BARBIE WEDNESDAY MAY 19 1954 HELP WANTED lNNISFlL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO Teacher required for Killyleagh School all grades south east of Thornton commencing Sept Apply giving qualiï¬cations experi ence salary expected religion name of last Inspector etc to Lougheed Secretary Painswick Ont l5658 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEPER MALE OR FEMALE Capable of handling complete set of books Required by prominent Barrie ï¬rm Usual employee ben cliLs Pleasant working conditions APPLY BOX The Barrie Examiner 15758 WOULD YOU LIKE CHANCE TO BECOME AN EXECUTIVE WOULD CAREER WITH NATIONAL FINANCE ORGANIZATION INTEREST YOU Vacancy For Assistant Manager Barrie WE OFFER 8264 starting salary including car allow Ince REGULAR salary increases FREE life insurance voluntary rroun ln surance plan and unusual thrift cluh savings plan PERMANENT position PROMOTION dependent an ability QUALIFICATIONS SINGLE or married are 1826 matriculation or better IMPRESSIVE appearance mentally alert ability to meet public CAR essential Junior Apply or Phone for Appointment Personal Finance COMPANY OF CANADA 15 Bayfleld St Barrie 15789 PROTESTANT Housekeeper to look after invalid Husband and wife To live in Phone 4527 15759 PARTTime Waitress and part timc cook wanted Graves Restaur ant 305 Bayï¬cld St 15859 MAN 0R Woman to clean down town office Must be reliable Ap ron SALE GRAVEL FlLL AND TOP SOIL IRACIOR LOADING Septic Tanks Pumped DENNIS MORAN PHONE 2907 BARBIE 7451 THREEAIDSIOA HAPPY HOME Available at one addreu OFILTER QUEEN HEAUIH UNIT The finest Home Sanitation System OJUNO FLOOR POLISHER OELNA The Sewing Machine of the century PHONE BARRIE 3482 For information and demonstra tions ROY TRACY 87 Maple Avenue 713tf FARM FRESH fruits vegetables fowl poultry honey eggs home baking At Competitive Prices FARMERS MARKET 36 Mulcaster St Barrie at the Market Square EVERY SATURDAY am to pm 72362 ROBINSON HARDWARE USED l8 ROTARY POWER MOWERS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Smarts RotaChief $0000 Vollroth Junior MoAll $5500 Maxwell RotaCut $3500 no 3m lst ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIALS THIS WEEK CLARKS HOME FURNlSHlNGS pce Chesterfields REGULAR $27900 $19900 Simmons Mattresses REGULAR $5995 $3995 Space Saver Davenports REGULAR $0450 $4995 Axminster Mats $495 each Plastic Window Shades CREAM ONLY $149 each LazBoy Chairs $7950 Axminster Rugs SIZE $4950 Lamps IDEAL FOR WEDDING GIFTS from $395 CLARKS ply Box 16 Barrie Examiner 158 Eureka 20 cut Reel Type COOK experienced References Start June 22 Two adults Other help kept Write 105 Aberdeen Ave Hamilton Ont 15860 THOROUGHLY experienced alter ation lady Must be intelligent and able to assist in selling dresses Apply Miss Kent phone 5195 gt 175859 50 to live in comfortable home2 children references 263 Chaplin Crescent Toronto HU 931851 58 HOUSEKEEPER modern cottage all conveniences Big Bay Point Small adult family July and Aug ust References Good wages Phone Stroud 31r12 during this weelkerï¬ifcii59 EXPERIENCED Crew Manager capable of securing own team of salesman and canvassers for very substantial company manufactur ing aluminumTriple Track self storing storm windows and doors Salary commission and expenses to proven producer Write Stor master of Canada Ltd 18 Eaton Ave Toronto Ont 15860 FARM Help wanted married man experienced and capable in dairy farm work to assist on large fully mechanized farm having large Guernsey herd on ROP near Toronto Year round employment Free house hydro