n5 Nov 51 Let by the EU 811111 II II IIHHI Lu me mam pmmd mm Ll mIllllIltlllldllll Milt 0th its Quota and West Gulillnr II va IIIIIIIIII III1IIIIIIIf IIIIIILIIIIIIIIIII II Jew it tum le0l Uylllim lilyM 200 CE Almohh 016 no 05 01 where servlce was conducted by bma 51 nillImCllmlllleS West GWllllmblliy obtained the lllgli on iiukligln oi X11i Rev AIIIBewell Among the est per capita result in the County litit in inniy Itl 1111 llt ol the Vetelim 50 Barrie brine the lowest ii lrrcwt lumltm cwr ilclvi in II III III II II IIBIIVCd in two wars many thI VI DJ 11 ralsct the 131 1051 II II IIII 91 fjlffl If BF WC FIN GIL mm amount of money Willi 51001850 There are still some more III II II I00 500118 ticiota 111 81 Anuiiu liUltli lialllc Nov rcturm to be undo 511W 01 Hmlulg to Leonard v1 on lii1d1l 13 With it cool EllltlidJllCC 01 1010 3nd several ICm me 52 SI efocu that there Wx be 33100 ll11 litv MilieuEl Allin tlilll hm 1II it $3111 timi istcrc and elders conference was lfld GlCiltIWitr Pillildt if manmud 110mm or 9L Vlcmry Loan bonds the 0011013 lliIWlllill UltICtl filllutllilll 14311011 zltill 111 the slopes of the Blue MM wnm purpose and Value of ciuded officers and men ill khaki TawnI II SIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IImIIgwIIIIdI Ihe izlllIiill illcgillg SWIIIiCCIIl RICK Amy the blue 30111119115000 lid exceptionally well Although losing the I1liI Allan Ilclgittril Ithc vcuIlk KZJ 31min lzi bani or shotgun tlc lttt ruyer ee mg de Airman lmn with 400 Him the noon Lurllli tlc glow heilzld l1t2 cllrin for tho WI Ir RI egg introduced the Rev Mr Bewell Ill veteran of mlployeeb Tum IOSmgImm em war and statedthat they now hail Kgiftlv of Ruininf pct deer who subject mi several took parlI The the First Great War conducted the 310 10 mbwood Ishlpylldb this town WM 410001 till lulizcsl clrlvspolllticlice school 213in lrrlizrkmg 10m behind hmI ifll motion was that the Sum memorial and wreaths were placed 1088 population than Barrie raisod over million dollarsl ill 1111 world in also snolm or 1111 11 ll tlltd in iiilllrl1 lllI my mum omce Slump not on on tth Cenotaph folluwmll II CUlllngWODd raised more money in the 9th Loan than Barrie whimc 11mm sermcx at 112111ti iii the sciiioqllickly On his ly he ltllllllttl but made more 111111105 510 MR 10111 in any previous loan 41 imidlitll ll itlllllltttll be was 1th by two 13 rim or Representatives of the following Nib MC Iow wv 01th NH 51 it Highest salesman in the 9th Ltllil was rthur Kneesh WWh Wn inhemilier but organizations placed wreaths Iro lormlto barrister and veteran of it Mn mm Hm 11 IMH RCAFv work lllltl gtl lit flL libtlnlcla with of he Clam5 and the congregation Vince of Ontario lnnlsfll Iown two wars who has been llalnedi mmer he Dbl3111511 290 per over arrived back lll any country yum My ff at high 5W3de generally RWI GI 1y1rMumaI ship Vcspra Township Brunch Sheriff of York County The pin cent or 111501101311 second was 811011101 110W salesman Lloydi where they were ilin hotter v11 om it his my benching was elected Moderator 147 13231 IllCdIieIs LIAUXIlLiIIHy llIlsSIbchItI IIleclelit Surge the dIcleth Hughes in Essa with 281 per cent EI GI Beam10 NotmwasugnH luxury om in junndaf IIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIiIIcIIIIv mm me xi Six mmmsI cginnm 8551 lwallls 11 ions 1111 rerl lane ill had 275 ml cent Chm mm wk 11 Wth mud Jain 1946 The folnnwinli minmg ddteuowsI Rebekah Orange 194 1141le CUWWM has been WI of