THURSD5VQCTQBERJ 1945 WmrMn ltEtxairs sitre taken lulu unilater lmk Rieluric gave Le lilmltfs lb litmw facts on the school arm ioclph which has heel lli ui lit wrhiniis rk to doti Ilil II1t lllillt lien 12 on was it the 531 III hitIds Ilv from IZ llixc ili thl MILALU le old tell tvlil lllmirltl er to etrlztiruc to hvc llrf he tirltl are gt illiplz Iiprct About Fifteen Returned Veterans at Siroud Welcome Mi IIOIIII Party adds ll be Is Filthy lUIZUl Stroud formed lqu it llzihIlvlri ligtlct will aguln Wel palt of lmnll cnlzw IiIi1t olllc IiIltvti vctvl lim villi ll nineHallo ll lu plcsllllrtl kllll gifts Ml Iltll liic kollllllllnzty Thi llJlljv iwil li lwlli Iii the Stand Hull will be Ellllglfillll ll dance plumber with an Ill be llil ill Ill It IIILII Ircts Sellout Area Boards iIJ Hi lot of 1m li Inlllnl and llil If tl llI liillllllt lllliill lie Ulllil slur off llll Il mp MH Llilfllllltw illiilt lrul plcrim 32 illull lo IIII returned permmzei IIv punt hr Lli l4 IN lnvltcll to culm and help Stiltlion llu llill vlli ill 5Ijgttl IH Ylivux roll wellmile by the rod vi fIJil llll ilI lirlll ci ul pullty lilltl Ihe Ii llbllllvlfl ill the plnlalllcx lt ill iIlu itnl Iflll lr tlll lm llf i1l Mlonunsr filul lllz lllflllN CATERERS for BANQUETS IIlItl Illhllt Lulu ll di dill prll Rev ll il loll Alialldalc wlll III Illll CORNER Presentation to Mr and Mrs Bonner lllcllililols llLl in luwnshlp Hall to honor Mr and IIIHII Illli LUNCHEONS nzrlc During tnl evilllllit Mrs Sutton read all uddrca and Mrs xnd M11 Illlllley with set of Iilflldr lu= ilSllilIlililI manner land bountcuus refreshments were lsclvcd by the ladies lr and Mrs the cllzlllllunily her llic Anglican Church Hill llllllt cllull lllulde tlc On Monday evening friend lind FULL COURSES 0R Rooney who ate llllllIlL to Albert Dwiyer prircutcd Mr dishes Mr Ronnci thanked his The evelnngl was spent ill dancing llunney Will be greatly llllsscd In Read and use Examiner Classifieds PROTECT YOUR EYES Wit Modern GIasses Good eyesight is priceless possession Avoid the re sults of eyestrain by having complete eye examina tion We will fill your prescription accuratelygand supply you with the latest style in spectacles fitted with first quality optical lenses We also specialize in lling Doctors and OCculists prescriptions for glasses EYES GLASSES EXAMINED FITTED STEPHENSONS Optical Department Noelfost 4nniilr1rStBarrie4 Optometrist andrOptician Phone 4201 had apparently been parked on the elle of Clapperton street and will Nils Basket lulled rlx lidzzll must be in road thlmtlnl Culdsuls fILII Iviollitl Kiln Sl lllilLIIc Arvinr Iitvrzfill tercr For dilnllvc Wedding lrl repiiulahl lvwliir purl5 Illll 5233 ilTlfu vlitwl luiltciji la llms $zlu hjlibii ti flJilarlcl ll liars it Eli twill gtillntli dill Lt ll Izoltl HillY very fine baritone mil slug at both Kfltl in St Andrei Church on Iilzll2l154i1lln4 Sclfltlf Otluljrl Mls Smith 73 Duniiolluld was successful lli mulling luci lpllit Lillilrlqwnod Fur lgtl iul green llfllpifrj 3rd fur chocolat cake itld for apple and IIIKgt rinkr report of the IInl at his bum was lllliorlici IIIIIII of tlllll Sill the burglars Iot only Li lluei slIvir knives ld still in lurk Ilt buys Illlpmizlg sentence for drunken driving ill court here lust week Magistrate Kenneth iullelun coll merited have loudl felt that the llninilnuln term for lllts milkLee mi entirely illlidcinlutc Ially Whitby Mary St brought to The lixanliuer yesterday culw iuslly in the shape of spike of gludiolus with it