my BARR 21 EARRIE ONTARIO CANADA Wins Game lERHT111GEAQEs Prom Young Rangers 54 Friday Nov l1Marlhur0s 11 JUNIOR SCHEDULE Barrie Flycrs with lovely threegoal comeback in llltjBarric final six minutes of play Opened the DEA Junior raccj NW111311 Nov flgt41 51ml af Maple Lea Gardens Monday night by beating loromoEEWLS tiff favored Young Raiigers5l Red Farrells Barrie team held the city club scoreless in the first stanza and had 21 lead 511HV in the second but yielded threc straight goals Illltltvllylflgti1 through lhc final period With Rangers leading 42 Barrie Hid11 NUV 30Ynuns clinic back to tic the count and Kelvin Burnett the star 023313rff JIIWI iMAIOR GRIMMON 1943 11111101103 an AND ST 11111113 RENEW Phggg 31141 1y Hi drum FUNERALS and other GATHERIN GS We cover Barrie and district IAITI ILVES I11 Memory of Bill Liking lhc Stuff and pupils rrturnml to 1211011 lucmlay in noticmhlc spirit of soberncss A11 asseran ms Jlltfl 1121 last period in the morning in which then Vth short r1y11c 111 rrnicmhmncc of fill faking Bill was not only probatin tlul Iaxl nihlrlc of lhc school but 111 Ilangcrs =Srll1c first goal The Flycrs were nearly Ole flat for him and he took golf thc gainc staged solo effort for the winning goal Burnett an Armoured Corps trooper at Camp Bordonl played for Muzitrcai Junior really hot in Toronto on Monday He scored three goals for 31511111111 U1 How the llycrs and assisted in fourth Gordie Nccdham con inadiens tinuid 710 show big zimc class as he notched one goal for 1hr locals RECORD OIHNINE CROWD Ilziriics ncv Junior iLam playod lltfiilt 320 at the Gar dens til Monday lL liiupcsf opw tlilfly iiiszhl 111111 11 crowd in his tory lhiy pluyczl thc ccuntl half of 11 doublchcaclcr 111 9111 St Mikes I11l Marlboros 111 11 Inc firsi Home 11 110 I11 llll illiii Junior 141111 this vccl 11 ialf 1111 Iucsday iraics I1lcons coached by Ililics Ibucrson llcylt nulds pulch 613 rim1111110 win 111111 111111 111111 Whips farm club YbunI Ilanggcr bilzuost junior 1c in the groupi Iost of tho liiiys 111 11ij six fooicrs and fairly fast IhiI bulk of Ed Wildcys tcani wcrc all with him last ycar through the Aracc and so llarrics win looks all thci bcitcr The locals spunI the first pcriod gutting accusiunicil to my big crowd and the poor icc lll5111 face was all cut from thc first ltillllt as tlw Gardens do not boihcr thch junior affairs lhc puck rollcd lot and smooth llarric skaters and stick hundlcrs had some trouble Goalie Bruce lhilby loronto native and stormy pctrcl of last year with fall took quite riding from some of tho yappcrs behind him up in the blues but he laughed them Off and turned in smart effort BURNETTS GOLF SWING The second period was just nicc ly started when llurnctt scored the Detroit avc ono of Ihcf flooding between As result the all 1113111 the Ranger line on gauging attack when the Montreal llarvcy all 1111 vay vcry apparently behind the snipriScd Vollci Ilial ch Itongzcr ncilmindcz Ono minutc Iatcr Murray iifc CillilrLl 1111 puck up rutht wind and Sliltl pass over to Nocdhanz who lililtlt no mistakc in 11111111 was 11 um crowd bcforc that play and thc skcpiical and somcwhal cold toihc rustics from north Youitc slicrt began to warm up Ihcy much for Barric by xvci thc finish Rangers uni lllCll goal in 1111 iccuutl period when the local