Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1954, p. 2

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Militia April Atmixuon it hfiovgm newts 55$ parast wmwilx medzfl Add 2THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL 1954 OWN of LOL Admisson 30th April in aid Banner Fund tint Airstuictv entrul 1933 Was 511188 CO9°d Choir 3ti€ilctl of $13th in filial while dew preciation charges in 1953 were it tonnage Sale Fri 531839 compared with $9085 illj April at 730 pm gt 195 This left deficit after dei morning April at it am atprwiation in 1933 of $20101 comg Trinity Parish Hall auspices titttjyiggierl with $22865 in 1932 Junior Guild 3739le Dance at ivy Orange llall Sat llli£l April Old llllt and mod crn dancing 912 llcattys Orch estra Lunch counter Admission 50 Auspices 10 430 39 Mixed dancing every Friday Saturday Pine Crest miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 or miles south Elmvale Music by lieptoncs Admission 50c 2thl Itunnnagc sale Friday April from 23 pm at Collier St United Church Auspices WA Group Please note date Friday April 39 dance Friday Tjfincff1 provided Euchre 815 sharp dance 1030 Good music For kitchen improvements 38439 The ChilliWilli Junior Farmers announce their Parent3 Banquet to be held in Gilford liall on Tuesday April 13 turkey sup per will be served The speaker for the evening will be Rev Gor don llunter 39tl2F and Hall Euchre auction onununity Sunnidalc TownshipA meeting for the Canadian National Insti tute for the Blind will be held in the Township Hall Sunnidale Corners Wednesday April at 830 pm Guest speaker will be $31822 Operating expenditures amounted to $341031 compared with $264875 lwcrc $9334 compared with $2803 iin 195 5total liabilities in 1953vere$8t3114 dltfi2u laundry and linen $5753 Bed Shortage At RVH More Acute from page one in capital assets taking into the he accounts of the new builds ngs and equipment Auditors Report Operating revenue in 1953 wast compared with $251095 Net capital expenditures in 1053 Total assets in 1933 remained $l 159079 compared with 31062014 at the end of the previous year while compared with $933745 in 1932 The breakdown of operating rev enue in lQSleas as follows Main tenance patients including indi gent per dieml $211285 special services from patients $97230 Provincial grants 533144 County grant $7674 nonoperating $3489 Operating expenditures included salaries and wages $l73980 ad ministration $0919 dietary $55 022 housing $9377 power plant New Real Estate Office Opens gt Emu MRS NOIllNE ROGERS CHARLES ROGERS hastbecn active in real estate work announced the opening of real for the past four years estate office on the second floor of Mrs Rogers the former Noreen the Sterling Trusts Building Mr iflowcliffe will fulfill the secre llogers is secretarytreasurer oi tarial duties of the business Both the newly formed Barrie and Dis Mr and Mrs Rogers are well trict Real Estate Board and has known in Barrie Charles Rogers Realtor pital Last year with view to during the year The senior and bringing the surrounding towniintcrmcdiatc students are getting ships into closer relationship with expeience with the Victorian Or the Royal Victoria Hospital and tier of Nurses and the Simcoe hence to better understanding of County Health Unit and Miss hospital and patient problems the=Shanahan thanked Mrs board was enlarged to include at Hurd and Miss Lorraine Somer villeviloeir Aussista nee insuring drugs medical and stfiTflEfil plies $40374 Xray $22278 sun dry $2670 and provision for bad debts $2336 Chairmans Remarks Commenting on the financial picture in his annual report the chairman of the board of trustees Rev James Ferguson said that as far as the hospital could see at the moment there was no need for any further increase in room rates in the immediate future When the Barrie and District Unit was opened the board adjusted upwards all room rates and cer Mr Murdock Field Secre tary for Simroe County Everyone is welcome Reeve Abner llawn Chairman 3839 Collingwooféoy Drowns in River threeyearold son Neil of Col Gcorge Nell of Mr and Mrs lingwood was drowned late Tues day afternoon after he slipped down steep embankment into the Pretty River only few yards from his home PC Hughe Vankoughnet recover ed the boys body from the ter Artificial respiration was ried without success and Dr Robert Storey coroner pronounced the youngster dead about an hour after he was taken from the water jscmsca in THAT No cases of psittacosis rabies smallpox or typhus fever were re portedin Canada in 1952 mummmmouowonva ffitfe tutti flitting yanuol====o= ===o=on=go=o COULD PREACH ONCE By JOHN POSINIKOFF MD Drulostnikoff is young general practitioner from 