Taarff memer new my 31 1953 THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY ï¬PW Is There Con buckled floor in an older caipets linoleums or asphalt tile if house is quickly made perfectly Douglas fir plywood panels are aplt In YOUI Smooth and level for placing of plied underlay ï¬r wcrla can is mar who mak storage of frequently used items The smaller curve can be ascer tained by keeping your elbow close to your side and rotating your forearm The pans dishes and supplies mm ML used be harborzng such character in day should be kept within this 37 5M hlmcs km ll Ye elb0w Circle cording to the Canadnn instituth iof Plumbing and Healing large work Surface mmensmns ercentage of Canadian hOllStS do slave can lurking In the base The proper counter depth can intent Cabinet dimensions should be considered as carefully as counter surface and sink heights given in last weeks articletand the fol lowing dimensions and illustra tions should prove of assistance to planners of ideal farm kitchens Overhead Cupboard Dimensions For clear visibility and easy es his living by taking money ur oer false pretenses in other words confidence trickster Seen5 hard In the vernacular of the notion ly likely that many of us would access kitchen equipment Should be stored one row deep and one stack high This method of stor be determined by drawing circlcst This one takes money every win tier under the false pretense of keiping the house conifsiiiabie In word heating system that burns up large quantities of fuel and in return gives only limited and spor adic warmth Many years ago this was all we asked of heating system You put fuel on one end usually by hand and heat came out the other It came in fits and starts mayoc and at irregular temperatures but generally speaking it kept the house warm and thats all that was expected of it But today we demand somewhat more The keynote is no longer just warmth Now we want comfort and at todays price of fuel we want it as efficiently as possible Waste through periods of excessive high temperatures im properly insulated piping or old fashioned heating plants will no longer be tolerated So the Institute suggests that you check up right now before the NHA SMALL HOUSE DESIGNS The interior layout of this new bun va low design leaves little to be desired families for which two bedrooms are sufficient Architect Bruce Buteman of Toronto has used series of five living room windows and an iron rail along the verandah to give the exterior an attractive appearance The windows also ensure bright and airy living room which features ï¬replace with tile hearth and is well planned for furniture arrangement The kitchen is of ample dimensions allowing space for serving meals The rear entrance leads directly to the base ment and is handy to the kitchen Good Hle6 Roo closet space has been provided in both 96x28 peed SAVE MONEY WITH AND via41 13 eï¬oroeM l28 X9 at comfortable work height While standing erect at the table draw large circle with the arm straight out from the shoul der then draw small circle lb with the elbow close to the side The larger circle indicates the proper depth for counter if the housewife stands at her work The age requires shelf depths that will fit the objects stored It is neces sary that the storage heights and depths be kept within womans functional reach There are two reach curves the larger curve de termines the highest and lowest points of reach the smaller curve determines the comfortable limits Quality Concrete from NIXON BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED 153 Tiffin Street Phone 3890 Your car deserves good housing of the normal working area To find the first curve allow your arm to swing freely from the shoulder bend your fingers as if reaching for cup and swing your arm in big circle Measure the highest point of the circle above your head and the lowest point smaller circle indicates the most comfortable depth of counter for the housewife if she is seated while working The normal work curve for the woman of average height shows that counters need to be only 16 heating system is off for the sum mer to find out if it Is cheating you The first points to bear in mind are health and comfort system that delivers heat at tem peratures varying more than few degrees over 12hour period is not providing properly for either bedrooms while alinen closet is adjacent to the bathroom The total floor area of the house is 871 square feet while the es by 23 feet four inches Exterior dimensions are 39 feet 10 inch us Design 129 may be obtained from ubic measurement is 18000 cubic feet Working drawings for the house known Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost of Fir Plywood To guard against possible blister Open shelves in kitchen utility ing and peeling caused by moisture room or bathroom can easily be creeping behind paint iilmnon ï¬r dressed up with permanent Doug No washdny aid perhaps is of plyWOOd used on exteriors seal all las ï¬r plywood edges cut to de morc use throughout the rest of edges with paint or better still sired design and painted to match the week than the clothes hamper Simple as box convenient as with white lead paste the room third hand the easytobuild Doug las fir plywood hamper shown here fits neatly into either the bathroom or utility area Front and side panels are of 11 inch fir plywood Holes for air should be spaced in the liinch hinged top Bottom should be of heavier 2Ainch plywood to give stability The frame of ikxé inch strips can be assembled with nails or use screws The panels and quarterround corners are sim deep However most counters are built 24 deep in order to comply with the standards of manufactur ed equipment and appliances This gives an additional depth of of storage space for dishes and stip as your hand comes back to your side The top of the circle will be the height of the highest shelf which you can easily reach The bottom of the circle shows where the lowest shelf should be for the on table which has been fixed Keep temperature record for twoweek period then analyse it to see whether or not you are get ting value for your heating dollar Check to see if temperatures differ considerably not only from hour to hour but between one room and another Sudden changes in tem pcrature can lead to coughs and colds in seasons when they are likely to occur Where there are periods of ab normally higli temperatures it means good deal more than just waste of fuel Cold air that is air at normal winter temperatures holds relatively little moisture When this air is overheated by your heating system it becomes