Vat gigï¬I Ehilnritil Ilene of Iï¬arrir Examinrr 90lh YearNo 50 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY APRIL 30 I954 cw1f 32 3227337 Section 2Poges to I1 For Parents Only Pageam Orima ironli rilliiirllcll IIIIY May I0 BY Nancy elm Can help you sir asked The Scout in his teens and the Wiring l005e connecuonsl and 3003635 With British Scout in uniform when he Senior Rover Scout pledge them nlvelsa out gm bulbs The ï¬nned Church exposition saw stranger groping his way selves to help other people at all gt am pageant Triumï¬hs of the through dense London fog Will times With all the advances modern medicine Never leave garden tools or childrens Faith will be held in Orillia from mm 13 Boyce 0m novel way to emphasize the May l2 to 18 The exposition will Unued States was very glad to imppriance GWd Tum Pro accept this boys help The Scout accompanied the stranger to his destination just to make sure that he got there When the American thanked his young guide he also offcred him shilling But the boy refused the money saying am Boy Scout and Scouts do not take tips for their daily good turn Mr Boyce was surprised and impressed He determined to learn more about the Scouting Move ment As this happened in 1909 he was able to make an appointment with Baden Powell the founder of Boy Scouts When the principles of Scouting were carefully explain ed to the American visitor he was convinced that here was something which he must transplant to his native soil Howiwell this movement has taken root in less than half cen tury is shown by the most recent gram was carried out last Autumn by the Wolf Cub Pack of Red Deer Alberta At the weekly meetings an unsigned list of good turns for each day was handed in to Akela the Cub Master These papers were wrapped in tinfoil Then they were added to an ever growing snowball At the Christ mas party Cubmaster Calathder showed the great tinfoil snowball with its precious record and few of the anonymous sheets were read aloud by individual Cubs Many good turns are done right at homelxxHow many thousands of mothers have been thankful for Scouting when son has willingly offered to do some extra task around the house run an errand Shovelled snow looked after younger child at play The story is told of widow with largcifamily whose oldest boy has made youd think those smart doctors toys about the grounds would turn up something to cure spring fever Instead they dont even admit it Cheek Souvenirs and ï¬rearms be sure there is no danger of explosion exists Ever one knows the in toms You wake 10 Make appmmms me house safe broken porch steps uneven or icy sidewalks up The sun is bright Youre suddenly overwhelmed with an awareness of spring and neleared debris are dangerous of freshness of an urge to get out and get things done You havent felt so full of Notes zing since this time last year be held each day while the pag cant will be presented at the Opera House on May 17 and13 only The exposition will be held in St Pauls auditorium and both are be ing sponsored by the combined SimcIoe and Muskoka Presbyteries The congregations in the Pros byteries will be represented in the pageant and number of the Un itcd Church choirs will participate The pageant has already been presented in number of larger Canadian cities and has been pro claimed as an outstanding religious dramatization of the Churchs his tory The exposition will include pictorial exhibit interesting meet ing for children and adults the sale of books and inspirational speakers Canadian nurses who emigrated to US in Then things slowly change You have 1953 numbered 1I042I This compares with second Clip of coffee and stare out of the 935 the year before In last eight yearsI kitchen window What day But while 5384 nurses have gone south This doesnit youre sitting LIICIG something sets in Not take into account run865 who may have re ï¬lmy Coma but something Along that turned to Canada after work period in US line Total graduate nurses In Canada at census date was 35138 got it by threatening to go home to mother George gave me the fare YouI stretch You yawn Youre still car ried away with spring blit you also fed It takes courage for union officials to ask III In that you like to be carried What won their members to take voluntary pay cuts Among these will be the Modcr mil ssgfgggssgout mot9 townie was ScoutI One day when he ator ltt Rev Scott and more are 3I183I266 in the Unith had been particularly busy helping his mother with tasks such as clearing out the ashes in the fur nacc which his Dad used to do he met his Scoutmaster in the evening on his way to post some letters Have you done your good turn today his leader asked The boy hesitated embarrassed Then he faltcred Im awfully sorry Sir but Ive been so busy with work Mother had to have done that Ive had no time for my good turn This boy was certainly the ex ception Most lads have all kinds of spare time and it lsthe very lack of things to do which is contributing cause to