North Simcoe WI Announces Plans For May Meetings COLDWATER North Slmcoe District Womens Institute branches which have scheduled meetings for May subject to change are Coldwater kMay 25 830 pm Hostess Mrs KenSallows Mrs Reg Tipping will speak on Fashions Coldwater SrMay l2 Hostess Miss Edna Loney Jack Tipping will speak on Flowers CoulsonHostess Mrs Pagan Speaker will be choice of conven er Mrs McFarland CreightonJarratt Al Mrs McArthurs home There will be an exchange of slips and bulbs HobartCarleyMay 12 Hostess Mrs Johnstone There will be speaker annual reports and auc tion sale North RiverMay Hostess Mrs James Bolyea Program on agriculture and Canadian indus tries in the hands of Mrs Tay lor and Mrs Bolyea VaseyMay At Miss Lottie Robinsons home There will be paper on WI activities WarminsterMay 26 Mrs Cliff Ball hostess Speaker will be con veners choice Mrs Adams Is I954 President Of Barrie WI Barrie Womens Institute held its regular meeting on Tuesday April at the home of Mrs Ar thur Garvin 26 McDonald St The meeting opened in the usual manner with the Institute Ode followed by the Lords Prayer Roll call was paying of fees and was answered by 32 members and one visitor After the business was taken care of and reports of mndlm committees heard the am pred dent Mrs Item took the chair for the election of 01mm Officers for the coming your are Prestdeill Mrs Adams treasur er Mrs Lillian Galloway score tary Mrs Cecil Pringle lot vice president Mrs Jack Creighton 2nd vicepremident Mrs Charles Bowics Lunch was served by the hos tosses Mrs Wiesman Mrs Hir lehey Mrs Gardner Mrs Sey mour and Mrs Eccles The hos tess Mrs Garvin was thanked for the use other home The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs McKenzie Bayfield Street Giltord institute Elects 95455 Branch Officers The April meeting of Gilford Womens institute was held at the home of Mrs Herbert Hughes on the eVening of April 20 with the president Mrs Bell in the chair Roll call was answered by sing say or pay and the motto Get your fun out of work or youll never know what fun is was commented upon by Mrs Stur geon who read an interesting paper in illusttration The convener of education Mrs Kell read mast interesting paper on thestory of aluminum The election of officers was con ducted by Mrs Lorne Reid who was presented ith small gift in appreciation rs Griffiths pre sented Mrs Bell with an FWIO pin and expressed the appreciation of the members for all her excel lent work as president Mrs Bell then presented the new president Mrs Weaver with the British WI pin which is worn by each presi dent in office The program committee Mrs Prykc and Mrs Bell conduct AAA TO BE suited for you 54 Dunlop so MOORE SHOES grower Koreanz Show CORRECTIVE FITTINGS If you have tired aching feet we have types of heels ilow medium cuiban to give you relief that IonilyResearch shoes can do To every pair carefully checked for ï¬t andvtylpe best MooreShoes Well over me million Canadians are insured withlhe London Life 5T011 Barrie other precious platinum metals were chosen for the exquis lte design of this unique powder box recent giftof the UK Institution of Metallurglsts to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The other metals all mined at Sudbury were albunahlp Mrs Susan Paul pub ct In In Holland condo tho doetlon orients31 incoming president Fender the new the chair to bring the meeting to close wiui the singing of The Queen branch the manbers enjoyed lovely birthday cake District President Attends Guthrie WI April Meeting The April meeting of Guthrie Womens institute was held at Community Hall of members were as several ylsltors Mrs OBrien Hawkeatone district president rcvielrved the work and aims of branch insti tube She said she liked to see institutes sponsoring Girls Club because it made for better insti tute members in the future friendly woman makes for good leader She stressed the fact the large number QUEENS POWDER BOXCanadian palladium and five present as well de rte and ms Gordon Wmmmmemln ofï¬cers Mud Jalmes Caldwell is to be ub elder place iiln Cameron thanked all Rattle will be mistat the monocular their comatlas not all was answered