Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1954, p. 14

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lipTHE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 1954 McMastcrs on Johnstons daagtitcr Dart Zeggil and family were here from lozonio recently Air Trip Overseas motored lasz ILicsday ioff to Mrs rl 25 Lullrii SCEZLI of Harm of Flint v2c3ti lilUi Lilial Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs George Batters of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr ters and Mr and Mr and Mrs Robert Johnston Gall Weft recent Sindhi guests of Mr nd Mrs Show Mr and Mrs James Toronto Saturday Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs llerbert and Lloyd Graham Bradford were visitors on lnursday last we with lr and Mrs IZdward ham Mrs Icorgc Parker and other friends in town Kier if Wfle guests of Visitor From Brampton Mrs Gowlaud Brampton is spending two weeks with Mr and Mrs If Westlake Mr and Mrs John Farts Monday in Toronto Mrs llindle Mrs Wher and Mrs llerbert Spent Saturday iii loronto Mrs If llarxood is visit ing relatives in Kingston Mrs Leonard Ross who has been spending some time at her home in town has left for St Marys to spend few weeks with her daughter Mrs Charles Blackman spent lebb Moved From Ietawawa Whitcway 43 COR wife and family letuwawa have tak en tip residence in the house owned by Mrs Leonard Ross Junior WMS Meeting The Junior WMS will meet on Thursday April ll at Mrs James Pearsons jda for and Mrs Bat Ccitlflillfd Mrs Derinott IilS home in Cookstown The house and was barics Blackinorc Graham GOOIgt shipped to Toronto Headquarters Birthday Party Friday March 26 was happy his 84th birthday at Thomas Mailing when he was decorated with spring flowers cloth and its lace candles it by table decorated tilt centred with three birthday cak in order to tat5 Mr Marlings sons and came from Gravcuhurst Allistou floronto Hamilton and Kingsville Ohio and daughter Also present were his son who live with their parents and Mr and Mrs Thzirlcs Blackmore Snooker Games The third annual snooker tourn ament got underway on March it with 24 contestants from ooks town and district battling it out for third prize which is valued at approximately 23 The tourna ment is staged each Monday night best two out of three games pet match Winners play winners in the race for first prize Losers play losers for second prize and two losses make each contestant eligible for third prize Three loss es mean elimination After three weeks of play first prize contest ants remaining are Rcive James Ncy and llansen undefeated Red Cross Quilting Bee The annual Red Cross quilting bee was held in the town hall on March 31 It was well attended by some 95 volunteer workers from Rosss Group Hollows Cookstown and number from Thornton Inst itute Nine quilts Were completed with three more from the Rosss Group and one from Hollows Quilt tops were donated from the churches Anglican two Presby terian one United WA one WMS Evening onc Junior WMS one ltosss Group four Hollows one Mrs Sam Cole one Mrs Mapcs one These were all completed and where needed or distribution TORONTO TEDOIIEIIS COLLEGE Oneyear and Twoyear Courses are offered leading to an Interim First Class teaching certificate valid in the elementarypschools of Ontario Term opens September 14 1954 Descriptive booklet Teaching in the Elementary Schools at Ontario free on request Academic requirements for admission Oneyear Course Standing in eight Grade XIII papers one of which shall be English Composition or English Literature Twoyear Course Secondary School Graduation Diplomaiof the General Course Interviews with applicants are conducted by the Committeeof Selection Secondary school students interested in entering Toronto Tcachers College should apply for interview through the principal of their should write to THE PRINCITAL secondary school Other applicants Toronto Teachers College 870 Pope Avcmxa Toronto Ontario AT TH fnuTOMATI WAS II in gwIII2o FOR You Are you tired of spending hours doing your washing Have you anvold Fashioned washer noisy troublesome slow Does it take too much of your time nervous energy The Dominion Automatic wiII DO AWAY with all the bothereven save you danger to your health Inn IIIII DOMINION DOES ALL NEVER AOAIN OLOTIIES STIOK OAN IT PUTS TIIT £00m HOT WATER SAVERThe Dominion Automa ticwiII do your washing withthe hot water you have in any hot water tank Needs less than HALF as much as other Automatics Washes NO INSTALLATION COSTSGently Squeeze water out of clothes by hydraulic ptessurg Swift and silent No spinner NO bolting TOR YOUR OLD WASHER REGARDLISS OF AGE AS MUCH AS MAKE on CONDITION Use Old Washer on Down PaymentLong Terms Given OUGHS HARDWARE 80 DunlOp St East Phone 2556 DELIer his 84 candles iaughters During the ifternoon short wor ship period led by Mrs Atkin son was oboerwd and refreslunents lservwl by committee and few minutes rest for the workers NEW Tums the clothes over as it souses them in the suds cleaner and faster the The Red Cross Committee would like to thank those who worked so Iaith fully and also lilnicr Graham for bringing