Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1945, p. 2

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r1 EXAMINER 3mm ARIC up II an we American market he waned iPacking House Shikl 0mm We 50 as soon as 50 Years Aglwwld CW Mme litisrmsnwe mum Anvgixc iTremendous Losses Wings met of representative3 of Lhumy Agricultural Corntnittrrs 34 iqlivf8 Opng 3L 1335 Theta Toronto Pointing to the J4 MacLAREN 1iii$lifSS of any threat to con SUBSCiilElltlftS f4 am HM no CI II III II III IIIII I0 IIIIIIII name Lam Nut isg mcr we molar FRCMMZ DLYM unlxil opcwtiul of die pixelring if Canada iii trdcr hi ensure conspigot Mr northerly states that WALLS Lair Staira 35 year III FI1IIMICEII III Aegis IIVE II 3135 CIIIILIeI hogs Imd Sh Vialnrslam Mu Brazhrss umu Szngie CEEQJS each Imnsizged 4i upmmg gdcegIIiIuiItx IrIIrIIIIIIIlSI gKIiIIIIMII stinger III ImfeIIuhIII gamma were lurid CiVli earth gory 5124 ii xozlEcIter to Hon Gillrllliir Fed 45lauglurm Ofhrmv and 81 munJul dx LLn II IIIIIIIINPIKm ht averan blweon rlrgt dark Keenan 11 353qu Elf Aglvlcunure nih Wflid use hi li prize imitated Ly 312 Ctllvvrwml Hakim ip rill fo 14 to up the meER OF ESHILKHED 5155 Cobaini WeeklyTimupapers cisliozl in mm EXAHINER warm it II Congratulating the Dominion ZG wrhiuczrl on its action in l3k ironi But they rliiiclilly grid not think much or for the Cfl legislators instead of in MM 5W lIurerisLng nov uric fem seats than they IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIMIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III 1mm II III SllOHMO TO RUSSIA 41 Ii lTwi ufnhiilr of prime yldrtv ms nixs tli4 had in Ill its 11 MOVE AOT FOR GOEREMExr 4IIi LI WWII II new of Sllllw drvelopiuui 4x riIll Alli the Can rliii anc illlliL lift tlll IllUligll ilitlllliiitil5 or trial lli lxilllll 30 if been door it 16 0de yI 441 nnv nip my II III pf 31 II In sch of Iuriu lius Victory Loan is rimming cordial rrccptlon AW1U gm xlllcl4 rationing bi abandoned on 88R ml hem of $10000000 il Mir 31 t0 SEXY ml some workers two Incummsj in in him Brew one was uhml lo uelltel prisnisciuli go lull up to in September lil for the put II tlitLXx krti hurl lipxglrl li illlulilI fliCV lll III IIIII mks If may purity bi Cruise CIIHIIdIRn whom and my ttii ncOllntcl sures leslsidlzli arising from le it ii 44 4l 41 hi Raul wrnur us wry 4w uuou tor the Lib wm burn to tho 1090 odd sluilghieh law ManAil All it it wrung grlsp affairs and cine favor Bil kl itAVtv pun 4311A1I1fh Jill gig VP my plpllls lilyrm by MCI buy id Sillilivllrlilllll0 Qdl 43 W116 with 3319 ln liillfl 5in iil II II IIII IrII MIl Imp MAI gfn he pdrbafeI Dorm has 0m 01 014 of 30 starts 8W him ilzlitlflx we vttliulluw ml lliJ Reid rind usc Examiner Classifieds 4l7l tiiuilll Of the gmvllllzltlll II III rmqi Vamp Or on of Illim jall tuittui llt4lll of hi Im Now there never was governriicnt which W1 IT IfII IIIIIfIe umk new lifters izi liulrln could not be criticized and even condemned ii filth ImI 190 III MI in certain grounds but the point is tint 301 CF glkmg Oltmi gmkm BRANDING TIME Sim can Bum letm SCUKRHE 1m 31 531111 them 50 Rosemout urgnii7iit Mimi the money to be raised by this loan in not II II II II II latw euu4uitgloii of only 11orar llilltlic with Al tor the gotcriimem It for Canadato Effective Weed Killer liury has hurl wry ilcttsslill sm III lilt SC unity and economic stability of every 141 T1 inn Everett indies considering lootin lm Galliumth government 15 men CF planowl mdnmc sncmhsm as the trivlmbiiity of lHlllilllil ciu to 24 lilo medium through which the loan is ad DirW 15 m4 m4 41 ml eve 4i mu git4 BY NEXT IANUARY LH Eernment mm Hle Mingling 01 What the CCF WW irlamm on Spa Cllwfwm II it was thc people or Canada