HOUSE OF HITS FIRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE YOUR LAST CHANCE TONIGHT SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm JANE STEWAKI NANA AllYSON PLUS CARTOON FOX MOVIETONE NEWS PRICES FOR THIs ENGAGEMENT EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TAX INCLUDED liming BENT MONTGOMERY lIINEASTEII EIIH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT SATURDAY CONTINUOUS SHOWS ON SATURDAY 230 pm EVE SNOWS lIil 840 pm PLIIS NEWS DONNA IIEIIII°SINATIIIHIEEII COMMENCING MONDAY FOR ONE ENTIRE WEEK Set down in torrent of conflicting emotions by man whod felt and lived them all Superbly cast and brought to the screen with consummate daring by Columbia Pictures will NESTOOTTBOB LONNY BARTON Null TIMES 25 DISREGARD PREVIOUS ADVERTISING OF MONDAY MATINEE THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED MAIINEES WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 230 pm SEE REIERIS 0r EMOTION DEPTNS or EXPERIENCE THE scREEN RRs NEVER INIIIEO BEENREI PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCL MATINEES ADULTS 50C TAX INCL CHILDREN AT ALL TAX INCL Lusty Saga OI the West Toughest Trail Town Edmond OBRIEN in ii Bl PEEIE nsrir 2D FEATURE Theyre On Spre in GAY PAR Leo GORCEY IIIIIIII All 14 r¢9Â¥i TUNERIN CKBB AT 540 DAILY FOR MOVIEMERRYGOROUND NontE TO SEPARATE SERNIIL SIIRRIIRTERS The following Separate School Supportérs are hereby notified that they must instruct the AssessmentDe partment at the Town Hall before September 30th of the Barrie Public Schools 1954 to tranSfer their school assessments to the support Those who have ehiidrenattending the Bar rie Public Schools at present Those who contemplate enrolling children in the Barrie Public Schools any time during 1955 particularly those wishing to enroll children in Barrie Public School Kindergartens to start September lst 1955 Assessment mutt remain in favour of the Barrie Pub lic School Board during the entire period of attendance These regulations will continue in effect from year to year BARRIE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD CRASH VICTIM RETURNS HOME Alliston Herald Miss Florence Warriner daugh ter of Mr andMrs Wesley War riner of Ontario Street Alliston who was injured in motor acci dent op the Camp orden road on March and had been in Toron to hospital ever since was OIIOWed on Aprill7 to come to Stevenson Memorial Hospital On April 25 she was able to return to her home for conValescence Her condition is slowly but steadily improving One leg is still in cast andshe has to go back to Toronto at least once for checkup LIABILITY INSIIRIINEE QUOTATIONS WITHOUT OBLIGATION Start Levelling Midland Fair Site Hope Ready I955 Tiny and Tay Agricultural Soci ety has started work on clearing lsacre site tor its new air grounds on the western outskirts of Mid land Work is being done on the cast eriy end of the lDOacre parcel of land which the society owns The cleared area will be levelled by bulldozer Socier officials hope to estab Bidgo Olin Norrie Examinrr FRI DAY MAY lish on the new site by the all of 1955 No buildings will be erected this year New secretary is Jack Blackburn Midland representative of Georg Ian Bay Airways Mr Blackburn succeeds Nesbilt who held the post for 31 years ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Proceeds tor the Cancer Polio and TubmanIa SPECIAL GAMES Located just south of Barrie on Concession 14 between highway ii and highway 400 TONIGHT SAT MAY 78 IIIINEIIO NOTORIOUS com MARLENE DIETRIECH ARTHUR KENNEDY MON TUES MAYIOLII HIE NIIRRELE or IR LRRY or ERHNIR ROLAND YOUNG SHOWSANIGHTLY ENROLMENT OF i954 CRR Appointments Steamship Staffs AI Port McNicolI Marin