their getting into destructive mischief Juven iles who are in trouble with the law are very seldom from Scout dcrful dankto sleep Yet that is what the UAW at Willys Motors in Toledo has done Labor costs will be cut by 10 This will make the Willys and Kaiser cars more competitive with cars in their price field hence jobs of their work ers more secure The move has its greatest significance as an indication that some labor Talk to doctor about it Specifically Dr unions are beginning to realize that the first Charles Miller of the State University of consideration of every labor move must be Iowa who has as few ideas on curing spring the effects It will have upon the companys fever as any other doctor market position He says its all in your head though you OINONS OF OTHERS know darn well you can feel it in every bone of your tired body What about those old family remedies for Spending For LOSS Mrs Scott Dr llarold Young sec retary of the Board of Colleges and secondary schools Rev Kim of Chosen Christian Univerity Seoul Korea Dr William Mustard Indochina not Korea uppermost in peoples minds as representing the Board of Home Mlssmns Dr George Williams as Geneva conference on Far Eastopens US Agency says meme secretary of missionary Soviet Union pouring money into Central and South America and maintenance AI Km to step up Communist actIVlty Geneva conference will be Icy societaly for Stewardship closely watched by millions of antiCommunist Asians Britain has urgent sense of what Communist victory in Indo of what Communist victory mil china will mean to British and Commonwealth interests italy or diplomatic in Indochina might mean not only to British in of the French fortress of Dien Bicn tercsts in southeast Asia but to Phu in northern Indochina most of the Commonwealth Whollth 9°feréme the If the besieged jungle Outpost It has taken surprise flight EastIopencd In Geneva at the b0 can survive the Communist Viet to London by Foreign Secretary Emmng this Week 35 Indo minh attacks little longer that Anthony Edcn plus midnight States To the south of the US In Mexico there are 3891 Scouts and to the north in Canada 146089 The name of this British Scout who did Mr Boyce good turn and thus introduced Scouting to this continent was never discov ered But in Gilwell Park Eng land that great centre of Scouting there is beautiful bronze statue of buffalo Beneath is this In scription To the Unknown Scout whose faithfulness in the performance of the Daily Good Turn brought the Scout Movement to the United States of America The Cub promise which each boy makes when he is admitted to Wolf Pack for eight to 11 year olds By midmorning the disease is at its height Every infected muscle rebels at the slightest signal from the brain to move And those leaves are still six inches deep in the rock garden thinning the blood in spring doctor The TWCCd NCWS China and OI Korea that 35 will be credit for the western meetin between him and Prime ates co lsistency OIf you1 blood is the same all the The Canadmn Namnal RailwayIs report for the uppermost in the minds of the powers in oriental eyesI Minister Sh Winston Churchill promise to do my best to do gloups or Sunday School cIasscs 51931 310mm he YaWnS year ended Dec 31 1953 shows aVely Slight proï¬t delegates and Practlcally everyone If th 11 is followed by special Sunday my duty to God and the Queen to mm the Very first the dam good 8158 or regs as now morning Cabinet meeting attended keep the Law of the Wolf Cub mm was WW9 no me mm Scouting Sir Robert BadenPow ell the originator of Boy Scouts in his book Scoutmastershlp wrote With little encourage ment on the part of the Scout master the practice of daily good turns becomes sort of fashion with boys It is the verybest step toWards making Christian in fact and not merely in theory this good turn business brings out the spirit of Christian character towards his neighbor Copyright and Donald Gordon president redicts loss for How about sulphur and molasses Surely 1954 no doctor would discount its value in the At the Same time Mr Gordon has persuaded Splmg cIommittcc dof the House of Commons to recommend expen iture of $20 million for hotel to be W911 says the d00t0r yawmng again IVS built on top of the railway station at Montreal like all other sprin tonics If on ed sul Mr Gordon does not predict that the hotel Would phur in your body its fine If you need pay more than three er cent on th 20 11 whats in molasses fine But the season has capitalization mn 0f nothin to do wi th The same need pm This hotel will be slightly larger than the Royal bably coma east at any timer York Hotel in Toronto which if memory serves Icost something like $20 million in 1923 Ahythin in Of WhICh leads 115 to the concluSion the building line that cost $20 million in I928 piob that modern medicine knows nothing about ably will cost $60 million in 1956 his sterious ailment tl lat confuses at the The CNR which is not profitable institution Slime Illme ll