who placed gt Slmfoo County Arts fint Fair liflfl ii deficit or $200 lll um Group has be riianZ imch so hurry il ienetuiig duo in for Lawns in Spring if llllFltlllllf lilucliilics ill it II II III III IIIIIIIIIIII lllilllSttred And plcusc bent in mind thatli but m5 Xmmmuon the Gm arc5 in horticulture stud John Ilimrsfil one for in cmu kl hqr government power was going in it ilccicd by it good mil Untilno ll rticullulqi r4lailiiiill ur lillu imllil You may 0t approve of mlImmg holjfllllyI which was liimomi Lilli lltllllld IIIIIIIII IiIIIiIdIMIIII IIIIIIIIlIII lul plalis are under IiIlIICI Ilpcnowstolnl lhut the morning lifuilI vm as ho sorilrvi lilo election of 1941 IIIII II1I mm yeoks school to NH mm MI had nm ball mnemmcm has done bm Wu mnmt do Milli lrlllres one in the cxtrcmc inwquliv 1Milld 0163 Balm 9X1 Jilllur4 903 and leave of pull of its freight ny Vounq man who has lllyllllllg about it now Thcrcwnl be anothcrl 11ij4 III Illpq451 4t cl WC W3 be 9135 in em ll was om two iiiiimiuzo lOthll Hulla election mm you may have 3881 Olli ill the Mirna ulltr rlItll lIl uni lilllil IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII making and poueryI IIIK AIIIIndIIIII III AIIIIIIIII SIIOMIIIII chance to turn it out and cc government Mimic R3 poi 10d ms 38L gm meclipg October in naIrlmaiclm heldny NltlliIllIgtbillgtmi till like better But to rcpudrite the i0 him V0 WM WWI uh sum mimic mMirm my mil mm rm attended by 16 persons Miss lim Club Good ulmglung 1m 411 14Utlllllllllli liiLiIlolLlicsi it Would Llppffil mulwuw Hf m4 AIiI44i11r4I Noni Marshall was named choir ported in acvcral puiccs ISlIlfl Ofm on up Om p0 LO 5m mu of provisional committed reward offcrcd by Midlulid for Li for th rmgom mm good 1176 4lliat the sorill Llill iiiiiis and siliuiits of lifts durum In yum 14 Hue vuq delegated to interview of lupprohcnsiou of incendinrics my 13 so qul ion the lliillull hi in liillnli4 III Ship nor patriotlsmI In mg MIN mum m4 I4 mm 14th dawn lltlLllS of tho Deporllnciit of IEIdll RtV Mi DieyriI Iof IiiIIIIliiinIiI1I This Ninth Victorv Lorin has really if admm luv hull Chuml rim1y mu mzlrnircgnrdins crworkmbm mm mm mm double object it helps Canada to meet her pawn vy rim umi killer is County W0 Wm leisilv lonimliii Corlv sprink its farshill consultcd Dr 01 li Cm to 14 AII 4v3 v5 IxIIIII vial 139 grbflggpilmlglllitlt liioroiqtfliol lied wih watering can or mixed lhiiilop chairman of the Uni 1m and St uifli few pounds of mud in two ttisilus Adult Education Iilourii 511ll4 III tyvulvc against inflation by encouraging The wise Cliri trims slioppcr who sees walk mm the curl Mr and tentative planswore drawn up VAUFYTM MPH saving and guarding against spenclingisomethliig suitable rilltlllltl purchase early the guns The killer is ptllmll for craft school ill Barim early MR outrun FRANCHISE 5131 At present it ii hard to say what the supply in Hm 3m ll only llv Nils Al further meeting held in the No matter what your political affiliation of available goods wul or when iiill=tlcleI2r wood ltturliilrp in Silo of lawn Hlltlllllilfll board room in Barrie The Valley Thur hocIiunde ripI II II II I1I III Om may he dont think criticism of the govern arrives in less than two lhlmlll The lllleYlenil nl Mr lliills uuj l4ltl Saturday night committees plicnlioli to the luwn oiincil luv4 men ii IrvisuiD your or us mom will let you out of supporting il4 lpIIIIIIIIIIIIII and IIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIII IIIHI IIvICIIIIIIIIIIII named promo mumy tenIym unchm rm II nnm Ipblslod but I4 r430 0mm the D1 icason our long practical cupcrirncc in the pli leaders of every one of the four recognized Petitions are iii circulation asking for LEIVNI