PAGE SIX THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA iiiMMING 13111111361113 auricular ruin 176 tiff ifng 2113 31 aP BUKAR94I35C it ti 1drindwiListirhidisgri GOROUEMD WW 320 mill IHt IIIII III II IIII Iai Representative was in WW II til the competition as FVOOID STQkiSI AP II II III II II II VI II II IIIII IVI IIIVI AIIIICIIIIEIIBIISIEIIIIIISSII VV 111 1L assent SS 333mg 33mg V= gt TOASTED WHEAT 15 VI Is tall ll 115 rfS orne $1 vI IIII III III IIIV IV III lI gt Bin Eran Hde Grieg Aylmec Mixed 15 01 Jll he JUFPhY 300K liner rI II SIEVE mu Tim II MIaInr IVI III III II Vi lconclusion if the com InII II VI II 1V gtIV prizes were presented to ANN PAGE WWII II AlfV1111 Wilmch 111 11 VV II II V1I gt Ito Beattie Slavncr 5lb BID firiireimlvv ii II 13 Fm TUdd Murdv ii 1c Utilllll Stavnei 753 AYlelER Tin Vr IV II II fl II VII TIMI II III IVI II IV II er 11 nw raris ookstown 741 Jack III tltl mu III Walla3 aviier 733 Wilfred lb VV II OUR OWN in ch illul ix Uioi 702 who II II VI IV II 1V II II IIIVIII IIIVIIIIV IIIIII IVVIIII flJLljIus VDOIIMIS It Itll MN ziENiIllI pUIIVHEOIrAm Le 111111 =v VVVVI mm 11 marry or pURTY in an ohleV II 13 II II II ITIlIl llIiIisscllI CnIurch EgbIIcrIt mid IVI II I11 II II II II II II III III II III 11 111113 Sinclair Crecmore 132 npr ililiiifr barium lliirlle 725 Allen iitii 1211 tnil 112 IiieiI HI lI IIIVI II II III III II ilfiiirl72t John FANCY II EIIIII IIIIII II II II and 511 1511 snail you Continued from nzrize one Iismmgi ItIIfII 712 Humid ll1il iflii 71b 24Ib II hill 11111I 12 Ii Mitt tiillll 1in 411 iiiiiri xu 11111 tluic wiv Whip VI CluqnowI 101 Hugh MC Vzlb Tim 111 llluiV ii li ll iiri HHIHnl1lfmrimp gt all 1I 1114 11 IH humH AHme DUI 11111 13gt iv II Ii liilliit 1111 lot All Lt 31 HUI ll Jinn11 Robi Walker StayneiV VI IM WM IVIVIIVII WWI Md VI IIIIIIIIS IIIIIIk IIIIVdIIICII mop II VI II LBBYDS Wm JIM llthll tchli la 111m nulux 1cm 711 Joe Leach Allistoii 703 Wes 60x 11il1111VVIiv1 11Izi tlltll v1 11111 llti il1zil liliiili was paid loI II IKI 12 III IIIIIII IIIIVIIIIIIIII II IIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII Ii 115 Alli ton bill eo Mt 2h 11 111 lic lzuix Will ii the Lilliii IIRunI strum 660 Doug CunmmI ANN PAGE IlHIrnililzi lIHI iliiihr mic1 IlItIIhlil Ix lm H111 11 Mayrar Hit John Fleming Stay CLEANSER for lt liii 1lli 11 1mg llllill II l1i3 WWI 1W WHHWH 11 li 7193 OVEN FRESH 11ml 1ii 11 orilwiii wt lliiw ii ilirn his tiuw 1311in 11ml iiiiitllmt It o1ehrilie Church wmg DINNER Pk punix lw 11 ilV tItt with liV tut dine iuI 1oi hunt laud will lltli 119 paints Eric Gullaugher lr 1111 11 21m My dciil utall and that his onziiiuiidoi Mutiny lltV 1mm lVIWHVHI 731 UNI HUN Smynm Slay Tin II II 11th lili Jill In VH1 gWhiHlmgIl ITHMHy kmm 1mm 0kswwn 715 Polish mi HLiuiVHw LU ynuhll lullmvii km 84 Bradmd 7031 D0 any NuuuInHahnNnunununNunnuunu oi VVt 1V II II olII trill Hi tltIIliits lltI Ill Mllell IllI AILIgtJ11 Cutlkhlm 598 To kgVwrw NW mrh Ho Uh pluflnnzd hynukllhy lHu Lllktluflml It V1gtliAhlliivyn AHiStOn Lena ream iiiynwun1M In ilmmI lwiiilh1ll Milmlw Il4I lhmmn 583 130th LARGE OATS Pk 11i1 11It II iiIltgt 1w Iiiiiwhli lllllllIUllxl Etldtjdnllly lllVlllVllV siiiliccul Mum hwmm 682K Mm 19 5131111 Vili end 11 