6THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1954 HELP WANTED CAR SALESMAN Barrie dealer in one of Canadas fastest selling lines requires young married man with sales ex perience If you are interested in above average earnings this should appeal to you Apply Bullock Mot ors Ltd Market Square Barrie Phone 5526 15253 MECHANIC AND BODY MAN Apply ED HAGAN DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED 65 Collier St Dial 2487 153 ARE THERE MEN IN THIS AREA WHO WANT TO MAKE MONEY but DONT WANT TO BE BOSSED Men who have farmed or worked at trade sometimes feel they would like to sell Selling insurance is great life You can earn money as you want when you want to because you are the boss If you are between ages 25 and 55 write or phone me and let us talk it over PHILLIPS 39 Cook SL BARRIE Phone Barrie 4457 1535 34 Town Of Barrie Dept Public Works Applications will be received by the undersigned at 24 Robert Street for the following positions the SUPERINTENDENT for Department of Public Works FOREMAN for the Department of Public Works Ap licati eived until wallRas CAMPBELL Town Engineer 14753 EXPERIENCED Waitress Apply Prysons Grill l45tf DELIVERY Boy hours 86 Apply Crowe Co Ltd phone 5514 153 PLUMBERS Wanted Apply Sull ivan Plumbing and Heating Allis ton 15254 BABY Sitter to look after child during day while mother works Phone 6348 153 FEMALE Cook abstainer for Christian boarding home for chil dren Phone 10r4 Siroud 15355 FULL TIME or part time help Abstainer The Food Bar 70 Dun lop West or phone 9052 15253 GENERAL Labor wanted Apply McMartin First Coopeiative Packers of Ontario Limited Bar rie 15354 STENOGRAPHER for life insur ance office Apply stating age ex perience etc to Box 50 Barrie Examiner 15253 RELIABLE Mari abstainer for farm close to Barrie For further information apply Box 62 Barrie Examiner 153 WAITRESS wanted also Kitchen Helper Apply in person McCanns Coffee Bar 15 Essa Road Closed Wednesdays 15253 BEEF Butchers and Cutters want ed Apply MeMartin First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Limited Barrie 15354 EXPERIENCED farm and for one month to prepare for 1e farm At once Apply Mrs Harvey Mag laughten Tottenham or 38r22 15253 PROTESTANT Teacher required for SS No F105 and No Ves pra Well equipped schools on High way 2710 miles north of Barrie Salary $1800 with annual increase Enrolment 10 pupils Apply stating qualiï¬cations experience age and references to Murray Carson Seey Treasurer RR Phelpston 15254 phone HELP WANTED WOMEN Wanted to package pro duct from to pm Mondays through Fridays Apply Mc Martin First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Limited Barrie 15354 RELIABLE handy man preferably with some experience in garden ing and housework Good home and year round work with good wages for the right man Phone Mr Sheppard Barrie 4266 1525355 YOUNG Girl to do baby sitting and help some around modern country home young girl going to high school who would like good home would be quite suit able Box 57 Barrie Examiner 153 START your own business selling must to all families in Barrie and surroundings Interesting commis sionfree Samples with each or der Free catalogue and details on request Familex 1600 Delorimier Dept Montreal 153 PROTESTANT Teacher wanted for USS No 1721 miles from Coll ingwood Hydro inside toilets open roadand bus service Duties to commence in September Apply stating qualiï¬cations to Mrs John Smith RR Collingwood Phone 96J3 Collingwood 15356F ARE YOU satisï¬ed with your pre sent income and chances for ad vancement If not investigate the money making possibilities and se cure future offered by Rural Watkins Dealership Sell Nation ally advertised productsnecessi ties for both home and farm ANo investment Free training If you are between 25 and 55 and have or can obtain car write immediately for full details without obligation to Dept OB5A The Watkins Company 350 St Roch SL Mon treal 153 POSITIONS WANTED ROOM for one or two children in respectable home Excellent care Phone 2135 253 WIDOW Wishes housekeeping pos ition in gentlemans home