Port McNicoll sup erintendent of Great Lakes Steam ships CPR announced the ap pointments for the Steamers AS siniboia and Keewatin tor 1954 Capt Ridd has been appoint ed Master of he Kecwatin due to the illness of Capt Mitchell former master of the ship MID is on leave ofabscnce SS Assiniboia Captain Stewart Victoria Harbor lst mate Jarman Victoria Harbor 2nd Mate Swales Port Mc Nicoll 3rd Mate Guthrie Elm mle Chief Engineer Ger vais Victoria Harbor Purser Tracey Port Arthur Chief Steward Roy Smith Midland 2nd Steward Slanisky Pom Mc Nicoli SS Keewaiin Captain Ridd Midland lst Mate Camp bell Port MeNicoIl 2nd Mate Delahey Victoria Harbor 3rd Mate Estey Port McNicoll Chief Engineer Irvine Port Arthur Purser Paxton Gait Chief Steward Arbdur Victoria Harbor 2nd Steward Graham Port McNicoil LIVING COSTS UP IN MARCH Scattered increases in living costs pushed the consumer price index up by oneetenth of point during March to 1156 from 1155 It was the first rise in six months Food prices continued to decline Shelter costs were unchanged The increases were in cost of clothing household operations and other items including healthand personal care and postal rates ARE YOU FULLY COVERED BURGLARY INSURANCE is not expensive but it is menu In comforting when you need it Be sure II STEVENSON INSURANCE See Us FIRST For Insurance of ALL KINDS 05 Dnnlop St Phone 5201 ATTENTION PARENTS KINDERGARTEN CLASSES Ior me your Sept 1954 June 1955 WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE RRRRIE PIIBLN SCHOOLS ENRRINETIIN NILICIIESI NINE EIIWIIIIII PRINCE OF AS INDICATED BELOW TINsnRr MAY 11 WEDNESDAY MAY 12 WALES TNOIISINIY NIRY 13 ERIIIRY MAY 14 HOU RS IO L30 om 330 pm Tobe eligible Iorthe above year ox pupil must be five years old BEFORE DECEMBER 1954 Special Note to Parents residing in the Area being annexed by the Iwan Of Barrie Parents residing in the Tiffin St Area having children eligible to start in Kindergar ten or Grade please register in King Edward School on the date noted above Parents residing in the Dunlop and Anne St Area having children eligible to Start in Kindergarten or Grade please register in Price of Wales School on the date noted above Proof of age of each child must be furnished the school ingthe termydfabirth or pap dismal certiï¬cï¬te or Other Proof of age satisfactory to the Boardbeforethechildwill be admitted to the class IniSeptember Barrie Oislriellv Collegiule INSIIIIIIOV Ei Acliiijssiiim Adults $100 Children so V3ARRIE Section ZPoges to l6 SNOIN iii some ut 2000 years defied Io Mm 7h e1iurein the emerald lfidJR of lost empire Mm warnn th 25 fï¬k TASIIREOE MDENOHDOR been TECHNICOLOR oul INLAY wuvu INII ARIN mm mm Iiiiiiiv Eiircliitii ADDED ATTRACTION THE EAST SIDE KIDS in BOYS or THE CITY pï¬nW mWVa BARRIE THEATREGUILD presents IIIISENIC OLD LIItE COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM lri Rsui MIIylszS 15 New Reserved $l00 General 75c Students 50c TICKETS ON SALE AT JACKSONS GRILL or frOm any member of the Guild THEFINEST EVER Variety Concert presented by Barrie Citizens Band Roxv THEATRE 830pm MC the Inimitable JERRY SLAUGHTER BARRIE CITIZENS BAND under the diréction of Band Master Joe MeNeiilie Assistant Band Master Alf Shepherd RCAF TRUMPET BAND Camp Borden under the dir ection of Band Master Sgt Saunders BOB POWELL saxophone soloist JIM BAKOGEORGE pianist NePEDRO HIS LATINAMERICAN GROUP one of Englands finest flautists an artist youll never forget SUNINIY MNYIO COLLECTION AT THE DOOR SEEING FIIIILIES 0F 54 Musical Revue gt presented by The Barrie Buntiiig IIERIIEmy lecturing SRECIAL GUEST ARTISTS and THE TERRYETTES ERIIIIIY NIIIr OBTAINABLE IhnrasfnAnnnn shoe 1ANYAOADEMY= STUD Airs