THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 194 CENTRAL one in LLL LplLLtLusLwerdLshagmlLLjLL II II II LI ii II II xrvl tlllftlfkl or ME St lung the lighting was an 14 at tall wholly gnldclig ll llrsutrrun AI unwise lowers dalacic HIIA mm the brightness ironcaulk ill bux not lhr llcul ldr llltitzl nlJXlltllll war ctlnrt lily pure p443 plnn tu cwrymlu in plllt tiim llut nth lllAl tllv KlJntl lnil tltc nmiun his rclnml tc mint rcslsl llk Itclllpminn lct tltmn Lv must ltccll lltll lur wlr tub is nut tut daily Pmdll Ht lhml 11mm if is hdmg 319 ind llt must lillish tllc inl HLlllrr 43 ttt1rl in furn Li gel pl ltt5 WHC in lllllllll Vtftlzlllt Fruit etc All nu vuitotll BONDS lul tAN ul LLL It llv is mwimla CMPAMYL ll IJllllt ltt lilllul IIL gtL lttjlltrtl tll ltlltlr Lllll LL VII lu li lLlLL ltliI Lt LI llitll Sm lltflr yl LL LL mt ttlr ml it 1alll ill tl itll amull Mltx ii iii tinI Hull llltllll3 Ill 2L LL 1lllll in MINI II II III It III IIII III ltl iltlt Nita Mrs lining til tinf lawl llltl llm ul lllt llu lvtl writ lilt Smupttliu hauling Lllll in Lil l1 it my l1 it me or tint llILllll luv rry nw Liv minim1 Mix LI atltltltl llltl lttr LLLlLLllt luulv fur 3Hhlldrm ti xwtt lltlllIll the tum HrII l=ll Li lLtlgitlizl lllx ink Nut0x ll zlz IIIIPS PIIIIIry etc phi It lIII tug lIlZIIluIl tIIilllliItIl IlIlIl lIlIllItl kiIrlIlllIlIs lt itlllIIriIItI II Ii my taxi HtI II TIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIIII lIlt lt lt lll lll rll ti II IltI IItI It ml in ll CHM gt 300 509 II II Muir tt lino lull hit in lllll tlltl ll II lztivw llitll tl ll tlL Dr llnll Lllui liuns lilac 200 to 300 llltlLt ill lllt Vllltl llt Milly Il LIlllilI nu lltl ll LlLIlH LilIHW ltt Iinlitgtr tlul LLlLL Lllltll MII Killian Ittl llt ltltlt tIlillll Irl lw lltltl Ill litt lit II II II up cccs way was lt LiI IL LL LL LLLLL lHLIL mm 11 ll nix lLl llllLll LlLililllLll LLL LLL LL LL LL LLLLL ll lurefz tlltll Li hi izitl Ll WL itllanltlll will zr applness In one nltltlL ltntf 70 in LlllC llell ll lx ltltl LlLiltllLlllAIHI lllL wl variant prices ind il tltlllll lWl on er it llliel llanIInrSI ll lL Iltll llll 33 lw LLl The tilml wnm outnlntller llnnol rllllko tlllslI WWI thing plllzllvlilillrll lmnlt itL nhe isIsivk and worried liy tln liCvll tllt mg Itfw in mi lltrtlSlltilltl lltllt llllm ltlllltll ttm MullIii LlLllitlllllulll lllll hlnl rlll run down and hommril norymls and in ttlt with liltimr in Irrllnhle ownlmurtvd and ltymlmustl cant ml at lrunlw LLllL LL Im mm Il III LIN WI night and gem up in the llmrlllngfrellng as tired as whorl slur tltl tn liml Mt Ultl Ml liviim MW 0V5 ilLL 111 ml Women sullering in this way may nd in Millnlrlln llcnltll null Nurve null 3er lmdtgtrllin mainii iftitlflw MW lIIWlin lyllillL lLLl I1 03 nLlLlLthnLu rump Pills It remedy with whirh to hrlp recurwrnle tllrir health lilllltl up tlw run ll Lllllltllllillll on Salinity win tr llfllltt luml $4301 VIIHIIM LII1IIf WINK YImIa down systemwd assist thchbaok tollmlthhuppiness again Sillltlill 15llL llll ML nil SLltKl ltltlilllllltlLLlLanll tl llltl Prlt 5008mm pi1183t BlldnlgtOUlllttS IRIIIIllt VtHS IlllI iHIlItl ll my it mid llll use Examiner hr 1ny IIII NM HI and gray Look for our trade mark Red llearton the package ri tln nw nit liltltlimI rillinn mLiiLl if lii LIFEMumCi11ffel1ffof HI NJWltill limbilhOll LLLL lLlllltd gt25 Allltlwrsurv LLgt L3 2z LlLilo linllod SISI nnwmgry th Sunday lI Livurtrl by gziilld Itlltldlltt LlLllt 88 