Phone 52132 Elmvale 25253 HAIRDRESSER desires position Hairdressing School graduate Ap ply Box 61 Barrie Examiner 25355 lF YOU are looking for man to do the odd carpenter job drop line to Holterman RR Bar rie 25153 LADY Teacher with drivers lic ense desires summer position Counter and sales experience Box 41 Barrie Examiner 25153 CUSTOM work wanted Plowing diseing cultivating and manure loading Charles Miller RR No Stroud phone 23r12 24953 EXPERIENCED Bookkeeper male capable of handling complete set of books Excellent references Ap ply Box 38 Barrie Examiner 252 EDUCATED young woman requires Experienced industrial welfare dental receptionist and bookkeeping and little typing Box 40 Barrie Examiner 25153 FARMS FOR SALE COLLINGWOOD District good 100 acre farm level land splendid home and barn Can be bought through VLA Possession immedi ately Phone 1516 or 733 Colling wood Hunt Realtor 85254 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EWES Lambs and steel Truck Wagon Apply Matt Schiller Mid hurst Phone 804121 95253 HOLSTEIN Cow years old due May 20 Apply Harry Ross Cooks town phone 55r23 953 12 YORKSHIRE Pigs weaned Ap osition ply Haverson New Lowell Phone Creemore 405r23 953 REGISTERED Hereford Bull years old Phone Creemore201W1 Harvey Norris Avening 953 REGISTERED Hereford Heifers Apply to Stiachan RR No on Station Phone 810 Oro 953 REGISTERED English White Boar Apply William Ford RR No Utopia Phone Barrie 808r4 953 PART HOLSTEIN cow years old fresh Registered Hereford bulls one year old sixmonths old Phone 8r11 Ivy 95254 GRADE Durham Bull excellent quality one year old sired by Klaymor Jade 285934 Apply to Clarence Carson Phelpston Phone Elmvale 57r23 95253 TEAM OF gray mares one dark the other dappled rising and years old sound and quiet Sell singly or together Apply Norman Maxwell Brentwood 95253 RATES For ADIEICOIMNS Deadline for Copy530pm week day preceding issue ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONED TO OFFICE PHONE 2414 4c word minimum 80 Following consecutive insertions 3c word minimum 60c CASH RATE word minimum 60c 2c word minimum 40c MUST BE PAID wrrn canon BOX NUMBERS or replies directed to this office 25c extra COMING EVENTS LOCALS 4c word minimum $100 AUCTION SALE NOTICES 45a word minimum $100 Following consecutive insertions 3c word minimum 75c IN MEMORIAM CARD THANKS IN APPRECIATION 30 word minimum $100 ENGAGEMENT NOTICES $100 Bates and type styles for semidisplay classifieds may be oblplnedthrough The Examiner advertising department nonTm Ilrrlo Examiner will notI usumo mommy am over the lentnu nor or am the first Insertion moon16166 for buy error In upon in can union notified LIVE OR DRESSED POULTRY HIGHEST PRICES PAID OUR TRUCK WILL CALL MCLAUGHLIN Phone 77W Alliston when we buy your poultry 831109 Barrie Metal Er Salvage humane ct scan IRON METALS runs amiss mos BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY Our truck will call 81th prices paid Special price paid delivered Phone Barrio Stone 98129818 2988 MAX PUSH KOFF AND COMPANY around Office 156 Tiffin St 315u HIGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron Metal Batteriel Rap INDUSTRIAL IRON 85 METAL Dunlap St West lemdnle Phone aural or 0487 GOLF CLUBS wanted right hand preferably matched Phone Bud Brockwell 2414 or 3661 after pm 13481 1951 OR 1952 PRIVATELY owned Chev Coupe or Club Coupe want ed Must be in good condition and priced reasonable No dealers Phone 9134 235253 WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 2907 6129tf MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Simcoe County Box 66 Orillia Phone 4752 5121120 JERRY COUGHLIN LICENSED AUCTIONEER INCORPORATING SLESSORS AUCTIONEERING SERVICE Phone 5449 Barrie 89 Wellington St East 52664 FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland St Phone 5185 51794 FLOOR SANDERS TO RENT Are your floors shabby Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and reï¬nish like new Reasonable rates All types of floor ï¬nishes available BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER l9 ClappertonSt Ph 5206 