with flulets oll one side and three rel on the upl posill1 side It was cut ill lllt iarden of lleilzhbur Mr Iclllltll Ill connectlun with the lllllllltgt3 giving festivities of Monday amletituleasinv display of op products fills the west window of Brennans Meat Market The lsl sortlncui includes bacon Hllhlitili and cooked bums picnic hams cotl tulle rolls lard etc The fire depaltlllelll had ulll across the street to the market building yesterday llloruing rrre RadioValrc Company which oc cupies the second floor of the Town Hall had installed new furnace and the chimney pipe passed close to joist which caught fire Dam age was very slight Owing to his added duties ill connection with night school class es Bell acting principal of Prince of Wales School has had to resign as commanding officer of the Barrie Sea Cadet Corps meeting is being held this week to name successor to take over the leadership of this unit Pedestrians were surprised about six oclock last Tuesday evening to find car parked on the side walk ill from of lamblyns Drug Store The car was parked illsucll manner that sidewalk traffic had to move onto the street The ear rolled down the hill onto the side walk Under date of Sept 24 Mrs Nixdn of Beaver Valley Sash in renewing her subscription to Tile Examiner writes We had real blizzard here Saturday night like winter after raining all day There were snowdriftsaround the yard from 10 to 18 inches deep rather unusual for Sept 22 We surer do enjoy the Barrie Rx aminer each week Dick Alnlas former assistant manager of Loblaws Grocclerizl ill Barrie has returned to his posi tion as manager of the Midland branch He served overseas withr the RCAFfor 15 months and was dischargedrecenlly Mrs Aimzls is the former Laura Calvert of Barl trie Ed Burnet who took Mini lAlmas place while he was away hns returned to thcrOrillia store Renewing acquaintance in town this week was Cpl Bob Clifton formerly with A22 and the Camp wBorden ACommandIZilblie Refit tions Branch Some of Bobs fine news photos have appeared in The Examiner during the war years WTHE EXAMINER DARRIE OWIARIO CANADAHWWWW FOR YOUR Order Poultry Early BRENNANS Meat Market Quality Meats with Service BIRDS EYE FROSTED FOODS Dunlap St Barrie MEMBER OF BARR IIAMRIR lI HINIITINIT CCompany Moves In To Capture Foresters HQ In Weekend Scheme IIilldlulartcr olllpaliy sulplm lit Saturday lilillulst lshall Companies illy ond Silllcoe lonwtcr scrch went uu licckczlll training sehclllc Major Rzlikiw in Officer decided to Ilurlie Ulllllillly llllppilli Aand suc ceeded Alllcully midnight when the locals were settling down for the night ill the lllfgtll Hull Tolllpzlny from lllllil lcd by Mll jor Andrew ludhope swept ill from the north and captured the place The outburst of rifle blanks and thunder flashes along with smoke grenades must have start led the good hildhurst folk at that hour lilil liI lluln Headquarter Company went to Midllurst on Saturday afternoon and carried on liflc practice at the gravel pll Night patrolling was the evening feature but the men retired too soon omplllly quietly captured all the lilillill HOLIDAY DINNER catch the Torrlculs ARE APPOINTED FOR BARRIE ARENA PHONE 2447 men tl lllil Illi all twi on in Ill Hllrdflildlllt num vf Illllllllllll fol lll llltl Ill Liiilliirll ll1 Millie dzlzl lzlel Styli lil 311mm 1r Arena in 11fl Sound by lm 11112 III llown thuusli all out of lllvll of the lo trip to were incl ll and ll ilt $$ gi economical we Wind and ram choose Alexander mum