outImmamwmmmxmmmmmmwmmmwmwwanwwmwmwwmw 43 it in ï¬rm or LR ENDKIENDKNT NEWS Serving THE TOWN OF BABRIE AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE Since l864 90th YeorwNo 39 CNIB HELPS BARRIE BLIND Authwitod as Second cm uni Iy tho Post Ollie Deparan Ottaw BY TALKING BOOK RECORDS FROM LIBRARY OF 60000 Oliver 017th of felt Street Barrie known friend Sllu reads to hint evezy night from library of bioks that contain broad selec tzon of the Worlds iiteratuze from Dickens to Ellery Queen and from the Bible to Readers Digest Mr Galley is bluzd ills lilt kuewn friend is the narrator whose voi is recorded on talking book records that arrive periodically at his home in Barrie from the Can liIiS an Ull adian National institute for the Blind The CNllls library is just one of many seructs lllltl free of charge to Mr Galley by the in stitute but it is one that is mak ing significant contribution to his efforts to live as normal life as possible in World of darkness The talking books not only give him the pleasure tiiat comes from great literature they help keep him abreast of events of lasting interest The records play for 15 minutes side presenting in relaxed pleasant voice the unabridged cou teuts of every book chosen Amer ican and British actors radio an nouncers and professional read ers are selected by organizations for the blind engaged in produc ing the talking books CNIB has no space in its present outdated buildings to set up the elaborate studios needed for the purpose so purchases the records as quickly as funds permit from American and British sources Serving listening reactors from Cape Breton to British Columbia the CNlB library now boasts stock of 60000 which are con stantly in circulation More than ton of mail moves in and out of the library every day requiring staff of 12 to check titles type addresses credit borrowers with the return and complete the hun dred and one details that keep the talking books flowingr promptly from reader to reader The entire 60000 turn over every month so eager are the sightlcss to read by this pleasant and ef fective method In the new $3150000 centre for which cam paign will take place in April in this county twice the present 1113 Keznpen crippled Childrens Society founded in 0nturio 1922 The Ontario Society for Crippled Children was organized 32 years ago for the purpose of finding crippled children arranging treatment and pro vidtng followup care In 1922 there were 10 ser vice clubs engaged in this kind of community ser vice in 1952 the number grew to 200 and now the whole province is being covered During those yearsalmost 20000 crippled children have been treatcd and many of them are now leading nor mal lives some have achieved real distinction The work of the Society has been made possible by those doctors who donate their time and skill to the many diagnostic clinics in hospitals as well as at many remote places and to the countless hours devoted to corrective surgery and other pro cedures The Society has specially trained nurses covering every district in the Province and c0 opcrating with service clubs doctors and nurses space will enable the library to expord its talking book section to 130000 records This will enable the libzary to keep up with dc moods of readers many of whom can go through several books in Week preferring the talking book to all other entertainment In the new building three sound proofed reading rooms will en able CNIB to transcribe books ol its own and for the first tune al low the Institute to bring to its readers some of the good Canadmn reading now coming off the press which are seldom recorded by Ameitean studios Community Concert Membership Up In Coldwater District Coldwatei and district residents are taking an increasing interest in music and the number signing as members of Orillia Community Concerts ssociation this year is double that of recent years In stead of 15 members there will be 32 attending concerts in the 1954 season lhose front this area who will take in the concert series are Mrs Robinson Mrs Gorodn Dun lop Mrs Sheppard Mrs Lloyd Lethcrby Mrs Charles Dau by Mr and Mrs Lane Mrs Walter Levering Mrs Argyle Ep lctt Mrs Elliott Mrs Wigby Mr and Mrs Frank Beatty Mrs William Harvie Mrs George Williamson Miss Lila McPhce Mrs Millard Mr and Mrs George Kingsborough Mrs Frank Job Mrs James Glcadali Mrs Jack Walker Mrs Long Mrs An drew Dunlop Miss Edna Walker Mrs Templeman Mrs Clar ence Ward Miss Dorothy Lover ing Miss Ann Levering John Tip ping and James Andres all of Coldwater and Mrs Lloyd Dunlop of Moonstone as Canadian Red Cross services and supplies are not sold When assist ance is given it is provided through your voluntary contribu tions Business