TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 19545 Indians Trounce Terriers 93 Midland Indians scored their first win of the North Simone Base ball League season last night when they trounced Oriilia Terriers 93 at Midland SOFTBALL The indians ran roughshod over Ment Senior righthander Ron Johnstone in the TONIGHTMinesmfl 3i REID second for seven runs and added Queens two more in the third inning THURSDAYRCAF COB Youthful Johnny Lizotte got the QUQGDS win over the Terriers but needed FRIDAYLegion CGE relief in the seventh from Jack QueenS Hendrickson who blazed three in Bradford at Fennells nings of hitless ball Edgar at Mincsmg GUTHRIE Mrs Hawkins attended the graduation of Miss Helen Hawkins at Oshawa General Hospital last Friday Ladiea IONIGHTElmvalc at Edgar THURSDAYOrillia at New market Vespn Junior FRIDAYCraighurét at Mincsing Midhurst at Anten Mills Grenfel at Edenvale East Simcoc Communion Service FRIDAYVictoria Harbor at Cold The Sacrament of The Lords water Supper will be dispensed at 230 Warminstcr at Sturgeon pm on June 20 in the United Bay Church herc BASEBALL North Slmcoc TONIGHTCrecmore at Orillla FRIDAYwBarrie at Cteeiiiéro South Simcoe TONIGHTAlliston at Barric Agr Park Bccton at Bolton THURSDAYBarrie French Mot ors at New Lowell IVy at Everett FRIDAYThornton at Stroud Churchill at Lisle Barrie at Newmarkct Bolton at Berton Palgrave at Alliston LACROSSE liiUItSDAYBrooklin family visited at Sheldon Waik crs at Sharon last Sunday Home From Hospital Glad to report that Morley Campbell who has been patient in Barrie hospital is home again Mr and Mrs BcrtCrawiord and Lynn of Aidcrwood were week end guests with Mr and Mrs Newton Bossc Alberta Visitors Mr and Mrs Alex Wattic mot orcd from Edmonton and are vis iting Mr nnd Mrs Robert Cald wcli WA llnn Congregational Social at Ormia On Wednesday June the WA 830 met in the Sunday School room of FRIDAYBradf0rd at Alliston the United Church with good 830 attendance Mrs Ewen Caldwell SATURDAYOrillia at Bradford was in the chair Plans were 900 made for congregational social Alliston at Brooklin evening at Mr and Mrs Howard 845 Campbells on Friday June 11 Mrs Gordon Clark conducted the and Service Mrs Gray road the Scripture lesson Mrs Jamieson introduced the speak er Mrs Jory of Barrio who is the WA Ptcsbytciial president She took as her thcmcAnd Jesus increased in Wisdom and Stature and in Favor With God and SOFTBALL Man She gave many highlights Mens Senior oi the Dominion Conference and encouraged her listeners to more It Legion Edgar Mincsing Central United Church Barrie At go Ed GE the conclusion delicious cold Om luncheon was served South Simone pig BIG ISLAND RCAF The Island of Madaaascar off Bradford ii the African east coast fave 241 LETS FACE lT here Is your last great chance to save YES Head Office has ordered us to clear the Fennells 000 square miles rocksoi every Dress Suit Coat Blouse Skirt etc Come In JOIN THE GROUPS OF SMlLING FACES seen Monday HUGE ANIMALS Bradford 10 RCAF Alaolth barrwn blfars and 153038 it every day in our store BASEBALL asta ave een recor North Simcoe Barrio Creemorc Orillia Midland Last Night Midland Orillia South Slmcoc South Division Barrie Beeton Alliston Newmarkct Bolton Palgrave Monday Newmarket 10 Palgrave MUSICAL MEASURE The metronome used for ticking off musical beats was invented by Johann Maclzel of Germany in 1814 For Further Information PARRIE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE GREAT TIDES Tides rise to height of 70 feet in the Bay of Fundy separating New Brunswick from Nova Scotia Painting the outside at your home not only fresh ens your outlook but also helps preserve its value Its easy when you use the right equipment and smooth flowing paints Come intoday and choose from our large selection Sunworlhy and Sunleslcd WALLPAPERS OF NEW PATTERNS AND COLORS OAS may surrLtiiS morons MIRRORS az Dunlap st on yuti4123 44 Mr and Mrs Bertram and dcvotional period on Stewardship weighing more than 1600 pounds Phone 3305 none 3270 DON MESSER AND HIS iSLANDERS PLAY AT ARENA Don Memer and His islanders will play at special oidtyme and modern dance jamboree to be acid in the Barrie Arena tomorrow night commencing at oclock and continuing until am has been drawing large crowds during its tour across the country is already wellknown to Barrie audiences Featured vocalist will be lovely Marge Osborne who was recently voted as the Golden Voice of the Maritimes Also taking part will be Charlie Chamberlain the jovial singing lslander who can always be relied on to introduce several new novelty numbers The islanders noted from coast to coast as one of the most popu lar bands on the airwaves today broadcast weekly programs from The Friendly Voice of the Mari times and these programs are must with people throughout the dominion ANGUS Decoration Day Remember Decoration Day Sun day afternoon June 13 at Angus Union Cemetery Mrs Arthur Duckworth and daughter Judith spent week in Aurora with Mrs Chester Ken nedy Richard Duckworth spent the weekend in Aurora Mrs Ila Flatten and son of To ronto spent Sunday with her bro ther Garnet Woolsey 0n Course At Aylmor RCA Cpl Morris Gyscl of RCAF rc This musical combination which EDENVALE Rev Ross Cumming Goldwater will be in charge of the services here next Sunday morning Rev Veals will conduct anniver sary services at Coldwater Mr and Mrs Charles Grigg Al lenwood visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cecil Ward Fine Performance Congratulations to our