815 katchewan who in four years in Barrie has established him self as successful Obstetric ian He is tinactive member of Collier Street United Church and taught boys class until recently One of the greatest factors in the game of life is our relationship to God Also important is our re lationship to each other Our con duct towards our fellow men should be based on spiritual laws and the New Testament gives the rules of the game with wonderful clearness If could preach once would suggestftihat to get the most out of life we have to give more of our selves Our Master taught What soever man sowetih thatshall he also reap This can only mean that whatever We send out in word or deed will return to us If we give hate we will receive hate if we give love love will return to us If like begets like it would be to our advantage to practise the golden ruleto do towards our fellow wlhat we would like done in return If could preach oncel Would speak about attitudes towbnds our worldly possessions Christs em phasis Was on heavenly treasures forin chem lies the key towards the greatest happinessflfin the words of Lloyd Douglas very few of us will ever be wealthy no matter how hard we try and the possessions we acquire wheth er by fair means or foul ofiten turn gout to be encumbrances We have to be on the lookout for thieves we get suspicious of strangers We have to guard them constantly even if we leave awaiohtman for he might be dishonest Ilhen they are subject to moth and rustAll this lays emphasis on the faottthait our treasures should be ameans to an end and not an end in them selves Only this View of our Worldly possessions will provide us with the greatest happiness If couldpreoch once the evils of anxiety and fear woold came in for cm at Christ stressed this in enrich on the mount He ad us against being too an lain other charges Ithas always been the policy of this board to keep its charges at thelowest possible level while at the same time maintaining the highest possible degree ofefti cicncy What the future holds of course we do not know We have little or no control over rising costs We can only hope that there will be levelling off in the next few months This matter of rising costs added Mr Ferguson is of deep concern to all hospitals throughout the country Each hospital board is holding its breath so to speak and hoping against hope that costs will level off and greatcrigovern ment assistance be forthcoming Township Representatives In his report at the annual meet ing the chairman also spoke of the appreciation of the older mem bers of the board from the point of view of service of the new in terest taken by the townships councils in the Royal Victoria Hos Conducted By JOHN GRAY MURRIB xious about the morrow We know our anxiety about health can bring mental worry Fear of dis ease= whether realor imaginary causes functional symptoms and re sultisin ill health Overanxiety about material security shuts out from our mind the Value of spiri tual assets and it is only they which give long lasting and Solid satisfaction If could preach once Would stress that each one of us read anoderead the Sermont on the Mountv Therein lies the key to fullOhrisitian life Cancer Campaign BRAD BEINTZMAN of Tor onto Campaignfihalrman for the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society announces the opening of the Societys Annual Campaign for Funds on April Mr Heintzman states that the amount required from Ontario this year is again $500000 and is needed to provide researchnand research equipment and to carry on the important program of education and welfare In Barrie rind District the cam paign committee is headed by McCarr01L Feast AWHW Ivonneach ting merit during J953 ing these services The board of directors were commended in her report for pro viding recreation prdgram for the students She felt these small social functions added greatly to the happiness of the students The nurses have been very fortunate in having had television set giv en to them for their residence This is more than appreciated Miss Shanahan congratulated the medical staff on the wonder ful interest shown in the teaching program One and nearly always two doctors lecture every morning from eight to nine oclock and others from four to five oclock in the afternoon from the first of September until the first of May This represents quite sacrifice on the part of the doctors and they also give free medical care to all members of the nursing staff both graduate and students The superintendent thanked Rev James Ferguson and the other members of the board of directors who had givenso willingly of their time She felt that the board was most understanding in dealing with the