ROXY HOUSE OF HITS LAsr suowme romcm coumv SHOREIIOIIIIiiEEIERS GINGER ROGERS WM HOLDEN HOLD SUCCESSFUL SALE HERE mm lOP SEIIINEIUII II 3500 TIIDRSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY WEDNESDAY APRIL 28 I954 Section 2Poges to i6 Cases Measles In Simcoe County During March The number of cases of com municable diseases in Simcoe County increased during the month of March as mmpared with the previous months reports the dir SATURDAY APR By 368 The following is the list of con color of the count health unit CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm The sale held by the shorthorn signers and purchasers males Sgrage W35 510W angle magi Dr Scott Heyfelt however breeders of the county recently bred by Percy Carscadden and sold rimming V9 that this increase could be ex IVE SHOWS THUR FRL 650 pm was very successful as far as reg to Gordon Cochrane $300 bred by Slam 35 num ouow pee at this time of year total of 124 cases of measles were reported during the month and 37 cases of chickenpox There were 29 casesuot scarlet fever seven cases of mumps five cases of whooping cough two cases of Jaundicc and one case of para typihoid The health unit is having difï¬ culty in administering the new communicable disease regulations but it is hoped that some sembl ance of adjustments will be made without too much difficulty as time goes by sold at 50 cents pound VEGETABLES Great Outdoor Spectacle Sweeps Acres Ihe Screen ing Easter holiday weekend Home baking was prominent product and most of the demand was in this scetion Eggs moved well but vegetables and apples moved slow HOME BAKING The True Blue Lodge of Mid hurst had their onceayear stand at the market ovor the weekend and presented wide assortment of baking Prices were uniform bhroughout the market with pics according to size varying Cherry blueberry raspberry and apple pies ranng from 30 cents to 50 cents Butter tarts sold from 35 to 45 cents dozen and raspberry tants at 35 cents dozen Cup cakes were 30 to 40 cents dozen date loaf was 30 cents and date squares and date cookies 40 cents dozen Hermits sold at 40 cents dozen rolls and cookies at 30 cents and buns at 40 cents lTbiscuits popular item were 30 cents as were bran muffins Fruit cake was marked at 60 cents for pound size and layer cakes sold for 50 cents The True Blue Lodge had date nut bread at 40 cents and 25 cents Homemade bread sold at 20 cents loaf EGGS MOVE WELL Eggs remained unchanged with extra large specials at 48 cents dozen grade large 45 cents and grade medium at 43 cents although one stand sold mediums at 42 cents FOWL STEAOY Fowl was noia plentiful product on the market but there were some boiling fowl Ithat sold at 40 cents under five pounds and 45 cents over five pounds Spring chickens ionai sales are concerned The stock offered was of good grade and showed the thoroughness for which these breeders are noted There were 31lots offered of which twelve were males This made the bull offerings somewhat light but added to the interest in Marquis and sold to Gerald ONeil bidding These were sold after $265 bred by Murphy and Allan Corrigan and sold to Charles the females had been disposed of sod to Bennett $350 bred Healey $420 bred by Murray Faris and sold to Russell Morrison $890 bred by Harvie and sold to Boulton Marshal $500 bred by Harold ï¬nish and sold to John Fennell $380 bred by John THE GREATEST AFRICAN ADVENT RE 20 CenturyFox presents ï¬inIEerIAIIIIIISIrI IIIEIIs ovDE with FMDDY IIDGIWAY SHIP to Wander The top selling bull brought $300 by Murphy and sold to Born and was owned by Judge ard Mulroy $390 llarvic It was