school pupils and teachers for their very fine performance in the Winter Scene at the music festival in Barrie At United Church Conference Ward Goodfellow attended the Toronto Conference at North Bay last week number of ladies attended the 50th anniversary of Minesing Wo mens Institute last Thursday Womens Association The Womens Association held their June meeting at Mrs Gif fens with an attendance of 13 members The president Mrs Giffen presided Plans were made turned home from Portage la Prairie Manitoba for the week end and is now stationed at Ayl mcr on course for three weeks Mrs Alicc Vrisschie and daugh the Mr tcr Dianne of Barrie spent weekend with her parents and Mrs Peter Gyscl Mr and Mrs Allan Dean To ronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hammond Jack Croft Brockvillc is visit ing his soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs John Duckworth Return Home To Timmlns Mrs Archie Simpson and daugh ters returned home to Timinins after visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs Walter McMackon VsrREErvyw DiaIgti15195 Manufacturers Clearance Smartly tailored suits in cool Summer material Fully lined all sizes Regular 3998 WE CLEAR THEM AT BETTER COATS These are the sample coats made to sell from 2998 to 6998 All colors and sizes 15 13 ALLéW ISEDUNLOP UITS BETTER QUALITY SHORTIE COATS Thcy are ideal for wearingon cool Summer Evenings Regular values to 4998PIIICED TO CLEAR 1500 2000 Guaranteed water proof smartly styled for year lound wearing Regular value 3998 to 4998 TO CLEAR 1500a20oo wvsamoos Womens Institute Womens institute met at Mrs Woodrow McConneils Wednesday afternoon with 18 members pres ent Meeting opened in the usual way Roll call was answered by naming foreign country we would like to visit and why splendid reading on Citizenship and Education was given by Mrs Curry who also gave report of the district annual at Parkside Midland Mrs Eakley gave report on the plans for the new community hall Plans were made for picnic at Little Lake Park Midland in the latter part of June Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Collins and Mrs Eakley Visitors Here and There Mr and Mrs Forrester and for serving at the Atkinson re union on June and assisting with the Wardens picnic on June 16 Mrs Goodfcllow gave report of the Presbyterial in Barrie Mrs IL Rupert conducted missionary program Scripture reading was Psalm 96 Mrs Maw read paper on Its Great to be Can adian and Mrs Dickinson had reading Christians Around the World Mrs Gitfcn gave an explanation of The Colombo Plan Mrs Rupert conducted Bible contest The meeting closed with Hymn 384 and benediction Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Sage At Funeral In Sudbury Joseph Bowman attended the funeral of his brotherinlaw Wal ter McMillan at Sudbury number from here attended the Atkinson reunion at Midhurst on Saturday crisp cool Summer Dresses TO CLEAR Look limb other items LastC SPECIAL PURCHASE DRESSES All samples of regular 1998 line of 09 Blouses Skirts Dresses Staies etc Many 33 family Toronto visited the lat ters parents Mr and Mrs Ridout over the weekend Cater For Wedding Dinner The WI catered to wedding dinner Saturday at Parkside Mn and Mrs Charles Hounsome and son motoredto Port Dalhousie Royal Canadian Armler to visit their son Albert his wife and family Over the weekend May Pagan and John Pagan Barrie visited their parents on Sunday Convalesclng With Parents convalescing at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Ellery after recent operation John Rankin Pcnetang was the weekned few days in Huntsville Mr and Mrs Reid Hillsdale visited the latters mother on Sat urday At Mlncslng WI Jubilee Mrs McClung attended the Mincsing WI golden jubilee on Thursday MANU its Orders From HeudOliice To ETTER suns Only one of kind Hand tailored All the new Spring shades Regular 2998 to 7998 19910 499 Better Dresses New styles in Cotton Shantung Silks Linens for that cool Summer iook 4Sth AT REGT Mrs CITownesi 01 Eimvaie is Clark Barrie Headquarters of the with his grandmother here over Regiment Mr and Mrs McClung spent from July 24 t0 31 fIRST NEGRO SLAVE First Negro slave in America was TO PETAWAWA m0 JULY 17 TO 24 among exports of the Gold Coast colony in West Africa 1950 CHIN lion Bob Chassis Good tires motor in good running condition 49500 Buy With Conï¬dence At Dangerï¬eld Motors LIMITED Slmcoc Countys Largest Car Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 BRADFORD ST Bill 4981 Ft The 45th AntiTank Regiment Re serve will be in summer camp at Petawawa from July 17 to 24 it was announced today by Cen tral Command Army HQ Oakville Commanding officer is LtCol Candler of Meaford and the secondincommand is Major regiment is now located in Owen Sound Barrie Armoury has the 135th Battery commanded by Capt Hook The 55th Light AntiAircraft with headquarters at Midland goes to camp at Picton FINE CAMELS The best camels in Arabia are bred in the sultanatc of Muscat and Oman in the southeast Arab ian peninsula CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE 241 SECURITY Ask our representative in your community to tell you about our Family Security Plan FACIEURERSLIFE iNSURANCE COMPANY for your family if you die for your own retirement SUMMER DRESSES All the new Summer arrivals You will want or at lcse low prices Regular 1998 to 3998 s5310 s15 BLOUSES Regular 598 to 898 nor may GO 253° SKIRTS A11 ncwcuctJmber cool Sum mer Skirts and piece outfits Regular 998 to 1498 OUR PRICE 583