PACE EIOIII COUNTY ASSESSOR 14 His ossing Unexpected SEEKING TO CLOSE wmsw $11000000 GAP Continued Lnr REPAIR THATVROOTZI xnw ltM aim llti tiliN ilcllll tii NROLL ROOFING In Aerrem TYPES ta the eyes control and direct mos lot the liltiltllltlllutll hands and let ROBINSON HARDWARE rrioNiz 2131 llll unlk lit circles 71 DliNl0P 81 Iifxitlllllltfl Classifieds cost littl lliut give big results lIes orily llilll llll rlllllllSililllS eager to telephone liome livery returning troopship is packed with sons and husbands yearning forthe rst opportunity to telephone the glad news Im nearly hotric+and to hear again familiar voices Meanwhile all across Canada thousands are waiting for these calls as they never waited before The veteran may have Only few minutes to call between trains Help us to avoid disappointing him So Mr CltilltdII iiiii and II the eyes are closed person USRIORRDISWW lKlWANIANS OO HONOR T0 ROI MOVITTIR xr page one tiii1rtilioeliitil twirlii Ere rendered It ittttiiiieii 1Ic excllira gtiitgtit to itt le Just tiiilliliii iit tonight ie iron me too which yoi le iciideicti ii itllt seiic While this Zlrutlit lllllfltllnhl lil all would also express it livliitliiili that your pro tllll to tir 25 wet it For low cost lOtllnf on homes IIm lliiillt wimp will LilLHli itsjiwl Inga summer cottages garages industrial lg inro lmi Miltij UWHIL buildings elcAlexIrricr Murrays lourtypes imi mglily iriiportant work ogl Slal0 Surlaccd Talisman Idnus and Iibrd lsiitiiirrI urd Lzriitiii tire edm weld roll matingsmil Illl Ovcly need lcr ll itoliiill of Canadian youth willcud economical rooting Rich in appearancii they to lHlilHllHW provrdo lasting protection against heat old in with to loll it sphere of wmdandrain ictoilies in Guelph pitastube as lll it that you cart itli ti ll Lat us help you Forest the toll tooling lot Hi Vinyls my hhw Im Mlh ITI your n00dYOU cannot wmnq when you tzi icoiamr an inn or the wliole citi choomiillexander Murrays Products lllilioiiry of Barrie and district for success and happiness of Mrs ille littio yourself and lantily ti rmpt The bond was presented by lddb Vt Archie Wensley and the recipient immediately presented it to Mrs liiiuton lleyer Ilonre Green 01 Bed from Overseas 1111hs PM 11 llttittt home lellmutori that rt was exactlv ten vciis iih lwwr xix Ih ivttri TALISMAN ROOFING 55 lbs 85 FI 22 Ark mm wrsms been received into the club If ht ll ml My Ilrlu1 wont had been able to be of help to Ki llillil on Friday in sit wants he said there were thret lri in lloilll ilii lizIS llllllll reasons the assistance of his wife ri one roll Square feet Iho rtthUl that lit has asocialel with iIlll1llll actrvrties the De meals and tar In each roll itlltAi oNrnoL lltillllltlli of Education which wasnt too strict with him when Sllic ltvoted considerable time to iliiwanis the cooperation of the club iiiciribersr loll with farewell sparkled wrtli humor Edmund llardy did the honor for Mrs MCVittie and incidentally referred to the fine qualities of her poem that presented to Mrs McVittie boil lto be outdone by Roy he then read some clever vchcs prepared for the occasion This part of the program was followcd by an address by Ken lneth Greeiiaway of Guelph af ter which the largely attended gatheringr dispersed after singing Auld Lang Syne Wm SCOUTS EXCHANGE VISITS For the first timersinee the out break of war in 1939 there has been large exchange of visits between Canadian and US Boy Scouts dur of US Scouts visited Canadian Scout camps and groupsof Cana dian Scouts visited American camps 0W CaFEWHY Washedvad lie their delightle Retires from Ministry Pains In the Back Many Women have to do their own housework and tho constant Iltlll int over lilting lilttllll beds sary to perform their household duties puts heavy strain on the back and kidneys and if there were no kidney weakness the back would be strong and well one if 1r iiiilrfliiicliircli kidney