Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Nov 1945, p. 2

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TWOM THE 3111111111 11111111111 TIEJSHES lfll Miriam 05 Published Thursday Morning by C3 THE BARBIE EXAMINER LUUTED JaolAREh Hutu wants 211 WALLS tic RESTIExl 11 25125 111111311 TOWN Allillll 11111212111 can dot 1121 Will with 3111 11 were winch was null Ller 111211111 11111 111 121111 11=1uei11s 111111lll1ly difference 11111111 young manhood proper exercise ade r1l1r1ly in 1111 things sure 11111111 stronger has heel produwi century 1312 11 ex 1111 113111s11 l1gt 1H 11 11lt11ltl1 alr 21 1i11i1r111y 111 are 11 elialiuus 311111 21111 WW llie lidglvlrll 1L1111 in handling the colj HOUSING llll Il1 i1luil ll 11llll=l llltl acid nearly lwoll Ehr questzon 111 1il11111 111114 to the increasing the tax 11111111 1111 111 111 11111 1111 1111 111 111 encourage buildingwd 11ebted 11 1111 111 111 1111 11 111111 1111 9111 1111 the town 211 for aseore 111 1111 passed anslepalz lyllsltiillllit 11111115 hours 1111 as these 11111 onlrivaiiees 1111 311 be available till next 111121 1LN1j1111111l lzninc 1111 111321111 taken does no amountl arree 11 leader iiiyvtho 11W to anything more 111111 suggestion to the 11111121111 11s 1o1111l1 11 the ll1ji1esie ollselatlyes in 5111 divuions on the ques lzon voted for 11111111111111111s 11111111 111l11 Red Ensign or as an alternative 11111112111 tee that the Union dark world lll1 prom 1121111 staue last ww mMmLunernncaitazisJV leaving Ll to 11111111111dc 111 desivil 111 c1211 operalon some ltllllllltl 111 1111 Council should malie personal examinai tionof the apparatus so as to havo first1 As 1111 as we know Sudburyl llouse mutually agreed on the inclusion of 1111 Union Jack it would cive new emphasis This is Navy Week designated in honor oft to CanadasassoeLation with 1111 British Em the Royal tanadiau Navy the Merchant pire and the Crown lle hoped that anyNMl and 1111 Navy Llilslh Ol Cimadzl which for nearly halfcentury has provided 1111111111ts for our gallant seamen The Navy League sponsors the loyal Canadian Sea ltfadet Corps whieh has for its primary 01111 teethe the building up 111 its youthful mem change in the 1111 would not be taken by the world that Canada was weakening but that she was grtuvair creator by strength ening her association with the Common wealth In the future Canada would be looked upon as not only the senior Dominion of the Empire but as the leader She had earned that position Among the 100 111signs sent in as suggest ions for the connnillee there was great ariety the maple leai figuringon many The Red Ensign with the Union Jack in top left corner and the armorial bearings of Canada on red background seems the likely choice It has long been officially recognized it was carried by our troops over seas and our people are used to it income tax so that they may take their plac as usef 11111 citizens At the same time they are iaetive service with the ships in case they shouldl be required The Navy League is deserving of strong support Members of the House of Commons last week treated themselves to raise of $2000l possession in pay and went the whole MODERN SCHOOLING ATTRACTIVE It was Shakesppalg ryhg 3va us im Dilld 110 llCCd to that TllCll lleVV pay is pression that Children dislike going to school 1391 50551011 1111 average 0f about fOUI when he wrote those oftquoted words 211111111011l1151 but llOlWithlahdmg this very then the whiihng schoolboy with his satchel 11011910113 llldmhil1 3110 1110 DBIqlllSlleS lheY and shining morning face creeping like snailtthlV they Vi 1101 Day the 111001118 tax unwillingly to school iinvolved in the extra $2000 they have voted If shakespemC were living today he wonky themselves though there are tens of thous have to take these words bag With an the ands of Canadians with income of less than criticisms that are made of our educationallSLOUO 1110 