llltllIlI buzldlll Ili talks viu nlclzlbelx of the Owen Sound oln gtlllllllll Illlll Mall 1er I31 illlk Ilptl Iilll titv il illl vl llu IIlllll mulls valuable 1Itl from the Wtll and iiillvc all the lllckcn dillllcl it mt llffl Uni Iimlv nod llllIml Hm in NH ed too llltll Iitillz ltu tl end Large Attendance at lMemorlaI Servrce For lSpr Harold Partridge Eii out lll HIi IIIL ll3lll the lielfeitule of Kim The regular lllLClllli of the Wm new llrillute will be held at Mrs RIM on Vedllwtkl Oct 10 30 pm full ultclidilllcc crimerd Sl James Church Crown Hill was crowded last Sunday afternoon over IOU worshippch attending the Memorial Service for Sapper Rar old Stephen Partridge who was killed in action August 10 1944 In addition to the very large rcp resenullion of local residents rel atives and friends of the Part ridge family had travelled long Read onl lIH lIxalniuer Classifieds mm the bile Slipper larlridges sister from lorunlu lly ill pill hardly seat was vuiaui ill lhe little church on jabllre with flowers Chair 011 posed of members of the Churchl of England and members of thcl local United Church look their scals and from the prayerdesk the Rcclor of Si Jalllcs Rev Il Leigh Pink Th all inounced the first hymn God lllll help ill ages past As the last majestic crescendo ol the hymn ebbed away came the of England service of Evening Prayer Joviih its dignified beau liful utterances Following thel Valiant Ilearls was sung is very lpprop ate that we io llonollill diVLSipllTn Partridge ofCrown Hill who gave his life all the battlefield as distances to be present includingI Church the DINLOI ST the quiet fields and sulilit roads and luoflrees which they called llullle their spun of anger acalllst the brutal mirroring of SIllIlII helpless llElliOllSby god less and evil men their spirit of readiness to put the greatest cause ill the 01Itllllr ficht for Christ izul Ilheltlefole their own wishes These things are our her itage lhosc lads never talked much about lhesc lhincs But they be lieved in Canada and the Callu diim Wily of life because in dis enshrined such shining treasures and however great Canada may become however practical the problems of the postwar world she will never forget the llhe hill haucel and altar vcrel openingr sentences of the Churchl reading of the Lessons the hymniQ amid assign REPAIR HAT Roor ROLL logs minute Chillich garages trill buildings etc Alexander Murrays four types Slate SurIaCeJ TcllSlIldR lullus and Illne weld roll roollnqswill ILII ovary need ICI IIII1III appearance they provide lasting protection aqarnrt heal cold uullav Francis righteous ROOFING PRACTICAL TYPES Let us help you select the roll roofing for your needyou cannot qo wrong when you Green or Red 90 lb $345 TALISMAN ROOFING 55 lbs $285 FIBREWELD ROOFING 45lbsm $225 IANUS ROOFINGBSlbs $165 One roll 108 square feet nails and tar in each roll ROBINSON HARDWARE PHONE 2431 MIDDLINGS $155 per 100 lbs BARR FLOIR MILLS of hen sons who crossed thoseas to spirit needed die for her when they were MakesStudy Easy lhnnksgiving nears said Rev 11 Leigh Pink to his address for this is in every way thanks givillg service We give thanks to God with grateful hearts for all the blessed lovely thingsrour lmmes our COULILELICICIIIEIIJDEII 2D1HK Liiiftrdmr GZZtngIOP MifEilllEnliirliarsMinna new 11 cups mil llenepoon soda and for 1111 the thin the have saved us from Add AIILBran to molasses and nnlk Had the Axis muons won this leiSoakIOII5nllllutOSBfalxtggmld wiznjmthgre is no