Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Nov 1945, p. 7

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1125 copies II III 82nd YeorNo 46 BARRIE ONTARlOV CANADAI THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15IVII1IoII15III rages 11V VI WI 19 Furniture Plant Onlfrig Cog PIESth For Collingwood t0 And EorhrerdapFIisoner II II II VI II IV eIICollingonodI VEdstery rIiIiuch in II II VI inn II mVIIIIIIV A19 news an un II VESPRA LEGION odile iiitilSTS rw 111 uc Lin II II II III thddsandsdof suitbes 211 turnitdre for Britains wiibiiubed homes wzlr II VV ii ii 11 hidntiisfiiirdd Ehrlichdiitihiriidhhg in concluded Agreements are be IV II tween the British Board of Trade The VG out 1hr II IV II III Vpia Branrl of lac all CHILida Hi VV Ania 111m adiau Leann have reception for 10 Killlflllim Rubber Kiv to the first 05 chmcr winI11 in has New rcturntd cspa sluice mui mu lt Is in me imiiI at Midimrsi wed Nov the purpmc the Clyde AircraitI Mt Co Ltd ilautV which Was limit was Lumi LL together of soldiers their ladies and frinds CfillillllvCQE fund iiiflltril indili Manning of Coldwatcr t5II II II II IVI II zone commander of the Legion was mmdcn mm iliIiLiiix 11 511llt3 the speaker licferrnrgtodhc stewimoom mm with 1000 pwmmi gt 11 Till EVCIF WWW ML Manning mmncd mmgcmlllubcd it is Iuridcrsroud Plyt suoiita tho 2111 bake the rst me he hm cw uncrzIlIllli wrlbeue1 rurniturc uruw II 11111 12 1111 pm and ltrcIic 1m Wm WIS Hmll be ienllrllldlluliiclllltii here vV gt IV HatV11 431112 when the II 1T0phun MummIIlI and toIIrfiiid th11pcIdI II II wmd lath rt ltllt Ive had stow ain good rm amI 32 221w I2 write varicqv The new industry in Ontario wrllj 11 111 ironic bat nrauufacturc for export only andf flint related in knockeddown stew IIIII UIHdVI Snmm Chum HIVCII xi IC Om CIOImmlmrI Emil not Compete with Ontario gt 1ch prruuttro iu hug iIVcIQtbig5 and ML11 to 110 efforts of those who have iircsciit extensive furniture indusw 1le 211 lliltilitd nu aim vacuum cleaner mm Mldhmt blmLh of Ulcltry It will run into many mil Idranzhtor iii lllt lliltitlll vw LCIIltioii going lhe Legion is 10 IV IV gt IIII II II IV IIIVI II IIII llioins of dol1is tne Prtmltl IaidE VI II I11V1hm ht 1111411 111 V1 11o duyibecomlml OICCVH force Await Final Word VV moiiiilulilu Donations tctc contributed 139 MnIlLLIImInI one the mm MODS in the VI lhc llrllliit missionary indicatede ruinr of the club friends azizl KH man NM NV tnt us 11 v1 rdvv iiliul over since Japan hail gotten mI V131 of the town million dollars but could not ioru 10 lmi Ur iiuiiuirm in 1111321 111in had 11 uclioii llc commenced at the Canadian Legion unless he had 0mm he MCI Elm we NMHCNOVI um Dim director of the Trade and Indusl ihitIi Ii Mimi illitltitttiltt l1li730 and the tpl1lttd bidding was 11mmmI Wm Aral 11ml VIIII IIIV4 si 1111 Branch of the Oiiuirio Dez II i1lt llt pllllllt Sillirlmd11Ul4036 50 nartineirt of Planning and DevelI 1lhirc wrrc 40000 political prisoritlisioro our crowded until the 11 micm ohc Legion on opincnt and representative ofi Iii Jillian to illll the ANN tollldltlltlt3 wu Vlinockcd down to the nuowmlmc md WNIMOUQ ithc haufinan company contcrrcdl 111111 or lulp 11 liadiun tirrn 1111 Igqu inddm In MOI ivh kc Federal lhnbcr Control II II In IvIVIIHh IUIIULIVIII