an atom rim Serving THE TOWN or BARBIE AND COUNTY or swoon Since I864 Am In CM 90th YearNo 54 the PM Oflieo Mums om Ill ï¬gï¬fi as Winners in Speaking Contest OntarioQuebec lions Association all DAWN McKELL 16 of Sutton Que and Ronald Dowd 17 of Fenwick Ont were the winners in the English speaking class of the public speaking contest sponsored by the International Association of Lions Club District Ontario and Quebec and held in the BDCI Auditorium on Saturday night The winner of the Frenchspeaking class was Marc Audet 18 of Quebec City This is the first time the competition finals have been held outside of the Can RECENT CONFERENCE REPORT GIVEN BY LOCAL ROTARIANS AT WEEKLY LUNCHEON HERE Reports on the recent district conference by the incoming Pres ident for 195455 George Fricke Jr and by the secretaryelect John Stevenson were featured at the Rotary luncheon on May Mr Fricke commented briefly on the messages conveyed in ad dresses delivered by four past dis trict governors on the four avenues of Rotary service Art Ferguson past district governor well known in Barrie Rotary circles effects resulting from small Rot aryactivated beginnings The im portance of individualeffort had been emphasized Torontos Joe Caulder the main dinner speaker haddealt with various aspects of Rotary history with stress on changes of outlook and policy de signed to meet changing world conditions He then referred to the newlyelected district gov Iernor Basil Tippett of Tippett and Richardson Toronto and to PAYING VISIT TO FATHER adian National Exhibition and total of 16 finalists boy and girl representing each of the eight districts in the As sociation were in competition for the coveted awards The winners will speak next month at the Lions Convention Chairman of the contest was Gordon Vivian Brampton and the speakers were judged by panel of six judges Seen above from left to right are Ronald Dawn and Marc his enthusiasm for and leadership in Rotary activities John Stevenson referred to the 31 district secretaries and the 51 club representatives present at the conference Valtiable advice drawn from the wide fund of knowledge acquired by experienced secre taries featured the afternoon sese ihad stressed4 the farireaching Slom 1rThmifluesï¬onaoaï¬Emmh technique With panel of experts well versed in Rotary policy and administrationacting as source reierence was very successful in providing answers to questions from newlyelected secretaries PresidentJim Gilmore announc ed charter night slated for June in Cooksville John MacLean and Grant Ince were guests of John Stevenson Art Powell introduced Leonard Bird of Stroud through whose co operation splendid 30minute film of 1953s Big Four rugby series was featured in technicolor with Herman Tomlinson as projection Ist He commented briefly on the film and on other services pro vided by his firm pointing out that wide variety of speakers was available upon request for local club programs He was thanked by Harry Reid KIWANISc RECEIVE SUPPORT PEANUT DRIVEAT BORDEN Members of the Bairie Kiwanis Club assistedby several Key Club bers were very pleased with the happy reception they received from the residents of Camp Borden Army and RCAFhousing units last Monday night when they called to sell peanuts nice sum was raised for the clubs underprivileged childrens fund Under direction of Jack MacLaren and Jehnny Ouglh the 28 peanut Vendors called on prac tically every thou5e and got good response They are firmly con vinced the people of Camp Borden have fine community spirit and warm hearts for charitable ven tures At last Mondays dinner Wilf MrKinnon who has resided in St Thomas for some years was wiel comed back into the Kiwanis Club of Barrie Mr and Mrs McKinnon have taken up residence again in Barrie Mr McKinnon joined the club in Barrie Shortly after it was JOHN REID who on April 26 concluded year at Toronto University following graduation from the Royal Military College Kingston in 1953 in mechanical engineer ing has been paying visit to his fatherMajor John Reid barrister He will take months vacation prior to reporting for duty on June with one of Canadas largest companies for the summer He had also the honor of scholarship one of six similariawarded in Canada and bearing on international