chairs to the hall Return ompletcd Work Mrs ft Couse converter of Red Cross sewing and knitting would like all completed work to be returned as soon as possible institute Meeting The Womens Institute met In the town hall on April with 35 members and thrctx visitors pres ent The president Mrs Patton opened the meeting with the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect was repeated The roll call was an swered with suggestion for an Institute annual trip or outing dur ing the summer After the min utes and correspotulcnce the re ports of various committees were given Donations were made to the Korean widows Mrs Lemon and Mrs Patton were elected to at tend the Iancer Society meeting in Barrie 071 April The Pres idcuts Conference in Guelph on May and was discussed and the local president Mrs Patton is to attend The library was discussed again and Mrs Riley is to con tact other organizations inthat respect The members are plan ning euchrc and dance on Wed nesday April in the town hall The annual reports from all stand ing committees were given This was followed by Mrs It Cousc conducting the election of officers which resulted Past president Mrs Ira Wilson president Mrs Gordon Patton lst vicepresident Mrs Trotter 2nd vicepresident Mrs Smith secretary Mrs Hu bert Lcmmon treasurer Miss Audrey Mapes press secretary Mrs Kidd district director Mrs Couse Standing coms mittees Agricultural and Canadian industries Mrs Reains and Mrs Arscnault home economics and health Mrs Coutts and Mrs Parker historical research and currentfievcnts Mrs Couse and Mrs Kidd citizenship and education Mrs Trotter and Mrs Kellogg community ac tivities and public relations Mrs Lcmmon and Mrs Walker Excellent Program Mrs Hindle Convener of the program opened with solo Birds On The Wing by Mrs Kellogg accompanied by Mrstra Wilson Mrs Hindle gave very fine and educational talk on Chil dren She said there were three NENEIT AGAIN DLEAOHINO types of children first the aver age second not so average third over average Some of the things she said were The child below av rage was problem child both befortx school agg and at school They cannot grasp things they and patience by teachers and par ents as well special consideration and special work Thch children need special types of books and teachers Rural SCITOOIS in the community are usually overcrowd cd and are handicapped with uni advantages nor time to give to these children and if they have not suitable school cy are apt to drift Some of the hildrcn in this class are superior in some ways and in cities they have schools and teachers who can devote more time to them The children over averagcare problem children too especially in the sebuols They are bright intelligent ambitious with lots of energy lessons finished forc time and the teachers have trouble in keeping them employed These children should be given every advantage and have oppor tunities put in their way Uni versity education is necessary as these children will become the learned people of the unlvurse Enjoyable Social Time Mrs Ira Wilson gave piano solo and the meeting closed with God Save The Queen and social time over lunch and cup of tea served by the committee Rev Lewis In Accident Rev Lewis is patient in St Michaels Hospital Toronto due to fall at his home in Pen etang Mr Lewis suffered brok en arm and leg in two places The community all wish him speedy recovery Born At Barrie Hospital Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Earl McFayden on the birth of daughter on April 1954 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Legion Euchre The Legion are making plans for another euchre on Monday April 12 at the Veterans Hall Cookstown Miss Violet Graham Toronto spent the weekend with her moth er Mrs Thomas Graham Mrs Bates Toronto spent the weekend at her home in town Mr and Mrs McKee and sons are visiting at the home of the latters parents Mr and Mrs Houston Listowcl Bowling League Hooligans 130 Happy Gang 107 Wanderers 102 Jets 102 Tail Enders 68 Slow Pokes 61 Happy 519 Jack Beeston 497 High single for night Jean Hughes 200 Jim Smith 262 High triple for night same as spoon winners All teams played 81 games WCTU Annul The annual meeting of the W0 mens Christian Temperance Union of Cookstown was held on March 30 at the United Church parson age The president Mrs Carr gave the call to worship Hands by Lyla Votery of Ham ilton These hands are mine for work and play To use for Jesus every day They pick the grapes from off the vine But never to be used in wine For wine brings only hurt and pain Suffering and sorrow for greedy gain Hymn Jesus Keep Me Near The TALENTED PERFORMER at the recent CGE Social Club dance at the Barrie Works was Jerry Slaughter who entertained at the evenings festivuties with his ver Oldi McDonald Had CGE News sion of Elarm iiIaMcNeIIIIe Again or CLARINET ELUTE SANAPHONE at musical lnsfruntontst ulelles 22 Daqficld sr iIaIrrIe PHONE 4IZE Spoon winners Jean Hughes Icross was sung Rev Kel Ilogg Spoke on the picture Martin Harmer Subjects for study were Al Canadas Major Health Problem llhis is said to be alcoholism since cetery