Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Nov 1945, p. 14

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Bush Rev Rubr preached church tail spent Sunday The Sons of Ennglaisd Will hold L351 their regular Incetmg on Ichduy night next Mr and 51 Nakina Our spent the xwek puicfllz Warehiun 32 llcviga tale M1 Elic SeLIrt Ia Mr and Bradford St lullrly lll lul tIV pneumonia and out of ria Improving Mr Frank OCOIzuf Toronto rung tlrs Jessie OC intai Mrs 11d Smith Orillr friends at Ar Sandie trier Howard Ware Mend NifIlhflti fif wcekczxu tutti in my siifV their Ilrs St Allan All Wm lece ha pctc the whiter auto and Mr Gordon Withers Ir Mrs Holder and Jahti the weekend with Mr rzther heads at alcdon East Mr and Mr Cullrngarrn their home week after busy tgllillltt then canteen vIES 111 illlllltl Stanton ittll cr va lltldcr Ta our 11210 90 Burton Ave Allartdnie it in Toronto to attend the av Lint other grand daughter lttla If Mr and Mrs Wzl Tomnto Wm Kirbv Friday after van Willi her dang Kcarnan Mr and Mrs llarvey ripps had may ucccgtful ralc Wth Friday home in Barrie tlrs Bert Willuugiiby 1115 return ed home from the Toronto General where rlltl had been pi ticnt fl tow weeks Lorne Brennan Allandale JIILIIt titli Lalancr il daughter of llaiinll til icl to Wei Mix Int Fullunit the was held tablet tiit In Sin was In bourne wt of Mr Clarke of ltllllall ceremony replica Moulton iilrguc bride ILIII icLcllZl glatldulktl lar Sinclair from otrrstas rpeti lav ELxktlll at the Iriarise was tccnnipniilul by Ferguson was among those ltillllllllll on the Queen Eliboth was also llullit versity and look lit IIllistalt moved their new 1321 pi LA ijl baci Mu land 3113 iiitrlt father Inst very well Miss Doreen Norman Sunti if Gui Tie3 their who Siii tlltl crta William spent chla If who Bule daughter and Mrs Neil Bush was oper uteri on for appendicuru in Royal iVlCIOIEn Hospital Barrio Nov 14 and 15101111 nicely Presbyterian ttlll hold iron etvices or IlLgtlltll in All lllttVC returned to runlo on Monday Sunday Church Zion litirtli aniitversarv cc All tllCl Sunday gm rClVlCC lGnirdon uruuiuxharn Toronto will Bumi hm be the speaker at 11 rim and Mr Special National produced fulllength llllll This International tribution to tell Canadas story ll other countries The Film tWillis qu Young sic by Knox College Quartette he regular WA and WMS meet lnI was held at Mrs Jas Neills Nov 21 tvith 11 members and llt visitors present was in charge of devotions Mrs Time read from the study book was reported that been made and sold and another quilted Miss Betty Neill and Mrs Duckworth played two piano ducts tasty lunch was served pm is Canada dis Mrs Have you renewed your subscrip lion 2W For perfume that bcxpcnlr Fragrana sparkling fragrance it matches gay moments and happy hours Ccmri Dimitri Ioudcr Trrlcnm Toilet anfrr and lfnu 1r Cologne all are distinguished ivy fliis lCllglll Clmmc Gemcy or Caulson one quilt had GBENFEE youthful charm Ecmcy THE The WA will meet at Mrs Jos Waltons Wednesday Dec and Mrs Charles Wagner and daughter Joyce and Lewis Nixon Buffalo Visited Mr and Mrs Wm Walton in Friday The many friends of Mrs Mc Pherson are sorry to hear that Shel is in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie All hope she will soon be feeling better Quite number of the farmers attended the meeting re hog mar kcting scheme in SS No school Friday night The speakers were Stewart Page Eugene Smith and Andrew Cumming Sorry to report that Ruth II has been confined to her home for two weeks While she was playing at school she had the misfortune to follihurting