THURSDAY Nov on INTAR IO CANADA AGE mans 945 CHECKED waiff or Money tasted by cam sauerkraut walnutd luau urnelm uG krill unto Ask your IS THE BARRTE EXAMINER BARRIH uomonowonowomgl NEWS OF ELMVALE womwomn awe Olin lnlcrinesz was Hid117 wn Mtss Tcskc spent tic avastnil lira holiday at Orll Black isfl nals in Toronto last week Miss Isnbrl Cs days With her Lte Wight hunting Po Pic Ilull leave Will it Miss Rogers spent ti in Ncwnmrkct and To Morley Furlong Ila gwiw them Ollluflo In tho CE Rubllllit Midland is away ll Spent few dz family Misscs Marion his lorcnto spout for their parents Wren NS iss With her binto Calm mum mcmmou Mm in mu minor nl nun Itrltuiznd ntll Ll lslto culiy THE 1mm anoncasr on the air Monday through Friday at 1030 each morning oact CFRB Daily News of Peeple Events and Food My Make Your Selection Now llvucli rll li iiph lnws xliu Wint Bunk Irahun they re occupwd 1y Cpl l3 Strungmic ukl Ll lrrivmvtl lltntl vt tinu IIIL vllll iii lracc of lliivi lII flvllll Ill litvi null lliiric from Uttl Scottish lluziifg ltistilulr Rally Itlltfl rlltgtl Women Olfimrs which Oil Well encr Altlltl tchn ding onupli lll nod Mfrs lllll Fnllltxi Itln is tltitl Willi ll vlii vlcrlin litmud loft ulna lu Us the for cndlt lll Vininpcg unl hits to spent the Mrs II Black Elmvalc Publw attended the tcarlnrs held invliurrio on chiu and Mrs Mr ellt Sunday ntvntllvn bollle Mayog 2c It hurgt and gtlt an spxxnxzblldiw CHRISTMAS CARDS From Your Favorite Snapshot Negative In 49 III In 89 homo and lllfi Bull Air and Kerr and Lloyd Krrr tcndcd the lvlllllt funeral of in all Iicrtliur and his Mill Archic Micrailhur at Drilliii on Sunday lllll inn vl Rev Stcclc fills spout Monday at Nitlitlrovo Eius koku Dr and Mrs ll ILltlll and and VLZy plrilstll put in League Ar hole in 8219211128 mrh Dilly bismuth lwqy Bronchitis Colds Acts Promptly to Help Relieve Coughing spasms Congestion and Irritation In Bronchial Tubes Because its penetraIingrliniulating action as illustrated brings such grand rclicf most young mothers rub VztpoRub on the throat chest and back at bcdtimc ltsrarts towork at once and keeps on working for hours to bring relief Invites restful slccp Often by morning most of IN misory of the cold is gone Now dont take chances with untried remediesget grand rclicf tonight with thisximetcsted doubleaction home remedy for rc Tm 333 my no Ll bout month with lltl danglifcr Tho flIIltll scrricu homo in Tiny on ducted by Mr lllfullli who of Jo hovahs Vllnss lIlllt in Allcnuulwl incti lh pallbcarcrs wcrc s1 con Langmuir Orillizi Sumuv Wm Langmuir Stimucl and liar ry Ansley of Flos Itclalivrs tho funcrul from Toronto Barrie and Midland Her husband prodcccascd licr in 1927 She lcavcs in daughtcrs Mrs iaml of Toronto Ella at St and Ruth of mug of Sudbury 21nd lltiraco mi Allsmmod sisters survive Miss Mimi ring gtmun of chburn Sitgtl Illul Mrs Williams Filal thrcc AFc4m Hm Elmvalc lomrnx Thu Nov Iilxlil lr FALL MALL LANOLIN Preserve Your rowning Beauty with LEADING HAIR TONICS sukwoos and BRILLIANTINES vale us on llllilxiu with two visitors lilirlZl $1000 was Volvo to th lli Scrvitcs Sure to Pleaio Enluxcd From You Own SNAPSHOIS to Sue Attractive