doubt whatever to rernixullje Sift tll15lllt and 539 bfmelsen and soda togctllerjcombinovitllAllBrlul BuchenwzlldnlJllllbelrJlorrorl Recently discharged from the Army at MD London and is back on civy street Before enlisting he was on the news stzf of one of the Detroit dailies An overseas veteran who got iIItOI le throughpartiaIinr toxication on Sept 21 ivas al lowed suspended sentence by Mag tistrate Cameron on Tuesday of last week but had to pay damages of $20 to thetown lockup and $650 costereehad beQlWQd cell by ActSg ebb but had cih01tfhl99ltll fiend then broken the lock and got out into the corridor New Recipe for AllBranllllifins Easy on betler than eler muflilllAndwhatalleliciouslymoulh melting crlllrcthmts because All tnrilimlfItffnttlieIIIEdICIICtlIr shreds soft and tender Enjoywthese grand mufnswith glass of milk for bedtime snack or spreadthem witll jam for the youngsters when noussrs tumult Murrms Kelloggs All siiesflltwgrocersf Mdbbthellogg London Canada Helpskecp you legularimturolly WARBran would have bee repeated here in mixturcrFillrgreascdnmfiinpans tin 0m own Canadaf thirds full Bake in moderater hot And so we owe the most trem 0V09400Fg3b0l1l20 WWW5 endous debt of gratitude to our Marielsatisfyingavourlxou lghtmg men the fwld Who Op get when golden molasses and toasty Remember the anniversary ser vice at St Pauls AglicanChurcn on Oct at mu Con Pierce Essa spent Sunday with the Tredwells Mrs Cobourne Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs DAngio Mrs Monteith Eldon and Win nie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs AMiller Barrie St Pauls WA held their meet ing at Mrs Whipos last WedH Ii igalg ITheVdae 559 fox them azaarlls ovv If you ARE crossed finger driver youre headed it no OKs For CHILDR today Gpardlhemwoli with plentifuliighll The right iii SIZdllEldison Mazdollampg designedio 1sldyhrighlar longer will qsbrour children of comfortable healthy seeing conditions ingwhich teamed or study Keep clarion of lamps always hand vitallyInigexisedIndEquippedr Loads KAPUSKASING KIRKLAND SUDBURY Or enIOute about Oct 18 phmgisssg 43Esscr Rd OUNG eyes were netell morepreciousjhanjhgygiie Idols especially designed for tests adjustment or gt geplacemeritland use only factoryapproved parts bisflee driving this fall and winter WEAVMIUTHSDANGE Suplesnely we owe thanks to those gt gt Gratrlovcnull no marl than GROSSED FINGER iver lof HaroldyPartridgefand for usl 77 7777 gt The spirit lnwhlcn oorglorioos fingerdrivers are those thousands who often nd radeship and indomitable courage who gavertheir lives in the fight this that man lay low his life ll ldd rep my in own 15 1e raisel dead lived is passed down to us neglect theirDodgeor DcSoto motoricnrsorDodge cmd of love for King and countryfor The mh of obgrPartsylnd Service Department Hm pedthesewravagers in their tracks 54le tg9lhermatmdel hf for Our Saviour Christ says for his friends We are the fEnds his name Honour his memory for 1709 When weahe 895C01d crossed as legacy Their spirit of gom Trucksngambling thatnothing Vvill happenfro the mechamsm iv KNOW YOURjCAR Vc hiveequipment and Landsat Part TORONTO KINGSTON OTTAWA MONTREAL dngppolnlmennqnd be assured of trou CAVALIERDOMESTIG IlEID Morons ls nowoarefully washed land on treated SIZE 14 Allandab will till it In Phne us NOW for lbonf stranded BOOK smile mmrce AUTHORIZED GENERAL ELECTRICDEALER 30 hllizabelkdt rnourz 4055 BARBIE TboDGE and DEAIERW 65 CollierStBarrie Phone 6373 quter Rothwollf$ervice Manager