BARRIE Re Fis Pa 1W finest trim companion Geld Label Outside White is Scarfea land Tijellis paint It is ayailable in wide range of pleasing shades to add the desired colour emphasis to Shllttors lows sash and elsewhere 5cm co LIMITED EXTERIOR WOODWORK Here is wonderful new exterior paint that STAYS WHITE Label Outside White most surfaces with ONE farther1asts longer Scarfes Gold effectively covers COAT it goes flows more evenly Be sure you get the BEST insist upon Scarfes Gold Label outside White Lock for the bright gold label and the famous Scarfe oval trademark oIIANTroItD Vurnishes Points nomel IIlux oNTAIIIo HOUSE OF HITS TONIGHT SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 p111 MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER NOW ON OUR WIDEVISION SCREEN COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF HIS GAME IS FANCY WOMEN HIS FATE IS LADY LUCK The fabulous story of lusty loving gambling mamwhoso life was reckless adventure from St Louis to New Orleans iTYRONE POWER PER lAURlE JUlIAADAMS IssrsSi 131 fgfimncpn Ian IIcIIIIIIITIIIIIIIII allows an cIvIIIIunaIIIwancI PLUS CARTOON FOX NEWS COMMENCES MONDAY NOW GREATER THAN EVER ON OUR WIDEVISION SCREEN GMI lptclulc OI Sweeping mmliou and lumpluoul mléuilicmcc well bu nova ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORLQS Wig No ADVANCE MEI USIINOV IN ADMISSION PRICES PLEASE NOTE STARTING TIMES EVENING SHOWSAT O9 BOX OFFICEOENS¢530pm MW TONIGHT ATURDAY ACTION PA KED HITS CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm HIS RAGE Too VIOLENT HIS LOVETOO DEEP HIS HATETOO HOT KIRK DOUGLAS the in Indy ransom new macaw 2ND ADDED HITl cowuau rIcwaEs presents lllHNlll ROOTING vooooo VEIIGIAIICII 00000 WEISSMIIIIER JUNGLE IIM PLUS WARNERS NEWS STARTS TEIIISIHE srru vannI IILIOIlIllItE our TIL 91 Ran tum lflllllllllillljllllllillRlPllllltltti Illllllll llSlllllllll nunnoo llllit STERLING GENE PHYLLIS HAYDEN NELSON KIRK Ill CRIME WAVE NEARle TUNE IN cIcIsa AT 540 DAILY FOR MOWELMERRYGOROUND aw menialm FRIDAY JUNE II I954 Memorial Cairn in Memory of Sir Frederick Bahting AT ALLISTON and District High School June 13 there will be unveiled cairn to Sir Frederick Banting who was born near Alliston in Essa Township Erécted jointly by the County of Simcoe and teelewnrot Shun sit FledéTiEknOrant Banting LLD born in Essa Township Nov 14 1891 Foremost Canadian medical scientist of his time codiscoverér of leader in research of the diseases of man kind While he died in Newfoundland on February 21 1941 flying vital medical memorial insulin and ipalities SectiOn 3Poges l3 to IE Suspended From Driving After Speeding Charge plea that foreignmade Sports cars are safe for the occupant at defence information to England he lives on in the hearts of diabetics and in the minds of scientists the world over Un veiling the memorial and speaking at the ceremony will be Dr MacFarlane EA 12h 1a uereadst FRC Deanof the Faculty of Medicine REUTERSETKTUriiiiifiSify of TOronto who was personal friend and associate on the university staff of the late Sir Frederick Banting This is the first of series of memorial markers being erected throughout Simcoe County by the county council and various munic Pholo by Andrews Alllslon NO BIDS MADE ON Sunnidale Corners Changes Named VESSEIS UP FOR PUBLIC AUCTION No bids werereceived yesterday at Midland when two ships one of which has sailed Georgian Bay waiters I01W€Il over half cen tury were put up for public auc lion Due to be auctioned off at Mid land Boat Works were the Mid land City the City of Dover and scow the GET No Built in the British Isles in 1887 and brought to Canada in sections where it was first named the Maud the Midland City has transported thousands of tourists to points up the shore and to Par ly Sound In the winter of 189445 the Maud was rebuilt and lengthened and rechrisrtened the America Lt cruised the St Dawrence