ic icncc failed to give iliilby 111111111111 covering 11p on rcbounds Ilic goalie kicked out onc rcbound but 10113111111 naich the puck and fircd it past Ihilby Ihcrcwus just thc 1111c penalty to Lund for irippin but Rangers didnt bother llnrrlc too much as Cec Cook and Ray Garicpy formed 11 solid lcrii1111il during the emergency RANGERS TAKE LEAD Eleven minutes had iouc in the final chukkcr When 111 wild scramble around the 11ct Zip Thompson finally shoved the puck in to tie the score minute latcr Rangers took the lead and lIiLlt was great llarric dispute over that allexcd goal Fans close at hand affirm that one of thc Ior onto players kicked it in the net The goal umpirc was of thc samc Opinion But referee Patterson an nounccd that one Of the Barrie players had put it in and counted Young Rangers score In an other minute the somewhat 11s Organizcd Barrie team were two down as in another wild scramble ad got the puck but it wouldnt swing at it The rubber went up in the air over the heads of the players and dropped in the twine Anderson scored andhthere was no doubt Of that one On all these three goals Philby stopped three or four before the puck finallygoi by It was amazing how long the officials let the scrambles around the net go without blowing whistle KAUPPI SHOWS STUFF But the Flyers were not trimmed then by any means Burnett team cd with Kauppi for one score at 1357 and couple of minutes la ter Kauppi scored on three way combine with Burnett and Rich ardson With four minutes to godhcrc was wild fight started down in one corner Needham of Barrie and Gagnon of Rangers tanglcdfirst ANNOUN and when McLernon of the Tor onto club moved in to help his mate Garicpy of Barrie took him on Big Joe Lund in acting this time as peacemaker picked up Thompson of the Rangers and gently deposited him out of the way The four players were given two minutes each for roughing The teams wereby now down to three players each plus goalie CEMENT MY BARBER SHOP at Clapperton 51111111 Open M2psh0Vin v1=1N 5Y5 BEAUCAMP YI P5ND last winter and was It lvl iI 1711 Friday LI11111111 Wmlncsilay Ilcc litSi athar iiiics 11 Friday ric all 11 rt lIIunilton at Bar fxl tcxlncsilay Dec llUshuw at Darric lc 14 lll1 it sI Barrie ch 11151113 llamzlfuu 511 ll lll= Young It11131 I1l 215 131 llcc Ell El 1111 Milli 11 Ill r111 lcd1111i1y Hamilton Ian Wcilncsilay Jan ItOshuwa llurric Saturday lixll iii Allchacls p111 Tllunlay Jan 21 Killiuliuts Iirlduy Ilarric Bani1 llgnin at Jan ZfrIIaniilton wa chncsiluy IvcI IYounr Rang crs at IIurric chncsduy Fol incs at Barrio Saturday llll Gall ric Saturday loh Marlboios Willi p111 Playoffs start up 1916 23 1110 at AILG 11f l1l21 llarric had Richardson lluruoll and laricpy out thcrc With all kinds of room to inanipulatc llurlt 11cft took tlic puckdnwu alonc and moved right in on llarvcy to scorc thc wimunc counter effort Up thcrc in thc bcst seats were Conny Smyiho and llap Day watchingr proceedings and they looked impressed with Burnett RANGERS WERE DONE Rangers had Couple of min utcs left but thcy couldnt comc near the Barric nci Anderson and Thompson were best for Young Rangers whilc Burnett Fife and Kauppi stood out for Barrio Mauno Kauppi showcd somc lovely speed and stick handling as he carricd the puck from end to 0nd many times Fife showed nice