Aa aQIIV Joints up PAUL ILVES OPENS STUDIO IN BARBIE rm McCogtie Sells 3YearOld Heller for $l7600 Record ilr Allktiip will 31r0v1l ll ll lintcii llclttz for 21 ml lullllii ill bull SH Litm nudlfll ll inc xlIailzuildll 3Ctlzwkll Bill for into Laurcl when Didi ic crowd bidding junipv The tiltlrl Holy HIS lllalxtlll 535000 l3i nil VMJ ll lc wax ftltclt ailmnr iVVV in 41va Him mnnmd ynlr rtibccrlpl EH Hm VHVH JmV NY mu tum eat wholr whorit hit of Slitiut 1an pillc lu cx WW wimp Vtm 1331 1V wrath the pit33m Houdini rc lll he Iliilw itll mm Em CV 36s pfid r0 ltll better Im mywumy he firs nlcr ni trlc mtcd nlltlnidlun kc unzip 4er ml by Mr Mr Cix are llw prlco of Sllbtl plid ft llcnafiun flirt Applc lllstoli McCJgucs twiiilltllltllsold bull frnlf ttistrtl the previous Cotta idtflll ltculd fur bull llitorlull was purchased by llays lninltcd Calgary Ccrswcllsifroo twaycarold 5er would try showing ill wr the pictures of the rats which had been fed brown bread and hzld grown so much larger than llltwt which had eaten just white intad thn the woman saw the pnfdtd slic said That settles No brown broad in this house for flu mt arc big cm can stand Eli Tolerance to Noise Onc of the outstanding differ flttS between youth and age is thi tolerance to noise The love cl noit is natural for youth and children should have plenty of op pulllmlly to be as noisy as they For Sale by Sllllilblt time and plncc Md not it out of their last chncsdny afternoon and McCANDIJSH jit ins Si that illcy can be qnlctcr illjlltd tllllll STAYNER pretence My ldPrsV JUNIOR You DRESS lllllllfl Illrs Sldllcy Dnumrlllo ronlo Sptlll th ttlLlll Vllll Mr HARRISON BROS STROUD so no pl 00 mo College and bliqincsm girls will wcl and Mrs llanltin Due to 31m nf cultivation usul growing of nopa 1h uni bum dogloud at many trrnnry mifllfq mnvtqurntlr uuuv gum hot tautin IJhluA llltritl uluc TM in on nuon for ill and of lupglmmiury do In that pt bnluunl ration or daily mu You ct milk without had The thqu on will at the more milk you will get But the tail mm properly bdrmed om mania the nuuuryiupnull llimhil and uulnnnls wit puinSuLmJ uh Shc Glebattun Laurel rinccer and hcr burcllrtscr was Glenn lBimdpflIiujitllfll io botiyduiu To Blah more money hop only mil bled ova Ind all them In Mr limil with ElalrhiorJJ Ilairy Mul blrli it wry pllllablr minim nbunlna quantltln of all bl nun Itllvinmilu untnls and LI Ilia molt Honolulu Ind you on buy Mr and NIH ltlanbb virili 0d Mrs EJCulham Barrio on Sunday The Lnihcs Aid intt in the hall More Essential NowThan Ever by IVAN niAEV THORNTON Itvltldllkf fur noise ICSltCIIS from llll AV ItOWN COMPANY iizu flit That is anotbcr good PM HMPW fr TIlp1nJolfKKLiQ Alum BELL UIOPIA 1mm Why people Should hav white wine wool emphasized by Mr null MN MW lo 01W RON quma JOE7 MARTIN BRADFORD hpircmldrm 19th are ymumjhorlonlfll panels Vof bottle grccn ZJngrmumliEVm Mr mld Mm ART HOBBS EDGAR llltiililllir to llkc tllcir noisc in UPI c0r me maul and um Furl Richardson on the birth of It If lIlCKLlNG CHRISTIE C0 mum Children may have to flltldllliloils from ncrlc to tISlHi1ugthpon Saturday NW SHANT BAY ELVALE WM VVHHHVSV hm who they ark Ilus Is one if ll Vinnor vngVut VA lllllnbcr frunl llcrc uttcnded ORGTOW JACK ALLAV TROY havingmo be mm mm are SUM idresses to 1miun lmmg 1Vi1ic flclnclllbmsllccVVDuyVVscrxc zit GEO 05 ly Filling at the