518tf FOR LOADING grading and back filling phone Stewart 5082 55358 BUILDING and Home Repairs Re modelling Phone Myers 2105 after pm 54150WF CLEANING and decorating inter ior and exterior For free estim ate phone 4751 55261 GARDEN Manure Loam and Sod for sale Sod laid or delivered Phone evenings Bill Muir 5087 55254 WELLS Drilled and Repaired Pumps for sale Free estimates Merlin Coupland phone 807r3 55362EW GET YOUR Garden plowed by Tractor Apply to Dave Miller RR No Barrie Phone 805r252 56 MIMEOGRAPHING AND Public Stenography Barrie Business Coll ege 66 Toronto St Barrie Phone 4824 5136tf HAVE your garden prepared for planting the modern wayby rot ary tilling Phone 4230 for ap pointment 55359F FURNACE and chimney cleaning Chimneys built and repaired Phone Hazon Drinkle 5241 between am and pm 55262 PAINTING Eavestroughing and Roofing expertly done For further information contact Veteran Con tractors phone 6526 55055 LAWN Mowers Sharpened Lit tle 258 Dunlop St West For pickup and return service phone 4785 50 cents extra 55174 LINCOLN Weldealer New and used welders electrodes accessor ies Arc welding taught day or night Andrade and Sons phone 10r14 RR No 21 Strand 54161 PARENTSdine babys ï¬rst shoes finished as lovely keepSEike in Ceramized Porcelain or Motherof Pearl Illustrated folder Write HuroniaEnterrrisex Dept 1914sa Phone ma Box or getting Ont Heme We will pay for the phone calli FOR SALE GRAVEL FILL AND FOP SOIL TRACTOR LOADING Septic Tanks Pumped DENNIS MORAN PHONE 2907 BARBIE 7451 THREE AIDS TO HAPPY HOME Available at one address OFILIER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT The ï¬nest llome Sanitation System OJUNO FLOOR POLISHER CELNA The Sewing Machine of the century PHONE BARRIE 3482 information and demonstra tions ROY TRACY 87 Maple Avenue 713tf For FARM FRESH fruits vegetables fowl poultry honey eggs home baking At Competitive Prices FARMERS MARKET 36 Mulcaster St Barrie at the Market Square EVERY SATURDAY am to pm 72362 CABINS to be moved Phone 5573 75354 POWER Lawn Mower as good as new Half price Phone 5082 75354 BADMINTON Racquet and press $5 Tennis Racquet $3 Phone 3551 753 TUXEDO in excellent condition dress shirts About 33inch waist Phone 2687 753 WATERLESS Cooker new never used Apply 114 Sophia St East after pm 753 MANS Bicycle in very good con dition May be seen at 126 Cook St Phone 5168 753 RECONDITIONED Lawn Mowers cheap Barrie Iron Works 11 High St Phone 5046 753 OAK DESK and lamp Wool rug 56 large trunk Mans Bicy cle Phone 4151 harmony banjo Apply 37 Alfred St Phone 5008 75253 KITCHEN SET Jackknife table and four chairs Phone 2508 or 223 Dunlop St West 753 ELECTRIC Welders portable Cheap Apply Alex Cleland 11 High St Phone 5046 746th STOVE combination coalelectric with hot waterfront Ideal stove for farm or cottage Phone 3766 75356F HOUSE to be removed from prop erty Tenders accepted till June For full particulars phone 5303 75257 ADDING Machines and Typewrit ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 7136 KELVINATOR 2door refrigerator 16 cu ft Suitablefor large family or commercial Excellent condition Phone 3209 753 WHITE Enamel Ice Box also nat ural ï¬nished buffet Both in good condition $12 each or best offer Phone 3951 75253 GENDRON Baby Carriage silver grey new condition CCMJunior Miss Bicycle good condition Hot plate Phone 3126 753 RUGS Broadloom save 50 New rugs made from old rugs carpets woollens etc Dominion Rug Weav ing Co phone 2706 748tf ITEMIZING National Cash Regis ter Suit groceteria Phone 4824 or write Simcoe Business Machines 66 Toronto St Barrie 753 WOODEN Trusses which will span building 90 50 also doors 12 12 with tracks and rollers Phone Wm Stewart 5082 75355 MASSEYHarris roller bearing wagon good as now also tires 16x600 6ply good as new Apply Howard Duggan Creemore 4Z35r33 1948 HARLEY Motorcycle 6108V good condition $400 or $300 cash and cheaper motorcycle Con Beeton Bucknell phone 44r4l 753 3PIECE Chesterï¬eld Suite Elec tric washing machine Norge Day Bed Kitchen Table Mrs Prentice Thornton Rhone Ivy 15r5 after ppm 75053F WROUGHT Iron