Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Apr 1954, p. 12

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lzur BA 1m MRI PM Meets Borden Officer in Korea HOLLY lélvlgiagmufl 52 laws of reticulum Fair and had been interested in served Sunday with in regular church service at pm and Sun my School at pm Everyone is Nearly CHI Vrmm EvicClzrlly lalerdnzrnfolder Mrs Ahslm licked when Ham la it ddlllz sword ETCWEth and development tlirodgri the years €1 21h hn liv lmauy the Mam 151 km with gllzllhg me Rind GfI 3W fistfilo lie were pleased to Sue so many Dill nfltrturtgdlm Emifihunfi if II land VlSiléd friends in 1949 teams Tm3 Garden Ufgom Church 15 sdmiavI The ed by 9C1CITIZYZ$ 65 Ihlen ON ll as towns asseswr from 196 1r and Mrs Jack Simpson Oril bden is vanished they say but we mum maflg very goodl dmfmmmlfl William McArthur Dies 1943 inrlurivnfi ll med My 8st brwxcrl havepme garden $1r8l31dllnow and we hope they wril 13l Hilzlr unmet oililclilviifflliimrfi He wag membpy and mtcrinlaw Mr and Mrs lln South Ricklow the famous tncet my flldftifllttldDDDPRL3CRer10N iii vd In Year At bliiilll Church and was elder Hall11 Slmpmnn lmfi 0f ll Wale 31m dellglfib FuqmRl Wilt ad 01 Ccntral Church for 49 years midi Mrs Wire Mrs Dukcl Ur vale Of 5093 Akin méay v1IL3 33 VEWUJ of the scmon in over 40 land Kama ml was born on farm about mtlutI III III IE 1v 71 72 Church Om WI pm to mem Etuiat ill go lI infrdbllIoIf innit BlIlIlI vi ToontoI hidoidal Izilhgifqggfidg Sfid MCAIIRU of 00 Stallion who died 1er NW ls inn spcn cs iy Ilnl ff II II Im lib mm umpiml in illoArttIluIl wa supporter of liltI Tbronto With her brother and sis lIIIlIF LEI1IEULIIISIISK lidbl 02 Bill RICHARDSON 16rd arty nv HI SI arc Patti ollI5dIttiIIlluLI llIlItItn Ill1 ibiII IIIId IIIII III IIIII IIiII III OIICI it it ll did Doll II WI LllLI Jacky tad OCH in ohm lca an la II fractuer his log in fall on Feb rufi1¥flgty gt Mr and Mrs McQuown are 19 VIIIILNEIIISII ltIfmh Ilf timer visitmg friends in Toronto thisl tutti ll hurt totnsliu week the idle Sir tlitllllll xv brllrn Dy mil grandiim DOWN no James Tough and Wlav eddy finch ll 94 1o Douglas Campbell of Orb and twoj tp Woods Euchrc Club hold lZlctt 00 Cumin L131 Slfuggwiam 9605 NS Muriel MCAIWUI WhOl dn mm UL lwccllly euchrc last Wednesday mddmu 2k hm is with the RCAF in Toronto and slung Bunnie levelling in Woods School with family of Six ledn Hf mo km MLss Myra McArthur in Edmonth Mn and MFSI RI JI walkcm awI lght tables playing The high mm Mcmmur and Merino Both had made their home wilhi visiting in Buffalo with Mrsxg prim wont to Mrs Mooney and II RobcmmI Mr and Mls McArthur Their walkems bromflqnqmo and 515l1llSWUlIll Morris lonc hands Cliff pm Ii um only daughter Mrs Smith Camp1 ton ML and MD waiver Rich lgrd Mooney COXlSOlUllélllS were won csat 11 whom wdwflhw hm Bill Mooney an Ml Ballull Scotland will svttlcd on Collccs firmer bylzfg in DlRlNG lb WORLDWIDE extensive tOtlI Prime Minister 21 Igfimmytip i5 1101 tvnc Come and enjoy the cvcn 510 aboul 1° tum ml The funeral StlllCL was conduct Louis St Laurent made SpeClal slopover to Vlbll Canadian pita mg with us Everybody is wci tSlLtl in lllc larlv history of 0m 3d by Rev Janlcs lclguson of ML Here llch hands with olnc lounshlp thc lotclued had frc 00p 11 Km Jp Entertaim Ilub Mm Wimm money is wanting Barrio Pallbearers worc Danicl lllkmlF Till IUCl5 0f NOW 9111 Jr 3m RCAC 0f Cdmp Borden wmlc Bug Mrs Walter HOLLOW llmlmlmlla few days with Mr and Mrs davs was llllllLSlld in dranlatics Arthur lllld moth blilClltlt The IOOKS Oil Tudea CUlmk Ms MOlQw Mix Len Walton and Donna 0f cspcually Iln conncctlon with tho mum two an nephews of the de Mumfl 315 PM and Mrs Abram were the pltzt Bum 5mm me weekend with Consult your Special RCA Career Counsellor NOW about de fggllmafl OIITIISSSIdS litemiImg couscd lntcrnwnt was in Knox IIIII IIII winners ers Thompson tails of pay flying and technical training and other benefits avail Culllctmy 01111 Buy NW 5519 5mm Bldfie Jul At Presentation able to young men and women in Canadas expanding Air Force Mr McArthur vzls also kccnlv md Mrs Blackburn Mm Sir