top of their voices wmo week mmhlw HH rullllfyllrtilzhu um up 31 on Guaranteed Trust Certicates INITED for any amount for form of livn your gllrlrllntccil both ll to principal and interest lntnrost clinqucs lrliltlttl to Ttlltll holder on duo data or it lmliltrs million may be nllnwctl to nccumultuc sit compound intorrf I1mFiEf Mrs Dalcy North Bay Mrs ll Dcnlpslcl illld Mr and Mini llltll delight in the loudest juicer He Nell Singhumpton were recent box in the neighborhood Ewn 12911V4 30 VlSllors with Mr and Mrs Albert mm mm my Mm like egg ll 05 llfltlm stlgnl Dixon lizt tlity still like noise Look nuisc it tho young people are Raspberry Jam alone in the house the first thing Mix togcthcr tho ilnln sulzar and pmrcni usually docs when com salt and stir in thc cold milk Add ing in is to turn down thc radio the hot milk and llilli over low as it is apt to be going full blast heat or in the Itltlblt builcr until Clllldrcn and young people mustthickened stirrim Mlstantly POUl MIR Gml Spent last week learn to consider othch and notla little of this lnixtilrc uvcr tlic Stamm disturb unduly with too muchibcaten egg yolks add in tho but Cm3ldllm Campbifn noisc hilt they should have airittc Nil lbwm mlr trialfipnncm Omed are choncc crich day to inokc allthc lites Add linilli Hnwtl bniv 756 mid Mrr IWnlkcr noise they want That is one of llle8d pic sllcll thinly with raspberry Toronto are spending some time at Wlwn thcy got to thc high school grcot disadvantages of living in jam and pour in ihc crcnn filling Mrs Masons An ideal iuvcstment for individuals coma pilillcsmuthorizcrl byluwfnr ccnlctcrylloilrds palruvonts 01 in crowded quarrel3 Beat the egg vllittvs until stiff and COUEYlllllillins 10 M11 and Mrs Rum and 01h mlocs It is hard on children to have tdbeut In the lbltfhptltill of sugar 17mm Campbell who were mur keep quiet ill the time when inllzrttdllally Sprliud this meringue 19 Town ms satludny thc bongo If noise botherg us it Oil the pic and lmku lit ylvnv uvcn he Gum Whey Chm held is sign we are growing old Let 325 detail 1mm ll liliiklr Ewen Culdwclls lust Fring night THE us recognize this fact and make blmvpod Mrs Arnot Annc Sheila Ito npportunitics for the young to be bcrt and ndreiilcft for their new as noisy us they like when it docs lllll is essential agricultural WM aimS Sing 1235i Friday CORPORATION not disturb others and produces Wlltlll llll corn fm lllhgzlc ropor in 155 Sterling Tower Toronto Me Things limb vkmmng mm 309 Joan wiltshlre is home again after with peas balms Ilt nu N0 vV that the me Lue or 11 dlgo abutllon llrlup lllltV 33 your in Businexs work IS over we should have more mmioi Barrio hospital make point of continuing the glgegalhgpgl63Znm friendships made while we were doing we same kind Owamk sornCUnental Iron the interests of the Upper Canada Bible Society There are compensations in most things and nEWtricndgrlre among them We have crime in close coni tact with people we never Would CHIROPRACTORS ACCOUNTANTS meet ordinarily or Casual acquaintI ances have developed into rcali lrGeneral Blacksmith Sunday afternoon VV ACETYLENE Next Sunday Nov 18 group of GEO ELSIF BURNS Ds WELCHV ANDERSON COLIPAN Licensed Druglegs mph friends for there is no better way and ELECTRIC supply the music in Guthrie United Electric Radio Hy re and Pfgre 223 to make friendthan by Working Welding