milk summer firewood and garden Apply stat ing age experience number in family and wages expected to McCleary Edgeley Ontiirig7 62 POSITIONS WANTED HAIRDRESSER fiill or part time Phone 6417 25459 PLASTERERS Labor Apply 38 Letitia St Barrie Frank Fzielclz59 YOUNG Lady desires summer em ployment in motel Experienced waitress Phone 5838 25859 YOUNG Woman wants parttime job Monday through Friday Apply Box 13 Barrie Examiner 25859 WILL DO practical nursrng even ings ornights Experienced with adults and children Reasonable rates Phone6797 258 PART TIME preferably sales man with Real Estate ï¬rm wanted in Barrie Communicate with Post Office Box 25 Barrie 25759 WANTED LIVE OR DRESSED POU LTRY HIGHEST PRICES PAID OUR TRUCK WILL CALL McLAUGHLIN Phone 77W Alliston We will pay for the phone call when we buy your poultry 331109 Barrie Metal Er Salvage DEALERS IN BORAP IRON METAIB EURO RIDES BAGS BATTERIES LIVE POULTRY 111 call an 333133 Special prlcgugald delivered P1103583 981 9813 MAXPUSHKOFF Barr BR Hawkestone demonstrator Only $11000 NEW ROTARY POWER MOWERS Lawn Boy 18 cut $9500 Smarts RotaChief 18 cut $7995 sion 527 Otaco 18 cut $7695 Maxwell Swirl Cut $9500 Reo Electric Reel Cut slightly used $8500 ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 Dunlop St Phone 2431 758 Phone 75859 THREE 45Gallon Drums Phone 2325 758 GIRLS Bicycle and Boys Bicycle also some household furniture Phone 2238 758 RUST Velour Chesterï¬eld and Chair Phone 4450 75859 LAWN Mower in good condition Apply 162 Iiffin St Barrie 758 MANS Bicycle good condition gomg cheap Apply 195 Owen St 758596061 PIANO in good condition $100 Apply Box 15 Barrie Exampliner 58 HARLEY DaviSOn Motorcycle 1938 good condition $140 Phone 4806 75860 BOAT for pleasure or speed take 25 hp outboard new condition Phone 5298 758 PETERBOROUGH Lakeside Boat 15 Boat trailer In good condition Phone 805r21 75860 TELEPHONE or Hydro PolesAp REFRIGERATOR $65 4059 Oil ply Thompson Oro Station Phone 821 Ora 758 USED Meat Counter top and bottom refrigerated completely overhauled Phone 2059 758 OUTBOARD Motor hp Sea King good condition $85 Apply 76 Donald St upstairs 758 200 PINE and Spruce logs 12 to 16 feet long 40 Pine Apply Dan 75859 QUAKER Oil Burner $70 General EleCtrlc daily dipper $10 Childs commode chair $250 Phone 723255i 2ROOMED House 16x20 wired and insulated builtin cupboards to be moved Reasonable Phone 5709 75559WF QUANTITY of used furniture surtable for summer cottages steel 38 BAYFIELD STREET PHONE 2843 CASH TRADE BUDGETTERMS LLOYD Deluxe Convertible baby carriage silvergrey with pink lining in excellent condition Phone 5036 758 BOAT Prom Dinghy new Ap ply FO Henley House No RCAF Edgar Phone 3094 exten 758 MOFFAT Grill 30x16 and Pro pane grill and 30 of counter Small sized deep fryer Moffat Graves Restaurant 75859 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ersSa1es rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 71383 CCM BICYCLE in good condition with small motor attached $100 cash Apply at 26 Granville St or phone 2773 75658 RUGS Broadloo save 50 New rugs made from old rugs carpets woollens etc Dominion Rug Weav ing Co phone2706 748tf STUDIO Suite 3piece Very reasonable Call in afternoon only 2473 or 87 CodringéonsBStg FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range Ben dix Chesterï¬eld and chairs piece bedroom suite and other household items Phone 2600 after pm 758 $3500PIONEER Log Cabin cem ent foundation furnished sleep field stone fireplace kitchen with smk and verandah Apply Mores Store Shanty Bay 