Ilmmlim IIlIIIIIIfIIIIIIFI glorflgro7mgnnggolI pm wafwlo but mm on Iymult lI it il political parties are united iii hope for thetrcpllcve for the young Orillia Indian sch1 with planting of bulbs and host visioiial directors are Miss Mar north of Mississuga St and one on success of the loanOwen Sound SunTimes tcnccd to be hanged on Dec 20 The boy islmd 4I chm Mm Louise Culley Mrs Indla mic Smith connecting the served from film to six yours in this war is going to be lutc Sillillllg the business of lift Anti it Will not llc II IIIII III IQ vI cosy going Puitnls llll hunt to do lllf ht llllll for tlicir bovs and yct lVOltl iiilcrfcring lo multc sure that tlicir support is continued in any vcmutilily somc mm have rcviscd tiicir Wills and llllllC financial provision for llicir son to complctc his postwar rccsmlllishmcnt Allovc ill llicy tillll to put their support of him at such crucial time on line and administration estates is ill 0lll isposa consultation can liclp you to plilyour idcus in WOIli able form Write or tclcphonc for an nppomtmcnt ibut seventeen years Oi 150 and the eVidcncel Afzei his lulk he lliswcrcrl 2h bmlth Miss Rtlsplilgiccttcogt noi PcloIiIIIIundmilzzsissiii 4I II IltII Ir 15 1I ishowgd hlnl low 1011131va No do notllllllllzltl il 1H lgtll lllll lllt llll giggle llld llw Hill liIlulbgllIO cents fmI minus and Yesterdays Globe and Mail cartled dcsltlconsidey petitions gpllomlly of much valueItsKIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIS WWI map for Spmkm mm for child 133tCh from Ottawa Stating that Ct Clmklbill in this 0515 believe men on be lllllitlll0Cl01lO Cllillllf the date to come to Barrie for public cliisc is for term of yclls illc of Barrie had been refused license to 010 half0f this youth should be largely SignCCl of ihe minim mme huvcm meeting to bc held sometime next question uould have to ill uli eritc tent and awning company Thisl bcr instead of holding il in the month At this meeting there Will united to tho ratepayers inimitlcc ho display of craft work done by letter of refusal was Said to have been slgned The seveio sciback given to the CCF 1nlfzggimIfEliglgcilillliigrmlvIII III III IIIISIIIIIIIIS of me county IIS we IIIQ mom the interests with wow coRPo RATION BRANCHES PRlNCIPMI an by an OfflClal Of the Barrie office 0f the the plOVllllell 9100310118 ill MallitOb Nova ixhd IIIIIII lIm WPMIIIIII and Mm II exhibit to be brought from Tor to encouraging tourist 1111 and to EAD OFHCE 253 BAYI 5L Prices Board Mr Clark states that this lSISCOtla and Biitish CCllIlllllllJI shows that the 345 Mm Wmde 4IIO IOttawa IIIII glIfgIlIII IIII very unfair to Mr Wilson of the local officepcoplc have iiith liking for the socialist Aunmmgmueni was mode flint AiIhoIonyetrsIrItlgrinIigcpg tIIoIImyI CIIIIIrIeg who gave the applicant certificate that he plans of this party It also is an evidenccxIlIvlfIl gt had complied with the requirements as farbf the strong public feeling against the cpi 110 22 10 give Im mUIIII lI as licensing was concerned and added that lcmic of strikes nearly all of which havr mm 311qu II II the license would be issued in clue course been instigated by the ClO chief labor Harvey Jones IPypsidntI nu II In addition Mr Clark had been advised backers of the CCF minced that SIOIWU PIOPWI to llllic it1y the gore ill Allmldrllt II by the Dept Of vetmans Affahb that he mid improve il in cooperation with could go ahead as he Was entitled to return John Hall president of the Oniar 4m 3IQcu and pmkg gm to the same trade in which he was engaged Horticultural Association addressing Barrie mission it is planned to reduce um 44 44 gore ii order to widen when he enlisted horticultuiists last week instanced the new