THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY 19 1954 BDCI Musicians Play at Kiwanis It was another music night at Kiwanis on Monday at Community House with tiacLaren 2nd vicepresident presiding Ross Stephens introduced Fisher FRESH nnnuurnnr GLASS LUNCH AT BRYSONS ICE CREAM CANDY 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 4562 GREEN GIANT FANCY CUT WAX BEANS GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS no FANCY FROIT COCKTAIL EIILVERIIOUSE CHOICE CREAM CORN IIAYFAIR SPICEII BEEF McLARENS MANZANILLA STUFFED OLIVES UNGRADED director of the Barrie Collegiate Concert Band who spoke on train ing in music The Kiwanians were favored by several excellent selections First was flute trio of Sue Walls Gail Shanks and Ken Beaver playing Yankee Doodle On Tour Joan Sarjeant played difiicult clarinet 5010 written by the French com poser JeanJean Leslie Gillespie sang two numbers Sea Fever and Old Doctor McOinn Piano accompaniment was by Joan Fish er Dinner guests included Stan But lock Ted Clarke and Lach Sutton Annual Red Shield Campaign Now On The annual Red Shield campaign to raise funds is now well under way according to Sr Major Mills officer commanding Barrio Citadel Salvation Army The housetohouse canvass is being conducted in Barrie and the surrounding district 11 the canvasscr misses you do nations will be accetied at the Sterling Trusts Corporation or the Canadian Bank of Commerce SPECIAL 15 oz Tins SPECIAL 15 ozlins 35 SPECIAL 20 oz Tin SPECIAL 20 oz ring 25 SPECIAL 12 oz lin 29 SPECIAL oz Jar 33c POPULAR BRANOS cIIIIIIIErrrs 299 Maul GRADE LARGE ROASTING CIIICIIENS to lbs m45 TASTY VIILD CURED LEAN PEAMEALED COTTAGEBOLLS 59 TENDER FRESH T0 LBS TOTIENHAM Mr and Mrs William Campbell apd Mrs Duke spent Friday in lononto Roy anon Inndon spent the weekend at the home of his broth er and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs William Carroll Mrs Kelman Patricia and Bill spent few days recently with Mrs Kelmans brother and family Mr and Mrs Creighton Wice Penetang At Lawn Bowling Annual Mrs Anderson was in To ronto on Friday Interning the pro vincial lawn bowling annual Mr and Mrs George Wice vis itcd at the weekend with their son Vernon and family Smithville alv so through the fruit belt to Nia gara Falls Mr and Mrs Earl lrwin and family Port Credit spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Leggett and other friends Miss Dorothy Ann Wilson Iu ronto and Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson and two children of Dut ten are visiting their parents Mr and Mrs Tim Wilson Metered to Ottawa Mr and Mrs Gordon Mallion and Maria motored to Ottawa on Saturday to spend the weekend with Mrs Mallions parents Mr and Mrs Wilson Rhonda who spent three weeks with her grand parents returned home Birthday Party Mrs Carroll Morrow entertained few young friends of her son Michael in honor of his sixth birth day Friday afternoon Greens Excellent Saturday last eight members of the ladies bowling club tried the greens which are in excellent shape for this time of year George Bolton is the caretaker and al though young is taking keen in terest in his work 5W Bake Sale Market Building Sat urday May 22 Auspices Dalston Womens Institute 58 Keep June 29 open for St Geor ges Anglican Church Utopia Gar den party Particulars later 58 Dance at Baxter Friday May 28 to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 930 to 130 81th Dancing at Guthrie Community Hall Friday May 21 Good orch estra Modern and old tyme danc ing Admission 50c 58 Grenfel Community Centre will hold their Strawberry Restival on June 30 Watch Coming Events for further particulars 58 Dancing