coffee tables ï¬re outdoor barbecues fire screens Apply Barrie dogs and baskets Iron Works 11 High St Phone 5046 746th ADDING Machine Burroughes electric 10 column direct subtrac tion credit balance perfect con dition guaranteed $195 Phone 5234 753 EVINRUDE MotorsNew and used Expert motor repair service Tar iff rates Send for used motor and boat list Morrisons Sporting Goods Newmarket Ont 75059F PUMPING Systems See Youngs at Stroud for vDuro Shallow well pump with galvanized tank and pump to tank fittings $13950 Deep well pumping unit less pipe 16450 Phone Stroud 37 evenings 712 74752FW TYPEWRITERS office machines portablea adding mediates cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 France Barrie SwitIICaronu representative 7+0be 753 36 CHEV in good condition and FOR SALE NO SOD Further information phone 5419 Barrie 753 ABOUT 635 White Pine Logs Cecil Coates phone Creemore 210W2 75253 HP ROTOTILLER Garden Trac tor excellent condition Less than half price Phone 5080 75254 CU FT Gibson refrigerator with sealed unit only used short time nice appearance also McClary burner heavy duty stove also Moffat 4burner heavy duty stove Balie and Son 12 Bziyfpleld2slsté TYPEWRITERS and Adding Mn chines new and factory recondi tioned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental rates Call Remington Rand Lim Ited 70 Dunlap SL Barrie Phone 2756 724th BATHTUB kitchen sink hot water tank with heating element also buildings booth and single car garage to be removed from lot Best offer Apply Al Giles BA Ser vice Station Burton Ave and Fssa Road 75354 NEW AND Reconditioned used pi anos Terms to suit your budget Frank Kennedy Phelpston miles north of Barrie on Con2 Flos andone mile east Phone Elm vale 9rli 71263F USED FURNITURE Rangette burncr with automatic oven used short time $45 Good Cook Stove in new condition coal or Wood half price $45 3piece Chesterï¬eld Suite $55 9pieoe Walnut Dining Room Suite in good condition chairs with leather seats exten sion table large buffet china cab inet $75 Clarks Home Furnish ings 38 Bayfield Street 753 Accommodation Wanted ROOMED furnished apartment wanted immediately One child Apply Box 49 Barrie Examiner 115253 OR ROOMED Apartment for business people With piano Ab stainers Central By June Box Barrie Examiner 1153 MARRIED high school with one preschool child wishes to rent room apartment or small house July Box 46 Barrie Ex aminer 115254 HOUSE wanted to rent or rooms Dwelling or lower apart ment preferred vicinity Allandale by respectable business couple no children Required immediately Apply Box 44 BarrieExlamiéiesri LOST FOUND LO ITNew Goodyear fan belt on Litt es Hill Tuesday afternoon Finder please phone Ivy 815 1753 PASTU RE ROOM FOR 30 head of cattle on new permanent pasture Phone 1914 Lefroy 2253 PERSONAL Permanent Waves am Special Take advantage Of these amazing reductions on morning appoint ments Reg $350 wave $300 Reg $500 wave Cold Wave reg $700 Cold Wave reg $600 $400 HAIR CUTIIING 50c CAMERON 60 Maple Ave 3041Wth IiiAVE you pimples personality anish unsightly blemishes with new Kleerex Ointment and Soap Kleerex draws out infection and restores the natural All druggists sEEn FEED RED CLOVER Seed for sale Wm Schell Brentwood 1053 MIXED Hay for sale square bales wire tied Fred Cook phone 5650 105354 COBBLER Potatoes for sale Apply 3051 to Barnharet Hawkestone Phone Oro 54 105254 SWEET Clover Seed for sale Ap ply Goodfellow Minesing phone 714 105153 RED CLOVER Seed power cleaned for sale Reasonable Leo Doran phone 806r4 105253 GALORE Seed Barley for sale Phone 844r21 Lewis Wilson RR No Barrie 105153 MANDERIN Soybeans for seed for sale Also Cedar Fence Posts Phone 11r31 Stroud 105053 SWEEI Clover White Blossom $6 bushel Ernest Hancock Egbert Phone Cookstown 72r4 105253 HIGII Grade Canso Seed Pota toes for sale Fletcher RR Thornton Phone between 12 and pm Ivy 2r12 105254 MONTCALM Barley for sale pew er cleaned also Beaver Oats Phone Gm 916 Robert Camp bell RR No Shanty Bay 105153 SEED GRAIN for sale mixture of Ajax Oats and Galore Barley also Hereford Yearlings