oIfIItIIiIcIIIII II IIIaI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0n the strength of the foregoing MrGlal7k weedkiller as an eVidence of great progress CUIIIICII gm some Supplies from the manumcmrers 111 horticuume This Chemlcal ls easy to Cordial thanks was exnressedl to and made all arrangements to start business apply safe loosercosts little and W111 prove the visiting speaker for his exccl The refusal of license was made WthEIthe deadly foe of dandelions and numerous lent address 110iq in lllel IdP Cotton Administration Dept Montreal oniother weeds without hurting the gross Mr land fm hmlllllml melon II nwennus II II the grounds that new entrant would notHall said it would be for sale next Spring Sam mondnme prim my be entitled toany cotton piece goods Where lb fl suppliers 0f goods are in short suppli Ex en up owel It is pleasing to note that skating club drawn for by ten persons in ilic rrirwpressingisympathy with Mr Clarks case is likely to be formed in Barrie Fancy skatImdence the writer said it was antiCipated that in the ing is not only healthful exerCise but it IIORDS DAY ALLMNCE lnear futurethcre will be partial relaxing of develops graceful deportment It is real The LordS Day Alliance is rep these restrictions for returned men benefit to the skaters and affords great resented in this community this 51h61ei5 in Barrie no businessrof the nature deals of pleasure to those who watch the Year by M1 Hugh M00 This organization is recognized of M1 Clarks and there is no good reason widely as one performing valuable why 7he should be prevented frorn proceed ing He proposes to open up today as adver tiseel7whictrwe belicvchchas every right to do Before spreading abroad such story those responsible should take the trouble to get Igiithe facts riiii ikrA if FINE CONTRIBUTION contribution of thirty thousand pounds to the National Clothing Collection has been made by the peeple of Barrie and others whose donations were handled through the Barrie depot Such fine result could not have been achieved Without realization of the dire need Hearts were stirred by such facts as these There are thousands oflourkin in Great the war years and face the Winter poorly eladIanelgiugi there are families Whose 7W garment is one shirt for Eight per sons In Greece six out of seven people have no shoes In China there is hardly garment Iwithbutjpatchgs in Yugoslavia IIriorlce death brings crOst to the node fgng fabulous sums for the deceasgds thing In Frame Norway Poland and other ebun Britain who lost nearly everything during skaters in their artistic movements Arti ficial ice at therArena makes it possible to carry on such club successfully Commenting upon the poor showing made by the COP in the recent Manitobaelec tions Toronto Saturday Night says We tradeunion elements cannot expect ge agriculture is still the occupatiOn vast solid and very powerful elemen theelec torate The Victory Loan is chpilenge to all Can adians says the Winrdpeg Tribune It is all very well to talk6f winning the peace and making Canada better place in which to live But arcwe as individuals readygto poyTor thescihingsor atleast to lend our money toward paying for them The lIIinth Victory Loan is the time when we as Can adianitizens to put it bluntly put up or up WNW finiiigu fv Heads of municipalltlES issue proclamau tlons from time to time calling upon the Icitizcnsiio Observe special occasions Last week MayorDales of NeWmarket proclaimed something new in this line when lie form nationol and community service in think it should impress upon the leaders the factithafra pafcompletelpdominated safeguarding pie national weekly day of restjor Canadian workers and the freedom of our