pay income 35595511191118 We system and many of them are justified itlleVe it to our readers to formtheir own certainly remains true that children today0pih1011 HS l0 tllaCl1011 0f the parliament have no need to go unwillingly to sclroollly IeplfSmtlhes in this matter Modern schooling is 2111 extremely interest1 111g experience when compared with that oil 11 threeman Gommillee 119139111th in 1944 Onlyagenemmnago 310 survey the organization of the taxationl And as time goes forward education bediision 0f the Revenue Department re comes even more interesting Already the Ported lolhe HOUSe 01 Commons last Thursl National Film Board is producing numberl day that the divisiOn strive to 189011 higher ofg movies of an educmional nature It islstandards of efficiency speed accuracy lot easier to understand and study prob courtesy and public confidence It said that lems when they are pictured for you Every the public was entitled to better service It child forinstance shouldjknow what slums is hightiine such action was taken Making can do to pee and to communities Thel of returns hasbeen very slow Of course al word slum ghtbe descriptive to la degreel lowance must begmade for the immense in but it can ever describe as can factual crease in the number of income taxpayers picture hove1Heyvhichsomempeopleereinsrecent years But consideration of this fact does not do much to placate taxpayer who after wrestling valiantiwith the tax forms waits for yearmL9mthen gets notice billing him for underpayment together with interest at six per cent from the date his return was filed The taxpayers wi11 welcome the improvements which the report of this special committee leads us to expect The Examiner extends hearty congratu lationsfo thfOrillia Packet and Times on attaining its 75th anniversafffts first issue having appeared on Nov 16 1870 In the intervening years Orillias population has grown from about 1400 to over 10000 We likelto think that thervPacket has played its part in the developmentzof the town says the Packet and Times That it has done so is unquestionable Well edited and man waged the Packet Times has rendered all seems not uphkely thgtsdlere Will be excellent service to the community and has somerformlof milltary servme 0f compul contrluted to creatingthe commun V1SOTY nature f9 Young0nadian$ Similar ity Spirit of VichOrilllansiare wont to plans are gomg forward mlhe us Where boastfIhe originalwpublishers George PresmentTnlman hasuggesled thatzau HughesHalc andWm Hale set high Young men OHS he compelledtodo One Year standards and these were well maintained of military training ApDarently the US when the paper wagw why Harold has lntFntmnOf bemgcaughlunprepamd and Russell Hale sons of Haleand as it Was thelast tW0WarS also since the Packet and the Times with Geo A2 Blackstone succeeding hisfather There are alarge number of Canadians who have maturaLantipathy to compul Blacksmm were ammated twenty SOTYfaiIlirlg Agrfat many people as matter of tact feel anything but friendly toward warand military things in general But therearerealitics to be faced and while we may abhor war we should realize that preparedness Often preivents war the paper Butthere isanother mportant fac or 00 in cpnnection with compulsory military wwigfefsagw twining Thousands of young men who have come back from military service are Ystcally immensely better than when th wentacway Proper exercises food ttndvdental treatment have built forced live It should be easier to understand foreign LTp pies bypicturing their customs and ways fllfe and of course there are score of other ways in which the motion pictures may be used in education in some centres children aretaught to swim to dance to model in clay to do handi craftsmimany otherthings as part of their schooWorWlast we have come to realize that education means morerthan teaching childto earn living It intro Vduces him to the world of