SUT fcring women Deans Kidney lills are put tip in an oblong grey box with our trade marl Marnie Leaf on the husband one of which was his enius for friendship He then ifURLttIfrbatIIIIIIllilttlwdeltr 7Nva mg the past summer Many groups wrapper Dont accept substitute sure and et lioau Be The IuilLilliiirn CLJIITDIODM 03L CAVALIER DOMESTIC STOKER while small groups made tours of treated Size border states gt The number of Canaldian iner chant seamen manning Canadas foreigngoing merchant ships rose from 1460 to 8350 during the war War look its toll 70f them 1054 dead or missingfand prisoner up to March 31 1945 ESTABIISHED 1899 Mam HEAD OFFICE GRANT Ilt Calls 19th returning veteraris deserve speedyicotiipleiiotiiIi Theyarc just anadditioual reason why Loiig Distancetelephbuing ioday is herivier than ever before And why 9311s 5998 491954 lespitsfrfiiharyre 19 510 weig Lwlt my LON DlSiArtti littrnoi SMITH Manager 31 DUNLOP STI INTERNATIONAL VARNI gt N0j1FgtEAlgtIORDNIO NAHUM 1897keizv Eluilders Supplies rejzidgment Based on Practice and Experience coasuryeurcominenRrweRepseienuerOWRRW dencc Hislstandingis high in the profession practical experience makes IRE corriiiiiuiiiiirmariner OOMRANI I50 DunlopStreetBuirie Auoiirbmr In the loveliest of colour corn binations Softone brings new Allantlale Lumber Pubic Coal Coke Wood is iudgmem mature TORONTO Purelycotiadian Company Montreal are holidaying with Mrs charm Sitfid freshnegstohkall inhtleg iors tonewaseseca and wears likeiron In three 054 awed gladikca nishesFlat Velvet Finish SemiGloss and Gloss ROBINSON aoductd ELAST lCA KWICKWORKGLASSITE HARDWARE PllONE243l sri COMPANY LIMITED uenuiti lii llliiltltll on Sunday Sept 23 to tire fciienie to tilt Mrtliiursl rica tor oinc years and STOVE POLISH Riggingmagging sweeping ironing sewing so lllItfI late in every way possible lors that every ratepayer would avail Foresters Resume lFalI Training Tuesday Headquarter Grey and Show Iivalcm III is mg il 112mm the 5301 fr dis izid Wiulc nature was lli With all the pins pie oll cc tittzili uI until may also some further tier the tiltll iil Minor Haiku III Admin and liiiiiiig Officer for tire ltegrnmut explained the policy it work for the tlill parades Us nil fgtlliltc Ill coining llltillllll cpl lliil Irlrlll and Over 90 oil ir ti ll ere presuil Barrie Wiltl kill every other Tuesday night xvnle officers and nCos will turn or every Tuesday The nights llt Will cover four periods instead three The unit if to go It Cllllll lien and Steii guns lhe tollrun l1 weekend wrlt be an overnight The SWIIHic training syllabus iz design ed to be as nesting as issible illll there Will be plenty of up limtiate equipiient and weapons Major Macharen Coiiipziiiy ltoiiiinarider spolze of the OCR for the Reserve Army to ry on tiritil NDIIQ lays doter policy of rcorganizatiuii lllic government he said is de lpendiriu on the Reserve lllllls to litrcp tnlllll and at good strength illlllil the militia can take over In ttic last war as cell as this one tie Canadian Army had been torm lil quicklywand effectively only he lttlgtt there was an active NIAM setup The present Reserve Arnol was the basis for the militia of postwar years and the countrys ldefeiicc He urged the IllCllllXlslnl lthe rrrrit who had done good job were not of age or physical category for orcr lseas to keep the torch high until tliey could get replacements from younjier men and overseas vet erans who would like to retain their military identity in the NIAM Fine Cooperation Between Township and Centre Wasaga Beach At the Central Wasaga IICthll ilritchriycrs Association animal riieetirru ii large number of rate payers assembled at Bark ers Redwing Liidge to hear of the activities of the executive corn Wliile this young it has eral committees sociation is quite triblefor itlie benefit OI theparticu liar section of the Beach in which it operates The ratepayers stressed the fact