hockcy and lots of fight out there on right wing Farrell alternated Lund Gar icpy and Cook on the dcfcncc 110 Used Kauppi Wilkes and Mur ray Richardson on one line while Burnett Nccdham and Fife were on another line with Kodatsky al ternating at right wing Don Gil hoolcy who was with Oshawa Boos last winter made his debut with Barrie He looked good when he was at centre in the last per iod Bome 5Rongers Maple Leaf Gardens Nov 12 BARRIEGoaL Philby defence Lund Gariepy centre Richardson vi11gsKauppi Wilkes alternates Cook Burnett Kodatsky Need ham Fife GilhOOley YOUNG RANGERSGoal Har vey defence McLernon Crawford Iccntre Thompson wings Gagnon Pidherny alternates Anderson McMurray Ringer Drysdale BOI ton Elliott OfficialsReferee ClIflOn Pat terson linesman Jack McEachern FIRST PERIOD gt No scoring NO penalties SECONDPERIOD Barrie Burnett Barrie Needham Eric Young Rangers Gagnon Thompson PenaltyLund THIRD PERIOD Young Rangers ThomDSDn Pidherny Bolton 1113 230 440 650 Young1 Rangers Anderson 1248 IS Youn0Range1s Anderson Dryslllale Ringer 1302 Barrie Burnett Kaupp 1357 Barrie Kauppi Burnett Richardson 1413 Barriekurnet PenaltiesGagnon with ling for cilnrsilay Jan 2iull at Ilur 111 iiitl 111 111 ioz Satluilay Fcl ll Harric at rliu iiiSt uthurfz 111 1311111 111 cdncsday Fol 20411111 at Dar bcauuful Ind also fznc scholastic round It was his mccplional sportsman ship in sludics and Lllllltllln 11 ll 1111111 him admired and nuurited by ululls and slIiIcnis ilikr Iiiiis quality of making light of Ills Dun rihicycnirnls marks him its our standard urll north striv Ulltll Housi ilt1iv11i ivI1cl1 v11 lfoil it 11 1111 111m v11 11111vv and izitcicsij 11115111 Tiaii 1i Ilti Lldl 1li T1111 11 Mi 51L 11l1v 111 IE Iva1vr ihc 111I 1111 liicj can W21 1l1 lric til 111l illiiily 111 11111 llxt 11111111 own c1111 lullti ll1l 11oult 111111 Thrlsiian Icllowship lvan 1111111111L has 11111111111c1l h1 ll1c 111c1rhool lluiriaau lcl planiuiu 1111vctv udyni illlll11llllti5ili askcd to plcasc watch for 11111111111c11culs as it cull Iporsiblc lu 1c11l1 c11yoi1c by CENTRAL039A Mis John Mctuaiu spcndarz fcw days at havcnh Miss Laura fylcllaiu is spculla fcw days with Mrs lh Ilotc Wu 111 pleased to lllll 1h 13 Arr Andrcws is home from 11 1spl1l in Ilarric Flcltllcz Mrs Archzc Fluicii cr lIHlL Mr and Mrs lat Dunn rillia Mr and Mrs Alex Ciiriic Mr and Mrs Archie Curric ill lia ss Myra McArthur Ioronto Mr Earl lllawdslcy and lillliillllli Flora Gravcuhursl lcaisail and family 1vcrd1ndav visitors Recent tors Mr and Mrs Ar chic Woodrow and family Mr 211111 Mrs Cavanagh and daughter Mr and Mrs lack Snider and son Toronto Mr and Mrs Eldrcd Clark and sons Miss Ethel McNabb at Reids Mr and Mrs Ray Slus sor Dalton and Glen Mr and Mrs Lciuhton Slss0r Mr and Mrs Jack Slcssur and Judy Mr Hid Mrs llov Gonuh Marjoric Miss Jcssic lvchrthur Will Dav Mr and Mrs James Mcachcr and Vivi 111 Alex McArthur Marian and Tommy at ilIcArthurs Mr 11111 Mrs Clark Horne and baby 111 ll Paislcys Mr and Mrs George Douglas Brandon spcnt several days last week with Mr and Mrs Huch Hutchinson cntral Church Anniversary Two very successful services 91 held in connection with Ce11 ral Oro anniversary when Rev Thomson Toronto 21 former $311711 11 VIIIII LAKIXU Ilc Icavcs 21 11111111 ory that will ln an inspiration and licncdiction