Hun IKIIIIIIIIIII the IISCII LI IIVII II lifter 0Vmosptsmmrmmcllcr and the Department of Re illlllil Illii tln industrial workers Suipump Wm pm the mom lSltllCs VV in 151d f1frid lunch CoiislIUCtion 0n the timber quot1 Thercs Ottawa Field Marshal Alexander porirts out to and Shane want to learn all they can about 1111111111 before 398 bfIl IfffIlIttlIIVtoIII HllIbt Uiuippilib Ikrininiihic maiiy had had ill coinCC cg IVC Wild th mWICI his interested family as they study map of Canada in the their arrival early next year when Sir Harold takes up hisl31ffJVthIIVEIdHELIVg IVVIVVVIIIfIIVgiIligv III IVIIIlCIgEIlII llCClOll were llOll rvue IIII 51VviIi2I Pecyillr the nu force 1m 1ch In rcqircd Emil Mu gardenIof their English homc Another large map like this dutrcs as Governor General IIVVIVHIIV MI IIIIIIVI MN AIIIIIII McIIIIIIII IIVIIII positive the cornitry cant absorb Kaufman now is awaitingr finallhangs the cmldmns mlrsery for threc ROSCBn3n MW Wile mm Hit me mmuichairman of the Soroptimist com lhtm at those good rates of payV IIIIIId IIIIIII he BIIIIIIIII Bond III IIII AI WWI II II WI III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII who IVIIS IICIIIII IinIIVI he Sluled gm to be thought Trade on closiu thckcoiitract lll out or the operations of thCI Turn to page twelve please premier Dre gtmcd that the International PIOWIIlg AbOUf PhOnCS I1Ir1ollt and monopolies was also r3 ll iililllt to brinr about democracy Potatoes from US negoaanom now being concluded Valch to Resume arrie ut vcr ltI And fourth group that would help Are coming onfafio Lieutenant are historic and lllllCCCanth in V6 OmIIIIIOVS IIISIOIIIIIH In Huron lgAPPIICOtIOHS UHfIHCd I11 mun mwurds dvmbcmq was II When the Yeomplctc Stow is Mum IIIIII ILVIIIIIImII um DUImCIIHy The WPTBIIIIIIOIIIICM IIIIII IIIII known in the cm future mc The annual meeting1 of the Centre Ilrggpitp mp 11m 11m 1m 11V11ImmdVdI but economic mmmixn CIIIIIIII III CIIIIIIIIIIIII IIICIIIICCd poIIIIO premier saidI the project running and West Simcoc Plowiuens As Simwc County domino of mm murmhIgI was Med lillltllitVi of llcll LVoIvs tolcphoncs 1111 Speaking of present conditions VmpI dealers will be permitted VI lt Ii into millions of dollars in traoc Kl1W mm IdVI Agriculture executch last Thur this was very important iii BllllllllllmlIIIIt hr tlldI b1I1IlI0 11l1p1nllis lilson snidprobablIy upon enough from the United 31 V1 value to OmunoI not to mention OIth 1t ldc11 1ch under the day mm voted ummmuubly where the mer for CIIIIIILIIII or Mini 1noIii 1111 11 In tlll mIoooIooo 3leme Wm bung MIIICII IIIIdQIV IIIVCDLIM comm pnccs direction of the president Walter break of ii 111m arc llil wcllImS aner iuiVtcc in charge of the sale plies ant and 1qu Em ire nude deals The secretary Alex Siralii he urnch The execuch meek CI futva itIhc waiting 111 for senco nciorilwmi mm llicIgiiitrrrd iii Jilllilll 35 1th boardsaid that through 561 net501st illpCiHiIldtL mmmle mpmwd the mm int was how ill the ilgllCllllllill The Simcoc chcritioii voted 330th Wt1hr BC lclu follow for bringing 8110111 dem 111it Control imports will be red Highlights of the pmiem as ou the Association is satisfactory and Office with 30 dmcwm 1ch be Spent bv IIICIICCIICIIIIOII IIIIIII11I1113 oinpuiiy nizuiuiur licic 1IHII but