Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1954, p. 19

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awards Farm Progress Report Simcoc Federation of Agriculture the size of Simcoe nine incorporated Villages THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 1954 area would result AUTOMATIC GUTTER CLEANER makes easy work of stable cleaning on the farm of DJermey Barrie RRJ Equipment to clean feet of gutter costs around $1500 County Amt Eric Simpson relates the history and value of the PedalMinn of Agriculture to farm people and county services It was juSt about the time the Simcoe County Federation of Agri mltoaxne into being that the Qntariolegislature enacted legisfi lation to provide for county asses sors and county supervised assess ment 13121 was the year 1940 fwell remember the Georgian Bay conference of 1940 which laid the fm1ndaltion flor coondinating all agricultural organizations and all agricultural thought and eflort in this county In fact am very proud to have had small part in that work at that time In 1945 Simcoe County decided to appoint county assessor and received ithe appointment had been in fairly close touch with county equalization for the prev ious 13 years ever since first be came member of the county coun oil in 1932 believe in those years since 1932 have been more closely connected with equalization of assement athan any other per son in this county The last 10 years have shown great and significant chang$ in the growth and development of the County Federation of Agriculture in assesment thought and practice and in Sinicoe County itself Ilhere are many reasons that now place our county in the forefront of all the counties for the whole pro vince Its great area in such an ideal location its rich general farm land and its specialized areas such as the Bradford Marsh the tobacco and growing districtsthe largeur ban centres with an industrial de velopment lube extent of which is not generally known and perhaps greatest of all the rivers lakes and the Georgian Bay that has made possible for this county the greatest summer tourist develop ment of any county or distridi in the province With the division of York County by the establish ment of the Toronto Metropolitan AArea Simcoe County now leads all the countim in population and in total taxable merit This ryear the population for the whole county is over 102000 not count ing summer tourist visitors The assessment value of taxable real property year approxi mate ninetyW0 and onedhalf mil lions to which is added six mil lions of business assessment giving total taxable value of close to one hundred million dollars For the time in Simcoe Countys hisjaory the taxable value oi the urban municipalitiw exceeds that of the Due to the summgr tourist development some of ouriifbownships can no longer be considered as rural municipalities In Innisfil Township farm land is now only 32 per cent of the total taxable assemment in Orillia Township 39 per cent and in Tiny SIMCOE lEADSCOUNTIES IN ONTARIO POPULATION AN ASSESSMENT COUNIYASSESSO Township 40 per cent The total assessed value of summer resort is Parficmally true in the case 01 property for the whole county now is approximately 12 millions In nisfil Township now leads all townships with $3 million of its total taxab1s assessuientdue l0 smnmer tourist property and is folloWed by Tinyownship with close to $2 million Only four have no summer resort areas already mentioneil the develop ment in asSessrnent thought and practice in the county believe there has been more improvement in this regard within the last 10 years than there was in hhelprev ious fifity Since the enacunentt of the legislation in 1940 as mention ed abovehtihere are now 28 county assessors out of total of 38coun ties in the province county assemors work is two fold first the county assessor is now primar ily reponsible for the equalization report to be presented each year to the county council and he is also directed to advise the assessors and supervise the assessment in the local municipalitiesa In county with its seven towns and lGtownships you must agree that this is big order Following my appointment as county assessor plan was set up to revalue the entire county mun icipality by municipality using uniformsystem of appraisal in all municipalities having regard of course to location and local condi tions so that an equitable and equalized assessment for the entire This plan was put into operation for the first time in few municipalities in the year 1946 Since then 26 of our 32 municipalities have been complete ly revalued under this system un der whichtaxes have been levied and in some cases forseveral years In the main where the work was carefully and conscientiously car ried out the results have been sat isfactory In the year 1950 the Department of Municipal Affairs for