brother 10pm Ney Bprie Weekend Visitors home on TUCch evenin with llall lllda CVClllll for Mr and intclcstcd lll nllllllclpzllIttffIlll man Toronto Mr and Mrs Grzult Mr M1 and Mlbl llllldm Malllmg prlzcs going to Mrs Walsh Mrs MFSI rank Brown 8qu 35 81011 lOVtl 01 500m 311d McArthur Washago William Mc Native Thornton COIlmgWWdl 599m lhl weekend llazcl Walkcln Mrs Ella Barnett vice of Knox Church in which he There were many floral tributes Des At Calgary III galiemkmhtRvgl lllemsmd bl Arum Alliston on Saturdav March 27 including those from On Town Um 15 uc Cm The Tim WC 33 10 lgtlle Amorw thoc who hitchdcd the ship Council Knox Cclnctcry531101Bfltilégllllmmin Royalllclolm$059113BillllIl01 of Tottcnham were kcIcnlyIilltcr woddifig rehception we Mu andI Noon 07 pm Board Central Church St And SWWICI Cd In 73in Amer sonlc tlmc Iicl man frlCYldS dlld cslcu in re cut article in tho Mm Gordon Blakcly and MWMI Society Qf dum was WA new we first me by Mrs MMy Smith The April meeting ol Crown Aksim eldest daughter of Mrs lA Born at Thornton on JutlL 19 an ls uc romp Wu to Rcumun 27 5t July AVLI Toronto Prommenr woman be mm the deceased was the so of Hill Womans Association will bl Henderson of loltcnham and the mmch and Mn and Mrs John Former County ResldentI votlonal will be takcn by Mrs to Canadian Army officer and is so native of Elmvalc Mix Lucv quéary Partridge Roll call an Easter nIow residing in Ottawa Ak Milliccnl lLulut Sheath past prcs With the Camdim pmmc Ram VETS An 535 Ollelfllg be 51 Writes her EIICHtgmndfflthl received The speaker Will be Mrs Williams was their sole ancestor the Ontario Womens Liberal Asso an Church ciation died of heart attack on saw so that even thud gene Besides his widow thlt former tlon descendants called ourselves wednedeV MnCh 24 19H hm Minnie Hurdl of Cabral he is Irish ind wore ri on March home on Yongc Slrcct ill Toronto ST Ask OU representative In your community lo years in Orillia before going to tend Chrigtcning All NEW Toronto in 1928 She uh fictive Mrs llarry Lynn Ella of flame when Canadians as such were Murla at member of Deer Park United md 803d Laulw 10f tegélcbd she Egrigmgfhg of Nymcy St unknon we knew mom Church in Toronto and belonged to Saginaw Mlch brothel lie gloatgrandfather tales that the 1m 12 McArthllr Thonth FltlCllCl Alex ML his 9m year me time Alllong lht friends and rclativcs abcth Walters Mrs AllSODD Mrs Stclla Worrod entertained number from here attended Barrie Ground 0b Canadian poetry and Canadian 116 Atllltll Midland Mrs William Mc with MR and Mrs William Swit and consolation to Mrs Ede Pal Attend Wedding rcws Oro and Oro Agricultural on SuturdavI March 20I 19H his CitIllbors wish her SpCCdy 11 Globe and Mail sec grcatgrand MrI and MEI KI Bny pmnkI or Miss Lucy sneath Dles the late James Sproulc and Matilda held at William mnemrm on mm James Henderson Mrs Thompson and little son of Alliston for free information booklets mom or Toronto womcns Lmem for many years the lam MI 00an Jermcy Ica hostesses Mrs from the land or the shamrock for your family if you die survide by three sisters Mrs 17 and proudly pcnncd IrishCan late Dr Sproulc Thessalon Jean infant daughter of Mr and Vale of Avoca from which he in1339Kgémaiffigfaem of predeceased him on July 251952 MIS Garnet MCEflClIlelU at Sl came was the greenest and most outboard motor 10 Tommgwméfivs Liberal AS The funeral service at the Jcn Andrews Presbyterian Church beautiful spot this side of Heaven nctt Funeral Homc in Barrie on Barrie He would say There is not in the finest his younger Ross William Woodrow Grant Mc Allard Commander of the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade the Junior Girls Bridgc Club oni FI DmjSI up Of ms dmm attending the funcral were Mr Mrs Norman llilts Barrie and one the Senior Bridge Club at her the presentation in Ivy Orange llm and mrell 1550 bCiDS lllC Cortney Ottawa Mrs Pczlrcy and Forbes Sproule 101 mcr Congratulations to Mr and Mrs at annual memorial 531 Mr and Mrs Burnllam Toronto Alvin Miles who were married in COVUIY fathers land of the ShfierCk 10 Thompson and Mr and Mrs llarry Wednesday April