at Thornton Orange Hall FridayMay 31 9430 Beat tys Orchestra Lunch counter Ad misison 50c Auspices LOL 16 58 Rummage sale Friday May 21 Oddfellows Hall basement Collier St Auspices Catholic Womens League Doors open at pm 5759 Dance Flos Junior Farmers Dance Hall May 19 for motor rug Admission sponsored by Central Also draw 50c 5658 Three big dance nights at Pine Crest this week Friday Saturday and Sunday midnight Saturday night prizes for best square set Sunday midnight starts 1205 Lucky spots balloons Dancing every Friday and Saturday Round and square dancing 5859 Dancing Lucky Star Dance Pav ilion foot of Concession Oro Beach Opening for the season Sat urday May 22 Modern and old lb tyme dancingto A1 Kimbells Kimj The Foaming Cleanser AJAX 14 ms 29 Appletord Wart tooxkon Miracle wrap Salad ORESSINC 16m 51 Ginger Ale Root Beer Cola OLII Kraft Cheese oz rumble 26 by Horsey Blended JIlICE 20m L9 Reinhart Apple JIIICE 2° Is FIRST OFTHE SEASON FLORIDA RED RIPE IIIIITEIIIIIIIIoIIszsggw EXCELLENT FOR ransanvmo PINEAPPLE 45= Size 15s no EXTRA FANCY uni curse DATING WINESAP APPLES lbpoly 45 OWNED AND OPERATED BY nomrNroN amass LIMITED Values Effective Thursday Friday and Saturday May 20 21 22 Tones Door and spot prizes Ad mission50c per person 5859 Simcoe County Yorkshire Breed ers Annual Consignment Sale Barrie Fair Grounds June rat pm 10 Boars and 30 Med and open sows All entries have been approved for quality and herds have been inspected and reported free of disease contact McRuer Department of Agriculture Alliston Ont Orr Lake WI Meeting Thursday Womens Institute members are reminded of the meeting on Thurs day May 20 when Littles Hill Painswlck and Churchill are In vited to hear speaker on Mental Health Communion Service On Sunday May 16 the Sacra ment of the lhrds Supper was ob served in the Presbyterian Church Two members were received by profession of faith The minister Rev Muir spokeon the Breed of Life The executive of Barrie Presbytery Young Peoples Society were present and held meeting New Residents Welcome to Mr and Mrs Boyd and family They have taken up residence in the Robert McDonald house Mr Boyd is an officer with the Ontario Provincial Police Bar rie District Early Sunday School St James Sunday School will be held at 10 am Sunday May 23 so that those who wish may join with the members of Stroud Pres byterian Church in anniversary services At Staynu Masonic number of Masonic members here atttendcd DDGM night at Stayner on Monday Presbyterian Anniversary Dont iorget the Presbyterian anniversary May 23 at 11 am and 730 pm with the Rev John Ross DD Woodbridge as minister Dr Ross has preached anniversary here before and is splendid young minister Michigan Visitors Mrs Hester Beynon of Flint Michigan and daughter Mrs My MIIII 24 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER NYLONS carton BLOOSES syk and family of Barrie spent Saturday with Mrs William Black and family Family Gathering Mr and Mrs Hand spent Sunday with the Hands at Alliston Their sister Mrs Herb Chadwick of Revelstoke BC is visiting her father for few days Visiting with Mrs Webster and Mr and Mrs Jack Webster on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Nel son Moore and Teddy and Mrs Roy Kelley Thornton Mrs Martin Toronto Mr and Mrs Webster Brockvllle Mr and Mrs Bud Martin Barrie ahd Mrs Doris Booth Stroud No United Service United Church service is can celled Sunday May 23 on account of the Presbyterian anniversary GurlckMulholland Congratulations to Miss Joan Mulholland and Leon Garrick who were married in the United Church by Rev John Morris on May 15 Presént Pageant Scene large number from here en joyed the