Educators Endorse Typewriting Production Test lreetors of the Business Educa tors Association of Canada meet ing in Brantford March 26 and 27 approved typewriting production test as final exanténaticn for can dictates from the 46 member schools from coast to coast in Canada in this twohour test students are required to deriiozistrate their skill in filling in business forms setting up statistical matter and it manuscript copy work Prelimin ary tests have shown that high speed in typewriting does not necessarily mean tllfltigtl on thejob produtiou of office type writuwg projects 11 Stafford of Shaw Schools loronto stated that one student who could typewrite at Lhc rate of 00 words minute on straight copy but who had not been train ed in production typing could not pass this test in the required two hours The meeting was in charge of Clemens Canada Business Col lege Hamilton who is the presi dent of the association TOLLS 0N MOTOKISI With our heavy gasoline and oth er car taxes every Canadian road is toll road whether it is super highway or merely gumbo trail Kamloops BC Sentinel BIG ATlltACTONS Ogopogo has been sren again Cadborosaurus can be relied upon to time his appearance with the ad vent of another tourist season It would be an advantage to Prince George to have one monster of its very own something along the line of twoheaded moose or flying bear Princc George BC Citizen no Country Correspondent Contest Announced By Ontario Weeklies new competition has been an nounced by the Ontario Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspap ers Association It is entitled Champion Country Correspondent Contest open to rural correspond ents of member papers Awards will be made at the annual con vention in London on June 11 and 12 Full details of the con test are now in the hands of the publisher of this newspaper The Champion Country Corres pondent will be honored attthe FOR THE FIRST TIME competitive bacon show was held this year in connect South Simcoe Seed Fair at the Beeton Community Hall and consid thc exhibits from the various townships The champion ion with the recent erablointerest was taken in convention in June when he or she will be our honored guest said Worden Leavcns secretarymana ger of the association Robert Saunders QC Chairman of the Ontario Hydro and long friend of the Weeklies has agreed to donate suitable award to the champion Second and third win ners will receive diplomas The Hydro Chairman credits the large rural circulation of the weeklies in Ontario to the rural corres poridentsbnd the news they pro duce Mr Saunders thinks coum try items are the backbone of the rural town weekly of which he has very high opinion The On tario Hydro is using the weeklies If you have not received mittee in Barrie BUTLER chairman Bob Hodges The Kiwanis Club of Barrie cooperating and sharing with letters and Easter Seals to restdentstn Barrie and surroundi ters andlif you can see your way clear maila contribut BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY APRIL I954 currently for series of advertise ments of Ontario Hydroat work for you and yours Mr Saunders is looking forward to attending the Convention of the Ontario week lies in June when he will make the presentations The competition will be judged on the basis of correspondencevby the competitors on certain dates between now and the next couple of months These dates will be made known to your hometown weekly Correspondents should get in touch with their weekly news Uhr Barrie Examiner hog carcass prize was taken by Percy Cars cadden of Bradford and the following were the points awards in the township competi tion West Gwlllimbury 14 Essa 12 Innlsfll 10 Nottawasaga Tos sorontio and Tecumscth Adjala 13 Simcoetounty Aquarium Soc At HobbyShow large number of aquariums paper to make sure they are 311 were entered by members of the tered in the Correspondent Contest sponsored by the Ontario Hydro MARCH 18 APRIL 15 1s Ibiective $500000 Evcry Easter Seal You Buy and Ilse is It Messn 422 he Ontario Society for Crippled Children has mailed ng districtsUse the Seals on all your outgoing let ion in the pink envelope vno postage required Champion Country Simcoe County Aquanium Society in the Lions Club Hobby Show this week draw was made for letter justzsend your contribution or givejt to any member of the Easter Seal Com Wl oRAtoy pf treasurer Harry MilnéM Morrison Harold Rule Bill Stewart and Harvcyjltiittlc Harris Redmond preSident KiwanlstClub oft Barrie wlnunn publicity Member GAMMA and Audit tumu circulltiam preciation CIA Minty MON DAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY single capy Section 2Poges to I2 COMPETITIVE BACON SHOW AT SEED FAIR Incredible Amount of Work Is