vVVoi si 51 Us lgfglffgtt 31Egglitagdmtwfg WHITE BROWN SELECTED 1114112 mining 11111 ilislilitti 111 IIt11 oi lililllt lziyiiiIMiiilzlii 11111 VOHHVWI 559 Rom Balm SW 24 49 lmmm Wm ml Mncmmm In YWW lm ucr tiitl Kenneth Bell Gillord 11IV mm Th 01 myth ltlllmn Hill Vrret McKnight Cooks LOWE SHELLED Initidmf WWS WW Md mull WM town 336 John DaviS Utopia 635 pkg the lotV411 oi Rafflo illilinis ho 17 toiztlluI AWN llit Ullmll 0111 of the outstanding highlights PM SIG turn and women who served ou los present were iiieve George 111munwtimmwristhe donati01 lirl Ald 1111 111mm 1111 1111 Pkg twhllll Mid We liliililily be you of our purebred weanling York Ito opt our thanks Ross Towau Elitllt MiWS by Yorkshire breeders is tho lust of several re Donald Muclurren had tho in the Senior class by 0211 WWW we cmmml plans mum if thanking hm lllillllml 50 MIND lnlel pkg civil hm munnod heroes loi to 1111 lawn uuviharyI tor the 1111rli1tcs by Sproulc Craig lnights reception we have arrair inurlialilo urinin Killtll they pruwmim Ihmmw by GQOI AIIWHMW 11 it cakes VV I1 iVv IVI 11111 no iVu 1Il pro 111 so intuitions or Klltll iIII AmsmnI mm NWICQS by three 41am which we know will meet have iauhcriuu Mrs ll DHHI b10011c15ji11yI1I Bennie 50m NIIOIOIIIIOO IllIfIllIlllllllIIIIIIIOIIIOIIIIlllllllflll plan to provide meetings for your entertainment and pleasure where good fellowship Will be the llliltl plied to the Iprnarks of Mr MiltGrunt of Stayner ann FACAL 20 hrliau Ferguson 111v1tcd the vet WW bUIMSS errors to write him letter if there 23 kt yivimnfl if Will nvfhnjg 11 COVUI11MVF HffmI Pk IIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IftIIIII1In3 IsIIIIcIf IIIIIIVVtiIVIviI1IiILI3IIIIiIcI IiIitIItIIlIesIseIsII III ed soldiers who sorcidil vA gt PUII NM rlIllHUlmLCd mt UlltlldmlmlllI WW WV Fmsed WM comm 1111 111011 Dillt of the DIlOLliml large stage Hvix mmpmc With mums ml APENN VB COCKTAIL IVV VIC CTV1FE thls VCCC3 LVmbC or 0mm WI pm sen certificates of honor to those win in 111 I10 rumination 01115 mrwlred 1h 11 be done the theatre Ilobby We regret that we cannot ask you up to the front brought here under arrangements Willld then be in DUSillon t0 meet individually as we know the people made by Major ll lVlacMillzru of Willi U10 DdeeFS to discuss prices here would like to express their the Camp Borden auxiliary scr 11nd other details Of markfling uppmdamm you Vices If the is passed two Cents should like to mention that to The girls were featured iii sevwould be deducted by Itheproces read to be presented and we many changes of costume One of ducers organization This fund TENDER JUICY FULL FLAVOURED FULLY CPea haVC IPlHOXllilZIlGIy 1000 the most warmly received ofterwould enable them to engage MATHRED IV date we have many certificates oral different numbers involvrnglsors and returned to the hog pro mm mm VI when our list of names is com inqs was their interpretation of man to work in the interests of FF II pitted The Councrl is very proud Sultans harem the producers Some of the money orations had been erected at the east end of the floor The musical program was high continued from We 19 lighted by Cliccrio Varieties aImcn appointed by the hog pro 203 Grades 20me song and dance