one knee It is hoped she wril soon be able to be back at school rs Leo Nixon ul fragrance your personal forlcfries holiday package confains Eau dc Cologne Pcrlnme and Talcum in satinlined box package contains Toilet Wafrr and Dusling Powder Fragrance Ccmcy is creation of Richard lftrdrzuf Another gilt LOOKING FORVARD to shovel ling snow to get your garage door Then you will be glad to know that this chore is no Vhen you have your garage door equipped with LIFT EZE overhead garage hardware The door will simply slide up and back wifh light lift of the handle which also has provision for lock Doing away with scraping pulling and tug ging LIFTEZE can be fitted on your present doors providing there is inch clearance above the door for Thch is provision for Where can you From your local open this winter7 arris longer necessary Baby Boy Christencd pleasant chirstening took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Rus afternoon when their infant son George Rus sell Harris was baptized by Rev WRLacey Red Cross Meeting The Red Cross met at Mrs Dobsons Nov 21 with 10 present It was decided to turn in $75 to the Township of Vespra Red Cross Fund quilt was quilted Next meeting is at Mrs James Tuesday Dec 11 Presentation to Vernon Mason successful bingo dance was held this past week in SS No school in aid of the Gren fel Red Cross beautiful bed spread donated by Mrs Wilfred Parr was won by Mrs Albert Bish op 52 Innisfil St Barrie Proceeds of entertainment $3335 One fea lulg of theevcningwasthatVer non Masonianother one of our boys recently returned from over seas was presented with bill fold and sum of money LEFROYJ Mrs Stephens is spending few days in Toronto thisweek Miss Isobel Reid Barrie was home with her parents for weekend Mrs Dorothy Baxter and Wayne Alliston spent last week wit and Mrs John Allan Congratulations to Frank Corner and Miss Helen Fisher who were married in Toronto last Saturday Mrs Ball New Liskeard Mrs McLeanElston Sask have returned to their homes after visit in their niece Mrs William Noble Harris Sunday the tracks lock on the handle pet LIFTEZE Builders Supplv dealer or write to the manufacturers Eastern Steel Products Limited Preston Ont Montreal Toronto or Hogans BETTER HARVEST by ncw Canadian author Violet King marks apaftcrn in the advance Cianadian literature Jtis histori mini novel set in the difficult period when Canada was first feeling the db of independence from paternal government in 1826 to 38 It is lgtaftle 9f twin19yltl22UILC PW age rand conflictions which rvpvcn info the fabric of every Cnadians heritage It is the story of great love and great human un derstanding Reviewers say Watch Vick Ktrirf Stewart NOW THAT WINDblows and theres no further argument about wlbter being lust around the corner many accompany ing aches and pains arrive to make the cold months even less popular gpad relief from simple muscular aches many oftwblch come from poor circulation is patting onof Sloans the affected area Sloans makes an excellent Inhalent alsb Add teaspoon to glass of warm Waterand breathe in the steam tdasc head cold very and McC lclland Hid Cw THE NORTH the it Mr Linlment over and Mr auditks Cecil Grose and Ed gar Thorold vepe weekend guests and Mr and Mrs Elmer Grose and ilyTJPerenterwerewStmdayyisitv visit to the cosmetic counter 01 your avoutife drug depaztmcnl Christmas problems Richard Hud Im offend galaxy of enchanting giftseglmotousrmakeup kits and charming packages ors at Groses Sunday visitors with Mr and an Hindle Mr and Mrs John Scott Toronto Gilford CRAIGHURST yrc73ti7 sr cliff the veeken of