disableS and haI only gne shareholderthe Canadian tax payer as pro uced most elaborate re ort full DOCtOIS ale Small bUt they Ve 80t 10f of pretty pictures and figures that arenflt pretty to learn Anybody whos ever had spring The ï¬gures alluded to are not cheesecake The fever knows its in your backI your neck Canadian Pacific which is railway that must show proï¬t or become unpopular with its share yï¬ur ï¬loumirsi 011171 arms your legISandrI holders at home and abroad has produced report we may youl head tOO full of factual information It has managed to do it in modest looking pamphlet without undue cnv ACCIdehIS in Home of engravers printers and commercial 01 on lll tic home w111 bring death Huge quuor and injury to many Canadian families dur ing 1954 unlesssafety measures are taken Windsor Star warns the All Canada Insurance Federation If Canadians wish to curtail unnecessary spend ing to have more money to spend on essentials II estimates that accidents of all types there is one place they can do it without great sac excluding automobile and fire injuriescost riï¬cc That is in their expenditures pn alcoholic Canadians more than 10000000 in 1953 and beverages took more than 500 lives substantial The amount spent by the people of Canada on number of these accidents took plaCe in the alc°h°1i° belmgts huge one It Isiincreasmg at an alarming rate Many who drinkrare drinking home more and more people are drinking The danger is not only to householders If preportion of this great outlay were used for and their families said officials but also essential purposes many people would be living much better The increase in the amount spent to visitors and often the passer in Canada since 1946 is $275000000 This would Ofxfï¬ci build lot of homes kec others in better re air 315 0f the All Canada Insurance or better furnished or guy plenty of food IZlnd Federation which represents more than 200 clothing fireautomobile and casualty companies said th expense of the liquor traffic to the Canadian that no li ence as the Chlef cause 0f ac people really ismuch more than $79100000 spent in Cidcnts Theysuggested the following pre 1952 There is the loss sustained in traffic accidents cautions to which liquor contributes There are the crimes resulting from the abuse of liquor the cost of Low Windows should be barred when trials and keeping people in prison There are the small children are around expenses of broken homes of treatment of alco holicsIand the maintenance of those who have be come indigents as result of excessive use of alcohol Pack and to do good turn to somebody every day frankl ex ected here in ues But it was agreed at Berlin that Hons 3m whether the déegders by Britains top military IleadIcrs to put the Indochlnese CIISIS into the Geneva meeting would con sidcr Korea first and then proceed igiregsiléSwJéggzrfrzfl Pï¬zsnég trulyI Isharp focus here to the1nd°cmna quesuon asdts public can withstand the setback BmlSh commentators now are Second em and whether increased American DOIDIlng out to thell readers that The Communist offensive in andor UN participation in the In in the event of the Communists Indochina was doubtless timed to dochina struggle will be forthcom taking over Indochina Communist stimulate French anxiety to reach ing as result China might well become master the second item on the conference of southeast Asia putting Thai agenda and eagerness for com land Burma Malaya and Indo freenation agreement to set up promise settlement and incidental nesia in immediate danger and southeast Asian defence commun ly tovbolster Communistsbargain Britain is entering the Geneva jeopardizingIndiawlmriotanefley Wlpacific NATO lng power on Korea conference with an urgent sense Ion and other Asian nations which Turn to page eleven please diorlhe Blind seems to have succeeded almost too well for the Communists own nesxoruce FOI IOO IIIND MEN AND WOMIH have been moving toward democo racy With British hopes for Geneva now Very low the London Daily Telegraph suggests that the best that can be expected from it is 23 good The French position in Indochina has become so serious as to call for western decisions and actions which may well rule out the sort of negotiated peace the Communists hadhoped for peace which would leave the way open for gradual political conquest of all southeast Asia Current French appeals for massive air support to save the beleaguered Dien Bicn IPhu garri son somehow recall the desperate appeal of Paul Reynaud then French Premier forclouds of Am erican planes on the eve of the fall of France in 1940 USA Accoring to the United States Information Agency the Soviet Union is pouring money into Cent ral andsouth America to finance the mounting tempo of Commun ist activity in the 20 American republics III said Communist parties In Latin America have strengthened their ties with the Kremlin and satellite countries despite the fact that official party rolls have shrunk from 300000 to 200000 since