75658 ATTACHMENTS for Rototiiler Tractor double row seeder side mower power takeoff and hiller All brandnew Selling for one third of cost Phone 4298 75859 PRINTED Cotton Dresses or house dnesses $179 Printed dresses 44 lace trimmed or checked cham bray dresses $229 postpaid COD mail postage extra Free catalogue Schaefer Regd Box 264 Drum mondville Que 758 WILTON Rug matching table lamps electric ï¬replace mantel radio cedar chest hall tree drapes chime clock roll away bed electric coffee maker step ladder metal wash tubs and stand 10x12 ten 10 hp outboard motor Kitchen table and chairs ironing board straw mat trunks travelling bags 20 heavy duty stove wire tricycles small hicy cle sleighs toboggan garden tools bread box utility table nickhacks many other odds and ends owner is moving away Phone 4930 or 62 William Sareeï¬g Business Opportunities DELICAIESSEN Store penny ar cade dance hall cottages for sale Situated on acres of land Newly remodelled Good summer business and year round Must be sold due to ill health First reason able offer will be considered Con tact Bill Buffet Belle Ewart 295661 ESTABLISHED town excellent business worth investi gation Cash required $4000 For ford St Phone 3349 velour covering pieces red one green 4369 business Snack bar and Gas pumps 4101713 ï¬replace my man FOR mi LACEY mamas 98 Bayfield 8t Pb 5398 ant9 pm MondaySattrrdly Reps Carson A1 Rose SALES usrmos APPRAISAIS 16281 MUST BE SOLD Full two storey brick good repair large rooms bath full basement hot air heated large double gar age central location Full price $7900 Cash about half RESALE NHA Storey and half years old ex cellent condition is rooms piece bath with be rooms or bedrooms and dining room oak floors throughout hot air heatiriï¬ good location Full price $88 Cash $3800 Monthly payments in cluding principal interest and taxes $49 MUST BE SOLD Full two storey brick good repair large rooms bath with bed rooms full basement hot air heat ing good location ideal for duplex Full price $7900 Cash $2500 Payments as rent DOWN PAYMENT $150000 Storey and half years old good rooms bath closed in sun porch full basement hot air heat ing good west end location Full price $7000 1658 GORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estate Brokers Oakville BARBIE DISTRICT REP GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Barrie 4800 150 Dunlop St East Member Barrie District Real Estate Board 1645tf Aurora Barrie Charles Rogers REAL ESTATE Specializing in the sale of Barrie homes and nearby Summer Prop erties We invite you to list your property for sale with us Sterling Trusts Bldg Dunlop St East PHONE 6387 165896 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Over Sterling Trusts Phone 2678 If you are looking for home lot tobuild on summer cottage or business give us call Listings invited CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE 1647th ON NORTH Side of Napier St lot 55 frontage 165 deep Phone 4293 165859 aROOM HOUSE in village of Hillsdale 16 miles north of Barrie Phone 3761 165761 COMFORTABLE 5room home good condition Collier St East $5500 cash Phone 6378 165859 LOTS EACH 60foot frontage 135 feet deep south end of Gowan St next to 59 Gowan $300 each Phone 3088 1658 LOT CENTRAL 4894 165 minutes to Catholic Church min utes to Post Office Box 10 Bar rie Examiner 165759 8ROOM CEMENT house in Lefroy Priced to sell Would rent Poss ession June Apply James Ox ford or Grose 165658FW BRICK HOUSE rooms oak floors throughout bathrooms oil heat attached garage Apply 241B51éagi CHOICE