toilcf prepar Carm DaBauyktl ins preparations andLeonard Grgsc hangbag stylcconfa or complete beautytreatment It in brown blue or maroon leather Other DuBarty kits contain rltalreup preparation and Vim designed to carry in your hand bay Smoofh cremy DuBarty gift coop makes truly acceptable gift ftta Chaos Richard Hudnut for rpecrarlrignds onrgm list is available Knox Church ser Johns 730 Mtsstaldwell 51 at herhome in Parry Sou lh Gym Emegtmowmtii wasjicme from Toronto for the weekend we areall glad to seetherMer rick Watsop home from overseas 3Mrs Snider is spending some uel hwtth her brother sfnere Powassan vis Harry Brock etiqer packaged for Christmas timeinG Georg ited Mr an Friday Mrs Oades hasgone to spend the withMr and Mrs Gordon Shellswbll in Om Wm and Mrs Newman last Monday winte Rev Streetsville with relatives hare Mr and Mrs Earl Watson Parry spent the vvbekend with Mr an Mrs Rov Watson CplIt Charlton just returned from overseas and Mrs Charltbn Peterboro4vlslfed Mr and Mrs Ar that Spider Mr Vernet couplepf d8 last weeliw Space 3112 Examiner is much fnifdmabd Aconcisi item that facts is always spent 50 nd rs ThosEilsmer and Tlldon Lake spent ys with relatives here Try Nichoi nectar suit osltorles once rand feel the contains all the ppreclilted tal arewofthe Provincp admire miles In 523534 sq ofland 000 lupin of water BEETON tifuui ll 12 Eliith hrhday 111 Iltll Lti KKllildllitlEdWEEIMWRKMKMKNKMKKQNKKliWWEKKWKKKKKKKKKKKNKtitmlki For the Fairest 3Pc Vanity Set ZELLERTHRIFTIBICED $259 COMB BRUSH AND MIRROR SET for your Dressing Table Fair Lady Youll love its Iccorativeness and its useful ness because its well made of Sanitary Plastic rmartly designed and is available in gilttrimmed green ivory or black Zeller ThriftPriced Practical Gifts Thousands and thous ands of young couples who have but recently started out inytheir own homes will be delighted these 6Pc WATER SET Water Jug Tray four Glasses all of spark ling crystalglass in rib bed effect Priced CUP AND PR SAUCER 11 crystalglass Cups and Saucers in ed ZellerGift Priced EIGHT PIECE GLASS Asn TRAY SET fThis includes GLASS BUIIEE DISH pattern Goodsized butter dish With gracefully shaped cover ZellerGiftPriced sugar bowl cream jug covered Jam jar 8inch servlng tray Neatly boxed for Gilft giving ZellerGlftPrlced 43 thus5 THURS hov 29 1945 vlr Bowman Alien presented her wrst watch After this ed and dancing fol asc supplzed by Tom Mrs Ed Gibbons wile Elmer Hunter actsng as flair nzm Yum Runs nice Farm Forum groups met hind exerting at George iteriddnce George leader and Frank Ital spent the day evening Nov In the lbnz daughter Mrs Cil feature Here Comes the Praise Izd Mrs Brunt Blle Aape inch was rmed Small 12 The roup tsks pollen We Wiilt In ilxKiuC uch Shh uiid will spend tin it Mr Burtons mother LCK Milton Webb Esuannmh sccretary The north group 3c is have at me home 15 aka Junction schiol Bartlet was elected iii1 Cut1 Reynolds secre group HIGI at Ver and elected la cr and secretary all be held of Mrs McCormick ii Allison wife of McCor at the home of 11 Thompson 1vtlnesday Nov 21 year James McCor hci gt411 rtzll lives on the 01d and on in 11 Tecumseth plate on Friday the home of her xk up mumVD will Rector Agncaiturul Sit Clot iquc Iflr Bee in B5 tcdncn Revlon Clifford and Mrs Jtliil rents ebb uety Cd Examiner advertisers get com On Sunday Illiitillftg Nov 26 we plate eonrage of Barries trading found cabbage at time of writing 15 fltittcruzg ll lass coritainer CWAC Ll Ilan Roush Watched Miss Lillian Roush Wm guest of honor at arty held lll Knack hat he first par ening was spent