World War II The agencys report was based on survey conducted by United States intelligence agents for dis tribution to overseas United States information posts The agency operates the Voice of America the International Press Service and other government information out lets The report reflected concern of the goVernment over Communist inroads in Latin America partic ularly Guatemala The United States has evidence of Commun ist traffic in contraband arms heavy amounts of red propaganda moving through the mails and the largescale training of disciplined Communist units in LatinAmer ican nations ht said steppedup Communist activities are underway despite the outlawing of Communist parties in 13 of the 20American republics Cominunist efforts are cloaked un der national liberation fronts llltlltlllltlll llllllll lllllll lllll and the infiltration of strategic la name Examiner ITOKYQT Class AMI Newspaper Coming events in Geneva will Published Monday Wednesday Fr=idoy ADMI KITCHENS AND AND GENERAL SERVICES BLDG DINING ROOMS SHVING oils 10000 ILIND Outsmarts RECREATION ANo HOBBYCRAFT BLDG MINING OCCUPATIONAL SERVICES AND EMPLOYMEN ING LIBRARY AND PUBLISHING BLDG IECOID Keep children away from stoves and fireplaces tlWe dgl not giggest prohibitionIis the answer to its pro em ut certainly it is time for Canadians Tlllll handles of pots and pans on stoves to show more selfrestraintor for governments to away from the reach of children exercise greater control over the liquor traffic 2000031indiCanadians Urgently Need New $3150000 SeryiceCcntre 4I poisons harmful di The effects Iof spending so much an alcoholic bev cmes and meet erages arent Just economic Thesocial consequences 191695 Should be plamly marked and kept in are even more serious We are too prodigal in Ia safe place ours expenditures on beer wine and liquor We are paying aheavy price for it not justin money AVOld placing scatter rugs at top 01 foot but in the increasingnumber of alcoholics and in of stairways or on highly polished floors many her 315 Yet there are those who advocate all drinking Watch for toys and other articles left Spots invomï¬o be kept open until two aImI They 011 Stalls and Sidewalkfi are doing disservice The above statistics surely indicate en 1e are drinkin too in ch 11 Check far worn unprotected electrical too littlep iii Mt Started in faith and courage thirty Now is the Time vices Library and Braille Publishing ï¬ve years ago the Canadian DepartmentflramingOccupational National Institute for the Blind Plans for the Service Centremiist Servicesand EmploymenhResidence today is regarded everywhere as go forward now If the PSSFntlal gfarthe Blind Dining Roomsand Kit model of efficient service for those PTQSFam 0f rehallhtatlf and chens Recreation and Hobby Craft IwithoutIsight traimnIg is to continue withIsafe conditions andadequate facilities These much needed modem But 116 despite its WorldWfde facilities willnbt be ossible without prestige CNIBs facilities aresorely VIIIWI has d9 your support N0 is your chance faxed1 Six buildings to bc loCated at to show your mediation of the II anview hAVBlllll arad Glenvale great wail dNIBdin brIlEhIiIibili lvd to ouse tese apartments ing an it uses mummy old squflered Administration and General Ser prevention fme ms canvass cultse be closely wat hed by millions of antiCommunit Asians not be cause they expect settlement of The welfare of 20000 blind and 50009 blindprevention cases is At The Wilson Building Post Office Square Barrie Ontario Canada gt NEWSPAPERS the issues involved in Korea and being lihffltened by dependeflce THE BARBIE PM Indochina buthecause they regard on fulï¬ll193 Wthh are IapldIIY OI WALLS President onrrvrtox VicePresident arvmr Secretaryllreasurer these conflicts as Part the wider will 5°19 and have 101 gt EastWest struggle nmadequate Member of Class Newspapers of Canada andvcanadian Weekly Newspapers Association IIhey will watch the test of7 strength between the Soviet Un ion and the United States oven the seating of Communist China as an inviting power at the parley Japan especially will watch Chinas performance there Everyr thing Peking does interests at bjgfrn element here lifloreover Chinaer bidfor major recognition will notf be easy to prevent it is felt here Asians also Iwill watch the effect of thecontinued resistance or fall WALLS Menarinr Editor CHIIIICK Sales Manager RIVETT Office Manner CHARLES TAYLOR Ncwo Editor HARRY COOPER Superintendent Cite tbetk regacgszhgspresenat iloldéliï¬uï¬ CANADIAN liriloiilll lusiliuriron rill limo moded facilities scatteredthroughi In 20¢MAY Average NetPaid AIBC Circulation Three Months Ending Dec31 1953 6490 out Ireater Toronto with IIggnegidated service centre Iiur our wailto ANN IINGIRIIPS vi By carrier delivery in town 26c for weeks $600 year months 3300 months0150 SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IY MAIL OUTSIDE CARRII ZONE $400 yearly In Canada months I225 months 8125 3500 yearly outside Canada