BUILDING Lots Stra bane St close to school transpor tation and new park Apply 114 Napier St phone 5337 165860 $2200 FULL PRICE Half acre new four rooms hydro terms Sunnikiale Road and Anne Sts Robert Killins General Delivery Barrie 165860 NEW6 ROOM 2storey brick oak floors 4piece tiled bathroom forced air oil heating Low down payment Apply 109 Codrington St am5pm 165859 IN GRAVENHURST Large sub stantial brick house with shop or office front 18x18 attached Cen tral Fer particulars phone 2202 or 3300 Barrie 165759 ROOM STOREY brick home large rooms modernized forced air stoker fire furnace This home is in excellent condition garage location Mulcaster St Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2877 165658 ACRE ACROSS from Drivein Theatre $650 Terms available Also new insul brick bungalow 3piece bath hydro oak floors cupboard unit and sink on Bald win Lane $4800 Phone 5759 or call at 73 Burton Ave 165860 $7000112 STOREY Upstairs un ï¬nished complete rooms and bath on ground floor full base ment hot air heating garages large lot Tiffin Street Also at Essa Station roombungalow and other homes in Angus area Mort gages arranged Apply Mar shall Representative Coutts Realtor Owen Street Dial 2377 165658 WASAGA BEACH $19000 Lodge and 1115 cabins fully furnished beautifully treed grounds abund ance of Water by prossure flush toilets Business well established $6500 handles easy termson bal ance Reasonable priced home in Barrie considered on an exchange Kellough Realtor Barrie DISTINCTIVE Ranch type brick bungalow large living room stone picture window with view of Bay modern kitchen sp cious closets bedrooms land 165859 any morn SALE PARTLY FURNISHED home Must be sold this summer Located in town rooms and bath Phone 6330 1658063 ROOM WI STOREY house oil heated bedrooms upstairs large storage rooms bedrooms and 4piece bath downstairs Thor automatic dishwasher and washin machine in kitchen large Lshapeg living and dining storms screens and awnings fully landscaped and rock garden close to school store and bus service $15500 Terms can be arranged Phone 3284 lGSSthF CHICKS WE HAVE dayold and started chicks in pullets cockerels and mixed chicks available weekly Order now while the last Bred from production uncle ROP super vision since 1938 Hunters Poultry Farm Stroud phone 53r5 245763 DO YOU want laying puilets in months time Its not too late as we have quantity of outstanding Hy Line pullets all ready for the range These birds were floor brooded and are completely feath ered Those chicks are priced to clear as we are starting another roup Contact SlmcocDufferin ivision of Gilmores Hatchery 60 Penetang Street phone 2735 Bar rie 245461 PROPERTY FOR RENT SlNGLE Room furnished 61 Mary St Barrie 155880 FURNISHED Apartment Adults only Phone 3371 1552tf FURNISHED Rooms for quiet couple Phone 8643 155758 SELFContained moms central Barrie Phone 4406 1558 LARGE Housekeeping room furn ished 60 Maple Ave 1558tf ROOMED furnished house June to Sept 30 Phone 3432 1558 FURNISHED Bedrooms Gentle men preferred Phone 3961 155859 St GARAGES Worsley near Bayfield Phone 4487 after pm 1558 FURNISHED Rooms suitable iorl light housekeeping Central Phone 2320 155759 APARTMENT rooms and sum room furnished Adults Apply 80 Essa Road 1558 ROOM Apartment across from Drivein Theatre Abstaincrs only Phone 5650 155859 OFFICES or sample rooms near bus station and new Post Office at 53 Collier St 1546tf FURNISHED Bachelor Apartment with private bath garage15Box8157Si FURNISHED bedsitting room with kitchenette Would suit one