in playztz Then Herb ShannOn called for short program 31 llerb Shannon read an nddrvsi of welcome and appreciation to Lrl lian who has served in the CWAL WW IIEV II Ilzilbert filIlLLklllig irvil lleuchan ferment was in Trinity United you med th Rm Jas Dorrian and Church Cemetery tcltiitt and en mi it they had 2e12 derale Iit llt encountc In Minnesota The lve Wire IILiLl 1111011 last week from lav The Club cu fwliowirig local men 1111111 Cuburn 13 Herb Lisk Watson secured thew ct of deer II Galbraith liw it two Wolves than lat Ilitcltani ht Iri Hastings secure would buck All repirl that hum worried mute plentiful Dc SII fur 111v tft tI tht butterfly which bout In WITH MAST EIILY SKILL Muxtvell House Coffee is blended from rare extraflavor colleen More people buy Maxwell House than any other brand of coffee in the Grid Have tuxr hzmt James i=1 ter mu CUL L15 1213 lllix Illrtltl Sunday on End the South Sillmwt SS cm Tue ICJII full touristy litliuzci colthinting 115 ry gtlflt2L its organ 23 by having it There It With tt ti the It tf 111mi ugt Xv rapper rlsttlril gtftftkltlgt Berton lhc ftliezai tl from Iltt Will Ifva Izi n1 Lliillllliitl Scnmii holding llgt Corintencwneut on 112 lttt Lots of Worthwhile GiftValues For the beloved folks you want to remember at Christmas Lots of worthwhile Treasures from prllnd girls and boys Gift Ties Handsome striped ncckties for that Dark for your favourite ICIEEELEKKKIEKIKI and man Tall Handsome in your life And now back that hes civvics he certainly ch additlons Necktie assortrncrtt ZellerGift Priced $100 comes STATIONERY $109 $159 from Toyland Toytihd toyiand dear littlegirl AliaboyIiind oueeTyiiVIrIIIs wbnderc you may never return aialnl Reason enough we think britinyfots Io enjoy the mysteries ofMothcr Goose as long as they Zellers runs the gamut of toys from automobiles to xylo phones At Giftright Prices cm pIICIuEII All dressed upIanuIe black and orange enamel recdy in waddle in best duck fashlon for any yougster whos willing Iowwamhs Pulltoy of strong molded composm with mchanlcnl webbedfeet ins Boxedr 3149 and Warm lined Gloves $169 FOR HIM pair of good rloolfing Capeskin Gloves black on natural wame lined for winter wear ZELLERGlFTPRICED SSpun13 Rayon Scang l10lld colours ZellerGift lzxs wooden treasure chest filled with pattern good quality correspondence paper and envelopes Is gift that will beremem bered very long time because the chest is so dandy for trinkets MISS suzv KITTEN DOITIF oucioih covered17 high srGiltP5I9ed GIFTWRAPPING AIDS Now being shown colourfulicollection of Christmas Gift Wrappings afancy rib bons seals tags PricedZellcrel Start selecting yours owt 5C loci ITwlllyrwgavet Maudknotted fringed ends Mimy 1133511111eg smart patterns ZELLERGIFT PRICED Ctifd clgarette container two large trays and foura smaller individuals sizes LARGE SELECTION lrsc 51 10 ecichl Grand CITES For BOYS SMART READYTIED NEOKTIE ln novelty allover pattern or stilpllll In 61mlon having sailor soldier ptmmmn the cover iiiPLASTICSEDANWITH ssomEDTco INDIVIDU 130pr TRAILER Foo LORS 35c from thatWill reflectyour grind taste in whatever roo decomteg Equine and circular types equipped with metal rosettesfor hangiri to prevent damage to walls 12INslzejsutf 896 121Nslzesatl 12le INLSIES at $1439 20IN Sizes of $269 ALLY they with whipped ledges Backs well covered zsc TIEAND HAnnKEEcuIEF unstim BLE handsome Tartan Plaid pattern In Gift box This includes aready tied bowtie and handkerchie 45 2441NSizes at $349 12le sizes at $159 10x18 sizes at 24x24 slzsut $198

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