it would not bu enough IIIIIIIed to IIIIIIIkcI requiremems lined by the Premier are 1945 IlolllllwI Wale The motion in favor of SUPPUll lgram committee We lh llltillltms it rccmivcri Turn to page twelve DlCHSC lwhich cannot be filled from the new industry is establishny31d IXI IIhIIIfilnIIIIlllyllllilhl CIItIII has the plan Iwas riiadc by Hunter IQIIOIVI UII IIIVLIIIIIImIIOII VIIIIIIIIIlsionIarc gradually being solved aiidII Canadian crop Domestic prices lILVd in omIVIrioI ctlbIIavrIIr Iy iIaucthsIs IIEI tusscll of IlllidhrusIt rind was scIc liIIIIII III IVCCQIII IVCIIIIS IIVIIS IIIVCII byIiItll InIaricIusinIIrIsupplj ItlfIltltIllIlptIllifI mm 1ij i3 IICICOSSLIUIY db be protected mlI mu 1V MWMBCIUW Imer um ILI1VVLOHDL 0le by lumen mm or UM David Smith secretary Rev Ecotqmlnjlltt mj laycd Company oftrcrals state that imported potatoes being kept in masspmducuon lines exclusively bee below 10 QVCIdth due to 1h Details of the plan were explained WII III II for crxiliau ust it hill likely me of Um hemp cm mm mm Canadian cedings through or the overseas market will in very unfavorable weather condiqby Eugene Smith and Wood OlmoVn 3U IICIIMI on 1917 before the full postwar tempo in Vm Imv Vf ekh IIVVI VI VnIiIIVen the Cm ime be carried out on similar lms this fan of Alliston who had attended ithVe nial LIN common Cdmp prouent massproduction of IW Downey Mincsing disiriprovincial meeting to discuss the Rd II led tea and II IIJIIJIIVG IV II iICII States Department aulomobiles an unprecedented Tet director and 2nd Vieepresien plans meg mm debmbed Factors in the supply Of 1010 hey applied II VI II II II in the order in which in Canadian manufacture the Ontario Plowmens Association If her producch vote in favorIffVII IIIIIII1 IllldImllI ilI IIII thng VV Inez come mam scvmui mm 111059 who have been wait imported II 3I Creation of 200 to 300 new reported that plans were plUcced of the proposal they would have 01 11 nol 11111 IlIl erotic IVVIIIIIIIII CIIIOIIVIUHDS the mlcmwnc mg lowest Wm he raved flrsII In II Fm next jobs within the next three monthr iiitforthcholdinofthc first post le Teplescmlllives 11 board pmmme Orgmuzmo 1h ne connect cti Wt lable Can with expectation of total of EVVlJ war International lliili to meet With three packers ttiSic00 pom growers this Fall qum VI IVI VIV 1111 119an Ijobs created wing 1113 llIVvi 13VinlI 1V1 cide prices methods of marketing10mman 0f me pom growers me and the rcrii ncV SAM WILSON iho factory is til full 11 during Election of officers was con uiV letC There wetild also be checkcommute ImiHicming was ablvlcinI tIiioue this equipment for war liinatct iier said the cr that Canadind the followin lt In officers and d1 UC two cents 10 an 1c urn res ee an 1111 M115 MCCth 1h omano Quebec was am Falls Kiwanis LieutI Gov iI Tm minty MCI my Vi 311 V11I E11I1VQIIJI cnnrzation This would provrde qulllelIeXCCllllVe of the Federation trim Divisifm NOI Hehas been can with 11m ycgentfurnitufeingviceltp1csn BmkerI fund for engaging an agent to pro of Agriculture IV This answers in part the prem 1U 31 er Ire jIi mi off system by which packers would SCMI Simcoc director to tire r0 Llumtlmes District xneetlnv at VNla 296 JObS CCtOlS JIf ellLieti il 19ii VVtlh15 101193 to the pYOdUCelb 01 illme Lmvsilrd rV 13 the