BOND HEAD ozl 8111111 $30 for anorial Ilall 11 11131 ll tho lill funl of 1311 1111 II Vrcalhs crc Ilaccil l1i1 11 cluu 11 hold 11 l1 I1111151111l11 1111 1311 1I wcrc plowd HI and lack Wilwi mi from 1ccas was zivcn 11 ll ton Illil11l appupr11c itt lc hold 11 cacli 11f lic two Cllliltlit HMS Itcllni liiu vacubcl litzaikofipyln mutton of inc lTnurd lMS hold at 311s llrclhcis on Nov ll with Mrs llrodcricii and Mrs 11 I111 Ino prowl311 was ill ii1t ship gt1i1l lhc c1 tlic financcs in good condition 11 Sponsiblc for lunch 11 Mission burs who aucnded IIvlnitlll1l mccliuu uavc hricf talks on Thanksgivmu roadinu by Smith was followid by givuzc pzaycr by Mrs 11111 fine talk on Africa 111111111911 with map was divcn by Mrs llroiicr ick Mrs Wail cavc O11 lhicutlship Roll call 1s swcrccl bv 23 mcmbcr nd two visilurs Lunch cd 1w Group and Ill usual so al half hour cnjoycd Several outstandim vcapons dc vclopcd by Canadian scicntisls luring thc war wore on tho soc1 list at VJDay Anuinu thcsc arc scnsufioiial armourpicrci11d 511011 new 211 mm antiaircraft cannon and waterproofing proccss for military vehicles which could vir tually transfoun them into 1illplll bious craft minister Of Essa Road Church Al landalc was the preacher for 1110 day Charles Stephenson wassolo istin the morning Miss Patricia Crawford and junior girls choir sang at the night service Since Twent tree gt you and me to know 30 rJeThewgrass is just as green at play Were sporting just as we gay with snow Gariepy Needham Iabskueiv Sunnidqle Climate Norman IlGiffen is visiting in TO ronto Miss Mirelda McIntyrevis visiting with friends in Hamilton Mrs Rule is visiting Mr and MrsGedrgeBuie Toronto Mrs Frank Nevllsspenta fcvr days with her sister in Toronto MisSes Gertie and Laurine Mar tin have accepted positions in T01 ronto The YPST met ihthe churchlon Tuesdayevenipg with Marie Glitch IDIEWTAILSHQLP vans sYSTEMf 111111azw mowup sheared OFF atyabottom 21 vldomnoroiv La polnmoua 1A3 Blontcdwoin from 5106 woo Hoovilymlmriw 35911 mung totem cu vldo racyoral hundrod crowd foot MZ Slanted Vain Brewing trocod IT Hopviig mmorciizod in charge Topics were takeh by Jebm Bates arid Wilfred Giffen Weekend and Sunday visitors were Miss Betty MCIcodwith Mrs national1r bou 2590 noviriga million cm Va rmgorsrtonooutt wldo giA cod forobout 200 Ivm ggimh from cmcffr an new about 1226 QA far about 115333me of about Lgbzminiotrohmbnnnwmm domecl Jerrir 12b ninth th runnln toommotringom 10211911 Jmld iMimmiizod sfrom mnof Znsnvidofrraud 1Egr aboriginal rims Monaco misuse 1mm memos1mm Will McLeod Mr and Mrs Firth Egland Stayner wi Mr and Mrs Milne Mr and Mrs Wilf UOhnston cind family and Miss Laurine Carruthers Collingwood atEdgarCarruthers Mr and Mrs Norman Brown Malian and Dir othy BatesToronto at Melvrlle Bates Remembrance Day Service Remembrance Day service was held in ZionChurchOn Sunday Nov 11 Baskets of flowers were placed in memory of those who had paid the supreme sacrifice Jack Lemon Norman MartinStevc Malbaum twominute silence was observed and the remaining aiiies on the Honor Roll were read solo was sungvaiss Jean ZGampbell fVictory Is Here and replaced LBXLQEW 011851 very defaced But the same old to and fro But none were there to greet me Affordedius sllng place ust The old schoolihousfis altered some the benchesarer