and Cutting Church and bring stirringmess Mechano Therapy Tomnfo with them Most of us do not feell 66 Ba eld gt age The Gideons aim to put CookSlrcct Phone 3194 really hospitable unless we have arne mVCVGW mile mm in the CORBETTV DVCV served our callers withVa cup of Fecal He 10 CHIROPRACTOR AND LEGAL tea or somc other refreshment We VCOngiatulationl toll Wm 7PDRUGBESSTHEVRAPISTVV BOYS ow canrsavihtlmewand 1effortlf wc CampbellSr Who hascompleted on303ii Ba McDonald St mustem Solicitors Names Pub group dngs toget er for ea uV V1 plecmg her 100th quilt Since she serving Have four cubs will rgt cConveyapcels etc Moxie It ran at lowest rates of interest 01 the mammg saucers foul spoons Try NicholsrRectal Sup me 13 OWGHSLVMasomc the sugar bowl filled and the MEDICAL Building game Branch cream pitchernear by Have four posltorles once and feel the Elmvale Bo napkins whether VICTORIAN 01mm or NURSES pe $9 with them and the cake plate Blame Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 430 mm every WedV 77W Gunsrorm 2mm handy If things are all together 09mm BENZOCAINE the Successor to by APPOINTMENT atedto Red Crossond other War sewlces WYEBBIDGVE can be gathered in one fell wonder aimreliever netday Plicanon of nurses macs an vices maybe made direct or throng 3M 561va SWp sovmum 319 Send $125 Telemmm Owen St Banlo Tale hone 817 Oen me right saucers have to be daylsainnz lergrlrtcsltlllis several Sbrted out lomatCh our West Odd MONEY To Lo cups and the otherthlngs all scati XICHOLS REMEDIgg 30 Borden Street Toronto LE SSO VV COWAN cow tered indifferent places Do not JESSIE BRYSON Barristrs Solicitors Conveyancexi We mung hd takes time forTogonlo where she wiIIVASpend some time WM WWW Notariesr Public etc pliepare If it ls one 159 With her 95 Ms Reid Central UnitedChurch 170wen Street Barrie days When You are Just out of cake Hillsdale mWOF PIANO SINGING Branch Ofce Btayner Thurs Arts on cookiesrdozli worryfbuthave andeSICAL THEORY all ades GW thin bread and butter or hot but immrewee WW mm 311 lncl dm AT odern Methun tered toast andnoapofogles Most ht 1n in iiliun tier EDENVALE Mwm successful duncc and card party llt hcr rcccnt appendix operatiOn lnl time to see our friends We should and 01 com Ld md 5111 he NO 23 open to hear Revl Guthrie United Church was favv nrcrfwithihrivingMisses Jean and ALEX CLELAND it five from the Gideon Band will beganV keeping count of themTheV mHJOIIly of these have beenidonlvm Mrs Bishop left WednesdayN Mrs McClung spent the week fLantern slides demonstratingga PAlewmlc soon be home again Congratulations to LAC Eric WWW YOU WANT Your RADIO loo PER CENT FOR SELECTIVITY srusr TlVlTY AND rorw QUALITY mm 2615 TEDS RADIO SERVICE OAKS 189 Bradford ALL WORK IS GUARANTEED Brownlng Mount Pleasant PM and Carmel Robertson Newcastle N13 who were married in Toronto Friday evening 10 OPERATE JIOSIEL TorontoThzlt an institution should becapublc of sleeping 70 inch and should serve about 1500 meals per month did not seem re markable to writer for Canadian Hotel Review when he visited The Salvation Army Hostel for Serviceman and the Hostess llousc Jarvis St But what struck him as beingremarknblc was that um may BRISK is THE worn ran it Brisk is the word the tea experts use to describe the rich lively flavour of Liptons Tea always fresh Spiritl bodidchCr insipid There is greater enjoyment