very dry indeed unless it has been artificially moistened or condi tioned In this way excessively high temperatures cause the hot dry atmosphere so common in many houses during the winter This al so leads to parched feeling in the nose and throat that is not only un comfortable but according to many medical authorities detrimental to health as well Then what about efficiency This is not only matter of how much heat the system gives in return for dollars worth of fuel Re member that your heating system is supposed to be your servant In many households the reverse is the case The fabled jinnd was never more slave to the lamp than some men are to that mon ster in the basement Iits fetch and carry stoke and clean all through the dreary winter months on top of this the system is gobbling up fuel without giving adeduate returns in terms of com fort then it is con in no Tin3 certain manner Any plumbing and heating contractor can give an estimate of howmuch fuel it should take for modern heating plant to keep house at comfort able ï¬temperature Compare this figure with the present fuel con sumption It may be very en lightening And in making the comparison dont forget to weigh in the hours of drudgery that the new plant will save And finally take good look at the basement itself Here is valu able space that can be converted to dozen and one useful purposes once clean compact easytoser vice heating plant trees it from the dirt and untidyness that nor mally go with oldfashioned heat mg plants new plant either partitibned off in its own enclos ure or located where it can be part of the ï¬urniture of the new basement is the first step toward Your home deserves an attractive serviceable garage LOOK AT THIS BUILDING AND FIND OUT Mi Open shelves in kitohem utility room or bathroom can easily be dressed up with permanent Doug las fir plywood edges cut to desir ed design and painted to match the ilarly attached The partition of the fir plywoad hamper cant be in stalled using small triangular strips to hold it in place room IMPORTANT NOTICE TheSimcoe Lumber Co have sold the business to THE BEAVER LUMBER Co LIMITED AS OF MONDAY MAY 311954 SOME GUIDES To Goon HOUSE CONSTRUCTION HOW MUCH YOU CAN SAVE ON THIS BALL PLANING MILL Precut Garage with the revolutionary 1953 Berry fillSteel Garage lloor EVERYTHING SUPPLIED When you purchase Ball Planing Mill ProCut Garage you get everything to complete the garage You are supplied with aliberal quantity of nails and also sufficient high quality paint for both primer and finishing coat and you have widerange of colors from which to choose clean and convenient recreation room for the whole family An investigation carried out with these points in mind will soon show if there is con in your hourse You just need to get the facts maiam ELECTRIcAL APPLIANCE REPAIRS House Wiring and Landscaping is necessary part of new house It provides an at tractive setting for the house in creases itihe value of the property and makes comfortable and con venient outdoor living possible We take this opportunity of thanking our many friends and customers for their patronage and support during the past 14 years and feelsure that the Beaver Lumber Co Ltd will carry on the traditions of good service and good lumber always practised by us Theproper arnangement of flow ers and shrubs can lend eye appeal to home and garden and express the individual character and tastes of the family owning it Certain basic plantings are needed many small propertytrees for shade flowering shrubs for backgnound seasonal flowers for that extra touch of color and evergreens for both appearance and protection from winter winds Of course the actual landscaping pattern will de pend on cost individual wishes and tube surface features of the pro perty Accounts receivable up to and including May 29 should be paid to Simcoe Lumber Co at this address Power Installations CALL us NOW AND INQUIRE ABOUT ce OUR EASY TERMSAND LOW PRICES For Promp ervx dash of color in autumn The weeping willow and tlhe smallleaf European linden are ideal for moist locations Evergreens aside from providing color and wind protec tion in winter will also give shade in the summer Pick Up and Deliv good longterm landscaping plan will allow you to develop your IN property from season to season Mb keeping with what you can afford The first step is to decide how EVERYTHlNGiN LUMBER much foliage is needed for shade iHONE 2496 BRRRIE large maple will provide Iprotec tion from the sun in summer and ery DIAL 3880 SOUTHWIIOII ELECTRIC 11 Victoria St Barrie The entrance to your house may be used asthe focal point in plan ning the front area Neat low growing shrubs on each side of the doorway suggest orderliness and they help to break tlhe straight lines of the house 56 ELLEN ST LL81 Iron Fireman can help you sell homes Iron Firemans Model 86 OilFurnace gives homeowners the kind of heating comfort they prefer at price you can afford The Model86 Furnace winter aircondi tions the hemecleaning Warming and circulating the air for solid winter room fort on the coldest days Compact modern and economical to operate the Iron Fireman Model 86 is specially designed for the lowcost home market Put extra sales appeal into the homes you buildinstall Iron Firemans Model86 Oil Furnacethe furnace home owners prefer Iran Fireman Model 86 FUrnace can be readily converted to gasfiring without any loss of efficiency PLIIMBING RMHEHVIIND DUnlopiSl west Exam Phone3770 Open tiurzf areas in front and rear are increasing in popularity owing to their case of maintenance Flowering shnubs such as mock orange northern bay berry com moti punple lilac and spirea are the ideal types to meet border layout problems BILDER CLARKETLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT You can do professional refinishing job with our complete easytouse Clarke Rental Equipment Save time and money and give your floors new beauty and lustre we furnish all equipment materials and complete ihstruotlons Our Quick drying floor en amelu wont let anybody starve in comer and whats more its long wearing toughness will take lot of guffL floor enamel that will wear like iron and be beautiful too What more can you ask 01in RENTALPLAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED ITS EASY To BEAUTIFY moss enormous IF You no IT vouusum wrru CLARKE FLOOR SANDING EQUIPMENT Hello Lumber Company How long does it take your floor enamel tordry pigdungeoniREsERVATIoNsTo trt Drive out of town for quicker service hi phone collect Stroud 56R22 l5 Ellis sIIEIITII liluiled PAlNSWJCK South of Barrie out llyvylio 11