many problems that have to be met in the staffing and oper ation of hospital in these times Tribute To WNA Miss Shanahan also paid tribute to the Womens Hospital Auxiliary township served by the hospital This was wise move fclt Mr Ferguson and he sincerely trusted that the excellent relationship now existing between the hospital and the township councils would con tinue The chairman thanked Miss Helen Shanahan and her staff for the splendid job they did dur ing 1953 and all the members or the board for their loyal and faith ful assistance We can now look to the future with renewed confidence ever bearing in mind that the health of nation is next only in importance to the defence of our nation When Mrs Gable brought the matter of hospital overcrowd to the attention of the meet ing Mr Ferguson remarked that the moresbeds hospital has the more people want and this seems to havebeen the general trend throughout the province No sooner do you get building program completed than you are faced with the problem of another program Property Repat Reporting for the property sub committee at the meeting William Craig reviewed the certain capital expenditures over and above the hospitals normal yearly expendi tures for this purpose which it was without which 5119 stated the found necessary make 11953 Royal Victoria Hospital could not Some Of these eXtramdmmy 1tems function They have continued to were for extra equipment for the purchase and sew bedding and new mt WhCh hld Qt been other linens she pointed out and foreseen find 01 Wthh funds the hospital calls on them to assist avallab1€fr9m the amoupts and help providefood for all the rinse 1°1fulmshmg3 and Wm different social activities during mem the year Included in these items were cannot overlook the women new to slim and two hot ful response from our surrounding water sterilizers for the delivery community as wen as om towns suite which together cost approx people when we request assist imately $4000 The need for other ance in purchasillgtmuchneeded special expenditures arose as equipment She added This 1th result 0f the hospitals ex makes one feel that the citizens 1519 program and mCIudEd realize that this is their hospital such items as grading and suifac and that me most modem equip ing of driveways and alteration of ment is to 1mg advantage of every the balconies of the old building person in this district in order to PrOVide Proper fire The supérintendent was most 9593995 as We as number Of grateful to all members of her minor alterations to the buildings nursing staff and Miss Molly the need for which became appar ent as the result of use Building and equipment main tenance work was continued as us ual in order to maintain the build ings and equipment and these ex penditures totalled $5306 in 1953 as campared with $3388 in 1952 The capital expenditures er the year totalling $13649 were Resi dence furnishings $1136 Hospital furnishings $1736 Medical and surgical equipment $5485 Laund ry equipment $69 Power mower $240 Sundry $252 Improvements to grounds $836 Improvements to building $3273 These were financed from be quest of $2804 from donations amounting to $156land from the current account At present the hospital requires number of items of new equip ment in order to take advantage of new techniques of hospital care and in order to render more effi cient and uptodate treatment to the patients reported Mr Craig The estimated cost of these items is $3000 and it is hoped that it will be possible to find the neces sary funds for this expenditure during the current year Equipment Donations In her annual report Miss Shan ahan hospital superintendent ex pressed the hospitals gratitude to the following Organizations and individuals for donations of equip Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrlo Kiwanis Club screen and tracking for Ward 20 Soroptimist Club of Barrie screen and tracking for Ward 293 Trinity Junior Guild two bedside tables Charles Rob inson two Balkan Frames for the childrens ward Womens Hospital Auxiliary and Order of the East ern Star Bayview Chapter one oxygen tent Womens Hospital Auxiliary textbooks as prizes to the graduating class Nurses Al umnae two oxygen cylinder car riers and prizes to the graduating sow nurses Inner Wheel of Rotary Club of Barrie baby linen The number of admissions from Barrie in 1953 was 1726 declared the superintendent in her statistic al report Admissions from Sim coe County totalled 1773 and oth er admissions totalled 166 There were 12 training school graduates in 1953 and theyhoépital now has total of 39 student nurses 14 senior 16 intermediate and nine junior Of this 39seven are away on affiliation at all times YOU CAN