by pay during lua lma as president and ment ot loos no motto was ll asked the support of all for the every WI member were like me Mrs Gurney what kind of Institute would it be president took The next Meeting will be in charge Mrs Mel Hastings Mu Mae and Mn Hows mmnd llweykmd dainty lunch was served and taunts an me uitwnlhemblrthdayofthc the singing of God Save The served Queen Suede Leathers Imaginative In New Spring Shoes and kid shoes are gaily imaginative the all cut with many hand all de signed to give your feet light llcate look so important with the new full sheetbut short skirts One particularly pretty shoe is halter sandal with medium but slender heeijn white pearilzed calf leather trimmed with pearls at the throat and around the halter Another in heavenly wedgewood blue call is lowthroated opera pimp highlighted with braided Suede platinum iridium rhodium ruthenium and osmium hm ed memory contest and sale of plants was held Mrs Pryke act ing as auctioneer The May meeting will be held in Gilford hall on Monday 17th at pm An Wright will giVe talk on his trip toMexico Husbands are invited to attend Ollficers for 195455 are Honor ary president Mrs Bell presi dent Mrs Weaver lst vicepresi dent Mrs Nesbitil 2nd vice president Mrs Gorham 3rd vice president Mrs Sawyer secre tary MrsvJohn Hughes treasurer Mrs Todd district director Mrs Sawyer alternate Mrs Bell pianist Mrs Neilly auditors Misses Neilly and Todd curd committee Mrs Dales Mrs Matthews program committee Mrs Gibbons Mrs Sturgeon Mrs Harrison Mrs Dales badge convener Mrs Hughes outings convener Mrs Hughes agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Hughes and Mrs Kneeshaw citizenship and education Mrs Kell histor ical research and current events Mrs Boyes home economics and health1 Mrs Matthews and Miss Gardiner public relations and community activities Mrs Neilly Jr and Mrs Pryke reso lutions Mrs Bell press secre tary Mrs Griiï¬itihs directors Mrs Bell Mrs Bell Mrs Cronan and Miss Rotlhwcll Mrs Ferrier Is New President Lefroy Institute Lefroy Womens Institute mem bers met in the Community Hall for their election or officers with 26 members and three visitors pre sent meeting opened with the singing of the Ode followed by The Lords Prayer said in unison Roll call followed with the pay ment of dues During the business period it was decided to let the $10 contri bution the branch had sent to Royal Victoria Hospital remain to help pay for baby cribs The Institute received little bags attached to witty verse from the Retarded Childrens As sociation in Barrie The ladies of Lefroy WI were asked to measure their waistlines and return their bags with the amount of pennies no cheating allowed at the next meeting where they will all be returned to Barrie headquarters to help the childrens work In future the branch is going to hold its WI meetings in the base mentroom of the United Church motion was passed to give gt How long would my Life Insult take care of myfanyfly now Hummus1 huddrlnrtw at Hummomdna ll cash donation to the church for this privilege Volunteers were asked for to help with the chest Xray unit when it visits the village Sayefal ladies offered their services Mem bers were asked to come out and bring their children to theworth while project The 1953 business was brought president Mrs to closeby the Reid Miss Margaret Churchill recited Mrs icers lst vicepresident Curtis Gordon Sheldon William Ingram William Noble Mrs Comer Mrs ties Trutone white ALLANIIALE HARDWARE Phone 2944 gWould it last long enough maeemy childrenthrough school policiesWIIIgo as far as possible ASK THE LONDON LIFEMAN LondonLife Insurance Company Oflice Landon Canada Campbell two humorous poems which were enjoyed by all Maurice Reid then ghve her chair to Mrs Williamingram who conducted the election or off The executive for the coin lng year is composed of President Mrs Gurney Perrier Mrs Emerson 2nd vicepresident secretary treasurer Mrs district director Mrs John Elliott branch directors Holland Mrs Adams and Mrs Marx home eco nomics Mrs John Hyslip and Mrs Ted Kellough community activi Mrs Ed Jackson and Mrs Nelson Griffiths Canadian indus tries Mrs