I946 CALENDAR MOUNT 49c Colored 55c Extn To Relieve Miseries of lt ltil in Mrs Suzipson Ilit projch lVllHlt Clulli ttn slrutttl by Mrs ll by Mrs llwbiil mi ll wholc and sary nqm lt ii flun why rilllllltll by licfcltlun lit for Ittfmlti will bw tlrs II II Wliitnvy and Mrs llcll TIIc Lalo Mrs las Ill50ll Followin Mrs James Lawson thc homo of ll3l Parson 745 Illuu 53 ltzxvnl on Sunday Nov ll lili lion lll was laughtcr of tho lulu Mr and Mrs Wm ll Langmuir Shc was it Wu May 23 1870 on lwl on Flm rhcrc slic rcsldcll when llf iiuv buns vcrc made inctnhcrs usin pmnlgld PAROLAGAR Relieves Chronic The SmarIuI IaID was MASCARA More Beauty For Your Eyes to coldcongested bronchial tubes with Its special medicinal vapors inc99 Dandcrine wen143 Illi mu blur Mrs not 25c49J98 Krcml Hair Tonic Vasclinc Haieronic SIM85 CocoanutOil Shampoo 19 49 Superlativcly Lovely Boudoir Set KolorBak 169 Drene Shampoo Yardley Shampoo Powder 20p mm mm Halo Shampoo Ill lll chest and back surfaces like warming com Iortlng poultico Fitch Shampoo 356998 2549 Yardleys Brilliantinc 55 Three Flowers Brilliantinc PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE The Family Favorite Ogilvic Castile Shampoo 100150 Fitch Hair Oil 25 Charmettes 69115 licvingbron chitis mis crics Try It ICKS VAPORUB hold at tit was cor Brylcrecm Interment was Black Cct Woslcy Brown 75 face Powder Perfume Toilet Water and Glass Talcum FACE POWDER with Trial Silo LIPSTICK and ROUGE Llltllfltll xillia and trionzls mourn three Psirsm VICKI IIIII AlEII InDeIightIul Odors Apple Blossom CamaIion Honcy Suckle Toronto two SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAM Softens the Toughest Beard Special 19 homcslcad Two Geo Wash Langmaii Langman Manitoba and Arthur 3n F105 of Sookaiic Ga ro Frorl brothers chburn Stlsl Enlargement for CHRISTMAS From Your Own Snapshots to Size in BEAUTIFUL BRADLEY FOLDER 3c Colored in Oils 25 Exh vi ATION ERY STAYN VANISHING CREAM rAc rowan TOILET WATER TALCUM POWDER LIPSTICK nouce reason Mr and Mrs Torrance were in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Cauthcrs arc in Alliston this week Mr and Mrs thclcr disil ed friends in Toronto last week Mrs Innes Caledon East is daughter BECAUSEITS FULLSTRENGTH cm AYERST IILIllllIIIIETTES this actirefrcsh lcpst gocsiiight to work No waiting no extra steps AndllcischmannsfreshXeast makes bread that tastes swc er is lighter finertextured every time CHEST This gift set will put sparkle in the eye of any girl SEVEN LOVELY ITEMS In theEver Popular THREE FLOWERS FRAGRANCE The NEW BONDED 9Efllifac GUARANTEED MONTHS visiting her Mrs Swint0n Mr and MrsJas Boss and fam ily and Fred Brock Colllugwood visited friends at Whitby Sunday The Veteransof World War en tertained the World War Ii voter range H211 Monday WRISLEYS BATH SOAP Fleischmannis active fresh Yeast with the famdhar yellow label DependableCanadgs tested favor ite for over 70 years ans in the eveningfl Mrs Swinton attended an At Home at Ontario Ladies Coll Whitby on Fridayafternoon Bar bara returned liometwith nor for the weekend The many friends of Mrs Gilchrist werewsorgyio learn ofthe death of her mother Mrsxhhn in Hamilton In Polished