run up in compcti Females bred by William ive bidding until knocked down to New and sold to Gethro Addis Boulton Marshal QC who has $390 bred by Rumncy Son very fine herd of these cattle on and sold to Reive $400 his farm at Orillia This bull bred by Iiumney Son and whose ancestors grazed on the sold to ArcliieWanless $285 bred fields around Perth Scotland is by Sproule and sold to Fred just one generation away from an Newby $270 bred by Bel imported animal on both sides of lamy and sold to Earl Purvis $325 the family He was sold as prov bred by Crawford and sold en bull and was type which to Esteh Davis $200 bred by Ern might have been tops in any pro est Crawford and sold to Garnet vincial sale Bell Son $195 bred by Crawford and sold to Earl Jones $200 bred by Ernest Crawford and sold to Eugene Smith $165 bred by Crawford and sold to Tyndall $320 bred by James Leonard and sold to Engine Smith $15K consigned by James Leon ard and sold to Russell Day $200 consigned by Maurice Metheral consigned by Maurice Metheral and sold to Alex Aldcorn $200 and soldto Claude Patton $22 consigned by Munphy and sold to Maurice Knott $200 2yz asar4Mwl The weekend saw DIIC last of the parsnips which sold at 35 cents for sixquart basket and 40 cents Carrots sold at 35 cents and cook ing onions at 35 cents Seed beans black were 25 cents pound and white 10 cents Potatoes were 25 cents basket Salomi apples were 75 cents basket and the usual de mand for these was not evident Dutch set onions were 25 cents pound and multiple at 20 cents Green onions were five cents bunch turnips sold at two for 15 cents and beets 40 cents basket although 10 cent berry box beets were most popular Sage was two bunches for 15 cents MAPLE SYRUP HONEY IIIoney white was priced at $210 for eight pounds to 25 cents for threequantcrs of pound Golden honey ranged from $175 for eight pounds to 20 cents and amber at $140 to 20 cents Marple syrup sold at $5 gallon to 45 and 50 cents for small jars IIthALTER SLEZAK ARE YOU FUlU COVERED PIoduCtd by nuclei by Sam Play by OTTO LANG HENRY HATHAWAY WAN GOFF IIBENROBERTS PLUS CARTOON AND FOX NEWS Covered with friendliness but mwm if injury results you wIn nccd INSURANCE to cover the bills HERE IT COMES THE PICTURE THAT IS NOW PLAYING ITs MONTH TORONTO Eï¬iisifiihwiiiiilfdéiJETS STARTS THIS MONDAY lil STEVENSON sanitizingStardust Nathan Rumncy Son and sold 10 Bell Son $225 consigned by Ruinncy Son and sold See Us FIRST For to Jack Rumble $175 female sub stituted with calf and sold to Insurance 01 ALL KINDS Orton $250 consigned by Dunlap phone 5201 Sproule and sold to John Bartholo mew $195 consigned by suns STYLEDTOPLEASE THE STORY OF LOVE THAT MADE WONDERFUL MUSIC frymmpmww wu Nm Ill In ANGLICAN RURAL SCHOOL MAY 211 wEEKENO PROGRAM IMPERIAL Sproule and sold to Roy Ferguson $200 outlined the various services which Canvassers were provided for the blind in The officials of the sale were $495o Wilfred13911 Collingwood pres A1 SHANTY BAY READY WHILEVYOU WAIT ldent William New Stroud mcoe County secretary Sproule Stroud The Rev 0rd Lighthoum DD espra owns IP ALI i¥£ti°n9lKeiti 11 Sale fllaï¬ SPORT SHIELS $490a9o¢$l90 easurer and minim We seem Anglican Archdeacon or Simcoe campaignMeehng Rector of Oro Parish has announc ed that thg Rural School of the Diocese of oronto of the Anglican Church will beheld this year at Shanty Bay from May to 11 This the sixthannual school is to enable the clergy of the church and the senior students from the theological colleges Trinity Wy cliffe and Anglican Womens Train ing College to have proper un derstanding of the place and im portance