art and culture It teaches him not so much how to earns living but rather how to liverto get the most pout of whata bountiful providence has 1pm vided N0 theres noneed tocreeplike snail imwlllingly to school anymore ltgt MILITARiirRAINING AND HEALTH premature It would 11111 officials to contact the local MP in order to he ad hemgood changed g111llgt 311 1111 ill11 111111111 lla 11111311 11111111111 1111 11111ers members of hand lillollilLliltlil as 111 its suitability for inen place 1111 the 1111 llarrie streezs NM ms my Speaking on the resolutio11 which was KS 1511 1113 Ontario 1111111111111111117usmg these c1111 01111111 11111111 1111 adopted the 111111 115 lI1l ltowe said If the llillhhzEI llltlvllt i11l1111 121111119 11 ell unity 111 11lt the 131 11 let 11o 31111 out in Bari 11 1l was erected and opened 1111 Oct hers into virile young men developing t11e111 Vespra by endowment dated July trained so that they may be available for 11131 11111 01111111111111 as 11 lllisslon 1rdagli was made 111st111l111 111 Shanty llay he being 11s11 sent out by 1111 81 been planned to open in Novem bcr 110g by makum mt amount exempt flom auctioned off than there were sit The llglllLlOUS 992mg wagesinngs and delay was made to erect and salaries are still in effect but the MLPsu gallery be the 11111 anniversary of the re opening of the church fire of May 151111 versary was celebrated on Oct years ago During the past year added strength was given the Packet and Times when Dutrizaqa man of much exper ience on weekly newspapers and as an ad vertising executive became associated with Ralher reliable information places the number in the Petawawa Military Camp this winter at 1500 which is quitea drop It wculd appear that the talk of it becoming perfrianent camp was rather bewisc Ior the town them willadmitthatzthe vised or definite plans Perhaps these coulcrbe THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIEWONIARTO VCANADAw merchan With its work and will 7112 7572 713 Hi llllSl Hlllfll IN BANK 11111 l1111 11 11 llarrie town mom has dephtred in favori 11 1111 11 11 lll lr lllt 1111 ll1l 11111113 il thrill 11 11111111 iluroii 11111111i11 llt 11111 111 11 11v 811 11 1111 1111 1311111 111 ZKT 111 11111111111 Lli1elt in the 11111115 1l settlers which was surveyed 111111 town 11 1112121 1131 1111 11f 12 lLlll We of 1311 11111i1 elullcll 1p 111 financial 111 Ollrieu 111113 311 lartlttprlaelilnsi the The l=11 was 1111111 the in 11111 l1v1sl1ip 111 111111111 111st parish 1151111111y Bay 1111 Rev 1142 shortly after his arrival at The llltHlll brick buildng was 1Olll 111 l11 23 111111 It 111111 111111 been sittings but Ill1lt Next Sunday November 25 will after the The 1011111 1111111 1935 by an open11 service on the spot where the first church 111111 stood with Archbishop Owen of ficiating May take this opportunity 11 correct iiiisiake in 111e1ilstory of Trinity Church prepared by myself as official historian in con nection with the celebration Owingto insufficient informa tion the statement is made there in that the Nine Mile Portage ran along the Hubbert Road lancxten sion of Wellington St In stead the trail ran from the sandy shore atthe footof Hayfield St the top of the Sunnidale hill jus beyond the hospital turning west erly at Shirley Ave wound through the bush to the corner of Letitia St and the 6111 Line of Vespra thence as described in the book Four hundred Copies of the buck were sold This correctioi could be pasted in at the end the first chapter There are still 100 copies available Yours truly MAY CRESWICKE Barrie November 20 1045 LIKES CANADIAN HOSPITALITY To the Editor of The Barrie Examiner Dear EditorRecently had the misfortune to become involved in an auto accident some distance from your town My old lrien having died short timeogo All for tbi boor11 at any brand on $100 10210 repairable in 12 is only $325 Where mils end und ships begin the Navy