trades and business in prepara tion for executive management This course will be given in both French and English and he will leave in September for years studies at Le Centre dEtudes Industrialles in Geneva Switzerland and expects to spend Considerable time in various parts of the world on completing the course Last year on graduation he was given wOrld cruise by his father who is aFlrst world War veteran and officer also an ardent fisherman summer and winter formed over 30 years ago Speaker for todays dinner meet ing will be Jack Mitchdnson man ager of Barrie Works of Canadian General Electnic James Parker Sidelined From Ring for Month Barrie heavyweight favorite James Parker now fighting out of Paterson New Jersey has been sidelined from ring action for at least one month Parker was scheduled to meet Oscar Pharo of Birmingham Ala in Windsor Tuesday but shoulder injury sufferedrwhen he fell from roof while engagedin repairing chimney preVented theimeeting a®r nnmsn srrn Ancient relics indicate Ipswich in Suttoch was the site of settle ment 2000 years before tlheRomen WCWII ¢uï¬h¢ crown 43 111uvofmouomJ Hospital Day On Wednesday Open House Wednesday May 12 is Nk gt lows another teenager was fined folspeeding up touu mileSper tional Hospital Day and lVlctorta Hospital is ask ing citizens to visit their hos pital during open house hours from three to six oclock in the afternoon Each year National Hospital Day is celebrated to commem orate the birthday of the pat ron saint of nursing Florence Nightingale with open house the Womens Hospital Auxiliary is holding Hospital Day tea at the nurses residence Your hospital help in the past hope in the future is the theme of 1954 Hospital Day Citizens are reminded on tbls one day year that their hos pital is there 24 hours day They are asked to show their interest and visit the building on Wednesday Tours throughout the hos pital will be conducted by the nurses BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY MAY 10 I954 ITO2 Air Cadet Squadron Annual Inspection Tonight Tonight will nurk the high light in the past years oper ation of 102 Barrie Sq dron Royal Canadian Air dots with the annual inspection be ing held in the Armory The tmpectlon is scheduled to get under wath pin and the inspecting officer will be Wing Commuter Berg CD RCAF He will be accom panied by his aide Flying 0f flcor Balms DEM presently stationed at Camp Borden The Alr Cadet League of Comdt will be represented by Dudley Rowden of Toronto Motor Jack Clerk will re prcsent the Sqiudrons spon soring committee and speakers during the evening will in clude Wing CommondeLBer Mr Rowden Charles McMar tin chairman of the sponsoring committee Squadron eader Jack Oates DEM Officer Commanding 102 Squadron Through the courtesy of the Officer Commanding RCAF Station Camp Borden the RCAF Band will be present at the inspection led by FO McBride officer commanding the band and Sgt Saunders bandmastcr Police Clamp Down On Fast Driving Coldwater Streets Following numerous reports of reckless driving on Coldwater Uhriï¬arrir Examiner MN on We ¢wNA and Audit loam of 61min MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single copy 10 Pages Two Sections Building Permits During April Show Increase Over Last Year Class Of Dwellings Is Better During the month of April there were 61 permits issued by the Town Planning Board valued at $186760 as compared with 48 permits totalling $173700 during the same month last year an increase of $13050 Issuing the latest report of the Town Planning Board Blair secretarytreasurer points out There were 17 dwellings In April this year compared with 18 in 1953 but the class of dwelling this year is better than last year so far Mr Blair goes on to say The month of May this year will show quite an increase in values over the same month last year Details of the building permits issued last Inouth arc Dwellingszc Polkinghorne Eccles St at 62 Letitia St build ers Alexander dz Son 174 St Vincent St Seal 50 Dufferin St at 14 Queen St builders Car dinal Homes Norris 22 Ross St at 78 Kempenfelt Drive build or Hood 60 Cook Street Gordon Spring 185 Codringion St at 68 and 70 Eugenia St builder self Mrs Hay 309 High Park Ave Toronto at 110 Napier St builders Hill McKnight 126 Cook