Apply Satur day Duncan Campbell Gutliï¬iiéa AJAX BEAVER an Roxton Oats Government grade All grain offered for sale grown from regis tered seed Isaac Shaw Hawke stone Phone 59 Orc 105253 BEAVER Oats third generation cleaned and treated for sale also Galore Barley and Red Clover seed 100 bags of Canso Potatoes town from foundation seed also ratahdin Phone 812132 Campbell Bros RR No Barrie 10535556 teacher Phone 4351 complexion PROPERTY FOR SAL LACEY REALTOR 98 Hayfield St Ph 5298 am9 pm MondaySaturday Reps CarsonxAi Rose SALES LISTINGS APPRAISALS 10201 NHA RESALE 114 storey bevelled siding bed rooms large living room with brick ï¬replace air condition oil healing Iull price $8500 Down payment $3700 Payments about $4300 per month including princi pal interest and taxes Allandale location storey bevelled siding bed rooms Codrington School area Full price $7000 Down payment $2500 Payments less than rent 114 storey stone clad rooms stone fireplace This home is un ï¬nished Asking price $ll000 No reasonable cash offer refused Owner must sell We have many more new and old er homes at various prices in all parts of Barrie Come in and dis cuss your housing problem with us 1653 Angus Room Ronch Style Bungalow in grove of beautiful maples on acres of land hardwood floors throughout bathrooms VLA approved Exceptional opportunity for Camp worker Close to bus and school on Highway 90 Phone 4792 evenings ask for Mr Coulson 1650th GORDON STOUTT LTD Real Estate Brokers Aurora Oakville BARBIE DISTRICT REP GEORGE WRIGHT Phone Barrie 4800 150 Dunlop St East Member Barrie District Real Estate Board 1645tf CHOICE LOTS Angus Gardens Subdivision all lots 66 230 Flat level land with ideal drainage Al gardening land exceptionally good water Close to bus and school on Highway 90 $20000 and up Phone 4792 evenings ask for Mr Roberts 1636th CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Over SterlingTrusts Phone 2678 If you are looking for home lot tobuild on summer cottage or business give us call Listings invited CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE Barrie 1647th LOT ON Holgate SL frontage 69 ft Phone 5267 1653 CHOICE BUILDING Lots Strabane St close to school transportation and new park Apply 114 Napier St Phone 5337 165255 MODERN NEW Bungalow ï¬ve rooms with sunroom overlooking Kempenfelt Bay Apply owner 172 Blake St 165355 LOTS IN Village of Thornton 50 feet by 200 feet No drainage prob lems Phone Mrs Prentice Ivy 15r5 after pm l65053F BRICK HOUSE rooms oak floors throughout bathrooms oil heat attached garage Apply 244 Brad ford St Phone 3349 165361 $70005 ROOMED Insul Brick Bungalow Strand Modern bath room oil heated oak floors full basement Half down Phone 27r4 Stroud 165359F PARTLY FURNISHED room bungalow in Angus Cash Very reasonable Phone days 574W Camp Borden Evenings apply Brown Centre St Angus 165253 MODERN ROOM bungalow and bath garage and nice lot excell ent condition Queens Park area Reasonable Cash preferred but terms may be arranged Phone 5108 165253 35000OAKVIEW Wasaga Beach winterized home allconveniences oil heated beautiful lot river frontage Mosely St opposite Sev enth Avenue Oakview 164753F CAPE COD home custom built steel beam construction large rooms ï¬replace ceramic tile piece bath oil heated Fully decor ated garage storms screens land scaped Owner leaving town Phone 4557 165355 ACRE ACROSS from DriveIn Theatre $650 terms available Also new insul brick bungalow 3piece bath hydro oak floors cupboard unit and sink on Baldwin Lane $4800 Phone 5759 or call at 73 Burton Ave 165355 CENTRALLY LOCATED on resi dential street Zstorey brick house utitlh sunponch rooms large clothes closets beautiful oak floors throughout eXCellent new furnace also garage Early possessmn Must be seen to be appre iated 60 Barrie Examiner ROOM STOREY house1011 heated bedrooms upstairs large storage rooms bedrooms and 4pieca bath downstairs Thor automatic dishwasher and washing machine in kitchen IargeLshaped livng and dining storms screens an awnings fully landscaped and rock garden close to school store and bus service $15500 Terms can be arranged Phone 3284 165253 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND Board for working PROPERTY FOR SALE men good living quarters good meals Phone 6050 1253 GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT ROOM AND Board in new home SINCE 1947 bedsitting room newly furnished Apply 149 Codrington or ANNOUNCES phone 6326 125311 THE ESTABLISHMENT or ROOM AND Board desired for ladsl gith twu sfons gigolo and wx ay care or itren rite REAL ESTATE DIVISION full particulars to Box 1061 Cree We cordially invite listings Bpsmess oppomnhes more 125253 Businesses GOODEIEVERAL Store on High wayWi lying quarters stock at 20mg 31de LOIS inv0ice Excellent opportunity for 1110116 5934 ClaDPGTIOh 5L rightparty for rent Apply Box Donald GI FLth 18 Barrie Examiner 2950531 Sales Representatlve SLOWCOLONY Snack Bar 40 165002 gigser St Ice Cream and Snack BUILDING LOT 826 165 north and pgilnedlhcgcih Theblhliasfpgl Collingwood between Rodney and Cook near Codrington Street Xemgiirï¬ziih App 1y Boggfhizg School Sewerand water available surveyed Lloyd Smith 3704 $4000 SNACK BAR and Gas 155254 Pom stock extra fiveyear lease SMALL HOLDING approved1 $11225 ie arranged established busi Barrie Cooperativc lifting VLA mom home convem For further information contabt mam highway Short dismnce Marshall Representative from Barrie If interested in ob wining good Property for S5633 FLSnESIShB°k°r230id sonable price write Box 58 Barrie Examine 1653 BEAUTY Salon located in good sized town 25 miles from Barrie ROOM STOREY brmk home Opportunity for one or two Opera largc rooms modernized forced air tors Last years gross profit over stokci fired furnace This home is $3000 Complete business Stock in excellent condition garage Lo and equipment $2000 Very rea camn MUICaSter Street sonable rent and lease can be or Coulis Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 165253 ranged 47 30 E35332 ESTATE OF the late George Oves brick house bedrooms 3piece bath living room electric ï¬replace dining room kitchen toilet hard FURNISHED Bedroom very cen wood floors throughout Corner of tral Phone 4719 1553 Sanford and Victoria Sis Apply George Cameron phone 4357 FURNISHED Apartment Adults 1633tf only Phone 3371 1552tf srx ROOM rug Erick home on LARGE onlfurnished bedroom Sanford St 14 years old newly Central Phone 3090 1553 decorated throughout $8200 full price with $3000 down Barrie LARGE BedSIEtmg momv very Realtors Cooperativo No BD54l central Phone 3041 after 1553 Charles Rogers Realtor Ster hng Trusts Bldg phone Eliszï¬ainess person preferred Phone 3438 gt 155355 ROOMED HOUSE with attached garage and choice garden soil on 2ROOM Furnished apartment cen main highway Low taxes Fun tral Adults29 McDonald St Phone basemnlm dwitlgdcrï¬il and wood fur 3627 155253 nace ar wo 09rs and iece SELFCONTAINED lroom cabin bath minutes drive from own 2piece bath winterized Phoné town Barrie Apply Box 54 Bar 153 rie Examiner 165354 ROOM BRICK house upstairs FURNISHED or partly furnished rooms toilet and sink down liv moms light cmkmg Reasonable ing room bedroom and kitchen Phone 4501 155253 piece bath oak floors and inlaid FURNISHED Rooms and furn linoleum Heavy Wiring hot water ished rooms Separate entrance and hot air furnace Sacriï¬ce Full Phone 3269 155253 price $7450 Down payment $3200 Apply 41 Sanford St or phone OFFICE OF sample IOoms near 4843 165053 bus station and new Post Office at 53 Collier St 15461f VACANT SEMIdetached brick eentral bedroom home large FURNISHED ROJmS bright and kitchen with modern cupboards CheerY Available May 10 10 Blake hardwood dopmstairs newly decor St Phone 4818 1553 ated large level lot stove heated Full price $5500 Large down pay LIGHT HOUSEKeeping room suit ment required balance very easy able for working girls Apply 30 Ideal for duplexing Phorie 6378 or Wellington St West 1553 6462 16 0525 COUPLE or business girls to share DISTINCTIVE RANCH type brick apartment $50 monthly Apply Box bungalow large living room stone 45 Barrie Examiner 155253 Homes Farms COMFORTABLE bedroom Bustr Hulse