II W01 mm mm Im 10 illISIIIfliIliilIILI IIlIlbIIOEIIVaHing due Assistant Adjutant and Quarter mmow was ldo 111 legardlng certain illlJtlun ltllllllllllll liliillnl ls II II menbmS DWI have recent 1c At the conclusion of the schlcc masterGeneral at Camp Borden second to noilo Vi lllt llttlillli All m30110 1111 rddblm 942 lillltllbtdlltttl the lam tllt bounds or retired mmh vcmm nu Sales of This Time IIW HM WW model 1042 car The Pmbytery Barrie loNF ded Comm 11th Chlmh Canvassing Dist Objective To Date Object 8th Loan KENNETH Num mo mm plioliii call to Game Ovc with regret the serious depletion of Major Jarrett ll padre ill Youngcct HIM iUmnm who lllIiIlNtl We are ill the atomic lllzc II III GI DI mm summ III mks III the mm retirement IWII WIIISI was the Speaker and he Rome Population Ioiiilliinoiiry 178000 348800 10113 155000 Wm II III IIIIIIFIIWIIIII SIIIICIII IIHIIIM WIVIIIII IIIIVIII IIIiIIIIIIIIIIIi iIIiIIIiil IIIIIIIIIII III IIIII ICIIII of three of its ministers delivered stirring memorial ad Show to Be SSS 190000 359850 18941 1457oolplowinc llliitll l1llt of llll lllosl 01 im MmyH llltillll Illtltlillflill constables litllelEGossclin and ALHow dress Referring to the wars as Tottenham 49000 90550 18409 45000 jiiiriiisimu m1 Wimp Wms 1111 Siltnkm $1110 111 Was 0051 Kim and AII Cullingvmom and and the translation of another 410 years of bloody carnage out The exodtls which some pcopx 4I Bradford 142000 2415100 16908 126000 the day He will tllc prize for Md Wm 10 With 11 dwjn 11K mde car and lholnson too distant field of of 30 years Rev Mr Jarrett re predlctcd for Home after the wr 5I Amston 180 000 305 000 169 43 1596001yoliupcst plounliin also class im ltll 01 NV 1111 Clllzldlnll 11131100 Ilpplmmndcd Joseph Guodcmld laborI DiI Thomson was not with laied that he had been called has not been very extensive as Collinmvood 605000 11692750 168231 751050Ib5 and MS mm would have it membership of half CIIIIIIIIIIIIIm Imd Jackson wade us very long but he showed himself war monger by the press for hav lCttlICCd the 1001110111111 by 0111 Kenneth Vltgtlliillll ltlcNilbl isitlui mmm WNW mm li 111 drumlN ftcr severe good llCsbthl Willi ll SOlllld lng Called tO ill1911mm the lianch 500 Inmsnl 245000 400100 16015 2151950 older son of Mr and Mrs DutiLlefl million ml Wlulgdfltlnl tillcstiizliillg bv the ofcer knowmdgc or Churdl law and pro OHOWing 10 FlrSl Groin WHY IYCl 10 1505511S figures 101 194111 01001110 DICNHM 01 lltllllVIllt $215 itll IV lmllncnl may hf mo lotulClllld 211111 11ch finally lldlllll ccdure Mr Gosselin came to this here he was again utter httVlnlI Im 101133 will thCIlO 011 194 Tossorontio 76000 116000 15319 36850 years old in AMI 27I Iivhg 35 11111111021119017 II mi shunting mp dem c105 Presbytery ill 1929 and served with scrvcdfour years overseas in war SWWS 11 1100111111011 10132 10 Staynm 140 000 206 300 147 34 lpnundg and his height is cm lilnpltitmlll tiltI 01111111 110111 HIM Wm mgmmc Show gigat acceptance in the parish of more terrible than the first 11 Tocumsmh 178000 260050 14606 inches Fm me hm In mm influence the Legion couldI tltll IUIIIdtd with N00 ISL MON Harbor he had be 01 IWo notes bring you its the Slmcoe County Council 12 Adhh 80000 114600 14325 61550chnrs he has been driving llltlfaln Imm lblw hon mm It Aidlolloh lllC deer is wtilivini 1130ch 13 Llmebcame Myth Shdn preaCh old to be mm 595510 0f the 194 13 Blillf 125 000 1001850 142 35 10 Am hm is In 30 110211IIjlli0 31LII$mr