ALWAYS froejotiALITv 0F NEVER GO DOWN With Confidence mgug 2429 00 you IllMK $550 PRICES WILL UP And ooor IS mun nosmcss smcoc DISTRICT cocpmAnvn SERVICES Newest Fashions For Younger Set At and Show Continued from page one colder days Very practical was another raincoat in rubberized waterproof and windproof rnatetuj ial with matching rainhat and rubber boots very small model appeared in very smart doublebreasted don egal tweed suit with neat bow tie putting the finishing touch on the smart Sunday outfit The old er boy could wear blue three piece suit in the onebutton long roll style jacket and tapered trous ers style For this older age group the navy blazer and grey trousers remained perennial fashion fav orite Casual Wear Casual wear for boys included several smart styles in vindbreakn ers pinwale corduroy jacket was worn with smart pair of strides in neat houndstooth pat tern and pair of sensational black jeans teamed with black smockin Windbreaker style worn over plaid sports shirt Another Windbreaker of fine cotton and nylon twill was worn with new style trousers requiring no braces or extra belt Also for casual wear was an out fit wornby three and half yeahold model consisting of short wool sweater One of the most popular outfits ftheewningwaconm stir nylon was shown in white with plaid viyclla pants with plain fussy dress nylon marquisette with nylon and lace yoke and lace trim was washable and had wide satin sash tied in near bow at Another little wash dress of fine chamhray with not neglected in the show short woven pattern through ll had ace trimz mg on the collar and ockets and lovely little Suni day dress was fashioned with nylon top and heavy taffeta skirt gathered the waist with cinch belt For little boy velvet was pop ular again this spring compleze costume showed shor velvet pants with long sleeved silk blouse worn with little velvet doublebreasted vest Another party dress for little girl was in broadcloth in pastel shade and swiss dot voile appear ed in party sun dress with full skirt and tie back and matching bonnet fine checked taffeta dress with gathered Skirt had red taffeta undcrskirt while the top skirt was held up by small red bow to show the frill on the petticoat and the sleeves yoke and sash were all of the same red taffeta Taf feta trim was also shown on party dress of nylon that hart lovely taffeta lacetrimmed slip For the very tiny girl crinkled pattern of dainty little pink roses and small pale green leaves in party dreSs with cap sleeves and gathered skirt for fine Will be es from all ections of the corn iymuizlty go with him in his up pomtmcn Sgt Harris leaves Town For Mount Forest HQ Continued from page one cc to wlirijscr when he servedl Harri tenured the mumcztxl detachment hctc in 19th and three years later he was promoted COP porel and 1951 was placed seigesntincharge capable and efficient officer missed by the ntanyl friends he nzadc here Good wish land She came to Canada with her parents and she and Sgt Har ris were married in Fort William Corporal Wright went to Orillia in tirst lugs 11 scoring it Of Waits ant St ditngton Mrs Harris is the former Gladys Bore who was also born in Engi in October 1932 from Mount For eat of radio communications that he was stationed at Arthur ln Orillia in addition to his pol ice duties he made many friends and was active in St Pauls United Church where he president of the Mens Club in Masonic work and in the Champlain Chapter of the Dale Carnegie International of which he is Lieutenant Governor lie was also an enthus iastic member of the Orillia Curl ing Club During his stay Dancers Entertain intermission entertainment this year was also outstanding with imaginative costumes and The consisting of black jeans and cowboy shirt of grey gabardine trimmed with black The young model wore smart black and white cowboy boots to complete the cos tumc Both boys and girls in the show found farm outfits comfortable for casual wear One little boy in blue jeans with rivets on the pockets just like Dads wore cottonplald shirt and straw hat while another little boy was all ready for the ball field or beach in cool cotton suit with match ing cap New play pants for little boys were in sturdy cotton gabar dine with large bellow pockets on the front copy of the fatigue pants from the United States heavier costume consisted of wine leather jacket with brown strides Another naVy gabardine Windbreaker made complete out fit with blue dress trousers In girls casual wear jeans were at the head of the list but little girls would also love the lounging pyjamas modelled in quilted satin lined with red satin the pockets and neck of the jacket trimmed with band of black and gold braid