League offers its facilities to raglangt youthmIning proglom clanv3 ddllml advantages 101110 1317 l1 Snllt tt weell my first thoughts were that vl1at believe to be all the gar gtWWW seamen and naval ratings your support it will continue among the men of the sea develop its plans for ROYAL CANADIAN SEA CADETS bcylvopd of Canada 3111112111111 island 11 1111 l11 been 111 fall 11 lilL 11111l 11 111 111111 11 exprws my thanks fw shown 1111 511 r1 Kl lwl 211111111 and it 1111s 1l 11vel lule11 5l1 11 illr 21211 11e Ive Canadian ltllgvllllll 1311 trouble 111111 sizile gt1lt11e1111 11 the 1111 11111ll1 they tle lesson from 11 111 11111111111s and 1111 ll 1111111111s 1131 us as Ameri 111 111111 sales of the border lzive 111 keep 11 so f111 Willi 11111111 ll 11 15 Very tluly yours GEORGE llORSl Niagara l1ll Nov 17 MAY IIMBAILRASS MUHHHSIS 171111 llivirlllllltl 111111 Ontario Ilear Sir Last weekend while valuing friends Barrie was lltlvllllll recent edition of your 1111ly educational newspaper and c1111e upon the attached notice 10 the motoring public Being staunch supporter of the 48hour in 1111 was move in the rigliLylir 1113111111 but upon giving it further 11111112111 number of situations arose in my mind which could be quite embarrassing to the said motorists The town of Barrie ranks high among the places worth visiting in Ontario The potion taken by ages in Barrie will make Barrie 11 spot to avoid011 weekends lm amine motorists from the United States passing through Barrie on their way home 011 weekend he ingr unable to obtain service for their car until Monday morning or Tuesday morning should Moli day be holiday if they should be unlucky enough to have break down on Saturday This also ap plies 10 the thousands of motor ists who pass through Barrie on their way to summer cottages on weekends during the summer nonman Apvafsc was 12 County Council deilerl1114 11f SULDOO to be rtdmnievi 112111111i Sznlcoe Colluly 111bl 1111 for 1111 311 113Liilbll5 Inst 2m 3111111 Crown Attorney cord of public 11 lJt 11 1l1l Major from Algonquin 111131 have some MW predictions gis 111 111 uppinaelnng winter About 100 men 11 Camp llordell present time 111 $7173 an acre for 1ef1r111ti1111 murder Sinicoc County 11 11 lost of $1301 and Shin111 testing having 11 pay the bill thing be lone 111 stop the Lunatic lrie frntmsoAY NOV 22 1945 WWWM 21 sawing it fr mnnbcr llie1 terny when out partridge isle Barre Wood Sawnlg lAw Frank l1rk5on l1 has been fountain licrvileg pur people El 91 Simroe County Briefs 111 leavilr new laurel xL 11 Ken 111111 llilctlt active in 111111112115 two 1lt shut down after cut 1111121 feet during the sea 33 FANCY STRUTTIN brings cheers liplonslen brings praise for every hostess who gives 10 guests the 11112 11 12111511 extra pleasure of its lively spirited 11113111 11111111 Spencer Crow flavour Experts say Liptons has 1j 111 5111111 retinas after bldo hVUUl always tangy f1le 31 lulll of the plowing 11111111165 of ElllbOdlfd at Blplll 1111 111111511115 13113111141111 111 five ml lllymttllll 11 Jtonslen lions 111111111111 plow Chm to bunk hung Sttlltll llllil vllzl WT 1112111115 Add he won two THE BARBIE EXAEHNER 111sis two LLdlltls 1111 1111 lhirdl Have you renewed your subscrip price lion NOVEMBER 21 111211 Sn li 111111l1fli gunshot 111111 11111 21 Illti Barrie Local Notes id 341111 51111191 ll Collers its 11111 gt1ll in and pressing question Mark lielnipol 11111111 3111111111 111 11111111 1111 111 11 111111511 111111114 1111 111111 cords from Algonquin l1l 111111 lIC best way Of arranging been bullth 111 1211 111171114 meet both Dominion and Provincialsuccession duties 111111111 the time required by statute constitutes one Simone ounty Briefs 0111113 buys 111111 acres 11 Vespii of the most pressmg questions in estate planning too man charged 1111 co1nliiliu day The answer for your own estate depends on the in VlllsEolta was tried in nature of