like the Ones our pcnknives Amsterdam in thethlicrlands is famous for lianmnd cutting Delft for pottery lllllILlif for coal WWIONOIWNOMIM we Ig Led K81 1y Years Ago Ive wandered to othe village TomIve sat beneath the Upon the schoolhouse playing ground which sheltered Tom and fewwereleft That played with us uponyth green some twentylyears dear Tom barefootcd boys did themwith spirits just as But the master sleepsupon the hill which coated per twenty years ago had logs are in the walls the bell swings The music just thesame dear Tom tvvas twenty years ago Spreading beech Is very lowtwas onceso reach Add kneelingdo so togeta agO gone LTO seapow much tliatl amichangedsince twenty years The spring thaibubbled neath the hilliclose by the that rwejpcoulld 111111151 Vdrink dear Tom started YOud be surprised to see Deaerom sowmany Old firms Butfvtherejis One that never failed but grows and prOspers on Its servlce still the know 1Twas HaroldHill who started there just twenty yearst ago They say that courtesy to men thousand yen To see car owners driving very bestbuilt up by one you all quick service expert Have made that businessgrow and thriveYoud giVe out theireyes with pride 1111111 5111111 in illll1 of pr 1111111 The Burton and Mrs llrcihst wcro 111 Band lcccmbcr mucliniz will 1l Mrs Suihcrlands IIicvcu menu thcy considcrcd Ihc l1iithlil Thanks Johns 730 held atRuth rocks Friday might Ila l111111ol lliii I111 lo of low hullimili BORDEN STUDIO IIZ Dunlop Strcct Illliltlll OJIONIOI Ionic Jolllvrot IIOIJOO wootowcooo40voovoooooooooo4oovooma 1i 1i Simch 1111 Murilloios liu illllil 11ml Imiviall l11l 1l11oi gt1iiilil ail iooilmll 1112111 lavl lic11c Andy ill1o111pson Lllil I11l1 11d lliihiin luv of 131121 lics ilttftllt1 ilaulmllogip Word for Si Mivha LsliuHcrs lur 5tttif ll l111io chanigr Marlboro iazuc 11111111411 c1u bit Qo b11111 1111tcl1 Barrio 1c111 v1l ltl szulcr all the way It will i1 us lmc on what 1111 cxpccl 1111111 SI ilil1 lllllfl Olll lIllI CHAIRS chl lcdzusday iiill llarrio Awuu will ho linl to 1111 IiiIf fanuiiiau llc11111rial Yup 181 Michacls Collcgc Iiic Majors still terrihc tcain lcspitc ihc loss of many of last scasous 1kcy pIayfiS of tin pluycd 111111 clcau S1 M11111 and you 1111 In uoal they have lat Bochincr iratcd by many thc bcsl junior pfoiilit 111 the country Tcdi Mc lcau star dcfcnccrnan is still with ihc tcam his fr111lhscason in 1111 lior lhrcc of last years hillh scoring forwards are also onhand Johnny Blutc Tod Sloan and lcs ogttcllo Thcy vscrc all 11p with tho lttillllf point itctlcrs lust ycar 11llil hclpcd thcinsclvcs 111 ucncr ius measure in tho openingI 111111 with lllzlilbolos Two new players who havc Come to St Mikes to furlhci ihch edu cation or hockey carccrs arc Ilcining MacNoll star of last ycars Eastern Canada finalists hlonfrcal Royals and Roy McKay from South Porcupiuc but more recently in the army lhen Ave know many of thc other players who were with Si Mikes Buzzers last winter twice visitors to Barrio for games with the Colts Thcsc include Warren Winslow George Scholcs Eddie 1Harrison Eddie Sandford Pat and the sub goalie Bob DcCourcy Some of the coaches around the Gardens on Monday were telling 3us the Flyers can Mikes bunch if they dont ct careless and go off on wild rushes or try to follow the puck all over the