St Dccaric 105 Mulcast or St at 88 Amelia St builder Ball 240 Codrington St McCuaig 8a Caroline St at 31 streets police have opened drive Caroline St builder self Arthur on offenders with the result that Green 241 Dunlop St West at two have been sent to itll and 75 Napier St builder self third fined Burner 61 Holgate St at 58 Van FFCd SallOWS 19 and Walter couver St builder self Brown 17 pleaded guilty in Or Longton 83 St Vincent St at 181 illla court to dangerous driving St Vincent St builder self and were sentenced t0 15 days in Marcellus 50 Jacobs Terrace at iail Their driving permits were 57 Jacobs Terrace builder self suspended for six months In addi Hoey 72 Innisfil St at 91 Vic tion Sallows winner $100 fine toria St builder self 152 The two youths took part in brandt 196 Napier St at 67 Van game of followtheleader in their couver st builder self cars during which they careened Currie 74 Mulcaster St at Kemp In conjunction about Coldwater public school yard endangering children playing on swings and narrowly missing re creation equipment and trees Sallows also pleaded guilty to driving while impaired and ob taining liquor while still minor week prevaous Clarence Sal hour on village streets with Reeve Andrew Dunlop in hot pursuit Postmaster At Coldwater Gets Coronation Medal The first Coronation medal to be received in Coldwater was award ed to Fred Brown local postmaster who was very surprised to receive the recognition from the Queen this week The medal is for Mr Browns lung military services He was Captain in World War served with the same rank in the Reserve Army in World War II and has been active in civilian military cir cles including long period of ser vice as secretarytreasurer of Coldwater Legion Mr Brown will soon complete 25 years in the postal service Continued Clouds With Showers Slightly Warmer Last weeks weatherstarted off well but therest was most ly cloudy and cool with both rain and occasional snow flur ries and nights remained cool Friday brought rain in the at ternoon Saturday cleared but did not warm up and Sunday sunny most of the day was not summery with 25 early in the morning and 36 at midnight The prospect today is con Itinuance of similar weather with not much change in temperature Temperatures were High Low 45 72 170 56 49 47 52 May May May May May May May May 52 May 60 May 10 early 36 26 27 29 27 32 25 29 45 cntelt Drivetbuilder Griffin 49 Essa Road Osborne 1111 Donald St at Donald St builder self Cook 78 Nelson St at ELECTED MOST WISE SOVEREIGN or ROSE cROIx Baldwin Street builder Gordon Pratt total $146500 Garages Fred Bowenmlil Essa Road builder self Blair 68 Burton Ave builder Charles McQuade 80 BurtonAve total $600 Repairs or Alterations Mrs Dyment 72 High St construct sun room builder Dyment Saso 64 Mary St remodel ver andah builder Morris 83 Maple Ave Harold Forester 65 Shanty Bay Road reshingle veran dah at 22 Holgate St builder self Boyd 196 Bradford St repair garage builder self Beers 138 Peel SL alter front of servipe shop at 31 Bradford St Rgilder Chappel Lefroy Tuck 73 Dundonald St re shinglc dwelling builder self Moore 38 Centre St addition to dwelling builder self Ap pleton 125 Bradford St rebuild foundation of dwelling builder Corby RR Barrie Levitts Trading 33 Collier St addition to store builder Les Bertram Mid hurst Jamicson 179 Owen St convert dwelling into four apart ments builder self Hum phreys 29 Sunnidale Road convert dwelling at Penntang Street into three apartments builder Bdwnes Charlebols 340 Blake St construct double toilet build er self Preston 136 Clapperton St construct sun room builder Morris Brennan 87 Owen St repair dwelling builder self Appleton 125 Bradford St demolish and rebuild dwelling builder Corby 77 Sanford St Mrs Rayner49 Mary Strebuild verandah builder Caldwell 20 Mary St Mills 40 Dal ton St erect sun room builder Clark 78 Peel St Mrs McConkey 121 Toronto St convert dwelling to duplex builder Gray 11 Grove St West Mur phcy 30 Eugenia St construct foundation and move dwelling on it builder self Mrs McNeice Minnow Lake Ont replace brick veneer with insul brick builder Scrutton 143 Bradford St Hart 53 Owen St remove kitchen and replace with bathroom and laundry builder self total $21 750 Miscellaneous Town of Barrie erect