thildrhllvllSslktud 1L tr chm with lllL Slltfilll at the lmilming sorviw and tho llgtl1 Ig LLl lllS svrnluu nil the hymn W0 would son Jesus which iTIS very II II appropriate and thoroughly LClijlty cd try ill The vvcninl service was taken by Rev lllr Slcwllrt Nt LL market who preached an able and 17 ugiprnprintc sermon The spscizll music was supplied by the Stritlli LIlllt SlllliflS who merited much Somehodv should have told me long ago zillout the bulk avour of Lipton eriilto lllhss whn were not prosml II CSI IIOusrc ssing gulncthing If V0 hIIVcnit ll lllll lllltl lIll ill II II IIS IIII II MriLL elliLiiiLilnLiLnL LdeL sun All rationing controls have been removed fromIsales at farm machinery and lllfilCd LIPUHILS Ll C21 llC ICZLXXJ lLLIllc IfIlIlmililfigtlmlf llQITIECCIIIYIILIif restrictionsonItheI production or importation of such machinery have been lifted nilng Ltth pul when Price controls remain Generally maximum price for farm implements is the price VICle layout fresh and fulLbUdich Chit10 and llnrold Ihrmpsml IL which such ems sold dwing the basic PeriodI Angus 1553Pember 194 llzivo returned llorhLlllc West Mum have ISIIIIIIIII III Quoted prices do not include cost of delivery to the purchaser the harvesting operzllilllls LL UndEr Consumers Credit Order No 225 section to terms of sale for farm mach LL At LSLled BL 15 LIL L1 LXI lIFIlIIlI53IPHNfLflI IELLI ineryare 13 of quoted price paid in cash the balance of the credit price to be paid baby JfImRJmu within two years of the date of the contract in stated amounts at specified dates Any ltl ll tllC SpllltCLl llilVOUI Lipton 17 at TUIOllll GCHCIitl llOHItlllill allowance for tradein is to bededucted from the unpaid balance Tfff 0231132 worm Despite the lifting of production restrictions it is expected that the shortage of llll llLS LlLL It bl ms and sheet steel will limit the maximum output lillllt HOW llS ilSL on clum lHl ZillOltCl componen we as ma ea cos titIlp tllthth Ill lllC pJINUH tilLI M11 of farm impemens during he Year June30 increase II II CI gt lg mm on tonnage basis over the output in the preceding 12 months and particularly SIOhLlllllIlIlg the sent your and at out his pnss ing was sudden at the lust it tIzls Furmers Pallhly PIICeS PIOCO Storage AIIOWCHO not liltouethor unvxpeclcd He had owe A4560 now in ied spent llll his life in this community Farmers semn es of out WWwf and was highly respected by all yp The funeral service which was excepl lurkeysl mm to consumers on A5lrage allowancefc Per 75lb bag largely attended was hzld in lhe II permitted 25markup over the whole of mum and 79 Per 1004b bug is LilyndLLLi LL Whld they are lOCGiEd TukeY Pmduces 75lb bagond be per lOOlb bag may be WISH REV LllCilSlCY LI Ii are allowed markup Ovef added on December and ummer 5c pefI II Chlllcmll The Symmth LN wholesale level 75lb bag and 7c per lOOlb bug on 1s Uniled Church Wednesmy CIL SOle Ceiling Prices eSlObllShEd it the zone allowed on Novembr Another per jr community is Lextended l0 West nldjnmily Illle gillsmjmly January LL LNAL The WLLL be no garage or aw ji st Ea 3in Chm WMS Eggs resugfmymsr Tm United WIMISI held their II monthly meeting at Mrs Andrews home on Oct 11 with Mrs Jardinc fjnw WWW $11 the Scri lure readin litter from Secretary on Chsnan Stew Coupons covering farmer sales or form household consumptronof meat and butter and II ardshm and skveml letters up ales of preserves must be forwarded to Local Ration Boards in