mepasffw use Zï¬wwif AV Jï¬k in initial 10° Expands ToSix léums Barrie will take on the DodgerYankee atmosphere this season in ladies softball as the final meeting of the Barrie district held Wednesday night here saw second team offi cially entered Barrie District Girls League Schedule 1954 Monday May Edgar at Barrie Shear Newmarket at Eirnvaie The organizational meeting ofthe league few weeks back Tunedr Mn 18 disclosed move on foot to field another Barrie entry but there wasnt enough concrete information to be treated seriously But the rumor gathered moss in the past few days and the entry got under the deadiine along with Orillia who have returned to the group after twoyear absence Hence the Barrie district ladies softball picture takes sixteam shape as Barrie Greer Aces New market Edgar and Elmvale return ed for competition The new Barrie entry has not been named as yet nor has the sponsor been officially revealed former CopacoStransmanGrccr second baseman Kay Bowen spear headed the drive for the second team wiht the purpose of develop ing younger ball players More information on the team undoutbedly will be forthcoming before the seasons opener May 17 but if is believed few veterans will form the backbone of hustl ing youthful club Due to the entry list of six teams the group will start week earlier this season but finish week later The schedule is to end August but postponements through weather conditions can change this The league has completely adopt cd PWSU rules which call for pitching distance of 38 feet 30 feet between bases and the use of lighter ball All games when possible are to go nine innings double schedule will be played with the topfour teams in the standings competing in the playoff rounds Barrie Greer Accs defending champions will play their home gamesat Queens Park on Tues day nights while the new Barrie entry isschcduled for Shear Park Allandale on Monday evenings Golf Club Arch OUI of Bounds Camp Borden Cltizen The construction of the Camp Borden Golf Club is progressing favourably and the fairway and green seeding programme is now underway In order to protect the financial investment the labour and time spent on this project it is necessary that persons avoid walking or play lng over this area This is readily understandable as considerable emphasis is placedon this subject by gardening author ltles and with this thought in mind it has become necessary to place thisarea Out of Bounds effec tive immediately to all ranksgex ccpt those employed by the Camp Borden Golf Club For the general information of our readers this area is bounded on the north by the extension of Cassino Road on the east by the 4th Line Road Essa Township on the south by the extension of Wat erloo Road and on the west by the Tank Road and railroad parallel to Saskatchewan Blvd Parents are re quested to cooperate by instruct ing their children as to this area being Out of Bounds Orillia at Greers Aces Quccnst Wednesday May 19 Barrie at Edgar Thursday May 20 Greens Aces at Ncwmarkct Elmvale at Orillia Monday May 24 Edgar at Eimvale Orillia at Barrie Shear Tuesday May 25 Newmarket at Grccrs Aces Queens Wednesday May 26 Greers at Edgar Thursday May Elmvale at Newmarkct Barrie at Orillia Monday May 81 Grcers at Barrie Orillia at Blnwale Tuesday June Elmvalc at Grccrs Aces Queens Wednesday June Nowmarkct at Edgar Thursday June Barrio at Newmarkct Edgar at Orillia Monday June lBarrie at Elmvalc Tuesday June Nowmarkct at Barrie Queens Wednesday June Elmvalc at Edgar Thursday June 10 Orillia at Newmarkct Monday June 14 Elmvalc at Barrie Shear Tuesday June 15 Edgar at Greers Aces Queens Wednesday June 16 Orillia at Edgar Thursday June 17 Nowmarkct at Orillia Monday June 21 VGrcers at Elmvalc Tuesday June 22 Banric at Grecrs Thursday June 24 ran BARRIE EXAMINER earner nan 30 154 Wednesday July it Newmarket at Edgar Thursday July 15 Barrie at Newmarket Edgar at Orillia Monday July 19 Barrieat Elmvale Tuesday July 20 Newmarket at Barrie QueenSl Wednesday July 21 Elmvale at Edgar Thursday July 22 Orillia at Newmarket Monday July 26 Elmvale at Barrie Shear Tuesday July 21 Edgar at Greers Queens Wednesday July L8 Orillia at Edgar Thursday July 29 Newmarkct at Orillia Monday August Greers at Elmvale Tuesday August Barrie at Greers Queens Thursday August Greers at Orillia Edgar at Newmarket