vaniidustry acuve men er Toronto Club serving in all it The llllIUblr is desrgned sole Iaidsun harm Jo ce Pearsali Winner ees and mmmjttees for theVIIIpIaSVIfly to servethe export market andI IAlex MI Sham ElmvaleI zacirievcd an all new orders III 1V Corporation he XL Lirc stc Cp this year is at about 633000000 bush my one of these is given ti wage II Ir miner the creation of new jobs will he II favor of supporting the Proposed hogs was in danger of being lost II II II II Iv to maintain normal consumer stip recorded among the most imbortMddldonr mmdk hot lllillliCllllR SChCmC 110W DCTOIQ unless something were done 111 theMl mmdm lpmm Itllitlumllg 10 llidbtl SHEEP1 20 IvcursI He has 100 attendito some degree answers the cmDirectors F105 William Maw Bane Pubhc schOOIS II ancc record he ZOIyears Canada needs exports iNewman Grlfeii John Kidd Sun rutorlca om Vetition wanls He take office on the Ultimate PlOthlon 0f mid119 J3Ck Marlill Edgal cam specialist has said that Health IIIvMI rstouhe can Kiwanis haSIbeuIliOOl dining room suites 50000 thers Buie Medan IAlbgltiis what makes you feel that now Joyce Warsaw King Edward an asset to his community Ilurn to page thlve pleaSe lorton Gama RObmsoni VJW 11 best lime 0f 105931 Suhmli Speaking commulily ilieynolar lVrnjsV lis Darby Evidences Qf good physical Recreation won the Barrie PublicE II gammaIVictorIsmttIVesme wmIIIImlth schools mammal contest ms 3McNabb Douglas Ferris Geore GrowthShowiirg reasonable Thursday afternoon She won the Past President as Maw Mine ii 111 qergySummem for wuune 1c bpedkmg tomcat Spon tion Dovvne Minesin 1c below by brlngmg your Auditor Andeifson CrossgjitlairxClcrn and lustrous iirgd at Stamerldbt Stmdd mom land tolerates aimed to attend Il VV to DD Exes BriglrtVIclcar moving nor Miss ICdlbdll had vron the LOll Wing Hon IPTeSI and 2nd ViCSiadaptable to individual sored by Simcoc County Trustees AVOld the usualsprmg rush perfectly illustrated Pres Ontario PIOWineirs Associa SkimClear tree from infec and Ratepayers Association zmdf $1V00SeIaisI0nry rIbrVVrIriVmieningsPerformance VV Order YOuii Tickets byMailT annual meeting of PIOVinCialimally test in her own school and last to be reconditioned and Sharpengd Now PIOWanS ASSOCiatiO at Tolontuilr NosiFUnobstructcd in breaih Thursday competed against three 46 II Mcwm Franck James Darby lug rmwr Mir otheis She 011 split decision SunnidaleTownship was selected TeethWell formed free from from Jack arris of Prince of JOhnsons ReIpll Department Barr as the site for the 19467111atch and cavities clean Wales School whose subject was directh from Sunnidale were up BreathAbsence of disagreeable Modern Youth and Juvenile DcI pointed as selection committee oeor inqucncy BATTERIES AN IV MondayV Oct 1946 was chosen PostureSyminetrical position of oPatience Weldon of Victoria WI MWEZ as the date for the 1946 match lthe body on standing tall good School spoke on the Life of David FANBELTS MUFFLER$ AUTO POLISH DIDNT You FETCH IVI II muscular coordination Copperfield Another speaker SPARK PLUGS WINDSHIELD WIPERS RrREPNRs 75M 25 CHILDREN aristocraticstarts KEN III II II IIIII IIII II iTNerles COIFditionFree from he was absent owrng to illness in imvoluntary twitelungsmdr other The public school students dc BAYFIELDIandIROSS