in every cupbf Liptons so change now to brisk tasting Liptons Tea Ha jedwand+fail Haw you renewed your snbscrlp tion BRA staff of IO DNSOHS should llundlc tho cntirc job ltn If phoning Clussificd ldlcts or Sorry to report that Alvin Webb noms have mm mm lsVzl patient in Christie Strcct 1109 It 30 that 18 $0105le pltnl Toronto All hopc he will 1910110 $135 mitten mutt rmtm MILLS Www Ncl lure Thersafe way is to look in your dirZCtory ushaveradr Mrs calling on friend who mare dgsggpw made Th Womens EARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC mud Md Mu BMW F191 Masonic4mple41d arrlkr Teacher of llho Stiir in cesswofrhospjtltlltyhasxpnfmost Institute gggflogfogidgggsgem mm T0 LOAN ltl IsVmoiin thekltchn When Mrs 31mins mammal ca cocoa frend mm wi attenda Church Gold Medalist Toronmon DUNCAN MCCUAIG 3A KC thVget ething to Mdaivggi Rev Gosslin Victcllflar SeN ofMuslc and Uni BARRISTEBL SQLICITITO ETC at Tmm WorsleyVSt T213211 Monytb Loan Ros 31033112 gym to spend that available hme with my friend awi JOHNSON1 Amch DON MMLAREN BA Cremed Fish andjroiato Chips of T9110GonserVatotp of Music 8153111 BOUGHOR ETC Matteo cream sauce using two and London Eng ewe Money to loan tablespotms flour to 1rcu milk WkElario and Theory Masonic Temple Buildingaum 152 Maple Avenue bor had charge of the service in clwnu da llilrs Rankin and grandon and cornbineslblswithE cups cook edish Place alternate layersuot lumps MoAULEY amen Om WOOW creamed fish and potato ch STOKE Fri1 Midad35m 159 mmglieorses plum an on iigi9wl Vdntgtnng page 2361 M9 to Man layer with salt andpepperyanda harleVsT glliand smash JOHN littl onion Hove the gt ayet ig andcover with butt ed BARRISTER SQLICITOR ETC bread crumbs Bake ha 4am no iswggrsm 323 coderaterg 325193965 Mlle Cam I8 03 Drinking Plume 203 fupvsugar1cupfloutr489li Coal vboklWoud Attendance 96 Dm ma tefspogn salt cup Cold milk IV ROBERTlimmV and is 11c95 hOt mlk1 1935900qu WOPTOMETRISL Sophlast1lVBarrie milledi gigitlgd 3733 lovely smbkctgs VV fV QVB g3wasspen StnPh was lt 93dllr omop VVDoYouSuffer From Headaches LL STECKLEY 3Blmm King BhuhBarr Iliahaid commie along withaheadttiiimiies DIRECT gt9 099 43 and pains all the time SEE arm again it Aiieadachneedmbemiliiieaslntemuibulit be symptom that there in intestinal Wmmetllejcmrotrhm to Burdock Blood is MMeytn9 stem 90me theptluaebllmdwm regulating thedi active ml45 will lglllil VPGPP9W3H try ed stun4 131 Pte V1 tiling mammal welcome home party for Pie ELtWO yearSfoveieas was hold no lunch Allen Cameron while returning from Midland Saturday night had the mxsfmlune torhare his car hit whimgmntnomsidmad 2min Vins gotnor Damascus gyenyt theVPrgsbyterlan church last Sum JOhnispenthdnesday milfillsdalo ivtigthe mittens daughter1vusG WW DOMESTIC Micumiuacnointd dniop Leslie Davidson whohasspent Builders Supplies Mrs RankinisLeslte waspre P13 in games dsin in low ainfuuy Hurt in Auto Collision and badly damaged by another car rib wishthcmn up yrew my Mrgnumoutilsasi platiivhhthopnuv Vcoll plgnty afrm to Ottth phone promptly if 19mgcstg IfyjouareevenialiulgdoubtnlthutTthe mgoui ifthccnlbarchaggnetitfogettingfggV VVpartylpntlZyrlitlubiiigi IV Willialt jhliiiiocas ther blatantaspirants atlmwuyow own Maly VV mentw eA litMm ldthgtmoulpleco Vchoso Ioyllilli llpvmld tdlk directlyinto ill Afildr bnakhscux plucovlhb mum thoIlvummoptrumyf