PT Date 038 i511 afixl ilk cc lie 11011511 lo tbwc wt 21 opportuzixg 11f 21nd of kn allowmg iniv teaching 111 SS N1 Olive l111s11p lliizlai lily Dhric later 11111911 il liar Il1 in Alumna 11 at It 11 1121 wash Iiidlltlti11 1111 lllllllx scli111 ill Sluibuly l111 11111 11111111 FallollbrillJy Nickel 2111114 11211111 school 5111111111 I1llit 11311111 11 When men and women on dine duke otI tliliu formerly of breakdown Ileglll to llppcar Now should take course They help tone the system Tim Milhum Cor Lg 1WNr me ONLY Razor wml AUIOMATIG suns CHANGE PREWAR MATERIALS AND cousmucuon THROUGHOUT Ell NEW lNSPECTORl 0111111112 311117111 CJil 27 and 111t11u11113 11111 115 In 111ml Bur 11 Help to 11111111111111 Are Past Middle Age get past middle age limit orgy and activity in many instances begin lode and their general vitality is on tho Wane little ailments and sickan seem qudcr to and lidrc and there evidences is i131 1011 5c fScfio ic EUnt it Ilw hex of Dxl 411121141 lh Ill 81 is the tiuic those wishing to help maintain their of Milbllrus Illall Limited Tel0pm Ont $1 daugiitczs lwvli1lyn l1 and Nerve lills In 34121 will English Liraiimiar the The Maple 11 Parry Sound hun Scott and hair lI l1C lll 5131 llitd 11 f1 ili enjoy ilvui 111 ii 11 Dating First postwar International Scout Iainliollzc 1111 he licld in France mwwhng dva 1917 likely I111gt 1111 11113111111111 11111 ilt 50c 11 box 071 pills at all dru counters book or our tunic umrk Red cart on the pack taught wind or 11 dc IX 1111 Nu Wilw Learned Printing Trade 1941 exim mini In Barrie so Yems A90 WM 11 lmnicr 121131 cilimi BA dcgieel at the kIImLII21111111 Cillmlliil CdIttY iitcrrat Roy Cassie BA for Mt Scott was 111 11 Mixture CnCItitlit the Public iluzox County He red his spettor wlm stiLtrCtIS Mr 81 mm clunelllazy 121112 111 SS 111 tins Ilispvszlouitc If 11 it want 1111111 Colin In ltihWnt lo 121s 35 and 111l 111113 llmllilttl Mr Sc 131 and 1132111 take my WW WW NW um liiigllazu Polo attended the lzp reslrlci11 max 11111 mm pm Stroitotil N113Ii11 SS1 in 111311 Ll hill t1 the v111 111 Milan1 The largest 111 111111 111 England 111 111211 attracted 51 um 501100 Boy Scouts Ironi 11 different mm mm FUWHH SI ml itllllllll 11111 1121 that of tlic lllit mg 5mm mulmm Tl lin IIlliplil 1111I 11lilnuiiweilltli IIBBIIII and vigour up turd invigorate the patient by their tonic action on blocked by tlie Public Utilities TIImI mead CommmmnI II TAMBLYII Quality Products has only half the buikofoherrazm The Clerk reported that some Getsngminmhard residents on Jolili St wanted Rgg 15 toshavc spots pavement 39 feet wide while Whilellieulast ESCHICK RRIE exam BARRIE ONTARIO can raosfnmt 11 Rimbaud Home Iranian null 11 in ship 111th laminar 10511 Has Since Been in USA mmum II manned Podium in Manitoba sisk311i 21 Li than Allegra British Aitumbia and 11 Jillirrrlli 31V rite wittypbunetor Imus height you hunteluhrd 1135 TE Home luilal lemma Magma 315 HLHIE HCIJA SHIPMKE Hell if Edml 1011111th from page 111131 Smith repoiled 11111 1111 Ilit lillxllci 121111 it the railway tract and 11111 molds for which the 1111111 1gtlc111 Ala letter from St Macys Sci reported that llllkcri sil matter was whent 111 the II111I of Walks Referring to whiplailits about the odor 111111 opzmi 111 Wold ti Alli Puncher reported that 111 uuiliager 11 the plant had 111111 one resident that shllc 1111 gtlllill unplwisallt it was 1111 iiuhcultlii Ald Ilutt leiidllnz lcttci 1111111 Town Engineer Otto liliwson 1c ported that follow had given 1111 order for pumps 111111 should 1111111 unite the Condition coulplaincd if letter was read froui the All jllstilicnt Otticci Ontario liovui cial Couuiizlnd Canadian IKXIUII BESI asking why the town would not permit Lloyd Sllltlllllllllltl xi Kapc Pme the Shadow of Nerve WAMPOLES Your Morning Refresher Its the Tamblyn Broadcast Monday through Friday 1030 AM 0m cm ll Ann 11 People Hun mul IM lg soldier to build more cabins 1111 property on Blake Street The letter stated that this prn peity has now been transfer ferd by Mrs Smith win her 5111 The Town Clerk reported that when the buildingrestriction by law was introduced notice 11111 been sent to 100 property holders concerned including Mrs Smithl There were no objections 11 that time and the Municipal Board uult thorlzcd the bylaw The Clerk was instructed to write to the ch ion explaining that Barrieliad bylaw which would not