troupe of girls IULCIS rmd three men by the pack Tim from Toronto The program was itll ClleHCS The hog DTOducelS Tm IV IV VI II II BOUQUET oak Hll ym dmnmll Mm ML Wt Insult In HIKIKIIL Hum hihum son and of the ccrtificatesyou will receive The Cheerio Varieties Were unI could also be devoted to improv tonight They were designed and der the direction of Mrs Eleanor ing hog production throuvhout the WING or lb lb II II iiiirliltiSaschdmoddnl tiidmslfp Dumo mm Mlckgy MCLCOd aslpmvlnpe SRLOIN up l8 and IIIS cooIiInnpptsIeIe VayIrId II romein mingle of CClCgllIltlIicsz IAmonIg the OrvrlleIToIdd was chairman of by Council We trust on gvgill 1i 10 Sltwhrii lI mg dccor the meetmg Stewart Page Fim mt IIECVIIte mg 9011 Ul egdSSIC It 30medlenne agFlCUllUFal representative ex Percoupai lzs IIlItuch OIenso ourIisteerIn FlorenceIIISauerV pianist Betty plained how the vote was to be ZI IIOIIIIII of risensz 33$le BirdvochlislDoreanayesdz1nc taken and Iarrangements were 12 2l5 hi meg 39 Program an Provi ing 05 at meeI EL BCI Band trumpetIsectron played which was tlioroughlyienjoyed and ing IV ggLLESS lb JGriglfupon 31c hast PoIst ind Reveille to mark applaudequ the canteen was opened Among the questions asked Was ROLLED lb 1y lb re wo minu es erence and the veterans had happy get one by member of First Co HDfung Us Infmdoial sea1C Rev together With their friends Many operative Packers of Ontario He PP9 ow en g2 errng in Legion members from nearby com wanted to know ifhe might be lb 2151b three prayers memonal prayeIII munIIIes amended the IIrmISIICC tting the proposed rVVOUld 1101de indeed cannotfor men Now that price haIsIhad to he get somewho are notIIhere They paid again In 1918 we accepted direaed to send his hogs an Peicoupon i0333613131digeadggiiiidiizi banquet Other paCkmg company under IN by an address by Rev Livi memorials of these men Will be in 23235 0f the pmposed marketmg thst some Sifvyeasrs EgOLSVYIEII mm Wichorzgn 223130232 afx hls QUESUO was answered by FREgH dKkLaaIDBI MILK FED tary machine in Europe was begin they themselves choose every Chlrlis Neilon director of Co Hing its frightening conquests III II where men and women IIIIII WOII pace He pomted out that the can NORTHERN sarecrs VgPt bewildered and unprepared world ship accgrdjnuvfhe dictates of wth Copaco hVad pnomy II ff the men of this community be an their bwn conscience every SunVlbecause 1t W35 eifem H9 ISHELLED Dog to enlistIVyoung menI heads of lm day School where hildren 3221963 Tat tedmgrkfngma 335 II IV llFEGUARD is and sarunu FILLETS 35 hgrgiiksltdigityizhiidzdeady ow 3221 ii tgdtglilltiddlprhdilroiredrtid vcoopemtwes aI111d he fenamen was COHOE lb IV In these Six years tremendous right and decent conduct are in amfajmwte Egsagggtawgug Lifeuard is aTeserve twoply Mariya motorist owethis Me to le fact that thmgsIIhave happenedI incredible pulcatedf eoer gchobl Wher nch in Reg 115 inner tubes with Victories won w0r1d history made rs VarerrVeHGteac VI Ir II II GVJg GdYedf lifeGUdlas Uni9 inguing 112 lifiid2ntl iin5353stoaiiagiidlrtaiiiid152 plznd the 34 airIIlong smug to the war llfeGUGIds are again In production at it This is glorious hour Six means III den olfetvhe gmcogmlgieggogrzza II II 1I4hedecrvIIimemandIIMM