ice The Majors are not so big but they rarefast and have shifty plays And from what we jsaw of rthem in the opener they jlay on alot of boarding elbows isiicks etc Some of the boys knew lhey carried the champions llabel and acted as if lhey didnt lwant any Of their Opposition or Ithe fans either to forget it CRAIGHURST 2f Mrs Hodgson is home from ironic Knox Church To selvice 7730 St Sorry to report two more cases of chicken pox Miss Elvelyn Baker Barrie spent the weekend at home JamesFraser Toronto spent the weekend atBvCastons Miss Mary Morrison Barrie was home for the weekend Mrs chCracken is visiting friends in Port McNicoll Miss Caldwell spent the long weekend in St Catharines Mrslohn Ward 131Fiosyfsitea withMr and Mrs Cliff Bell Mrs Malone isspending some time at McCrac ens We are all gladiov xelcome LCpk Charles Craig home rpm Overseas Mrs Sanvidge Midland is splend iug fewldays uth Mrs Hodsssor YbungPeop es meetinz will be MrgBrooks Toronto spent Sat urday with and Mrs Harry Brock JamesFraser Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bert Caston Mr and Mrs BerbSheffield and Maurice have returned from Kap uskasing Mr and Mrs Harry Brock Ruth and Ted visited in Stroud at the weekend Miss Jean Hicklinc is staying with Mrs Addison while Mr Addi son is hunting Mrs Blueman has gone to Barrie to spend the winter with Mr and Mrs Hickling MlsslVIarion Dwinnell scent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Norman Dwinnelll lin11o11owltl gt1i11111f 11f Education has proI 111111c1s hold this St SHANTY BAY 5111 111ml uhic11ly 14111 f1n1 F14awwa 600D Lisl 11llflio Cars Wm l11211111111 111111 Harold Hill 3111cl1111111al 1l11c ic 1311 il1 influcnic liatlii proscnco in 1111 5355 Iiiiz St Phone 4035 Member of Barrie Chamber of Commerce 1111111111o ilii 1I1 ililfl ovci filliltc lliiilili 11f Ilic Classz 11111 is ptllt Il 1lt111 1lil 1gt1 Majo 1111 111 111111l Illiil p1111l 1o whoa 11111I bioadc1stsl goolloltrllwtd 1r aorooortowacoroomwm4rotncocrcaworuoi Amateur Photographers THE BARRIE CAMERA SIIOP 71 Elizabeth St Phone 4014 HAS COMPLETE STOCK OF FILM IIIOIO FINISHING DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Developing equipment and chemicals for the Amatcur ll Ilcrt JOHNSON WmcnooNtooo to nrooooomoonmonulourmm SKATES SHARPENED by the modern method Bring them to URRY BROS BAYFIELD ST DIAL 3874 Members Barrie Chamber Of Commerce 14 3c WWNWWWNMWWW BLAKE LAMONT IS YOURNEW VAIMIPERIAL DEALER 222 BRADFORD sr TIRE SERVICE AND ATLAS TIRES TRY theimOst conveniently located servrce station on Highway 11 for attention to lubrication fneland radiator se1 Slice lFORMEREYDALTON WWHITEVSI READv FOR THE srRAiNM or 1115 fLDONr DELAYl BRING 1r IN Now wron WINTERIHNG super PYBQ RED INDIAN and AMImoor 1rusnicaurs forAIiLMWKES 77gt4 aglow IFor Harold Hill has meant smarti deal since twenty ycgm ago AAS slostedltvhtnnn1wido lluet by Leslie Walkerand Norman mm Tavwwvnu pliver Have Thine Own Way new is as VEIEAUlIEU lWill 3155055 wme ron IniORMMION ouacri EXITRA SP0 Ms ON 55911111111 reroute Early copy is great help 3in producing The Examiner News and advertising copythat comes in on Wednesday always runs Apologiesto Dill ASm1lh chance of not getting into 111s 2nd section WWnIIOoiooatouWWpaper the 33m Weel HARRIS Ltd Garage Dial 2437 Parts analyseth vs