permit the Council to authorize the building of more cabins unless the bylaw was appealed or amended II The Council authorized day for the Navy League Saturday Nov 24 It will be the second taU day for the Nov League 111s VCi II yII 11 CAIIFIG 1131111113 11111111 931 SlANS 11111111111 f59c 330630 mm Elation 132981 NIEUIWL 231451791 ZAMHK471 Bebutify Your Summer Snapshots with Ch CoughsColds in and Bronchitis Beautiful letter from the Dcpartnicntof National Defence statcd 111111 1111 bell from HMCS Burl1c which is being decommissioned Would be presented to the town with II scroll 55 Eu Aid Cowan asked if the road was being put through from Mary St to High St as proposed Mayor Sinclair reported that it was being utilisation sec139 onrx SOAP others would be satisfied with the usual width of 24 feet In any case the towns share of the ex AL DOG EK lllanr 111111111 11113911111111791 pense would be for eight feet The MM 8mm matter will be left to the ratcpay crs concerned cb 55 509 Reg 256 K9Mcai 19 The Town Enginer reported that something should be done to the Ballard Dog Food BAIYER ASPIRIN 1012 2111191 111111111111 10111 111 111391 111 1111 791 TABLET 51 gurfaclei of Collier and Worslcy Iv ts owever the Council decidi if ed that they had expended as 493399 mm 75 muclfas the budget would permit 3535 25 for public workstthisyear on 35 ow er Aa letter from Engineer Rawson Pmt Dog Food IA Reg 50 39 mslu 796 as eld recluest had been made to ave sewers laid down to serve MELE DODDS SUPPLY OF RAZORS IS LIMITED the government houses being built uMdmd KIDNEY PILLS BUT 11mg mu BE No on Peel St The Town Clerk was II instructed to proceed with the am 35 110005 dEESIWW CWWS Wech SHGRTAGEOFBLADE rcustomarypetitions for theratc Sergeanrsun KthIlIIngf 3451 Reg 49 WReg 159 payersI concerned The Govern SA Pills The Schick Injectoi Razor has memv bemg only one property an exclusiveJetuFe=ith the hmerv Will have only one Wre TABLETS only razor withI Automatic Each of the householders on the 11511 blade changequick as wink opposite side of Peel St would claim AIpull and push on the II have vote If the petitions were gimmm mjgctor and out shoots the old Ll not sufficiently signed the Board him ateslides 8136 of Health might be asked to rc M1 mo lt ant YTsavmm mmuhamwers be installed for sanitarylvand health reasons Beechams Pills 777777 On recommdaiimtm Aid Him chasSK 7L PM 35 and moved byAid Currie and Cascara Tablet elm of tI secondedby Ald Pugh thiBoard legs3514 If rigid smut Sck IIISWB doll honed doublestrap pad and twice agI thick take keeper iofWorks uiaiasked to investigate the probability ofaenehcrsgpower mp serving the sewage disposal Ironand Yeast Tablets Regan29 stars 2315 II plant Acc ording toAld Iiart it Sweet Nairerills Nun 11 ANACIN TA would cost only $425 to buy Re 39 i7 pump and the power would cost 31 WHOLE NATURAL F0 Milk Magnesia Tablets Reg 39c was arI rsUvi Pills23f6 Bile Beans 47 about $4 amonth This would pump waters which the town is now paying the PUG $60011 year ll Jon9 for Constipation Fuss MOSQUITOES When Grant Mayor presented the1 hydro electric bill for the municipal buildings therewasm some suggestiontbat it Was higher MnpreviQUMMMWmmka 219 trekked Yeast Focuamiut II Inexpenahze close tcd head ahead of asols up whiskers you cat macaw we 1111111 south Sdek31axe91 shun stretchesskm tho blade edge so wipe muss no fusat Not 111 takeapartl Iodanger gins fumbling with blade 311 Shaves Thanks to SbliicksI exclusive shaving head that are Ino CD you mbteeth or uni protected corners to me the fiucuement lighting didnptloyiier the bill as promised Mayor Sinclair rstated that al rthough lieuorescentvhghtsw fised less power the PUC automatically increased thegrate for thistype of 001154 11 occurs AlDeepSeallillNERAl lighting p009 DIAPERi WASHI rI tliit it The Council voted in favor of sendingc cheque to me Barrie quaint Agricultural Society for $5000 This is compensation promised early in the yearito enable the So ciety to replace buildings taken down when their former property was sold for the efrectiOnIpf the CGE plant on gradford St MEATLESS DAYS ma Builds Resistsw Nun You i291 79c 139279 1th be Buy For lustful yvlu wm Wjmh pm STORE HOURSMono ruesnhurs r1111 3311 erudite 265 831 101111 Wednesday 830 am to 12 pm Subtrth 830 IIqm to 1030pm Open evcrrSunday 1030 cum to 10 OR Stan00M EMERGENCY AFTER nouns mom 3871 i1