Comment RVH Board Chairman On Womens Auxiliary Activities Tiie Womens ilocpital Auxiliary of in Royal Victoria Hospital was complimented by the chairman of the board of trustees Rev James Ferguson on the incredible amount of work that the members turn out when the annual report of the group was presented at the meeting of the corporation on Tuesday evening Mr Ferguson voiced deep up of the work done by the organization on behalf of the meeting and vote of thanks to the auxiliary was moved by His Worship Mayor Heber Smith An extremely busy and success ful year for auxiliary members was reviewed in the report of 1953 activities presented by the president Mrs Roy Christie at the annual hospital meeting The auxiliary had membership of 40 with an average attendance of 18 at its 40 weekly meetings Through the efforts of the sow ing group under the leadership of Mrs 11 Cable 2108 articles were completed Mrs Jack But lers group of voluntecr workers wrapped 1717 dozen articles the Aquarium Beautiful which was won by lucky fish fancier At the monthly meeting of the society six new members were added to the roll call and there was good attendance of standing members Show fish were judged by Mr Hankin First prize went to Don Hodges red swords and second prize to Billy Hankin gouramis llhird prize went to Bob Cameron red swords Mr Rankin gave talk on how fish are judged and on how and what to feed fish Members also onjoyed discussion following his address Door prizes of i8 draws donated by William Bradley were appreciated by the members Donations of fish for the next meeting were front Billy Hankin Don Hodges Honfkin Reid and William Bradley Bingo winners were Donnie Burton Billy Hankin and William Bradley Fish were given as prizes The next meeting of the society will be on April Everyone is urged to come and enjoy an even ing of fun with fish During the year the sum of $133023 was raised by meats of six projects namely Hostess Night $29783 spring rummage sale $21215 hospital tea $5098 draw on hand painted picture $9250 fall rummage sale $178 32 and tag day $54845 Donations to the hospital during the year were as follows $500 for linen $150 for wagonstein $1830 for two magazine racks for the waiting room 3100 toward the cost of landscaping the grounds around the hospital $50 for vases badly needed for the hospital $300 toward the purchase of an oxygen tent and $100 transferred to the life saving fund for special nurses for critically ill indigent patients Approximately $300 was spent furnishing the auxiliarys own work rooms at the hospital as chairs had to be purchased and large cutting table as well as many other small incidentals The auxiliarys Christmas gift to the nurses consisted of two maga zine subscriptions records and two new needles for their record player Every patient in the hospital at Christmas received Christmas card from the auxiliary and two subscriptions to daily paper were provided for patients in the two public wards The members were pleased to assist at the capping cemmony of the student nurses and at the graduation exercises reported Mrs Christie Each graduating nurse was again presented with reference book gift from the auxiliary Mrs Clayton Stewart who is on the advisory council to the Ontario Womens Hospital Auxil iaries Association attended the annual convention in that capa city This year Mrs Stewart had the honor of being appointed one of the vicepresidents of the asso ciation In closing her report Mrs Christie paid special tribute to the fine spirit of cooperation received at all times by the auxiliary from the hospital superintendent Miss Helen Shanahan She also thanked the hospital board for its courtesy consideration and appre ciation of the work of the aux iliary ge of Hope for Ontarios 10000 Crippled children Barrie Itiwunis support Crippledlï¬liildrensProiect Barrio Kiwanis Club was organized in 1922 and crippled or handicapped childrenstwork has at ways been major project Hundreds of handij capped boys and girls in Simcoe County who would in all probability have gone through life depend ent on family or state are now leading normal in dependent lives because of the assistance given by the Kiwanis Club of Barrie In 1945 the first Crippled ChildrcnisClinic in Simcoe County was sponsored by the Barrie Ki wanis Club and over 100 handicapped boys and girls were examined by three doctors from the Sick Childrens Hospital Clinics were also held in 1946 and 1948 The Underprivlloged Childrens Com clinic in Barrie again this mittee of the Barrie Kiwanis Club expects to hold year in June or Sept émiber Contributions to the Easter Seal Campaign are shared between the Ontario Society for Crip pied Children and the 200 service Clubs