Natural Wood NEW cursxsrr BLUE and WHITE 11 350 Why Suffer From HEMORRHOIDS Use UNGU ENT NE RECTAL raw 00035 Pine lavndor Gardenia Lilac Box of Cakes POW DER Keeps the Gums PROLON ROUND cup on 51 Lis Fisher and extend ll all the churches Sun rods were ArGood Stimulating Tonic Special for 200 day morning Honor read and two minutes Silence was observed for those who had no re turned The arm a1 convention of the Simcoe County Trustees and Rate Assocr tion was held in on Saturday mpetcd in tne Manicum Implements with Bottles of Culcx Polish Polish Remove and Cuticle Remove EECHAMS LAXATIVE PILLSWi FeraI Constipation Rincf Streamlinelour Persual financ pSTOl wbnitvrno over nagging debts Put your personal nances on businesslikebasis Consolidate Borrowenoughfrom the Royal Bank to pay off out standing bills Repay the Bank by convenient inStalments Rwill give you peace ofmindand the singly 10w On $100 loan ripayable 7212 monihly instalments IVzdbnnlc Margot isr only $325 risk on suites ion our neutrinos ransom torus IPJlflgFlSHEEIIddnoglcrBARBIE BRANgH oneRoiuo CREAM nrononnur Safely Stops Prpuraitdr payers Town Hall Sta Fifteen children oratorical contest ATpilll2 appears elsewhere in this issuc There yvas quite dance at the Administrative Lead crshiptrally in the Town Hall Fri TafCETnOOIIWIIETTMTSTTtWETXC Hayes of the Ontario Womenrs In stitute Dept very capably discuss ed the Duties of0fficers Miss Lydia Small Thistletown Miss Sadie McQueen Newmarket Miss Elsie Pain Toronto Charles Hamilton Gooch Toronto Mrs iToinSoelcy Toronto and MissCo illia wgerorweekend vis friendshre The excutive dian Club and Creennire Progress Clubwerc guests of the Collinga wood Progress Club at their Nov UTIICURA so Suggestions VLISTERINE MINTYS FORHANS souusrs roo Onths 3425 215 fine atten TAMBLYN LEAD caucus SLOANS LINIMENT lkelievesi Sore Muscles and RheumaticJoints PAIMOLVE SHAVING ca AM ans 2503406 Valor Bowls 49 Valor Mens Sets 79179 ensSets SIN135 Shaving 1001V50175 pin old Robinson Mrs Iva cost Is surpri Coronas Buie 0r switli LISTERINE person CALOX wooosmzv Mlurvsa PtsEco2 libt Colgate 1164 886 Minds Brushes ayner Canaw FRUIT SALT The Plesnt Way or Kecping Fit WM vapors Intersect lg 225115450 WGillette Tech Razors 49 Razorsr79 64pr some Reg50c idol29 trop Duihar Duplen roc ORAL LISTERINE DENTALINE LAVORIS ASTRINGOSOL VIHYGIENE SANrAx nssu as bliss 29193 457513 YDRATE iOne Callong jCan 133 gt 52 Who Are Past Middle Age When mnpbnd women get past middle age their nergy and activity in many instances begin to de and thgugeneral vitality is on the wane tile ailments andcicknesiies seem harder to ly and here and there evidences it like gt STORE HOURSMora TueS Thom Frid from for 830 pm Wednesday 830am to 1230 pan Sdhudayq Slaml0 1030123 Open every Sunday 12 to pm team ePHONE 372 ahske off than form breakdown begin to appear Now is the time those wishih should take course of Milbpms They helptone up anilinvigoratetho patient by thermionic actionion gum ca 601 box 65 pills at all trude mar Rod earl on tho package The Milan Co limited Toronto Ont helplmaintain their health and our ealth and Nerve Pills INSTANTEASY DaIiciouL vIgoraIIng ass Look fortour