for some years under this name It was sold to Canada Steam ship Lincs who later sold it to the Georgian Bay TouriSt Co Ltd The latterfiirm modernized it and in stalled diesel engines and put it into service as the Midland City The Doverg also popular with summer visitors was built at Port Dover on Bake Erie in 1916 PAWNBIIOKERS SIGN Legend transformed the three purses of gold St Nicholas gener ously gave away into the three golden balls which Lombardy money lenders adopted as theirl sign and which hang over pawn shopsthe world over today Bob Hunter His Band EVERY EIII SIII llllli Reservations Phone 6292 IIIIIIErerIIIIT Boat leaves Bayfleid St Dock every nltel 01111830 on Community Sympathy The sincere sympathy of this communityvgocs out to the family of the late Mrs Lockie Macmilan Fergus nee Cassie Burkholcler Several from this community at tended the funeral In Acton on Saturday Deepest sympathy is also ex tended to the family and relatives of Miss Mary Forgic who died in Toronto hospital on Sunday Wish Speedy Recovery Sorry to report Mrs Catherine Wiggins in the General and Marine Hospital Coilingwood We all wish her speedy recovery Afternoon Tea Several of the women from Zion Presbyterian Church attended an afternoon tea film and talk by Rev Mr Cooper at Crossland church as guests of KnoxChurch Ladies Aid Visit Parents Of Ministerial Toronto conference Ministerial changes announced at Toronto Conference of the Uni ted Church last week at North Bay included the following An gus Rev Hunter Smooth Rock Falls Barrie Central Rev Brenn London Conference Guthrie Rev Warr McKellar New Lowell to be supplied Stroud Rev Wanless Temiskaming Presbytery Thorn 100 Rev Fraser Massey Toronto Centre Presbytery Aur ora Rev Morris Slroud and Lefroy Toronto West Presbytery Hum bercrest Rev Montreal Ministers still to be settled Rev Bunt Temiskaming and Toronto spent the weekend Jim and EdvMartin of Oakville with their parents here IACKPOT $210 Bingo ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Monday June 14 8pm Proceed for the Cancer Polio Tuberculosis ma CARDS 35o BARRIE CITIZENSEAND SPECIAL GAMES of $10 per gun Irlri Irrm APPLIANCE ORR postponisrl from May due to conditions beyond the control of the band WILL BE MADE llli JUNE 13 at 9am AT POST OFFICE SQUARE TONIGHT FRI JUNE I8 739pm THE BANDWILLJDEAVE THE MARKET BUILDING AT 730 SQUARE pm parade along Dunlop St to Toronto St North to Ross and Collier Stsreturning down0wen St to Post Office Square NUMBER OF SELECTIONS WILL BE PLAYED AT THE Tickets will be availablci on both nights or from anybandvmembert crauu mswwam Iv speeds up to 100 mph did not stand up in magistrates court at Bradford on Tuesday Magistrate Gordon Foster fined Bruce Johnson 28 of Toronto 375 and costs and cancelled his license for three months when Johnson pleaded guilty tocareless driving Dangerous driving and speeding charges were withdrawn OPP Corp Pat Poland said he chased Johnson south on the Barrie highway and Johnsons sports car pulled away while the cruiser was doing 80 mph Poland radioed for roadblock which finally stopped the speed ing car he said James Ferguson Toronto spe cialist in sports cars and wit ness for JohnSOn saidthe model Johnson was driving had been clocked at an average speed of 104 mph for 24 hours He said the car had Special safety tires and was considered safe for the oc cupant at that speed He said that at 85 the car was far safer than standard cars Is it safe for the general public in other cars using the highway asked the magistrate cant say that Ferguson replied This is the type of offence we have to stop Id suggest that if you want to race you do it on racetrack where speed is tolerat ed Magistrate Foster said Johnsons request for oneday postponement of the license sas pension so he could drive his car home was refused Emery Engineering Recéive Contract For School Addition