it is 111 ll SfiltlllS condition wrth ImmI had 00 fair to the men in thelr graves Simcoe County Council will be 63550110 plowch Willi it llc has beetliTIl II II IICImy pickles 51101 imbeddcd in dillned 1896 and 03 had 5P First let lne sound note of held next week with warden Helm 14 VCSDFa 165000 228200 13829 130000001 01111041111111 115101111 llilll0W Imfv WOOL um its head and neck nearly hats ll IcIentulz ln thetacve thanksgivingthank Gmi The bed Barker in the Chain 15 Begum 51900 59350 13705 4537001111141 010 His 01001011 NCXsignallllm mm mp 01 1121111111 was it from born on the minis 1y owzll came humm in yemx 15 1h OH II temmve in 1939 He had been 0I second to lInote IIy It session VlllIIopen Monti 16 Sunnldale 140000 187550 13390 112000 IIlII 10401 CIII the young veterans and smd slopes of tilt Blue Mountains ldol note of shame One great 95 afteiloon at two ociock Novem 17 10 1110 100 515015 DUI Spllll and seemed to prefer the dumcd 1903 hcse brethren son learned from the war bcr 19I Them will be the CIISIOIW twilbtlgtt 256000 336950 13158 210900 0th and Jmm Kemwth is hoped the Biimc Legion would Ilo IIIIIIQZIIC IIIC III III WIIIOII fIIIIIII rendered fnimfiIil Service and while was th evil proved itself magm my winding up of the yems busi II made SI Edmwnln SChOMI of whiChIon from 5I1I1piiptI12IioI strfInuthf foilIM III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIICIII MIIIOUEII II XIC WIT 1012 r91119mnItI gm licentb efficient and goodness was ness for the County $3060000 06155900 15545 sill7341850 lllrsI Robertson or Stilyner is lllCI3213IIIllsIIoafIIrflhsto had mm been kept in conne ac mmS ry We em magni icentl futile Who will deny Igt cooler lt gt ihcmlioymmitofmrlw vim offlilo easksd Army 501000 81405 300 25040 $1270 050 00 Who MEXm fhgi3337123110110033010 31311500 trement and we aso ope at icy were va cuntr they may yet be able to renderlthgeecggg 33639qprcrzgjogeggie RCAF 55000 101700 18491 124500 OVCIIOOMHK 10 13111110111001 01 lugggxrghdn is due MI Wilson much 11 11b ser the heaven tt tted th 11 011 ii culck rehensmn of the re 30 ereI ere 8V TM Baker was thanked by 01 10 till II Cilrv announced that GI had tics in every country and the Tom Knh secretary of the Ba offenders in 11115 case stated been gdsmned by Guelph resby forces of evil and graft were brim Sales Same time Irie Legiol lGame Overseer Buie Not havmg mini over We were racing from pencil Wilson scratched the ItciIresiIthsft gigghgagorazgcgnMglIsuccess to success with false CagggstgNDlst Iggbgbo togggItI Ollbglj lastlzitglsg number of the Offenders car In the false security 100 irravcl on the side of theroad with mom ere peace an mug Emu on the mme uh jOUIIIdeWmeetinagd IIIfStacjgIleIfjnNzilI The Speaker spoke Strongly Andrew Cumming Reeve of Matchedash 10000 15100 1510 10000 oor while gm ladies 0f the mu screwdriver and when he phoned QQI to conslder the sameI against the pacists of the period Vesme was electedpresident of F108 125000 187250 1498 128500 some 200 hog muducers in this iliary were making final arrnnge he was me I0 $1 the Ponce VI before 1939 They did not want we Sjmcoe Cow Trums and Midland 800000 1154550 1443 817900 district met at the Legion Hall lnmcnts torsovim the great throne PET 5125fsiifn50 to make any sacrifice They want Ratepayers Association at the am om 105I000 142400 4356 98100 Barrie last lVIilndny ight to hem Soon after seven oclock the din Efrhfl IpIll II ptm Sm onstrucllon ermlfs ed