or two adults Phone 3371 155658 UNFURNISlIED Rooms No chil dren Hot and cold water Phone 4009 during the day 155859 FURNISHED Rooms for July and August Young couple No children Phone 4095 1558 UNFURNISHED Rooms bright ground floor separateentrance 57 Gowan St Phone 4905 155859 ROOMED Furnished apartment for adults only Must be abstainers Available May 20 Phone 1$428 60 2LARGE Unfurnished rooms in comfortable home Very central Available in June Phone 3714 1558 BRICK Bungalow near arena rooms and bath unfurnished $75 month including garage Phone 5082 155758 FURNISHED House on Codrlngton St available from June to July 31 Reasonable rent Phone 612 Barrie 15 ROOM Furnished Apartment 960 suit couple with small child also rooms furnished private bath $55 Phone 4465 l558 FURNISHED Bedroom in modern home kitchen privileges if desired Or would consider board Bus stop next door Lady abstainer Phone 6698 1558 UNFURNISHED Rooms private bath No children Abstainers Working or middle age couple pre ferred Near bus Phone 3954 after 155558W 2ROOM selfcontained apartment centrally located No objection to one child Must be abstainers Im mediate possession Apply 181 Coll ier St 1558 WE HAVE number of apart ments in Barrie and vicinity and room selfcontained $75 to $85 per month Contact Henry lrick and Michie Realtors1 Bast APARTMENTS new refrigera tors and stovesfurnished or un furnished Adults only Rents one $85 one $75 Exclusive location and building Call 5298 La cey Realtor 1558 3OR ROOM Apartment all con veniences now vacant Furnished or unfurnished Bread milk and mail delivery Mile south Allan dale on Highway 27 Child Phone 2147 or 2116 Barrie Examiner ï¬ve tie 1558 rams FOR 5th 100 ACRES 0R0 Township frame house large bank barn good sta bles drive shed garage hydro some bush and some ravel bal ance working land argain at $5000 Ellwood Black Farm Bro ker RR Shanty Bay Phone parrie 86312 858 mm PLANTS FLOWERS TOMATO Plants for sale Mrs Hoover Stroud 275859 RAINBOW Gladioli Bulbs 55c dozen or $4 hundred Mrs Sweeney 78 Dunlop St East over Oughs Hardware Apt Phone 2385 275559 STRAWBERRY Plants Asparagus Roots Raspberry Canes also quan tity of Beaver Oats Henry Kanis and Sons Phelpston Phone Elm vale 57rl4 275759 PLANTS Plants Plants Tomatoes Cabbage Petunias etc Come and see our large assortment at the reenhousc Con 1Flcxi Henry anis and Sons Phelpston Phone Elmvale 57rl4 275762 STRAWBERRY Plants for sale Harvest Queen Valentine and Pro mier at $2 per hundred also the sensptionai British Sovereign at $250 per hundred Apply Fred Wells Highway 27 uth on Little Hill Phone 2198 er pm 275859 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Simcoe County Box 66 Orilllo Phone 4752 5121124 Painting Decorating FREE ESTIMATES on all work Phone 453R5 Creemore LAMERS BROSJNew Lowell 55759 JERRY COUGHLIN LICENSED AUCTIONEER INCORPORATING SLESSORS AUCTIONEERING SERVICE Phone 5449 Barrie 89 Wellington St East 52664 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland St Phone 5135 51794 FLOOR SANDERS concur Are your floors shabby Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and refinish likenew Reasonable rates All types of floor ï¬nishes available BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER l9 Clopperton St Ph 5206 518tf LAWNS CUT rotary mower Phone 6603 55859 FOR LOADING grading and back filling phone Stewart 5082 55358 PAINTING inside and out rea sonable prices Free estimates Phone 5760 55859 PAINTING and decorating inter ior and exterior For free estim ate phone 4751 55263 GET YOUR