l3 Stitliil labout one of alcoholic idrinkers becomes an Treatment centres have been es Itablished in Toronto area Killer No Highway traffic accidents Itake this place Drinking driving causes high percentage Iro fessOr Jocelyn lingers declared that intoxicatch drivers rave no right to kill 10 times as many pen ple as murderers Alcohol and the Home The Ontario law states No person shall knowingly sell or supply liquor to anyone under the age of 21 years and no such under age person shall buy or otherwise obtain liquor No parent or guardian having the care custody or control of child under eight years may enter licensed premises unless the child is under compet ent care Gambling means gain to fcwwith no rights of merit or service at the expense of the many Sir Earle Page Min ister of Health Australia stated Lotteries are the most wasteful of all methods of financing hospitals because 7080 ofexpcruhture went to the lottery administration and prizes and only 20 to 30 per cent to hospital maintenance This is the experience of the Irish Sweepstakes Active Year Mr and Mrs Kellogg sang duet Just For Today Reports of departments showed very ac ltive year Cookstown Union was hostess for the county convention joint hostess for provincial convcn tion at Barrie contributed to funds Ifor Worlds Convention besides carrying on local educational work Election 0f Officers Election of officers President Cu Trent Account THORNTON Trinity Mission land Irinzty Church will llttt in the church basement on Thursday afternoon of this week izig euvilopes is remitsud Miss Joan Jennett spent the weekend at Stroud wiih lonna Mason Freddie Duncan Toronto spent day last wetk with Mr and Mrs William Grecnacie Enjoyed Barrie Sliowlng Those who went to See the pic ture Martin Luther at the Im perial Theatre Harrie last week were impressed with the grand production itself and the crowds attending Mr and Mrs Vernon lcnnctt and children visited recently in Barrie at Martin Geils Home From Hospital We arc pleased to report that Mrs Fry is home from hosv her her pital and everybody wishes continued progress towards usual good health cntral Glee Club llere Last Wednesday night the Glee Club from Central United Church Barrie put on this years play which was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody Mr and Mrs Carr drove Mrs Charles Carr vicepresident Missimi Band return of the thonlmficri Mrs McFadden secretary Miss Glcna Aylesworth treasurer Mrs Glass The hostess served dainty lunch and asocial time was much enjoyed Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Don Williams Cookstown on the occasibn of their 10th wedding Im niversary March 31 Mr and Mrs =illiam VITAEunit VITAMTN Welcome We extend Warm Welcome To the members of TIII WOMENS MISSIONARY sown NOW VISITING and shall be pleased Ennlmh claim Otft Shop 00 Come Browse Are AllRIlZ to have them visit our und And Feel At Home DICK STEELE Corner Collier and Bayficld Streets ITS THE BELTOR DOMINION ROYAL NYLON THTSENSATIONAL TUBE THAT GIVES YOU Woman Prevention In this test Dominion Royu Master lIFEWALI tube strikes 5lnch stool Ipiko whilniho car going at full spud There was no penetration to any 1qu or tube part but othu tire In the test instantly ruptured blow containing out throw can out of control The SAFETY COMBINATION that cant beequulledl inside ItoIIIIIIIIII Rout MIsTEIIs IIIIwmIIIIMoiOTs ll Wyunl DOMINION NOYAL TIRES BRADFORD LTD CHEVROLET OEDSMOBILE PHONE 195 BRADFORD MOTORS DODGEDEsoro PHONE 102 STAYNER DOMINION ROYAL TIRES LIMITED My TIRE Pasitive These are the revolutionary new tubes that safetyCOTisclous motorists everywhere are demanding The scientific com bination of Butyl rubber and woven Nylon is an example Of Nylon used to its best advantage in tube or tire construction Its an exclusive Dominion Royal feature that allows the Nylon LIFEWALL tube to float free turn away impact without harm Each LIFEWALL tube contains two full layers of Nylon cordsmaking each tube as strong in its elf as an ordinary tire With LIFEWALL tubes in your tires you actually have double tire strength on every wheel See your Dominion Royal Tire Dealer today and get more details Then put LIFEWALL tubes in your tires old or new Here again Isa Domlnlon Royal Master containing llFEWALL tube Till time the tire smashes Into gaping pot hoIol Row no blowout no loss air or safety no damage to lira or tube Inxido or out Provmcml TIRE COMPANY 21 MARY sr PHONE 2194 BARBIE DOMINION ROYAL TIRES and start getting POSITIVE BLOWOUT PREVENTION NOW This time the cur slam the first con crete block than plummets down on the second oven bending the steel wheelrim But no loss of air no dum ugo to fire or tube Other tires wlthout lIFEWALL tuberblow out or were thrown off rims Its the safest combination on the roadthe only tireandtube team in the world that gives you Blowout Prevention Skid Prevention and Life Pra tection For the absolute maximum in safetyride on Dominion Royal Masters with LIFEWALL 10 HOME AND INDUSTRY Illex Currie MOTORS PONTIAC BUICK PHONE 106 ELMVALE DOMINION HOYAL TIRES

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