Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1954, p. 16

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lieutenantGovernor Compares Kiwanis Objectives To Steps In Building 0f Ship At recent dinner meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie the speaker was Harold Walton ol Coilingwood general manager of the Canadian Ship building and Englnee Com pany Limited Walton LieutenantGovernor of Divis ion five of the OntarioQue becMnrltlmes District of Ki wanis international was pay ing his official visit to the Barrie club He was accom panied by President James Wright of the Colllngwood club Mr Walton in It forceful ad dress compared the 1954 Oh jectives of Kiwanis with the building of ship is re marks follow As shipbuilding Kiwanian believe we have in our 1954 objec tives splendid set of blueprints with which to build our vessel Builders we Every Kiwanian profemes to be builder and to day will try to relate the build ing of ship to our objectives for 1954 How well our ship is built depends upon many things such as tools pride of craftsmanship etc Kiwanis building also de pends upon many things So many influences retard or expand our powers to plan and produce With all of lifes uncentainties and problems let us begin today to build the Kiwanis vessel we know we must complete if 1954 is to be successful yearin Divis ion Our first step in building ship necessitates an accurate set of plans and specifications For our Kiwanis ship wise leaders of Ki wanis International have provided us with just such set of plans and specifications We call them the Objectives of Kiwanis They have in the past and continue to meet our present needs and achievements through resolutions that reflect the thinking of all Ki wanians These plans and specifications illuminate beacon of true light in the direction of high spiritual goals In the building of ship there are certain principles and steps to be followed it We are to have sound structure One of the chief requisites is manpower properly trained for the job Withour Kiwanis vesesl there is no short cutno possible way to start or complete project or to expect even small measure of success without manpowerin formed interested and willing men and women moving forward in the various paths of personal and pub lic service which we choose to call good citizenship In the buildingruossl ship ap prentices are trained along de finite paiftern in order that they will become trained crafitsmen Ki wanisrtrains and guides itsmem bers into paths of rewarding ser vice in answer to the call of distressed humanity Kiwanis is ready for intelligent participation in todays afitairs Now that we have our blue prints specifications and manpow er all ready our next step in the building of ship is to lay the keel on the building bentih This Ikeel must be well and truly laid be cause it forms the very founda tion for all our future building It is the same with our Kiwanis shipwe lay our keel or founda tion on strong spiritual base which base is soleloquently stated in our Principle No which reads as follows We believethat char acter and sound spiritual foun dation are essential to good citi zenship and that we should assist and encourage all agencies which help develop these fundamean re quirements Ilhe Objective Nb to support this Principle is Cre ate better communities by stren gthening our homes churches and schools Kiwanis International has point Ed out to us that the sound keel or base on which rests our nation today is the home the church and the school There is tied up in these three Words all that is worth Wedding Rbceptions Dinner Parties Conventions Banquets Enjoy formal and informal oc casions in the happy and dig nified atmosphere of beauti ful nnvSTIIInsropuI BARRIE Phone your reservations Our number is Barrie 5198 while on which anything of value may stand the very keej or four dation of our civilization Some of us think flippantly that our homes are where we ham our hats Our modern way of life and habits have almost proved that statement true in mapy instances but our homes should be the abid ing place of our hearts and affec tions the centre where family lives as one Tomorrows adults properly equipped for life will come out of these true homes Edu cation of all and proper ap preciation of our churches form our strongest weapons in the bat tie for peace and international goodwill Our hornes schools and churches will create those intang ible values of life that will help us live outside ourselves The next step in building ship is to raise the framework and place the shell plating on this frame work There is no more essential