lllltl the above association is in no way Connected with the police vil llage of Wasaga Beach but corn prises that section of the Beach ly ccption of life inittce also the reports of the sev Movement aS Dunns hiilrirv Pills lmlpAto give been able to accomplish considerfund tlilrolllllltllllrilllt litlj1tl trig between Joan Ave on the east dale and Nottawasaga on the west Wittii towhliiie Herman Siinni lownship Council all of whom were present were quite in ac cord with the association and ex pressed their willingness to cooper Reeve Herb Barker irrad drcssing the meeting said he was very glad to find the association so much alive and willing to co operate with the council He was able to clear up several items about which many of the ratepayers were lvery much in the dark and express ed the hope that the cooperation between the two bodies would con tinue Officers elected for the year 1945 46 are as follows Hon Pres Mrs Trott Stayner Past PresC Vanzant Toronto VicePres Riogdruffhloronto SecyTreas Tebbey Stayner Coumil and members of Executive CommitteeZone RLCurrie Toronto 2H Sanderson ColA lingwood Saxton Toronto Alex Walker Orangeville Swift Toronto Stewart Toronto Thewnew spresident asked the continued cooperation Of every member and expressed the hope Lille opportunity tobe come member as in numbers there is strength Theweetwthmdiournedwit feeling that something hadbeen accomplished during the past year and hoping for larger and fuller thingswin the coming year WYEBRIDGE Mrs FranzzJohnstonhas been yisrting with friends in Toronto teachitr Staf spent the weekend withiliercepArents Sunday Rev Howden Bar George Morrison Rev CStubbs ed in the service Jean MacDonald Elmvale spent the weekridwi Mrs Ralph MacDonald Mr and Mrs Reginald Elliott WerR and John VElliott the formersxmother Mr and Mrs Morley French and Beverley Ann and Waverley Mr and Mrs Allan Cameron Mr anders MrGuthrie Mr and Mrs Orval McClung Muriel Rawn Lay man Murdoch Maurice Lawson Mr and Mrs Alvin Ney attended the Lindsanyair on Saturday special Committee for Educa tion has been set up under the chairmanship of Vincent Massey High Commissioner Tor Canada to wdeal with Canadian service per sonnel desiring to take training courses while awaiting repatriation to Canada AthespecialfspeakerRev The members of the Sumtidale Miss Joan Edwards iiToronto Several from here attendd the Memorial Service at Waverley on Elmvale assisti Mr and Brampton qhave been visiting friends at Wyebridge Graham Jones Bbb Huffman Mr aners Earl Preston and Lloyd ATTRACTIVE WALLPAPER for Bedroom Living Dining room and llalls Floral stripes and plain patterns in wide range of colours lit worthwhile prices priced few of the many ROOM LOTS lti lliillri ttli $8315 Special $15m Rolls igg Shillll Special Sliti lll ltolli rec 3204 Special Slit ll Rolls riIg $260 Special $108 lttills rec 4100 Sllttfltll 542915 ih In IV ii Rolls roll $198 Special SLIII lti Rolls reign $250 Special $15 lJTLJllolls iiu SLEIZ Speeial $198 ROBINSON HARDWARE Dunlop St Telephone 2431 GREAT YOllIII MOVEMENI 81in Sir Malcolm Robertsonl British IIIgtIllC youth rnoveal hon louuniI LL merit which has the greatest donl is Aluxwp You is the lily SCUIII Tl For the hood tif our ily 35 country this oruanination should ilLIhiH Supplh 15 skilfully blended front be extended throughout the country clroiCe intiiiAtiieiieun Single copies of the luxamnier cents from local newsdealers CUHCCQE WM Cauthers Stayner Pres iIAniITTRISINCV is easy deliciOusreedyatOSRIriilriifcngmiutfcicalfyour whole family willloveLCmmmedwith satisfying Lgoodnesszofwholewheat Muffetshre biSCuitIreat Ilacily spun frOmrib bonsand ribbons of crispy wheat toasted golden brown packed with avour and energy value Youll nd MUFFETS are thrifty eating too 35 servings Cost less than cent apiece blllllulll ORDER PACKAGE Hitters TROM YOURGVROCEYR TODAviQ flfheliQuaktIIOnls Compuiy oINCanarlA Limited