Only final approval on the out line costs of the new eightroom Regent Park public school and the fiveroom addition to the Mount Slaven school is needed from the Department of Education in Temp to before the Oriilia Public School Board can go ahead with the pro ject The town of Orillia will also be advised of the action of the Board At1 its monthly meeting the Public School Board awarded the contract for the new schooland addition to the Emery Engineering 8r Construction Company of Bar rie whose tender for the job totalled $244594 This amount is subject to approval of the Depart ment of Education and the Mun icipal Board It was decided that Gibson inspector for public schools in this area would obtain final appr val from the Department of Educa ion for grant purposes for this expend iture plus architect fees equip INSURANCE AGENCY 49 DJNLOIJ St DAlillll 7o DIAL 4427 If IO 90 magi glEFIaECl Ernest Long Robert Stack and Keith Larsen in an exciting scene from the film spectacle War Paint NOW PLAYING at the IMPERIAL THEATRE through United Artists release Picture was filmed in PallIc color 0N SAME PROGRAM Plantation Melodies and Cartoon ment and contingencies breakdown of the figures on which Orillia Boani is seeking approval is as follows Emery En gineering and Construction Comp any $244594 architect ices $14 674 equipment landscaping and contingencies $36900 giving to tal of $296169 Also added to this is the cost of the land for Sim coc street extension which comes to $1320 and gives an overall total of 3297489 Ten construction and contracting companies submitted tenders for the new school and addition The highest tender submitted was for $302437 Tentative approval by the Depart ment of Education in Toronto has been given for grant purposed of $100000 on the Mount Slaven addi tions and $160000 for the new Regent Park school Final approval from the Depart ment is expected in week at which time the building projects can begin It is almost six months since the last municipal election when the GREAT INDUSTRY Oil represented 15 per cent of Canadas lotal mineral production in 1953 compared with 11 per cent in 1952 NARROW WATERS Okanagan Lake in British Col umbia centre of rich fruitgrow lng area Ls 69 miles long and miles wide ARE YOU FULLY COVERED Lady without Proper SURANCE for home improve Building your bank balance might tumble II III STEVENSON IIISIIIIIIIIcE See Us FIRST For voters in town were asked their approval on the two publicschool projects which are about to get underway Insurance of ALL KINDS 95 Dunlop St Phone 5201 Located Just south of Barrio on Concession 14 between highway11 and highway 400 TONIGHT SAT JUNE IIIZ STREETS OF IRREOO com MON IT TUES UORNEL WILDE snows MacDONALD CAREY MONA FREEMAN JUNE l4I5 HT SWOan POINT MAUREEN OHARA NIGHTLY IIIITIEE To EIIIIEIITS IIIISIIIIIII TIIEIII EIIIInIIEII The Barrie Recreation committee Til IIIIIricIrIIrEIII PIIIYIIIIOIIIIII SWIMMINOPIIOIIIIIIIIIS desires toacquaint parents with their plans and to obtain approval where necessary 45enior playgrounds are St Vincents Gunn Street Shear ParkfiQueens Park junior playgrounds are Nelson Square Soroptimists Bruckelnnisfil Parks Play grounds will operate between am and 430 pm ModTn July 510 Aug 20 There will be swimming at 010 383011 Whicb will cost 10c per trip per child There will also be day camps of Oro Beach where children can spend day in the country under sup crvision and take their own 11inch circular giving full details tqutbeTwith aCertificate of Vipermission should be handed to parents bytbeir children Ifthis has not been done please c6mplete the certificate hereunder and forward to lbcflIinclpal ofthe Schoolconcerned notlater than Wed one 16 This is to eellay that irvo Burma RECREATIONOUMMITTER Phone wii be supeuvlsed byoompetentrleaders committee ofanyiiabillty case

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