fiszrartsrfztsrsrssnz iii herb emarerng Isc eme 5ch prevents that 51 ning weavmgIVVV To gel these proven safe 1585 for your PM could come community Everyone of these Eunene Smith chairman of the we till WGddee9hwyk swarmirain as 5A isaslrous cu accr en II oseVW are ere onig we cut 1916 00 rave Fd MIAh FLORIDANew0rc 250 Dots 19 Tesewe self ou lmce 3818 53 was pt II VIII II mNGES 1V V21 II vi Vs eca ioumu$l riveont mworn ires panIV IV CALIFORNM EMPEROR lbs Ille Tmany far ungIgliaVe 1s tasrtlly 9f Wejdp that VOW VGLherS who spoke in IfavorVVwere for While longer make them safe fromblow many ICaSIesllnmarked and un these privileges maybe taken from Andrei Cumming and Etude OREGON 49 thihageneration In out dun ers wrlhilrfeGuardsl on case gt 1FWTh1hrhas me at 553 Cowan prCVfavaiernble DrlceV 5W3Vrme Ito 115 Concluslon Plans were made for ensurinv VI gt 15le on LlfeGUGIdS for YOU newscIar Toput out the light pf Christian which is unavOidable inI Iany tri hat all hog IproducersIIm II CALFORNM 3001I Don CAN But BETTER PRTEC T$AVE WW rt 11 is be mums 43 own surviva wasatstakeAs very air wor wt ou JseI icIa ionf IItthh II FE few generations havedone we have it the great ends which they served Eganand geraiyy te cALlVFgNVIVJPFQEBGVzfl see Chstndom Iotter on ItheV by theirVdeam are but mogkery tidgatgd Vac VI II II II VI iI II III brin of the abyss We have seen ng theirsacrifice They have Ilft BritishEmpireIGmwn le the slow andpainturlachieveneni usuoi avshrine to reverencebut of two thousand years ofMChristiain torch to carry II Fresh Qt historytremble inthe balance We IThVwar is won NOW there is gt have seen thefirst attemptin his world to build ColoSsalVtasks 63 tor to enslave mens minds equally confront us That weJaave the wilL TEXASVANo Grade lbs withtheir bodies and Vona world to attempt them has been proved thElgtgekggpgglkisaogggw 5133113 wide plan by the astonishing successof the YELLO Those who steadied things and Victory Loan completed But rQigtkitedeghfgdn62 OOKINGIbh preserved our worldshall have 31 more than money Iwill be needed of Mrslos Sheppard at Roches name among us As long as our Straight thinking stateSVmanship Point on Monday congLEIssIwAgHED civilization endures their names in community aswell as between To Him statenergy shall be enshrined in our hearts nations heroic and sacrificial ef Mr and Mrs DArcy Trombley 511 and in our temples fort mn and women big enough have DUrChaSd the CDZ Inn from MW In Vdue course we shall erect ton worlcfor greater gbals than Mr Best 311d are remodelling it in Vi Iyov puuium it VI Viniorial itoirthenh column of 111$an Arintrestsi Vgt336grigigfgogrEggyetgg TTWATESYTHETBR liruiiogierylzlizhowiifIESrvguih cufgrwrgamikioguihiiibggwfrdgesgr yeti rflllnd erlmiaem5 Wilwl ALL VVV co new lng generation and prdmtin7th prosperous our civilization be AfmgcvgtqjimcEDI years of peace the ideals they pre comes We need haVe no illusion In served in Iwar buIVt that the lesson ofthese years Nevertheless these Wm be but to challenge of free men to prove ms in no formal memorials token memory themSelves will in some shape BARBIE largo Mm Wm WINGS 5a 50 ME AN STAVHON 1315 Wm tell you What real or form for ever arise anew VI III LL