garden plowed by trac tor Apply Dave Miller RR Bar rie phone 808r22 558 MIIVIEOGRAPHING AND Public Stenography BarrieBusiness Coll ege 66 Toronto St Barrie Phone 4824 5136tf FURNACE and chimney cleaning Chimneys built and repaired Also light trucking Hazon Drinkle phone 4882 55262 LAWN Mowers Sharpened Lit tle 258 Dunlap St West For pickup and return service phone 4785 50 cents extra 55174 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dis posal Phone collect Barrie 3617 Gordon Young Limited 53th WELLS Drilled Pumps for sale Merlin Coupland phone 807r3 55362FIW CAROLES Bakery of Wasaga Beach will move doors west of old location on Mosley Street with addition Tea Room Tea cup read ing by Bess Selfee LINCOLN Weldealer New and used welders electrodes accessor ies Arc welding taught day or night Andrade and Sons phone 10114 RR No Strand 5416 KEEP 000i lei as change 111801110110771119 to assure cool summer driving THERMOSTAI DRAIN ANTIFREEZE 10 FAN BELT CHECK nosns INSTALL RUST RESISTOR FLUSH RADIATOR rnrrca Dodge Morons DeSoto Newton Robinson months not bred and Repaired Free estimates 55658 POULTRY mam hock Putters dy to lay for sale Phone 2141 troud 145860 PASTURE PASTURE for 20 head of cattle for rent Apply Tom Encll phone 14rl4 Ivy 5859 PASTURE Wanted for 12 head of young cattle William Mair phone Cookstown 7301 2258 CATTLE Wanted forlupasture ply Mrs lrulson Barre hone 22pm Stroud 225859 Accommodation wanted HOUSE Wanted 23 bedrooms Ref erences Phone 6176 115859 MODERN Bungalow or rooms all heating wanted Phone 3034 1158 OR ROOM Apartment wanted immediately Apply Post Office Box 36 Barrie 115859 URGENTLY require house apartment with bedrooms in Barrie or district Phone 4750 118359 ROOM AND Board for mother and 7yearold laughter uired from June to Aug 15 hone1 2600 after pm 11458 BEDRESM House or flat uhfur nishcdor furnished wanted for approxrmately months Box 18 Barrie Examiner 115860 REASONABLE unfurnished 23 room flat or apartment Barrie or Allandale with laundry facilities and closets wanted by Scandinav ian born couple from Toronto with school age child Immediate poss essmn Box 14 Barrie Examiner 115060 SEED FEED FEED BABLEY forsale Apply Harold Wallwin Midhurst Phone 804r3 1045860 MONTCALM Seed Barley forï¬sale Apply William Crawford Oro Station Phone Oro 239 1015859 SOY BEANS for sale buéhels also cedar poles and posts Roy Goodfcllow Stroud phone 11r31 105800W 30 BUSHELS OFRoxon Oats for sole cleaned and treated $1 per OI bushel Apply Wesley HogF RR Thornton Con Innisï¬ 105859 QUANTITY of Katahdin seed land eating potatoes for sale 1050 cr guson spring tooth tractor cu tiv ator Powell Cookstown 105859 BEAVER OATS third generation cleaned and treated for sale also Galore barley and red clover seed 100 bags of Game potatoes grown from foundation seed also Kalah din Phone 812r32 Campbell Bros RR No Barrie 105859 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOOD Shorthorn Calf Apply Dane Miller RR Barrie Phon 8051422 958 YORKSHIRE Boar serviceable age Apply Cecil Harris phone 9r13 Ivy 958 23 WEANLING Pigs weeks old feeding well 3rd Con Oro Peacock Shanty Bay RR 958 CHUNKS and Weaned Pigs Apply to Scheffie 114 miles west of Phone Beeton 55111 115859 HOLSTEIN Heifers registered accredited and vaccinated 18 Fuller Cookstown 958 BLACK Gelding years old quiet good worker 3milesnorth of Barrie No 11 Highway Alfred Salebury RR Barrie 957v59 REGISTERED Yorkshire Boars and open Sows born Jan 11 Dams are sisters to Hartholms pigs that grew so rapidly at the test station Allen