pair of plaid slacks with matching weskit and Scotch tam made another smart outfit and the young model carried pleated skirt to match the pretty set With the slacks she wore white nylon blouse with lace trim styled with peterpan collar and short puff ed sleeves lovely cool sundrcss of firm broadcloth with fine embossed pattern was an attractive outfit for hotdays Party Dresses Party wear for little girls was Smith hospital dietician She rea lized that many times the hospital was understaffed and that this added greatly to their work and hours of duty To the office staff and the many other employerswho by their efforts had made it pos sible to maintain the Royal Vic torias standard of service she also extended her sincere thanks ll it Doesnt Matter How Prices Fluctuute When You Use CooP SEEDS BE SURE THAT THE coor SEEDS Wm BARRE Harvest With Fride skifleddancing 6n the parrofali of the students The dance sequence opened with number by three clowns with balloons Donna and Lorraine Kor fanty and Joan Holmes all garbed in colorful red costumes class ical ballet in the manner of the Degas period was performed by Sandra McGregor and Rosita Pitt in charming green costumes to Chopin music and fiveyearold Jo Anne Smith and sixyearold Brian Edey were Little Miss Muf fet and Little Boy Blue in another sequence with Nancy Hutchinson as the spider polka in striped peasant skirts was performed to music by TSChai kowsky by Donna Korfanty San dra Carson Astrida Berzc and local OPP detachment was moved from its downtown office toils present new quarters on the Cold water Road ed in Orillia by Chalmers of the Powassan detach ment Constable Chalmers is no stranger to Orillia having taken charge of the detachment here for several months during the summer of 1952 prior to Corporal Wrights arriVal Constable Chalmers will take over his new duties in Orillia on April beth watson and Diane Buchanan Lets Take You Back to the Good Old Days was the title of the closing number with Elspeth Currie and Elspeth Cameron danc ing on in olddashioned dresses and Sheila Forster and Doreen and Dorothy Shaver as Bathing Beati tics Christina Cameron and the Dance of Sorrow from full length recital number was per FINE WOOL formed in colorful Tyrolean peas ant costumes by Karen and Susan Taylor Bonnie Urquhart Janet MacPherson Erryle Norris Eliza room SPECIALLY PRICED 30 Width $2995 Cashmere wool is the soft win ter undarflecce of wild goat found from the Caspian Sea to Western China in Orillia the iHiilcrest Cop Public School Championship the Hockey wen defeated streak duh to win ltt fiveteam stand in The seizedale cltmui yearday little on with ilillctest ll viory over Prince Marys trouncing 9K Earlier in in King Edward Suffered costly +3 Ftiblle from llillcrts and St Marys defeated Prince of Wales 42 King Eduard was closest 10 Hill crest but was three points back St Marys ti merc he had been in charge with ifti in third place irington fourth and Prince PllOl 10 Iof Wales in the cellar with no wins Keast lloorman and Carson tall ied for llillcrcst in their win over Prince of Wales Long saved shutout defeat Saso paced the attack with three goals in St Marys rout of Iod rington Dccaric anti Hargreaves each tallied nylon with McCann and Murphy scoring one each llay with two and Agnew accounted for Codringtons scoring Porter Sctncti two goals and Judd one in King Edwards bid to bounce llillcrest but the champ ions retaliated with Kcast scoring three and Lines one in the big contest of the season Dccaric Partridge Tobin and Saso had one each in St Marys win over Prince of Wales llaversonmnd Antlerson tallied for Prince of Wales AM lngersoil Bounce Midland Wings Junior Finals Ingersoll Rcems bounced back into contention for the DEA Junior championship Wednesday night when they trounced Midland Red Wings 62 in Midland before capacity crowd Midland leads the bestinseven series 21 with the fourth game in Ingcrsoll tonight NO WAGON WHEELS At the time of the 1951 census Canadian farmers owned more than half million trucks and automobiles WORLBSBEST HEALTH insurance CONTINENTAL BEDS really comfortable spring filled mattress and box spring fitted on wooden legs are just right for the children or for the spare WELLVMADE SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES in all sizes Filled with durable spring construction and covered with attractive striped ticking Choose from our large gr ports now As illustrated from $5900 Styled to add beauty to your living room by day extra sleeping space at night $1995 cup of Daven TRADE IN YOUR on FURNITURE GENEROUS TRADEIN ALLOWANCES lltllunlcp St Ens llama Stoves mm Phone 5557

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