your assets and onthe plan you lccnle upon County Council pro For careful analysis of the impact of this taxation Nelson Baxter asked that solue and an estimate of your successron duties we myrtc by leer eating the 1111 oil fall wheat 111 camp of citizen soldiery expected 11 Borden CookstoWn seedslnen paid Slllltltl to Hurry Carter and W111 Jackson for their Illsike clover seed the latter having 351 bushels Cor oners inquest failed to reveal the Cllllsf of the death of Ernest Col izan lefr11y who died from the accident111 discharge of shotgun in anauto Mr and Mrs Zec man Rupert honored by Edenvale folk on leaving to reside in Bar Edward Bell C1111 FlosI lost his barns and all his seasonsl crop by fire supposedly Started from lanternsel on floor Stephenson who ran 11 clothe pinfactory in Orillia was clet trocuted by touching live wire you to censult the Officers of this trust company Our practical experience may enable us to suggest ways and means of protecting your estate from unnecessary expense and dclziy when it comes to be settled Your inquiries will place you under no obligation 253 BAY ST CORPORLTION TORONIO HEAD OFFICE The money haste Have the aforementioned garage owners obtained so much of the worlds wealth during the war years that they can afford to for get their duty to the motoring public to such an extent It would seem to incthat they could work out some arrangement whereby one or two garages w0uld be open to take care of emergency repairs on Saturday Yours truly Hf DAMARELL 21Bessborough Driver Leaside Ontario Nov 14 CLOTHING IS TO BE SCARCER For the next six or eight months not only will civilians find very ittle cloth or suitings but veteran priority certificates may not all be Aiorioredl learns The Financial Post Shortage of wools from Britain is TilEd as the reason It is estimated that 50 to 60 of total supplies will be needed for veterans over thenext six months This is going to make heavy drain on available supplies would have done so in any event irrespective meet her earlier undertaking ape of the tablespoon modelled after sea mhellsWhich could not make any other airange were used as table implements by merits so started ale for deerl primitive peoplesf ff lms 1th suits whenvyou You repay Barrow for each month $25 6monthsr$425 12 215 $50 6months 4848 12 7430 18 291 $100 smonths 1696 12 860 18 582 24 443 $200 Gmonlhs 3392 12 1721 18 0164 24 886 Monthly repayments Include interest Tux door of borrowing from the 111111111 surprisingly low For cxamplci monthly installments the bank chug r1111 com BANK or 111111111 P1tFISHER Marauder BARRlE BRANCH ofwhetherUKhadbeenableto SHELLS GAVESPOON SHAPE 11c 51111511112100 41 enlarge or renovaterhd can raise the maneyieadily The Life Insurance business is strictly neighborly business great 150 HEN theres barn to be raised manis neighbors sometimes whoiecommunity often pitching and prbleclionIzot the people by the people 31131111 nominally lnl for hormone neededforma An fast yemedby relies 11111 1oba11heugh lew pea313 stopVtotliinkgabout it often comes pin coepezaron1pox lagerssand town dwellers whoocmionally needlmort qaqeloana10 xdaljzelbeir uilbions and gellhoad1li remainder is invested in gov eminent andvmunicipalbonda and other neuritle under gymmmontnguhbm Every 1mm whoown Life Insurance decorators thansafguardlha 111111111 01111 lovadonea he also shun in Canadas progxen Four million ormoreCnadian neighv lions $001 part of their 95111195111 my Theirpremiuma add up 10c huge sum part of which loavailable for iarrn and town mortgagesso thaliWhen farmerf0r instance wants to build or 1111391111111121111011 1111 Massey from the Life Insurance Colrlpanlesinfcanada b9 for any team just as bros tasting 1111111111111 lulu 11111111 prralirs enterprise which aimsat 1119 11121911111151 the heavy end of firework companies helps to finance

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