the pro vince introduced for assessment which radically changed the system or method by which property had been general lyvalued in the past The HEW idea in this method of assessment is that two values must be deter mined for each property phy sicalor replacement value is add ed to capitalized rental or econ omic value and theaverage of the two is taken to be the value of the property or assessment purposes In some respects this method is better approach tovalue than our present county system but its ap plication to the threemunicipab ities in the county that have now been revalued under it has not resulted in equity or uniformity as between municipalities While this is the case beliéve proper supervision and coordinamion of this system in various municipal ities would result in entirely equitable equalized values Ilhe introduction of nhis new manual at the time and manner it was introduced to this county has made the equalization of all the municipalities for coun ty purposes somewhat more dififi cth In spite of all lahis the meth ods of assessment have shown great improvement and valuations plac ed on property are much moxc equitable than in the past This fiarm property and the share of the m1 taxuoll that fanm property in municipality must bear very great many of the inequities that existed before the assessor had any appraisal system of his own or had any supervision have been wiped out The famers actual messed value has not been lower ed but the raising of other types of properby some in many cases tram ridiculously low levels to proper level ocf value in relation to farm property has meant con siderable relief for the farm tax payer It is true of course that increased municipal costs have not allowed taxes to be lowered but had the former relationship of val ues been allowed to continue un til the present time the inequities would be all the more apparent to day couniy assessor is simply an adviser and an inspector Just as Your school systems our road sys tems our municipal finances the construction of buildings etc re quire inspectors and auditors so there must be supervision and dir MAGNEro Is the Heart on Your Tractor we advise you to detach and nnmcf IT IN NOW before the Spring rush and so avoid breakdown bottlenecks YOULL FIND SPECIALISTs at BRENNANS Auto Electric Service 33 Hayfield Sf oi IZ Clapperton St PHoNEzcs4 BARRIE new manual in the NORTH SIMCOE SEED POTATO GROWERS COOP By SCOTT Since its inception in 1949 this organization under the able man agership of Cuppage has ection for the local assessors Our assessment system will never be any better or worse than the character and ability of the men appointed to do the work We now havefortunately some veryfine men engaged in this difficult and nhankleSS job In Simcoe County where these men have the full sympathetic support of their local councils very excellent Work is being done It is hoped that never again will such vital and important work in the municipalities be left to the man who will undertake the job for the least money regardless of his knowledge andability ERIC SIMPSON County Assessor fireston 3335123335 pulling you 05 UNd For out FinMn Tumor Tim Isnnrsuon DUNLOP ST MAPLE AYE Phone 3195 promoted the interests of the North Simcoe seed potato grower Mr Cuppage has been particularly Successful in building up an ex port market for seed During the growing season the organization frequently plays host to visiting American growers who later us ually maké purchases of seed It is well known in New York State that North Simcoe Seed is particu larly free of yield cutting virus diseases The North Simcoe Seed Potato Cooperative is the only seed pota to cooperative in Ontario Despite the chaotic conditions prevailing in the potato industry due in part to subsidies at home and price sup ports abroad it has sold sufficient seed to establish price and in doing this it has been of considerable value to members and nonmem bers alike This cooperative has contributed lot to the orderly marketing of seed potatoes in North Simcoe The extension program of The United Church of Canada calls for at 1east200 new churches in five year period NO TRACTOR Fi rcstone STORE BARRIE ES Nights 3192 COMPLETE lt TRACTOR TIRE SERV Vulcanizing up to 15 Right in ourpr Shop CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THERES CUCASIIWI macrole FOR EVERY FARM JOB ZES 26 MOD Beth you buy any actor see Ibis great new Cocksh power packed power played Here in any one of 26 newmodels are the extra value fealutes you have wanted In trader greater slamina smoother power upkeep cost Cockshyfl has them all and theyre all when you choose Cockshun Be sure you see Ihis sredt up of actor power now on display See your Cockshu NOW FRRm Eouupmenr YOUR AUTHORIZED COCKSHUTT DEALER COMPLETE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY CAMPBELL Close