part of ship than the shell plat ing without which ship could not flcat This shell plating is shield against storms guard against harm and guarantee than all precious cargo in the ship is protects protecting shell plating of lifes structure is our Youth and our Kiwanis Principle No deals with this as IOIIOWS We believe in the youth of today and shall continue to affirm our faith in this belief by positive participation in wonthwhle Youth programs We are shown how to support this Principle by Kiwanis Objective No Initiate and support activ ities that strengthen the physical spiritual and moral resources of our Youth We must work in every possible way to save for tomorrow the youth of today The world is en gaged today in death struggle between the teachings of Christian ity and those of Communism The lust for power in those opposed to our Christian way of life could well wreck our civilization unless we counteract their endeavors by looking after our own way of life through the youth of today In one generation the youth of na tion can be made ready for glor ious career of Christian service or become slaves to some ideology in which God and Christianity are forgotten To go ahead with the building of ship we must have motive power so we place engines boil ers etc in the vessel that she may go from port to port carrying her passengers and cargoes to their des tinations in safety and security throughout all kinds of weather ship is also equipped with many safety devices suchas radar dir ectioh firiders fire fightihg éddip ment etc These safety items take definite form in our Kiwgnis ship in Principle N10 We believe that we should utilize every avenue of approach to the problem of safety including respect for the law and courteous regard for the rights of others to the end that there will be saving in the ap palling waste of life and property Our Kiwanis Objective in sup port of Principle No is as fol lows Spon50r effective safety programson ihe highway in the home in industry and on the farm Records of National Safety Coun cils in both the United States and Canada and those of law enforce ment agencies reveal an appalling number of crippling and flatal ac cidentson the highway in the home in industry and on the farm On the streets and highways itap pears that lack of the simplest courtesy contributes to most traftic accidents The courtesy we reveal in elevators on the sidewalks and in our homes should prevail even more so when we are behind the wheel of car Wave another mo torist through an intersection ahead of you and the surprised smile on his face will show his ap preciation and my guess is that within the next block he will show similar courtesy tosome othen driver In Salt Lake City Mo or three beautiful white com with large Kiwanis emblems on the doors and driven by uniform ed officers patrol the streets daily giving aid driving suggestions traffic information and instruc tion in actual driving They issue no tickets tor violations but do contribute to decided decrease in accidents As we continue with the build ing of ship we next install beams ties braces etcto support the deck structures Properly planned these various members support and hold together the top part of our structure These strengthening units in our Kiwanisstructure are provided for of intellectual in Principle No as follows We believe um the strength of any nation is reflected by its promotion individual business initiative establishment of sound financial policy and judicious control over natural resources The Kiwanis direction regarding this Principle is contained in the following 0b jeclive Champion competitive Capitalistic enterprise lanced budget and the conser lo and development of our natural re sources as essential to sound economy We live in day of problems we probably always will We are surrounded by problemsyester day it was Hitlerism today the menace of Communism the men ace of treason and weakness in our midst the misuse of atomic energy the problems of economic security and tlhe menace of preda tory interests On our strength and ability de pends which way we eventually go We must keep our Kiwanis ship secure our feet on the deck clear vision and serene con fidence in our hearts We must not be weakened by false signs of prosperity nor confused by small men in places of big responsibility Do not sponsor selling Canada to the rest of the world by methods we cannot support Our natural resources and sound national economy are the beams tics and braces on which ourway of life may rest securely In the building of ship the most dependable and durable ma terials are vital in the various