to dream of afalse Utopia They id about the propost hog iYillkCllll Tum 10 Page 51X 9198501 15 dys unpor mm conven 19 tayner 65v000 smegma1271 59450 ed Bule Always get that num Are Necessay We dsoors to ewlheeunfri 135 Salulday He succeeds Rev Orillia Twp 100 000 125 750 1253 94 050 mm SW pplwal bcr and description of the car II II II lt Buildings Over $500 lvrreoliglye on Gemge Morrison 0f Wyevale Goldwater 55 000 51 350 1224 59550 plan Vim9d 1m em VHages Graves IOssible Tl usually the Speakmg fit the 01058 of the af mesa WW 01 of 048 Canadians in policetheir first and best clue to Turn to negative Please temoon sessmnI MrI Cumming saidI Orlllla 1275000 1547800 1214 1250750 of the scheme before lezlvmg tho walk on Mr Buie stated that emnul 10 persons hafe been Its too bad weve got so many 10 Penetang 265000 311400 1175 270150 in Vvtes may be cast up until One French Cemetery it Cm ff Charged the local ManglliileS Pensions empty chairs helle todayn He in 11 Medonte 85 000 96150 1131 Dec me 15I mm 15 Court before Magistrate CamerOn dicated that if Ih meetIII Iwas to 650 Similar meetings are being held CIIff rd Foster Timn SI Ito fine of $200 oi three months for erecting buildings costing more Granted by Board 12 Vietorla Harb 45000 49850 1103 40800 ii rs 111 $8011 01 both talk about livestock there would FOUDlOUl SlmCUC County 111d the has letter from lady in Flance than $500 Without first obtaining be more interest th 13 wan3UShen3 45000 49300 1095 40350 whole province this week 11 one 04 mudr case occurm near permit from the Controller of Con thl th Ola ga 14 we Osmo W0 gus few years ago when petI strllction In each of these cases hepmorl me nitloth A1 ermg to alscuss the educahon 0f my 80000 82550 132 72100 The plolm has the acuve 5m the grave Of her bmther Cpl deer belonging 10 J00 COChrane ge enswns an ers hid port of the Federation Dr Aalicui k1 Jme Tell am W10 was lie on was k111ch The Offender 31th glfczig rgroifne Barrle appeared Iowan Board was held fItIhthe Mr Cumming spoke in favor of $3125000 $4010050 1283 $3099750 tleand me Of thespeak am 6v 19442 and general View Of the time served gaol term Reuben DenhisATomnto who er $2 Swusiein aNiyagims if the larger high SChoolarea as ex WuhachlIllded Isle ihis crgatnzatiomcemetery angursGiueS herc1JuL III II II II ccted boathouse and wharfat pp 931 by 50rdnDull He No 26 or TO 32000 888 am 11W View ebde 204 Canada NEW 4LANE ROADTOCARRY Benn Ewrt and LIII BI bI mothers allowance and the allow stated that the rural puplls were 50 2777 41450 courtly dddICSSCd the meetmg at ed in action on DDay 1944 Al 75 OOOVCARS DAY SAYS DREW who erected dancohanmatalgi ance was recommnded in each not getting fair deal andadded Since the above figures were compiled another $67000 haSIBBIIlIIlleN together this cemetery containSi case ewmz same place were eaCh ml 5100 There were 44 new applicatibns that the country peeple were to been reDorted to add to the Slmcoe EaSt lOtaIS 11 mp med the on the remams 0f canadldm killed Addressmgthe Canada ASSOC MacLaren Barrie appeared for Mr Isaac Lindenbaum who erected plebaum was charged with erecting summer cottage at Belle Ewart Shewas represented by 72 gef the was heldat Allistoh on Sturday Nov 10 with Ian ailgtime high at tendance of 60 boysand girls re of those taking part were mem gt homes season This is firstIme this Ge Fa RIF cbrlstI Chap Bro Rev doorI 256 4648 Iglven to every Barrie Irnan and we Iwho have returned Ito