Norman Gilmore his torical research Mrs DaltonFer www nd the complete 011 line is sold in suite by Bill BRDS of Mrs Mrs well ance provide enough for my wife as long as she liveal really do the job want it to do How can arrange that the money frammy WI members usually make the hat of their oppo strive to be healthier and happier citizens Good business is like captain on ship Say what you have to say on ship dont wait untllyou reach shore Stand up speak up or shut up So many peo le are afraid to speak their min until after the meeting She closed by reading poem Lbomethlng Mrs Roberta Gray she conducted contest on the Institute hand book Mrs Cameron winning the prize Mrs Howard Campbell sandal type casual comesin kid OBrien and Mrs leather and has fluted vamp Vlc Ross than edher for coming band trimmed in tiny beads relating the fact that it was almost 30 years since she hud met Mrs 13 AN EXAMINER WANT All OBrien going to an institute con vention Delegates to the convention on May 20 at Ardtrea are Mrs Campbell Mrs Campbell Mrs Street and Mrs Walker Cald introduced rtunlties and usually design Good Assisted by On May 28 TB clinic will be held at the Community Hall Everyone is welcome to attend the Achievement Day of the Girls Clubs on May at the hall As this was the annual meeting reports were given by standing committee conwners and the sec retarytreaSurer ï¬awz The nominating Zr flay Mxnye Now TRUTONE WHITE has 29 more hiding strength even than before it costs less because it gOes farther Takes less paint less work TRU TONE WHITE sheds grime actdally cleans itself For lasting Awhite nessand longrun economy paint with TRUTONE WHITE 36 Buyfield Sr Phone 3874 scroll design in contrasting white calf set on thin flexible leather sole and skyscraper heel other squarethroated sandal Is in lovely pale pink suede and has tacular trim of colored sea eils and pearls in an oblong Casuals are very gay this spring and some are even frivolous We saw one in the new sueded pig skin in gay shade of turquoise it has perforated vamp band handlaced in contrasting shade of coral set on leather platform with squaredoff heel Another nJv PHQNEMMM AMBASSADBR an cANApIAN statesman takingthe 8TAYATBOHIB SACKVILLE NB CplWild geae lying north have been call ing at Dixons Pond where six wild geese spent the winter under care of Edgar Dion The travell ers failed to persuade the pond geese to go with them NEW HSWAYS ST JOHNS Nfld CPlJihe federal ï¬sheries department plans to build those new ï¬shways tn squeeze play rausses AND SURGICA leathers in ELASTIC For Every Purpose An xrcar FITTING Satisfaction Guaranteed PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED son DELIVERED Phone 2823 CANADIAN 4Dooa Seeitn comfortable rideyet will be Beasyloh your pocketbook and budget The answer is right hereinthe new Nash Canadian 41390 Rambler MEANS meanwhile canaaran daDoorRambier triumph of engineering skill combining wonderful cconbmy withampie room for mayor silo from their providoqoulwithmaximum safety the Ramble is completely ire from annoying Squeaks and rattlesvNashmedallitsigaaï¬tyuooououcdffromibumpeg cobumpeta moms handsomggibéaud fNashiCaaadianidWDoorRgï¬b1¢ IHEAIRFIYTEWAMIY test drive it at your Narb dealer today MEANS sumsnowhammocksamenities Airflyte constructionooneapiece Unitized Welded bodyand MEANS Quintan aria Airflyteconsttucdon MEANS COMEDliTéYour Nash Canadian 74890217 Ramblerwas designedby ItalysifamedLPininFarins who placed 23 anmuusgaumorourasi 7s adshinéuiiiillinxnl2rMilro oqudvrhflgmlorouosomdgg Mum mm ram Arm mi Newfoundland this year at Mid dle Brook Salmon River and Low er Terra Nova river to help sai rnon reach spamming grounds THE OLD SQUEEZE Something will soon have to be done to bring about happy med ium between the farmers income and his pmducing costs or many will be caught in the borrowing Strathmore Alla Standard BELTS snoumaa BRACES HOSIERY ARCH SUPPORTS iwe CARRY COMPLETE srocx annulus llllllGS rrn Phone 2823 ANEWFAMILYCAR AT FAMILY PRICE How can you buy cal that wlllgivecyouc family safe MagazinesclinicianLogarninueiliethgparedmh glaucoma it atyourxNashfdeal Ts ï¬ghtvaaygindï¬ddputthow iittledtrcostq