decks especially the upper decks Every element of weather wind heatkcold heavy seas etc sub jects the decks to the extreme test Every part Of ship is with out value in the use for which it was designed unless covered by good substantial deck In the Kiwanis ship we are building today the fate of our civilization is definitely tied into Principle No which is as fol lows We believe that our Amer ican Canadian heritage contains these basic principles most cher ished by freedom loving peoples for the realization of fruitful life and that no subversive in fluence can survive aggressive citi zenship Objective No which is the deck of our Kiwanis ship reads Emphasize with action our Way of life The deck of our Kiwanis ship protects and holds together all that we hold dear and know to be good and for this wenowempha size our way of lifethe way of freedom loving peoples We shall have little worry about Commun ism and the infiltration of un healthy concepisgdpom Without if we can build the deck of our ship to withstand the progressive decay and moral stand ards from within our own coun tries We must also build this deck well for protection against the clamor for rights and security on the part of our people who will not assume the personal obligations that come with those rights and security In the building of ship or any other structure for that matter it is important that every person em ployed do his part conscientiously in order that the structure may be well built This is demonstrated in our Kiwanis shipbuilding in Principle Nb which states We believe that the success of our democratic government is entirely dependent upon the interest and participation ofevery citizen It is supported by Objective No as follows Promote informed panticipation by individuals in governmental affairs at all levels Next step in building ship is to install port holes doors Windows etc to admit air light andwarmth in summer and to keep out cold in the cooler seasons Port holes and windoWs also enable us to view the seas islands mainland and the beauties of the world around us They give us confidence that we are steering proper and dependable course The port holes windows and doors of our Kiwanis ship are best exemplified in the example of Can ada and the United States in main taining goodwill and understand ing and our statement of Principle gyrvoun CARIN SHAPE AorusrING DIRECTORS OF SIMCOE DISTRICT Co operative Services for 1954 as shown at recent meeting of the Barrie Branch in their offices Innisfil Street right President Andrew Cumming Barrie Earl Elliott Elmvale Frank At meeting held on Tuesday April 20 by the Simcoe District Cooperative Services Barrio Branch the officers for 1954 were elected with Past President Ray Lougheed presiding New Presidentfor 1954 is And rew Cumming charter member of the board and wellknown in farm organizations throughout the county Newlyappointed vice president Earl Elliott is one of the younger farm operators in the Elmvale district who also owns No as follows We believe that harmonious relations between our two nations may be best maintain ed by sympathetic understanding friendly cooperation in the furth ering of common interests and re spect by each for the sovereign rights of the other The Objec tive upholding that Principle sug gests Maintain and strengthen the friendly relations between Canada and the United States One of the first things we did when we commenced our ship was to create manpower or labor force to follow this building through to completion This or ganization of labbr and manage ment should be allowed to settle its own troubles without govern mental interference except in cas es of national emergency Principle No is asfollows We believe that both labor and man agement should be free of govern mental interference in their dis position of disputes aflfecting the lives of free people except in cas es of national emergency or when basic public rights are in jeop7 ardy The Kiwanis follows Work forma clear under9 standing of the interdependence of labor and management The ship we have built is now ready to launch and then to com mence to demonstrate her useful ness to the country ofher being Our ilheme for 1954 deals with three of the most fiundaimental at tributes of lifeFaith Loyalty Service No more dependable or enduring work could be found for our Ki wanis ship than these three chal lenging traits of human char acter In this time of splendid material progress Kiwanis for 1954 has in dicatedthe usefulness of our Ki wanis ship in the words of our militant and progressive action theme So let us send our Kiwanis ship out on her maiden voyage