PHONE 908 newL uVSYPtOmS VI Iveredtheir add before three Egaieiehe verouglwianglvcl Thioowfrgrgutsgthe reV ation of what therchildiseftualTy pretence VMacDougau JMgs WISE BRADFORD and HIGH PHONE 9033 Isult of recent survey of the Town IIprOIekItIve foods the agfilogag YounbIVMrss MadgeIIISIhear IVIIIVIIIII II ifaettta11has1is WWW VV habits Iv attend public school and collegiate ii51liihllliildii 5331i artisan 99 Ge 393 655 Tea 95 0W Ge II VI VI prayonly be sufferingironr defec VI ggggrgVgchigiVsigzztheir BE ArFlRST NIGHTERTBESTCHOKEOEVSEATSIAVAILABLEJo MON Nov 26 is Onlthemporarytheresultbf 921331 fudge 531901 2ach coldinfectiohduetoillness or act VI en IIV Iun ayI crooI verI 99 cumuIateVVdVWaXV In III car II 01mm IV II III IV If we dmmuncet 1th 299 Ilsgeechdgegt llarefltxil of theIchildren of IBIarrie were not 213le IIlI hilt 055401183 135 II II III SlitimaalaTESLTilitil assist rs11=iri 1VV oII II II Vfy NOVTele hone and muffmum wmld be JShCVcde ml or Lelia Enciofsc Stafmyea IV II There is moreImason to be shot IIAIshy tlIirldIIVslrouldIhayc special Reservations VWlll II IV belAddrgsseId lmwloq II zed because 25Iotor1rchildrcnare Ifdh laig nial IIBe Accepted IV For Return of Tickets gthpvg Without Tel1w my ressiveJaididiciiit cliild liftoth MAPLE LEM CiARDEN 26 27 2829 siuc ItoIn hV II IV hr uV Iu ovch cr and II II Box Office Religious cduwlmm 110 Emmi Vavepm all gwdr mo nonand Church Sit Evening Performancesa 830 ii hair pertinentpf knowledge Whrclr is that 15 SOClVny acceptable nIIInutunJio oti luInwrg II QPtlonaland be diSpensgd th MISSAi CARSON Toronto Cainad Matmce wednmday Nov 28 300 vlpam pm Ii Iith iirrpurIiy VINot IIIOIIgCHEOdDY IBtne 591100 Numb Gentlemen Vi VI VI crccr iiV Ircssirig Vic aria ran II monelimVYOu 019 1mm needIed in the Ibpuuoi 30th BatTIM that If the gull95L Flange It tome produces for the following rescued seats for IceCanaries of1946 101 pickup and VI itlquallollSIalld rd98Wthll Come clever but amoral men and we II II VlIV II delivery only II 30 thehngltsh Bible were taken men who become easy Victims of IIIII 30x63 330 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Rail and promenade Iago ilroin our literature there Would be the new mytlioldgies which are Ivor FulllI IvcryJiIttle or any account left The sweeping the earthsfascism coin lstI Tier Blue and South EndVat $250 2nd Tier Green and Northbud at $175 inflmatiom 11 fund mental concepts of the Bible munisln and the rest 100 II lie foundation stones upon The ultimate end of all cduca 3131 Grey FV Whichcur CiVlliZatlohiSbullfand Tipttjig7WEIdmfactn dFIrfERFOBMANCEI WANTED IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII If IvIIIIII IIIIIIIVIIIIWII IIIIIIIf fl fliggulggggh hilttliizzlefebcoldg iiiliczolaivigw Tghigcd If 039s required Mr WedtlSllW specify Whether for Matinee or Evening Performance II II Immi VV AV cents is essential to =1illielllgeirt crtr dren to think but not to lrvc re NAM II gt Lenshlp VV II sultstoo often in men and omen II IV II VV ISdecrrliIiII educaltioIn divorced from who are neither good people nor ADDREbe mygglggguggregfgpf good om VV IVIIII II II II VI 5mm litigation Wm Enclosed is clrcque 1orVVVinOircy order Itinadc payable to Maple Leaf Gardens rr

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