Canadian Sundayfrom commercial exploita tion HIhe opportunities for Christ IiIa worship and spiritual culture likewise important but these are questions grin individual de day of the week are ofreal vahre individually and collectively 25 Years Ago in THE mum EXAMINER NOVEMBER 1920 Barrie Local Notes Lengthy discussion at T0 Council re purchase of chairs for Tom ail and it was finally cle cidd tospcnd up to $300ior this pinpage Aid Coles said the hifll was cleared for dances Assessment ofIBIarriecaS Cog rc iqu by $10900 TWo pages of hammer occupiedrbys Violreis tellingof sale in con uuiw omenand olmuaZJnay event II tline leisure and quiet of this one very far in country in which small olding erg4 19 mess on benchesweresmashedithrpughbizg II4 ing irowridownstairs when tho YESTERDAY He wont fofth to meet the challenge Djiafgngcnad8fhfSiiTlll8E1 hands TODAY With Service ibadge and the same condent grindhe turns to meet new chaiierigcuthat of thoIIPCaCe he won for no lib honour 4Iyes44 But it 4i life new oppo Ittnnities 11f know 4mariisgi4also44ihel beginllig40f Itries lachof clothing shoes randj bedding is any called upon all children to Immble 4mxlugisf9fifgj starkly bugle Something like 125 million at the Newmarket Memorial $13118 at 731mg no 0mm goods thefiraluexot people includirig30fm111 children44can and to bring theirImothrs Sislerstbrbthem mum ior tram Borinnrez not than enough rags collar themslves neighbors atlntsl unleS 194ml hem1361 mlmghmmg witqu Thesetare but 34mm theiiislauces that neighbors to help celebrate Hallowed ugmgsgggggwsggggr mighbbe Cited ut rehdmk thmfmust 34gt ror the 50th time aimed of lo igbimgalreeimg fIsatisfactiOn to those who Cottage owners along the Tiny and Fibs rumours waspaiLr44 II II II II II ag Ninth Victory Loan proposes to make goodthc rehabilitaifz an Pleageg IwihavIImnde Saclo enable him more advantage Ioiftliose Opportunities He did bot4fail Ins Lctfus BILOWIhmI iremgi1igio fall him I4 haveiresponlred to the 42313831 0141 Mia1f 0f themlllipns of sufferers promos many of IrItlremlighting against death and disease II 4CCFJIARDnl In PROVINCES provincial elections Were held in beachesand many other rSidents tness Mothers Allowance Board pram inert for Show County wrthDa aschainuan townships 431s greatly Iconcmed50Iver like fact thatIapplication has been mad for an authority to openia beer parlbr at Iiherpr0perty known as FirCoifieillodge on Daults Bay Tiny The or Quinlan rumour War but oil bibshello eiidrain osoaysz 3201th inches Ba Dairy cme to higher totamers Prole Ilrhei Ifundsu Iyou buyIIwillbe the basisffor ijawbrigbtcrifurure Coimofe Enduring police fur larvalilfxllbzIu Canada within recentweekjs1he convert the frequenters of that summer 15 ms Sham mm said have great expectations as 170 nal women andchildren aridtfiy minim Swahili mumam Vununmi CenbultW 94014711316 tmImre gangrene but they dranmven mmnmmmrwmm vhmvnie sumezesentadon mayhem mholidays onwthc beachesImth6ut helm gazwgm4 113 II in 193 threeprovmces lithem marredlby the ob WE mm $135kgpm l4 In WWI me fmI aecmm theI m4 that are commonwhere 9p III mm$7 my 32242510AI 44 5am theywom make great gains crate If an authority is granted torDani rail wheat bomb MirI mama the Baythercislittle d9111t WWWWW $MEhtignfjgdingg t1mmmg 151131Iazolzggseizgggerm 3153 mm 20 durum III 4I 4I gt mm mm 50h emred the campaign t9 our Visitors and heavy deteriora in thecgbrfnets niieiugia $01325 what he done 41 the vaiue of real estate Should Governmmt gagged 41719113 gm wore in pm gramme application for this Buy itwm m3i 334 govern rim that it is making emendous manhomggajwtmmn1405pij my finImIrmy WWI mosI $6M II

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