Horner phone Cookstown 26221258 OPPORTUNITY Knocks Where At the Ontario Aberdeen Angus sale at Woadbridge Fair Grounds There will be Saturday June some 35 femalessome with calves at foot andsix useful young bulls Angus bulls will add quality and subtract horns from your grade herd There are other advantages Come and see Catalogues from the secretary Gordon Berry Pros ideht Glanford Station Ont Stothers SecristaryTieastirer Onf tario Aberdeen Angus Association Lucknow Ont $503062 PERSONALS Permanent Waves am Special Take advantage of these amazing reductions on morning appoint ments Reg 8350 wave $300 Reg $500 wave $400 Cold Wave reg $700 $600 Cold Wave reg $600 $500 HAIR CUTTING 500 CAMERON 80 Maple Ave Phone 4351 304177th HAVE YOU pimples personality Banish unsightly blemishes With new Kleerex Ointment and Soap Kleerex draws out infection and restores the natural complexion All drugglsts 3058 TEN DERS 19 TENDERS FOR ALTERATIONS TO FIRE HALL BUILDING Tenders clearly marked Tender for Fire Hall Alterations will be received by the undersigned until 500 pm Tuesday May 25 1954 for alterations to the Fire Hall building Particulars and specifications may be obtained from Fire Chief Irwin at the Fire Hall 79 Collier Street Lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted BARRAND Cle rkTreasurer 5658FW AUTOMOBILES HONEST JOE WILL PAY Highest Prices FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILE Liens paid off and we will tra down CROSSTOWN MOTORS 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 131510 52METEOR 2tone in good con dition Apply 64 St Vincent St 135458 1949 FORD Custom Tudor in ex cellent condition Owner driven only Apply 821 Follow St 135859 THIS IS It 47 Monarch 5passen ger coupe new tires and brakes In excellent condition Phone 6454 135658 PLYMOUTH Sedan in excellent condition privately owned radio and fog lamps 1949 Apply Box 11 Barrie Examiner 135758 1952 MERCURY Car perfect con dition all equipment radio loud speaker in rear seat air condi tioned windshield washer new lic ense Must sell won new Meteor Bargain Contact John Claridge or Mrs Claridge Tottenham phone 78 135860W HSPIIIILT PAVING IIOT MIX FOR Driveways Parking Lots School Yards Gas Stations FREE ESTIMATES ALLAN 00011 Limited Barrie Ontario PHONES 3882 4580 0r Proving it The weanling pigs shown here on arrival at Barrie Farm Supply weighed total of 17155 AFTER WEEKS ON roams PIG STARTENA they weigh total of 187 lbs They con sumea 170 lbs Purina Pig Startena to show gain of 100 lbs YES were proving thatPURlNA PIG STARTENA produces pound of pork for every two pounds fed 107 GAIN in weeks Come into the Barrie Farm Supply guess which pig shoWs the greatestpercexitage of increase and what that percentage is WIN 100 LBS PURINA PIG STARTENA plus sufficient PUBINA PIG TAB GRANULES to worm 12 pigs at the age of 12 weeks SPECIAL arms WEEK ONLY SAVE $10000 DeLovol Deep Freeze 12 CUBIC roar srzn LIST PRICE 552500 42500 BARRIE FARM SUPPLY MARKET SQUARE PHONE 2982 mitten to one at 740 on for Regional Weather Forecast TAN and Office 156 Tum etc further information contact scaperl Also other ifltie horn 153 beds and springs studio couches Marshall Representative available seen by lThppbintmé lt chairs dinette suites ice boxes MULTIPLIER Onions wanted Call kitchen chairs etc Apply Box 12 Brown Co phone 5000 358 Barrie Examiner 75758 Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Marshall Representative StuDial 2377 Cooperative listing Cotittsnitealtor Owen Street 2958 Dial 2377 165658 Plant 5971 It ll