of the rural field in the whole task and program of the church For the ï¬rst three years the School was held at Monro Mills the FINE SHIRTS WHITE OR COLORED $395 $495 WI LF TODD 55 Dunlop St 15 Barrio tary for the Canadian Shorthorn Association assisting in the ring The sale was held in the fair barn of Barrie and District Fair Association RICHMON BC CELLCouncil Canvassers taking part in the bou ght an $18000 grader on March CNIB Campalgn V959 Town 30 to effect two per cent prov ship were addressed by Alf Sparks incial tax savin Now they know T011 Swilhané fmdfki that if theyd waited 10 days they ï¬e man lmcoe would have saved the 10 per cent speéial meeting recently in the Midhurst Reforestation Hall Chair Sï¬iï¬zoï¬i $32in man at the meeting was Reeve Roy Hickling equpment Mr Sparks was introduced by Art Pugh county chairman for the CNIB drive and the speaker Loyal True Blue Hell MILLER STORY GLEN he CHARLES quEOEOREE TorusHENRY MORGAN and lime Medical Groolfru Gem Steal mm UNGIDIIDIDDIS WARSAW WPAIEII IDIIIDKIIIE WWII gave an outline of the work done by the Institute since its inception and he also explained that since Youll Be WideEyed Lectures in rural soda10g and was done at the county level and religious education in rural areas Will be given this year by the Rev Mr Read and Miss RuthPogson Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Toronto lectune will also be given by Dr Frank Shannon coroner Barrie The Rev Arthur Chote Rich mond Hill will be Dean of the School and Rev Howard Mason ii fantastic lenitymg parish of the Rev Allan Read the that time it had developed to such st new rector of Trinity Anglican tent that many Other 0110 Church Barrie He and Mrs tries were coming to the CNIB to Lightbourn have been especially ï¬nd Ht 31W 0m 315131113 mOVe interested in the project and have me 91 W0 Game mdmmmm lectured at past schools Mr Murdock explained what CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 eves 839 pm AN ADVETURE into tomorrow Irs CLOSERE WHOS GOINOTO PAY THE BILLS NotYOU if youre insured against accid out and Sickness Your policy covers doc II Elmvaie will beChaplain tors and hospital blllsjprovldes weekly Selï¬ogfscglignnï¬oighiitggg gageg mwmgrCau us gt FANTASTIC At Th Th rIll Packed Program some assists Mulcomsons Insurance Agency is expressed by the church repre sentatives for the help which is 41 Dunlop St Bame DIaI 3735 given Meals during the School will be provided by the ladies of the parish Opening night is Mon day May special Soil and Seed Service will be held in St Marks East Oro on Tuesday May 11 at 730 pm followed by community party in the Orange Hall Hawkvestone with refresh menisprovided by the Hawkestone ladies FEATURED AT THEATH ANNUAL ORILLIAUAYCEES MOTORSHOW Located just south of Barrie on concession between highway 11 and highway too TONIGHTETHuIi APRiiixzs29 5000 FINGERS 0F DILT clETERLUNDlIAYES MARYIHALEY POPEle CARTOON 233 315 53L NgoI pm ORILLIA COMMUNITY CENTRE $32233 MULCASTER ST 4wIII II 1954 roIITIIII Laureniiun I7 TIRE InsuRANcE ILUS 2ND HIT lt DilliiiilWWW IIEIEE EIIIIIIII filllliiiis Tickets available at the show and from anymcmber of the Qrillia Junior Chamber of Commerce WINNING NAMEDRAWN LAST NIGHT OF snow 10 VALDABIE IIIIIIII rhIzEs Specialized Service IVEIIIIIIIEI Eurasap APRIL 30MAYI Ontarios LtGov LOUIS BREITHAUPT Officially open the Motor Show Friday Night April 30 Oclock The BYN WHIIIEKER SHOW direct from FASHYON SHOW station CJBC Featuring SEPO LEVIO Nighuy Magician and FlFI the CLOWN SATrAFT Latest Vspringwénd 5W StyleSfLovgly EnNooN 230 models Commentatqrrmnnmf CHASE ALANLAVDD