their 13011113801100 hashele 01911 10 girls Togd lilfordlq agnzFggis tilt islmlmr RsNag Wm RUSk Dance New Lowell Hail Nov 21 man Who has setveg hemmed Members Of the TOWn Council and this additionjidded keen ln composed of PatVOLeary ltusei ZLSNG Clelanq RfsVG wm auspices Womens Institute forces whose name 15 ladekm attended the function 1me telfESL and Charlie Church stood first Clarke LsylG RCorbettt sts Groves orchestra Admission to the Town CIlefk the 17913395 and the friends and Ross BeattieI Siaynen was me withIavsore 2246 points out or McKenZlel 1155 Wm Craig 50c and 35 46p Already 250 ciVlc awards of merit acted as ushers Church Egbert high in the Novice section Ross Beattie was alsthe second with 760 points but there with Score of 759iIhisis quite THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7125 Copies E+ 82nd YearNo 46 +EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15 1945 Section lPoges to BAR RIE 1160105014290 +++++++++ 0111311011010 Fallen of TwoWarsl pa 350 Veterans Enjoy Honored on Nov 11 IArrniIIsticeIBanquet 9th Victory Loan Total SimcoeWest $6155900 Resultis for Slipcoe west in the 9111 Victory Loan areileyoud Honoring the inmnory of the expectatian The tom Of 361155300 is 55 per Cent greater 11141 Titania your mm 01 um I5 100 3mm than the objective and far exceeds the amount raised in any or llJlill rial Llgtitl 14011 ln paraded to the Cenotaph til the preVlous loan More than 10000 individual purchases were gitzinhnc lllliltllitt and only moll loslOfflcc Square Sunday innin 11121110 rtltll li ltil local lli1tll of the ario legislation vhichwoilld per mit 11 Hog Marketing Act to be put intoeffect He pointed out that the cheese producers whole milk producers and others have al ready taken advantage of the leg islation If the program is approved by twothirds of the hog producers in Ontario they will obtain rights similar to those now in effect for milk producers and others board would be set up with three Turn to page 51 please blame not the town people At the morning session there was an attendance of about 100 in cluding 15 oratorical contestants andvtheir friends About 30 WEE present after the public speaking contest results were announced in the afternoon GordonDuffin of the Dopartmem of Edication asked for support of the larger high school area He oointed out that in Toronto there was $200 pupil for high schools whereasthe amount in rural areas was as low as $50 He suggested the larger area in order to obtairi larger gilleminent grant If Canada istohld its place wanton give rural pupils an opportunity Normandy between DDay and the end of August Mrs Fosters bro ther is believed to have been kill ed on the beach at Bermires two miles from Courseilles We are very proud to have your soldiers in our ground said the letter Very frequently men and women of the villages school boys Iand girls with their masters go to the cemetery with flowers and flags We lay flowers on the graves and we think of your brothers who and costs In the latter case iation of Tourist and Publicity Bureaus in Toronto on Thursday Premier Drew stated that the superhighway between Toronto and Barrie will be able to carry 75000 automobiles per Viday when completed he said more than double the number of cars travelII ling between these points before the introduction of gasoline ratiOn mg Premier Drew said no country in the world can compare Iwith sleep nowimNorlnandy and LllCLCanada when 1t Comes natufal