dog pound shelter builder town employees addition to rear of Crosslands Drug Store build ers Bertram Bros 28 Johnson St 19 television sets and aerials total $17900 GREAT COUNTRY Origin of the name Alaska has not been determined definitely but some aouiflronities maintain that it is derived from native Eskimo word Alakshak meaning great country BRO PETER SINCLAIR Was recently elected Most Wiso Sov ereign of Spry Chapter Rose Crolx Valley of Barrie Scottish Bite The Spring Assembly of Spry Chapter of Rose Croix will be held on Wednesday May 19 in the Bar rie Masonic Temple with din ner to be held in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Officers elected for 195455 are as follows Bro Morrison IPMWS Bro Wilson lst General Bro Dr Graham 2nd General Bro Dr Frank Shan non Raphael Bro Leishman GnandMarshal Bro Cam eron Registrar Bro Cam eron Treasurer Bro Tup ling Captain of Guard Bro JC Monlcman Almoner Bro E1 rick Auditor Bro Lloyd Tufford Organist Bro Cameron Masonic Temple Representative Bro Armstrong Guard Date Set For Coldwater Vote School Debentures COLDWATBRA special Coun cil meeting was held Wednesday night at which bylaw was passed setting May 25as the date on which ratepayers of Coldwater school section will vote on approv al or disapproval of issuing dc bentures for new public school Authority will be granted or re fused onthe vote on expenditure of up to $100000 for fiveroom school to replace the present four room structure which is over crowded and deteriorating Toronto firm gave verbal estimate following survey this week to the effect an addition and repairs to the present building might coat up to $50000 BDCI STUDENT FROM CUNDtES SOUTH SIMCOEJRiFARMERS snow QEN CHOSEN BY lOCAlROlARYCtUB FOR SPECIAL TRIP To OTTAWA Barries representative in the an nual Rotarysponsored Adventure in Citizenship project for this year will be Marion Ferris grade XII studentat the Barrie District Collegiate Institute Arrangements are being made by local Rotarians to have Marion travel by plane to Ottawa to part icipate with other students se lected on Dominionwide basis in this citizenship project slated for May 16 to 20 To the Rotary ttawa is due the credit for origina brings secon ry school students coast to coast to duties responsibilities and rights of Canadian citizenship this plan which First hand knowledge of powers delegated to the federal parlia ment under the provisions of the British North America Act July 1807 is brought tofthe attention of the students through visits to the parliament buildings and from addresses delivered by parlia mentary leaders and others Local members of parliament throughout Canada are notiï¬ed in advance of the representatives chosen from the various constituencies Following the announcement of this years selection by vice president Bill Smiï¬h Rotarian Bowman principal of the BDCI explained the procedure adopted in making the selection Since last years representative was boy Lawrence Beech now in Grade XIII at BDCI the choice this year was limited to grade XII girls whose academic and citizenship ratings met thehigh standard of at Least 66 per cent and grade respectively The final decision Was then made by vote of the staff Marion is the eldest daughter of Mrand Mrs Ferris Candlesl Her elementary education was ob tained at SS Vespra Cundles public school JUDGE DRAMA FESTIVAL Hugh Hunt tormerly director of Old Vic Theatre Compares is to judge the finals of the Domin ion Drama Festivai to be held in Hamilton from May 1016 He is the younger brother of Sir John Hunt the leader of the Everest expedition onetimepresidedt of iihe Oxfond University Dram atic Society he has also been ducer of the Abbey mantra Dub7 Bristol Lin and ofthe Old Vics andLondon companies MIRIAM McMANN ammonia 18yearrold representative of theAlliston Junior Eon mersjClub was chosen sisthis yearsBeauty coeJunlor Farmers Association atijthe nnual MaytimeiAt Queen of thesautn munity Hall on Fri shor he 01 Welelll Dorothy Watson BeeTot Club Betty Furloughlong Ivy Margaret warnioa ChllliWilll Frances MacNicol Nottawasa ago and McMann Miriamgtwho Will the emanating tram tile Banting Memorial High liStonthis year is apastdirecta in south Simcoe Junior Farmers She seenhere receiving her ribbonfrom His