To Holly School on No 27 Highway BARRIE RR NO ICEq TO KEEP SILAGE from freezing when from horizontal silo tarpaulin was thrown over the top of the sil age and the top of the movable feed rack Spaces between the openings in the rack were covered With old bran sacks hung from cattle selffeed it the top but free at the bottom The cattle Expect lean Year For Elevators on Great Lakes Trade Toronto Globe and Mail lean year for Ontario grain elevators is anticipated by Norman Boadway general manager of C01 lingwood Grain Elevators which last year enjoyed profitable sea son As soon as navigation opens explained Mr Boadway 14 more grain freighters are expected to go into service on the Great Lakes which will enable the water car riers to handle all the available tonnage of western grain coming hom theheadof the lakes down Complete Selection 01 DRAPERY Drapery Needs to Kingston and Prescott Since Ontario elevators act as transship ment points fircm water to rail we will be left with full binsparti cularly if the boats cut their rates under the rail carriers Elevators Stuffed It was explained that as soon as unloading of grain carriers win tering in Collingwood harbor is completed the local elevators will be stuffed with 2000000 bushels of wheatwith no anticipated place to go The unloading and loading of grain is what makes money for grain elevators explained Mr Boadway Storage rentals bring us enough revenue to stay in busi readily pushed the bottom of the sacks aside to get at the silage As they left the rack the sacks dropped back in place over the open ing This covering with the natural heat of the silagewas sufficient to prevent the sil age freezing at temperatures below zero Add 14 Ships Addition of 14 more ships to the Great Lakes graincarrying fleet is naturally expected to create sharp competition for cargoes with resulting rate drops making water shipment cheaper than by rail quick census by elevator of ficials here counted round dozen new grain boats scheduled to go into service at the opening of navi gationaplus two oil tankers con verted to grain carriers Any one of these ships will handle from 500000 to 750000 bushels said Mr Boadway Last vear we handled 10500000 bushels through our elevators This year we expect our program to be cur tailed by from 75 to 80 per cent last year with business likely rc ness but thats about all he said stricted to domesflc grains CHECK THE VALUE LONG 395 450 64 22 to 27 28 to 33 34 to 37 38 to 41 595 42 to 47 695 850 LONG 22 to 27 450 48 to 52 64 28 34 to 33 to 37 42 48 to 47 to 52 Widths Shown 595 38 b0 41 69 795 895 LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS 54 550 54 18 to 24 to 27 475 28 to 33 495 to 36 34 Whi INSPECT THE UALITY 18 to 23 385 24 to 27 395 28 to 33 34 to 36 495 Increase Farm Progress Report Slmcoc Federation of Agriculture THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL I954 mm SILVER FOX AWARD home at the cost or hirown life Lord Rowauan Scotland Chief was included in the llst of 57 dec Scout of the British Common orauons wealth will be the first person to receive new Canadian Scout DRINKS MORE Now decoration the Silver Fox award Tho av CH ed to nonresidents of Canada or fan in gt npdoycc woxks 93 minimvs lo servxccs of exceptional character to 1k Scouting Canadas Chief Scout Law 15 MM 330 hc wnrkcd 156 mmuus to varn His ExcellenCy lhe Rt Hon Vm qua Mk cent Massey Cll recently an nounccd the award to Lord Row rrwr allan in his BadenPowell blrth VOLVES Br day anniversary honors and award list One posthumous award the 5pr 10950UT CPWNm Bronze Cross to the late scum Icuotmt hunters using airplanes Erna Vinenéuve of the 3rd shot 8f wolves in this Nnrlhwvsurn Ontario dllslllcl dang two Troop The Pas Manitoba for his week hum Harley Ruuch of Pr 09$de bravery rescuing ton Snulh Dakota wm high man his SlSlClS from their burning Wm 40 NEW Its ECONOMICAL Its MONEYMAKER DUST MILK TYPE FEED for Young Calves CALFPAB Icplucos Milkfrom 40h Dayand for 30 My llalchlards CALFPAB provldu morn oucnliol nutrient than milk inc Compldcy forfifiod its grant now advance in scienfific coll feeding 00 255 Ia CALFPAI Ink 250 lbs MIIIKI Wirh 55 Milk Solids phu viiamim In Anlibiolic and very other mule who nood CALFPAI prod5c bigger boner calves with In and lower cost Call Bnony Dimeand go Oh loch aboul hour Ilcldufordo CALFPAIthc product of grout name in calf foods BA WILSON COOKSTOWN JIl BE UTOPIA YOULL SAVE 72 LONG 34 to 37 595 38 to 41 650 42 to 47 750 48 to 52 895 LONG White or Eggshell Steel Slots ICOTTON TAPES LONG 72 LONG 34 to 37 38 Lo 41 42 to 47 48 L0 52 450 595 re or Eggshell Steel Slots HD PLASTIC TAPES In Units In All Sizes For Further Information Phone Write or Call KINDLYALLOW APPROXIMATELY ONE WEEK FOR DELIVERY 1519 DUNLOP ST BARRIE GRAHAM FLEMING PHONE 334 wmmmmm

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