with real objective in lifeour 1954 theme Build by Faith Loyalty Service Build by Faith Faith in what Faith not only in ourselves but faith in God who created us afifd will recreate us with strength Loyalty Loyalty must not be passive it must find expression The best expression for us is to be willing to serve Our country in peace or unrest to the very best of our abilities Service Faith and service are closely linked If we have faith that faith will find expression in our lives by Service to others No better foundation can be laid than these threeFaith Loyalty Service rbn SPRING SUMMER DRIVING BRAKES IIELINING Dont start on that trip if you cant stop Be sure have yourcars brakes checked today WHEELS lo ALIGNMENT BALANCING Reduce driving fatigue yreduce Wear on vital steering parts bring your car in today for wheel balancing and alignments 0bjective in sup pori ofErimipleNo Barnads as are left to burst Todd Chur and operates the Elmvale Dairy It is interesting to note that the Coop Board has one of the ad vantages enjoyed by many larger corporations an interlocking dir ectorate Ray Lougheed charter board member and immediate past president is also director of Uni ted Cooperatlves of Ontario while President Andrew Cumming is alsd secretary of the board of First Co operative Packers gof Ontario Th feature makes for strong boar Among other business was the approval of the membership appli cations for 25 new members the largest number yet to join Coop in any one month also to approve the Simcoe County page in the Rural Cooperator The cost of this is shared by Coop Copaco and Simcoe Cooperative Medical Services and publicizes this coun tys progressive rural organizations throughout Ontario An issue of up to $100000 of Co ops new five per cent 20year de bentures was authorized and also plan allowing repayment before maturity under certain circum stances at the sole discreation of the board GRENFEI Weekly Euchre Party 1l There were 11 tables in attend Ince at the weekly euchre party Prize winners Mrs Grose Bar rie ladies high score Joseph Tif fln Barrie mens high Edna Har riswonthe lone hand prize with five Committee Ken Dobson and Billie Walton and Mrs Holt and fam ilydxmokstown visited on Sunday Ith and Degeer he will fhefiei artIts sn sters Angus on Wednesday May at pm Simcoe Presbyterial WMS The 29th annual meeting of Sim coe Presbyterial of the Womans Missionary Society will meet in Collier Street United Church Bare ric on Tuesday May Morning session at nine oclock afternoon session at two oclock Speaker Miss Frances Stevenson on fur lough from India Pumpkin Head Home IIarold McMaster motored to London on Saturday to bring Pumpkin Head the bear home after week at the Sportsmens Show Mr and Mrs Ellis Hutchinson and son George of Edgar visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Molltaster Mrs Everard Harris Bereaved We extend deepest sympathy to Mrs Everard Harris in the death of her father Gordon Henry Pat ton who passed away at his home in Cookstown on Sunday April 25 PAINT COLORIZER Forinteriorand exterior surfaces with variety of 1322 shades in anyfin tab of enamel gloss paint semigloss velvet lustre or in flat sexed chill Past President Ray Lougheed Holly who is also directbr of the UCO Wil liam New Stroud Kenneth Spring Elm vale and Secretary Hunter Russel of Mid About $30000 of this issue has been subscribed in 1954 to date Directors of the organization ap pointed by the members to direct the policies of this county mop crative lose no opportunity to point out that members havebuilt upla farmers business which is helping farm economy Members supply themselves with complete line selected feeds at first cost They have seed grains clover and grass seed and fertilizers under their oWn brand and also their own distribution of farm gas ondoil and their own farm supply appliance and hard ware store They maintain fieldman service including advice on feeding and on soils and fertilizer use They do custom milling to balance home grown grains with concentrates provide seed cleaning and treating service and market for grain and In addition the Coop has simple feedingfinance plan charge accounts and finally patmnage dividends which while not the most important result of coopera tion directors stale provide worthwhile saving Three ofthe newest services pro vided are onthefarm help of Joe McGrath livestock feedfinance contracts and deposit account plan enabling customers to deposit money ahead of seasonal needs and paying six per cent on deposits ITS UP TO PUBLIC Whether the streets and high ways will be safe for the public depends almost entirely on the people