pageant Triumph of the Faith in Orillia opera house Monday and Tuesday evoning This was pictorial presentation of the history and work of the United Church Stroud Young People and Young Adults presented Scene Six CANADIAN FEAT The bulk of Canadas output at peat moss comes from British Col umbia and Quebec Macleans Magazine IIOLIIIAY First Quality pr $160 Short and long sleeves Plains and prints Large selection SIZES 1220 Prints and plains cotton picalays linens From LINENS DENIMS ramrv CLOTHS PLAms PLAINS For catalogues sasow COLONY BEVERAGES 12 02 Tins 25 010qu FULL CIRCLE SKIRTS yards and yards of materials beautiful hand Screen prints ï¬atwaiian Mexican and basket designs 550 593 sLDuvaLDss nLoosns variety in color and material high or scoop neck styles 2398 393 PLAIN LINENS DENIM COTTON 298 FROM PLAJIDS Sizes 1218 18122412 Nylon cotton linens Sheers Plains prints NAVY BLACK BLUE JEANS sIIIIIII suns PLAIN OR PLAID ISIIIIIrs JACKETS IIIIIIcII Icons and many other items for your holiday enjoyment GOODS sAIrIsrAcrony on mm MONEY pneumonia newsman JELLY POWOERS AYLMER AYLMEIl PURE AINGS SAOCE LUSIIUS HOLIDAY STORE IIOURS Friday MaTzï¬l 830 am to pm Sat 830 am to pm CLOSED MON MAY 24 Tues am to pm Wed am to 12 noon PM 02 Bottle 23 pkqa 29 201 pkg lb pkqs 35c ADDED PECIIN 24TH oz Jar 37c OAIIIS OELATINE DURHAM CORN STARCII RASPBERRY BNdeollIiuhln Instant Coliee 33 83cm 81 DUY ENOUGH BREAD FOR THE WEEKEND Lohlows Cottage Brond Outed Baily Bread SLICED on UNSIICED 2401 lOAF wune snown CRACKED WHEAI garner MABMALABE 31 IIIIx IIIIIIIEII BREAD 29 gunman5 21¢ iii PLANES HAND PICKED lbs ONTARIO PICNIC SUPPLIES 370 WHITE BEANS Sovereign Salmon 49 SOCKET Krufl Salad Dressing Riff Club House Olives M33313 Frenchs Prepared Mustard 03f Dysons Whole Dill Pickles IbFL snIICIIfSIICIIS Sandwich Bags PKG 01 III cmo BAG 410 runs and VEGETABLES Strawberry FANCY GRADE swear AND TENDER FRESH CIBlllll EamonCob=e 6069 ï¬rst QualityProduct of The loblaw Bakery 73401 IIN loFl OZ JAR 7101 LB JAR Tasty Trent Ice Cream PINT BRICK Vanilla Festival Chocolate Neapolitan SPECIAL WESTONS BISCUITS Fruit Blossoms loBISC PKG SPECIALI loblaws Chocolate Iced OZ JAF Welheys Broad St Butler Pickles 035 Rose Brand Pickles swm mm Mclurens OurBO Relish 05 0F 30 FIGShie Assonrro FlAVOURS pxc Jordan Grape Juice Sunaloch Potato Chips 33 53c Crossed lish Sardines 3W 23 Blanched Peanuts swan IlB NOW IN PLENTIEUL SUPPLY ONTARIO CROWN ASPARACIIS REAL SPRING TREATIFRESH DAILY IIED RIPE unicornIs Tomatogs RE 55 skins COLUMBIACREE SRUNCHY Government Standard Pouuns Vegetable Seeds me 15 TENDER STRINGLESS PENCIL Poi Green Beans 29¢ Shurllo Motor Oil Lueo Mazda Lumpsfl12l52n WilliamsSore All Waxed Paper °° ggxnou SIIantIIeconcsmmm JAVIEL OZ BTL I6Fl Blue age Iux Soup Powder $532 Gamay ToilelSonpDeul 29c Blue CAKES wmI FREE CAKE PAINOIIVE Full Flower Seeds lOc ruse Evergreen lawn Seed lLB PKG Emerald Lawn Seed APPROX lOOZ PKG IInItIIs Fireworks AssoniFD BOXES 150 250 IlIInIls Sparklers AARGE PKG 3mm so REG Aiux Cleanser lifts 27c Chan Puslewa 59¢ CIIIOIOJGIII Tooth Push 33c LARGE SPECIAL Homer HALF SHORT SHANK MERIT IllIIIII Legs lB MEAL VARIEIIES FOR 1HE HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL ROAST cnors erw l3 ALWAYS TENDER FRESH GRADE WEIGHT 43c LBS Prodressed Frying or OHICKEN BUY voun rnvonrre Boosting Chickeiis or ALWAYS renoenrnesu CUTS eoanoNf aenve OFTEN Swills Premium lirunkluriers 33 AVERAGE ALSO SEE oun SELECTION SPECIAL 39c SPECIAL Lean PeumeuledCoflugollolls 59 FROSIED SEA FOODSPAN READY 42° SPECIAL cHglcg PRICESEFFECIIVE MAY 20 22 Tasty Smoked Fillets IIB PKG 41c Haddockfillets Its nu mm 44cm mumps112 auowï¬wnwn haw Dc Blanca 25c