came here for our freedom resoqrges Hdwevgr he sald he rmm Dominlon has relied too much on ShwW rpmmmmf by maturmfoLattractiug tourisgs the National Film Board on the for old age pension 40 of which were recommended two held over foitffurther information and have refused The applications grahted arefrom the following Alliston Barrie Collingvlrood Midland Oriliia Tottenham Victoria Harbour Essa Twp F105 Matchedash Medonte Notta wasaga Orillia Twp Dre Sunnidaie Tay Tecumeth 17 Tiny vcspra I1 There were the usual number of applications for increase and re Iconsideration and the board had an exceptionally heavy session iuIuH WONDERFUL BARBIE RESPONSE To the Citizens of Barrie The Ninth and most successful Victory Loan to date in Barrie has just been completed It is triumph not Iforany single group individually but for the citizens of Barrie as aIwhole The wonderful response from the people of Barriaugurs Well for the future of our town Itifndicates that ourpeople have faith in the future of their community and their Toiintry er behalfwof the National War Finance Committee ofyour town would liketo eXpressthethanksof our rganizatiomtcuyou all IYours very sincerely Birnbaum and in both cases plea of guilty was entered Stewart KC appeared for cottage at Belle Ewart and after entering plea of guilty Mr Lin denbaum was fined $50 and costs In the othercase Mrs Bessie Ap and entereda plea of not guilty Cowan She was convicted and fin ed $50 and costs All of these par ties obtained loan1501101111 per mits and stated they were not Ware that they were required to IICI lIIIlIIOIAIlIOllu gi Paraguayjs population is chiefly Tliemain oi the Opening dance at Baxter 011 Frl Mulbollands Moun taineers Will furnish the plus ic 4545 Dance Nov 16 New Lewell Hall community Enterprize Willough bys orchestra Admission 50c and 350 Z4615 Petcrs bl mm mpguigesimertiemxilzgqglgoiggo rig 010815 stallgut 1120230555 the gt LCHITTICK lgllsgto iaTBNomugeBHant Eliza bligaalieltiighng 53011500211 szfvltfe Netherlands EaetIIndies are tin and Read anduseEiraiiiifler Clsteds are3 unknown MIDqufinsIaid he had been Barrie Chairman eB I0v1 30 p1n 461clubsIchurchIgroups and business oilIHuge high quality iron ore de asked to speakIIQIIIItheIIIeomposrteIVII37113937zqueuunup llgoietgegmnillall every Frllrorganlzatlonsrwwwrih iuposttsyarestlllunusediriwmemw school at the next sessionof Sim day night 830 Sharp 15 games 35C lxtlCompete 1nd udgl CW Canadian Record with MIA Campbell ofToIronto Scy Turn cwlif$1776r9i Town Gives Ffrst7 Civic Reception TileRoxy Theatre waspacked the occasioriiand Mayor Pter Sine Sunday night for the firstcivic reV lclair alsoaddressed the gathering in pagesix please day Nov lt2 Barrie LodgeIOIOFCV Officerslnsfalled 657 Held7illl1iston The annual South ISimIcoei Sterile and instead Judging Competition The BondHead Junior Farmers Challenge Trophy was won Donald Walker Stayneni one ofathe interesting features of the competition was the sec tionorierLtoIteams of three Junior Farmers IaThere were fiv en tries The Coaches were Jack Walker Stayner IRoss Beattie Stayner WilfredH Davis Utopia Ception to thefsons and dalighters Aid Cralgemphasized thatthev of Barrie whoservedin the Second first civicreception wag Iparticuiarev Great War Scores of service peri 51y planned to pay tribute to these who would notTreturnaHe lndi sonnel were present Iwith their families and friends and civic Vof cated that later receptions might be more