who use them If they are not conscious of the hazards in volved and equally onscious of their ownresponsibilt not much improvement can be expected Pembroke Ont Standard0bserver TOUGH TIMBER Burma has produced as much as 350000 tons of teakwood in single year 51 nuernI noon SEDAN New tires very clean throughout motor newly ov erhauled Sold with warranty Buy With Confidence At linngerlieldlllolors LIMITED Simone Countys Largest Car Dealer USED can DIVISION 233 BRADFORD sir Dial 4981 Sunvrorllry ii Suntested WilliilflPEIlS See The Complete Range Of New Patterns and Colors 10Ares ARTIST surpass 502 llunlop Io rrcrunns MIRRORS PlIone3270 THEBARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 80 1954 BBACKEN IIEADB 630W WINNle CPIJohn Brack ABUSE OI BULBS Seniority now has in manylways en former Manitoba premier and become the means by which an in former national leader of the Pro different employee gressive Conservative party will head the livemember commission to make recommendations for re vision of Manitoba liquor laws Public hearings will likely start in July can remain very mediocre but nevertheless employed regardless of the dis satisfaction of his foreman and the fact that more competent and de serving men are available Prince George BC Citizen harsh TRINIILSQU RCH nemelcfignlficoslfl IIIC REV GEORGE SHERRING Priest in Charge Phone 8748 Mrs Roberts Choir Director Pentecostal Assemblies of Canad 20 MULCASTER ST BARRIE REV BURGESS PASTOR SUNDAY MAY 1954 lo urnSunday Schook and Blblr Ciass Ii rumMORNING WORSHIP 730 punInspiring Gospel Service Wed pmPrayer Meeting and Bible Study COMING MAY GORDON BEATRICE RICHMOND Missionarlcs to the Yukon Wonderful Word Broadcast CKBB 900930 am Sunday ImIIOLY COMMUNION 10 hamSunday School and Bible Class 11 mm HOLY COMMUNION SERMON Preacher Rev RALPH ADYE Rector of Collingwood punSUNDAY SCHOOL Codrlngion Public School prnEvensong and Sermon Preacher Rev Geo Sherring ALL WARMLY WELCOME i==1 ALL WELCOME rrnsr BAPTISTCHURCH tf LAPPEsrou sr AT wonsrncr grin2a nav ma LUCK an no Central United Church Minister Minister MISS CLOUGHLEY Orrin REV BEWELL BA Organist and choirmnster SUNDAY MAY 1954 WARREN MacLEAN 950 ansSUNDAY SCHOOL All Ages ll amIhe Power We Need pathMrs Dengate SUNDAY MAY 1954 11 am REV BRENN ILA pmTIIE MINISTER pmFIRESIDE CHURCH SCHOOL 222 945 amJr luterm Jr Sr Depta F========t 945 umYoung Peoples Bible Essa Road 1100 rumBeginners and Primary PIGSBYIeflan Chum Come to Gods House on His Day REV MUIR RA MInIster MR FRANK DUTCHER Organist Collier St United Church REV LEWIS MA BD Minister LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Choinnuter SUNDAY MAY 1954 945 amChurch School ll amNursery Kindergarten 11 amBE NOT ANXIOUS pmI LOVE TIIE LORD SUNDAY MAY 1954 EVERYONE WELCOME ll munMORNING SERVICE The Story Of Ezra The medicore man who was shamed into fine loyalties THE meniscnom on course swarm 945 mJuxiior Intermediate and The Home of Friendly Worship Senior Departments Sr Maiqr and MTSJQ Mills 11 amNursery Kindergarten and SUNDAY MAY 1954 Prim Depamen 11 LELThe C1353 pmSUNDAYSCIIOOIJ MILEVENING SERVICE ALL ARE WELCOME Izm SAINT GEORGES ALLANDALE Rector Rev NewtonSmith BA tumHOLY COMMUNION 11 aimHOLY COMMUNION Preacher The Rev George Sherring SUNDAY scriooL rpmEVENING maven YOU AM WELCOME $22221 FREE METHODIST CHURCH zoosaynera st any nnroujr mooSunday School Iron and 730PREACIIING EVERYBODY WELCOME COLLER STI Bibim The Salvation Army pmEVENING SERVICE Monthiy News Sermon of Chris ianity In The World Skirmishes on freedoms Ibattle front Christianity in world politics Atomic victims And other news BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE BEECH BA Minister MR HAROLD DEMPSEY Organist SUNDAY MAY 1954 945 sumSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 ynBEGINNERS nnranr sumMORNING wonsnrm Subject THE ALARMING CHURCH lhey spoke the word of God with boldness Holly Sunday School2 pm Iiblly Church Service pm God isgreatiy to be feared in the assembly of the ISaints Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists row NIILLMEYEE ensues Shannon 11amaiid rpm MRS JEAN ROELL vromvisr Heard Weekly overshowers of Blessing Broadcast In CHML Hamilton St Andrew Presbyterian Church Owen andWonsley Sta anniversaries comparison BA Minister ANGUS Organist and Choiimaster summation 261954 Iosrnnnurvrnsnnv scnuces THEREV sinus no of Montreal Guest Preacher 711 amINVITATION TO Wonsrrrr ABroadcastOKIBlB 11 mmqTIIE cannon scnoor pmimnn rs GODS usury Music by the choir under the direction of Angus Ross Guest 5019 ist Mr William Penitena gt samuumn

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