at pm Dc sim free lance writer is married Spent Sunday wnh MFSI AI Thomp ASSQCMO and C°l5lem Of Sproule was member of the An mneham and MW RI 391mm Hc stamped the green on all of for your own retirement Miss Sncath lived for some Wilson Elblc of Ially Sound adlan on documents in the days II fe you OUl our Family Security Plan TERRIFIC FEATURES socmuon 1mm three years ago March 24 1954 was conducted by wide world valley so sweet As bavmg sewed her term Of threeRcv Shcrring Pallbearers suing Relatives the vale in whose bosom the TERRHC VALUE yealIS She hatl 19km keen iInlICF 11 Mr and Mrs George Stunden tn tv31 cst ill the provmcral and dominion gleeiechen CItCIkeI Neg5 and mm were in Hamilton on mce 12 emetlons although She dd mt Jamieson Purnel Carr and William the weekend VlSllilg Talmives enfrsizalrvelgulvrgo McMastIer Interment was in Thorn Gemsh Harold both of Toronto survive ton Unlon comet Relatives and friends from WAVE UPON WAVE distance attending the funeral were Canadian women bought nearly MIrs Melwlle Baden Harold Hurdle of Mentreal Mrs three and half million dollars Dled In North Bay Wilson of Parry Sound Mr Worth of home permanent wave and Mrs Boyd of Saginaw hits in 1952 05 Relahves Here Mich Mrs Sploule of UP to mIPIhI AS the result of stroke Mary gggislflgranflfid MILBURN Velma Ney Bodcn former rcsm Fitted for Ello idcnt of Midland died in North Fadden of NW Bay YOUR LOCAL mm 22 c°° rum 35 idldtltt MORRIS MINOR is to elate Optional Plugin OEOIIECny81BS5 in Tay Township their nets MMCh in What Repairs Remodelling Fuel Tank She was the daughter of MIII and fishclmcn of thls Bruce Penlnsula Stgrage and Cleaning point said was the earliest start Mrs John Ne lat of Midland In Rellnlng YOUR BEST BUY 1929 She wasymariied in Midland of the commerClal flslnng season 3mg palm while you See the Elto 12 Elto and to Melville Boden who survives MORRIS IAKEs lESS FROM YOUR YEARLY INCOME Elto 3at Iyour dealers NQW Mrs Baden had lived in this dis Write for literature and new let for 29 Years before mOVing 2door 2door Sportsmans Handbook whom Bay She was Jehovahs cur IA in curly in IIICS Mode in Canada with Sales and Service was conducted on March °vli2ldced low PM Service everywhere listed under 18 from North Bay funeral home Outboard Meters in classified by Healy With interment in phone book NOW 333 cemetery Pallb¢aler5 Theres more to the Morris Minorlhan were Ronald Brown Kenneth economy Brown William Towers Robert Towers Calvin Smith and Orville Mo Brown Outoilown relatives and HQh CImPrI°55° OHV EngmI Tons friends attending were from Bar7 The Minor new overhead valve high comprqssron Peterborougb I238 Midland Schreiber and Ot engine gives more power faster pickup at no sacri 8000 miles of gas canad Surviving besides her husband bee in economy This powerpacked OIIV engine is per year are two sons Reese lad WilpIamIi now standard equipment in all Morris Minors at NOlth Bay two daug ters ut Mmmeinprm and Mrs Raymond Cote Melva Fingerlip Sharing Costs shown vary dcpcnding on where you livIc laxIcs extra Llior heavy traffic driving youll appreciate how eaSil ca throat st you you way tlllougl conge Smoohcr do City streets and 11110 tight parking spaces Will the instantly responsive Morris fingerlight steerin Through the action of the unlque torsron bar susi pension youll travel the roughest roads in easy chair comfort lNIsurlA NCEVSCOIMFANY Monthly payments biscd on payments over 24 months Stronger onepiece body The Morris Minor with its monoconstructch body and chassis is stronger safer quieter because Your local Morris Iqalci invitds you to drive Morris it is built as single allsteel lulit you be the judge RADlO The recent formation of Martin Illustrated Morris Minor 4door Mom canadfl Ltdl and its Other models Morris Minor 2door Convertible increased number of dealers Station Wagon and Morris Oxford 4door TWICEoXlLv COMMENCING MON1IAYAPRIL genfler mum youof fastIIchpcflacrww on your Morris Car II II II ONIYQUR our 300 dealers and distributor DIAL Iv mam Thru min II 9RlsmnmtlfltunouoltourTHEwonLut

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