Separator Service ï¬replace picture window with view of Bay modern kitchen spacious closets bedrooms landscaped Also other ï¬ne homes available seen by appointment Mar shall Representative Coutts Realtor Owen StreetDial 2377 165253 $7000112 STOREY Upstairs un ï¬nished complete rooms and bath on ground floor full base ment hot air heating garage large lot Tiffin Street Also at Essa Station room bungalow and oth er homes in Angus Area Mort gages arranged Apply Mar shall Representative Coutts Realtor Owen Stret Dial 2377 165253 $2500 DOWNFOUR room frame bungalow forced air heating $15000Six room 112 storey brick home Codrington School area view of lake forcedair oil furnace at tached garage ï¬nished recreation room $10000Eight room brick house forced airoil heatinglarge lot excellent condition Contact Henry Elrick and Michie Realtors Barrie phone 3752 1653 7== noes PET STOCK DALMATIAN Pups for sale also male years old females 20 months old Registered Selling out Ed Webb phone 64W Cookstown 385356FW BUY Budgie forLMotherls Day Budgies$l2 matched pair $8 for young pairs and $4 for breeding hens Bertha DeSehepper phone Creemore 45112 385253 FARM EQUIPMENT MCCORMICK Seed Drill 13 run Apply Sanderson Gm 309 11953 BUCK RAKE ready for use mounted on car McKee phpne 97W Cookstown 3953 LEATHER Covered pulley forFord Tractor also PTO extenSion Allen Neilly Gilford PhoneLefmy 26r22 395253 COCKSHUII Manure Spreader on steel $35 5foot McCormick Deer ing mower new 335 Both in good working order Harold Gibson phone Ivy 10r13 395253 70 COCKSIIUII Standard Tractor used overhauled and good condi tion also Case 2furrow plow for pOWer hydraulic cylinder good as new Phone 860rl2 395356 ASSEYHarris pony tractor cars old with plow springtooth cultivator mower and pulley $800 Curly DeSchepper New Lowell Phone Creemore 451r2 395253 CREAM Separator parts Com plete stock for Renfrcw DeLaval Viking Vega Coop Supreme Ankerholth Electric attachments all makes Expert repair work Free inspecticms anywhere When in trouble phone Moonstonevii long Hillsdale 395355 IMMEDIATE Occupation of roomed apartment heated hot and cold water Phone 3905 FURNISHED light housekeeping room Gentleman preferred Adults Very central Phone 3801 1553 ROOMED unfurnished apartment self contained Available June Apply Box 51 Barrie Examiner 155253 LARGE attractive furnished house keeping room suitable for Ah stainers 65 Drury Lane Phone 4724 155253 FURNISHED Bedroom suit busi ness ladyor gentleman Housekeep ing priVileges if desired Phone 3510 1553 1553 FURNISHED Bedsitting room kit chen privileges ground floor very central Lady preferred Phone 3239 1553 ROOMS in the village of Edgar close to the Radar Apply Mrs Jesse Bidwell Edgar or phone 848r22 1553 3ROOM Furnished with May 22 Adults Box 63 Barrie Examiner 1553 FURNISHED heated 3room apart Apartment ment across from DriveIn Thea tre Partial rent for few hours help daily Phone 5650 155354 FURNISHED Bachelor apartment electric stove and frig private bath garage included Apply Box 59 Barrie Examiner 6ROOM white frame house and one acre garden in Ore Township Black Realtor RR Shanty Bay Phone Barrie 863r2 1553 UNFURNISHED Rooms in new house separate bathroom heavy wiring Adults abstainers only Immediate possession Phone 6193 155253 APARTMENT unfurnished newly decorated rooms and bath mod ern centrally located adults Im mediate possession $75 per month Phone 4861 155153 FURNISHED sitting bedroom and kitchenette heat hot water and light Private entrance Reasonable rent Adults only Abstainers Phone 4518 155253 UNFURNISHED Rooms private bath No children abstainers Working or middleage couple preferred Nearbus 96 Cumberland St Phone 3954 155253 ROOM selfcontained apartment also bachelor apartment Newly decorated new stoves and refrig erators continuous hot water and laundry facilities Adults Phone Barrie 4268 15525355 APARTMENTS large rooms and bath available June Newly decorated oil heated water sup plied separate laundry room large back yard heavy Wiring $5 monthly Apply Box 56 Barrie Examiner 1553 privatebath Vacant about 1553