primary producers envelopes EggflLatllLll iliatleglfcln llllReports for November should reach the local Ration Boardsnot laterrthon December kindly offered to provide lunch for Following are the valid coupon dates for November the Mission Bands meeting Mrs II Injurcmse Pleshytegy Secretary on II MEAT BUTTER SUGI II PRESERVES 71 emleralc sl Ct shipI gaJeQaLiLiLery flheLZLtLidrISLSZ an November 128 both subjcts Allalso enjoyed Lit 3I 10 II tlc MI I033 ggPfIggfgybgwgezn 133 15 ii we 20 prOpriale reading Aipleasant reli 22 L124 130 55 29 l3 l31 Mrs Cerswell former presi deLLLL TwenLcLLlL LalLlLeStLandtLlLiveL LLLLLLLLL was re eqlled SENdIi coupons to the local Ration Board for meat theyj LL gt ors answere r0 ca wr verse The yidmy Bonds Y6 II bomammg honey Meeting closed consume and meat they sell to former neighbours at the rate of lbs per cpupon Farmers with prayer RevI MrI Bumn who slaughter mot need not turn tn at the end of the month more than half the valid meat buy TQDAY will be the Lunch served by Group 10 arid the Coupons in the ration Lbooks ofIlheir household Farmers who purchase mechfrom other farmersL gLungmT 09an 951131500131 half119m W3 entered If must surrender to the sellingfarmer one meat coupon forevery libs of meat purchasedevon youIIwIarit TOMORRIOIW MM LL LL LL WthhL LLL 4I=ARMsuumms ilIaIIsI heating eIfliiItpmenIbIlabirsazlng II EI Elwin SlfellltLLizLtslesdle To tiffurmers who slaughter 70 their 0W household consumption onto the consumption off II lthcnsetcIwi Ie oval uy em write gthIeir former neighbours are not required follow slaughter Any Longessof farm if Yvdlum lllm interwithIVictoryBonds aggsmgigogfgfaablspem ah Islqughtered meat oIverIthe forwarsor hisnelghbours needs may be sold only to the holder Y0 will 553331950 In ti VdI MrandIMis JLollri Flower spell offal fearlqrsldushtgrPIerniillnquntieSPPtl9 WWW 39f 555 9590 one the Week In Toronto Sheep lamb or calves=slaughtcred by the farmortor his ovvnorhisnoiglibom up may no in if this moons surrendering Icouponshotyetvolid Av LtLhe same rate of W595 05 ill Previous humanitarian Wily Wc must coLoperate Pte Trembley is visitinvLLhis II VIFQEY tools Wilt Without allies 1n bringing essential relief gt ml MT5I7H Cannon soLd LLLLO Lhe mam rude pamnwicemm to Europe Producnon for this gut ose Winchester 15 home of er II licensed slaughterers quotas for caltlo have been temporarily suspended and until II receivtn his dischar bonus III In togaher WIthIPmdumon on the ac Jog Miss EL Annan spirit the week furtherInotlce licensed slaughteror mOIY Ilelghter all tho Pattie noedod for his requiremets er I9 of home requirements will ensure fut end at her home in Aurpra mmirwigdj LII II emplgymgntI Mrs Beamlsh and Chlldlllwenl LL iaOliawurLSun to mend tho mam fllar Id LII Wisrrwwwmnmwnlmu II uiCl ur rs eir irs 51 OLALITY bridge party on Monday with five Motown 217 hmqga DURO PUMPS EMCO PLUMBING FIXTURES LLLLILanLJLL and mm mm mm mm MT Irenes GpflChLagisf aIdauhtlin Ration Boardsonce monthin the RM onvotopo allJ ter Mr sLthLian fr igmveigngJiL TheLadieS Bridge Club melL at MIC Ronald AllanSI Mndat LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLPPLLLLLLLLZLGMLWL LLLLLLL WWMWMM Md elIrrg Mrs Frank Shannon held mg sayI4 an IHIIIIIIII RGlad to report that Mrs Max213 Landon HdeHIxi Taro to Sudbury Winnimgr Vancouver L0 eweth was we to fe erql Hospital Toronto doe nor have to under eratlo Sl IlS the hqsgital for obserLtLlatiorLi for tow daysI