COUGAR AT LAKERBAD PORT ARTHUR CPlA large cougar was spotted 40 miles west of here to add to the belief the animals are moving into rocky areas in greater numbers from Minnesota Two railwaymen Glen Chisamore and Charles Seal said we saw it right there on the hoof roR EXPERT REPAIR wonx FRENCH M01035 Your DODGE DESOTO DEALER 75 Bradford St PHONE 5971 69 56m 7W The fabled 4minute mile mirage that has lured the worlds greatest runners over the years but has remained tantalizingly just beyond theirgrasp may finally be come reality at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Vancouver this year July 30 to August For the figurelilberts the perfect fourmjnutc mile should be run in laps like this First lap 585 Second Lap 595 158 at tho halfl Third lap 610 Fourth lap 610 2020 at the half Add it up four minutes flat Historys greatest mile was run by Gunder Hagg of Sweden back in 1945 He ripped it off inlfour minutes one and three tenths seconds In 1944 Arne Anderson another Swede rcelcd off the mile in 4016 the secondfastest ever run llaggs record still stands But today whole new group of middledistance runners is bidding for new record at the classic mile distance and beyond that for the elusive 4minute mile Men like Roger Bannister of England John Landy of Australia and Wes Santee of the Unlted States have made back breaklng and heartbreaking efforts to match and perhaps to reach few strides beyond Gunders record and to hit the 4minute mile Last June Bannister clicked offthc 1760 yards in 402 flat Greersat Orillia Edgar at Newmarkcl Monday June 28 Edgar at Barrie Shear Newmarket at Elmvalc Tuesday June 29 Orillia at Greers Queens Wednesday June 30 Barrie at Edgar Thursday July Greers at Newmaikct Elmvale at Orillia Monday July Edgar at Elmvale and Australias brilliant Landy matched that time in December year earlier Landy was clocked at 4021 Santees best mark to date 4023 but experts feel he iscapablc of doing much better especially if he can get competition from men like Ban nister and Landy Malleiheads CGE Hockey Champions fur FORMER NAVAL PERSONNEL were on hand to extend welcome to Royal Can adian Navy mobile recruiting unit which travelled through Barrie on Wednesday After taking part this weekend in the Orillia Motor Show the unit will return to Barrie on Monday andTuesday to set up recruiting office in the Legion Hall Owen reputation for Navy entries hiarticularly from Barrie MidlandCollihgwood and Orillia Top photo left to right Dr Gerald Woodger exRCNVR Lieut Jim Thornton recruiting officer Charles Wilson RCN and PO Len Hall Bot tom left to right PO Don Stewart Ralph Snelgrove ekRCNVR Lieut El Santee is not of course eligible for the Empire Games but Bannister and Landy will both be there possibly along with couple of newcomers who arecatapulting to the to in tracks Hall of Fame They are Murra Halberg of New Zealand and Englands young bank clerk ordon Piric though the latter is by no means certain entry But putBannister Landy Halberg ands erhaps Pirie too on the starters mark at Vancouveron Satur ay August and provide them with perfect track hot sunny windiess weather is Street Navy representatives have pointed out that Simcoe County has very high ProAmateur Tourney At Curlington Course The third annual proamateur best bzrll invitation golf tournament will be held this year at the Bur lington Golf and Country Club Aldcrshot Ontario on Fridayy May 28 The proamateur is the first ma jor golfing event of the year and the only Canadian invitation touirj namenl of its kind OLD TYME MODERN DANCE Tonight lol SlilllllYllllY llllil ADMISSION men 75c Ladies 50° MUSIC BY ROY snarl AND THE WAGON WHEEL RAMBLERS BURNS Pauls Sermon to Athens Men Rev Suhilton taking this text from Pauls sermon to thel men tof Atlhcns Estatedszin hlsvddSfl course at the regular worship ser vice of Burns United Church on Sunday that statistics prove that the larger percentage of people believe there is God but ques tioned What kind of God do they believe in The minister illustrated that many believe in too small God and urged his congregation to take their ideas from the Bible as to what God is like because all we do and are depends upon how big God we believe in Misses Marie Hender son and Jlanct McCaugue rendered as vocal duct Ivory Palaces Cookslown Baby Band Meeting lthcApril meeting of the Baby