in the natureiofi cele flcials presented merit certificates II Ibracion forthe mentand womenu Annual bazaar St Church Churchill Saturday Nov 17 pm at Mrs SlQans Churchili 46b Collier St UnitedChurch WAi Afternoon tea Friday November 30 33001 Recreation room East The Officers of BarrieLodge Nu 6310012 for the ensuing yeal were recentlyinstalled by Hop kins of Midland District Deputy Grand Master for the district as follows NG Bro Smith IPG Bro 1A Kaye VGI Bro Gil presenting all townships in south and West SfmcoeI The majority bors of the various boys and girls projects carried on during the past One of these certficateS WillIb Wan lobncox IConl Ebby Rec Sec 11 JColes Fin Sec 15 Morris Treas York IG Partridge OG Noble Following the installation cere mony light refreshments were served The DDGM gave an impressive address on Oddfellow ship short remarks were made by the Noble Grands of Crime Mid lande and Barrie Lodges also PGMs Parker and Robertson 19 rle IVeIrral Stewart Lefroy The first constitution alter the 11 If McCague Alliston tight remitted 811500 Cnnaon rec0rd Donald Bell BarrierKen Murphyr reconstruction of Netherlands as price for this Holstein cow Glowing antel Brownie at the AilI Chips Seeds and Weeds Branch sovereign state was promulgated Canadian Sale The buyer was cm opewell Junction NI Turn to pacesix please in 1814 deft The previous iCInadlau record price for cow was $6500 Music for the occasionwas pron vided by the BCI ConcertIBandl featuring Jean Livingston as 501 high boyin the Senior section Donald Walker Stayner high in the Intermediates Robt Walker Stayner high Junior and Charlie have been Engraved and it is thought there are nearly 1000 men and women eligible to receive such certificate II iprano soloist Guest artists were The first reception last Stinday James Innes 0110151 and Glen Rummage Sale at Mrs Browns 134 Dunlap St Saturday Nov 17 at am Proceeds Telegram War Victims Fund 46p Annual bazaar and hot supper Thornton United Church Wed Nov 28 Supper to oclockiAd miSsion 35c and 25c 46b Dance Midhurst hail Friday November 23 AuspicesMidhurst Red Cress We reserve the right to refuse admission 467471 511 Georges WA bazaar Parish poIssibie2400I Jack Walkers team composed of Robt Walker Donald Walker and Robert Bates was given second place Thi= team had ascore of 2138 points Livestock was judged on the farms of Goo Wilkinson McCague Allan Corrigan and Bellamy Bros Seed judging was conductedin the Album High School These assisting with the Competition were IPage Agricultural Representative Bar Morley cellist Under the dirctionr ofIWA Fisher the band fgave anbutsItaude ing concert Was received Among 01913 others was music by Elgar II Grofe and Vgnter night was held November 11 in order to pay fitting tribute to the memory of Barrie citizens who had lost their lives in service to their King The remembrance service was conducted by Rev Howden of Trinity Anglican Church and the addres$ was ds Hal Friday Nclv 16 356 pm livered by Rev Lewis of Col Afternoon tea homebaklng and bust United Church Aid Frank fancy work table Fish pond for Craig who heads up the receo children 4546b tlon cemmittee was chainnlm for highb0y oftbe entirelcontest with scoreIof 7115 points out of pos sibleiof 800 points Frank TerIl boys having been previous win nerS wereunable to qualify for the Hon Earl Rowe medal which went to Charlie Church of Egbert an honor for him being novice and judging for titefirst time