Band was held at Mrs John Colyns with about 15 children and eight motlhers present Mrs Munroe was in charge of the worship ser vice and also spoke to tfhe mothers while Mrs Cooper Mrs Colyn and Mrs Gilchrist conducted the recreational period for the chil dren Refreshments were served Leaves for Espanola Mrs Grills Sl who has been spending some time at the home of her son Gnills left at the weekend to visither daughter and ORNAMENTAL JPORCH RAILINGS Free Estimates WE WILL GLADLECALL AT YOURHOME For SALE Barnum wants ir gchH STREET out We can PHONE 5045 liott and Charles Tayior RCNR Espanola The Late William Jaffray Sympathy is family of soninlaw Mr and Mrs Clark extended to the William Jaffray who passed awaysuddenly on Sunday evening Speaker at Thornton Mrs Allan Corrigan was speaker at special missionary service in Ilhornnton United Church Sunday morning Recent guests of Mr and Mrs McCague were Mrs Mar garet McCague Mrs Cummings Orillia at Barrie Shear Tuesday July MALLETHEADS HAVE been harried champions for the 1953 54 hockey season at the Barrie Works of the Canadian Gena and Miss Barbara Cummings of eral Electric Co The final game with the Rockets resulted in 21 scoring victory for the winning team Here Chuck Jer mey Mallethead goalie receives the trophy from Works Man ager Jack Mitchinson on behalf of his teammates Toronto and Miss Joanne McCague Guelplh Miss Janet McCague spent few days during the Easter vacation with Mr and Mrs Earl Gilroy Oatlhxarine Williams spent the Easter holidays with relatives in Toronto Recent visitors or Mrs Thomas Hoods were Mrs David Hood and daughter Margaret of Midland Mrs Hood returned home with them for the Easter Week Mrs Jackson Margaret Ronald and Rosemary of Armprior spent Easter week at Harold Gil cyhrlsis Sgt Jolhn Mlabb Comp Borden spent the weekend villiiii Cpl and Mrs Gordon Mr and Mrs Swenson Larry and Sharon spent Sunday with relatives at Oshawa Mr and Mrs MelvinSage and children Sllrayncr visited Mr and Mrs Hanolvd Gilchrist Salurday switching to DIESEL Mr and Mrs Hvarold Gilchrist and fontin spent Sunday in To ronto Mr and Mrs Marvin Hand Ddr othy andDouglas spent the week end with relativesat Shelburne Spent Easter LHere Mr and Mrs Roy Sloltz Gait spcnlt Simduy with Mr anxdMrs Elmer Stoltz Their son Bill re turned Willi llhcm aï¬ter having spent the Easter holidays here DIVING BIRDS Cormorants found on many coasts are webfooled birds which Can dive deep in the water to catch fish IS HERE If offer dnrAllCANADIAN policy of the Traders General lnsur to company for fwhichyourpremium for Public liability and Property Damage coVerage may be AsLowAs 39 Ievery three months depending on coverage yen require courts mokoandyuso of car etc pilionilsrvahonivrs FOR annals INSURANCEAGENCYK Flow power Full Diesel Operation speeds forward plus2 reverse For hydraulic and pull type implements Roodspeeds om 20MPH See it man oi navmfenown thiER Close To BollyScholol on No 27 Highway Newmarket at Greers Aces Queens Wednesday July Greers at Edgar Thursday July Elmvale at Newmarket Barrie at Orillia Monday July 12 Greers at BarrieShcar Orillia at Eimvale Tuesday July 13 and the elusive 4minute mile may be elusive no longer Of course when the big Vancouver show ends American promoters will be doing their best to encourage postGames track meets and 11 the fourminute mile isnt realized in Van couver it may be shortly afterwards The men are available The time is ripe WWII ONTAIIO jElmvale at Greers QueenS RUBBERC SAIlt mnns Made of longilasllngrubber with sweepeasy depart for easy cleaning safety and stairwell beauty Size 24 121 restore Calvett DLSTILLERSLIMIHD SAVE SPECIALS PIECE EACH Reg20c each shockproof plastic handles wool 20 FT PLASTIC Dislributes water evenlyovergreal er lawn or garden area with less water consump tion Cant clog orroLl Only Rffipackage ol Zinnia Seeds for you Com MAGNETIZED smwnvn sn Fit practically all screw heads Made of tempered tool steelwilh llameproof unbreakable Allraclively designed yet heavily constructed for de Reg 295 value pendable service packed motor Is nonltradio or TVinlerlenngv Only 95 Reg 895 in today Power These and dozens more Extra Value items are shown in the new TirestCatalug tome in 33cm their live ansnuniopi sow for our pyly chime3195 Barrie Ilh¢n92377si no We Fl5chWT9lWMNTFD yllwen St is RR No15