CA outoouuuaou THURSDAY SEPTEMSER 1945 glibblllloilufl outlays intwive ironl glitzt1 ul llilillulta of dulluls lrtrillt 51 tilvltzli lllilll Inted food clnlhnig tllctlltul and other sziplirs to irilcvc llltilt aud lnx Lntlid National Hon Ilsley Shows Need of Ninth Loan Canadas Greatest iof lcitlillirl rupplles to these pini illnludnig Chanda nor talis ll ii unsornacrons ALCOLNTAWs IS Epics Canada is also lending money Canadas Ninth Victory Loan ill two snailer ltnili one now and 11 mitilillltl ll 331 tilt in ldll INCL GiggleNd AIUJJIIUTrusuecizc Imm tiily supplier in Canada in 553431L 11 JidtLxliwli Wu Crown Life Building 59 Yonge St for this hectorle iiy CanolaJR Ciiquci Mi Toronto we Of mercv open on October 22nd and will beuliolhvr in the Spring of 111113 intans llic iggcst ever floated this re saving of time effort and land thlastatloll of war ltlcniunci was silent examzpiinmr ONTARIO CANADA Pm 51 straws lltxr Mirna it Lou Minimumsovoummml are urgently needed ka Street lILnc 311M nights curly needed it ovucolnc the losses ill wf loti no 11 ilil NO agency can talte the place country the Honorable llsiev expense lil said 11 is possiblel lull has announced on Friday The Lininlto anti for full your needs itlhdmh Spmd lud lain on Elwin drillkrliu 621 lllllllll LLGAL Ol The Salvation Army in the will coVer Canadas burrowing one 11111 because Canadas bufltlwthlti 9le Mil tizlln fii Mini lllflffllsi llklllil1ll real it needs for the next twech nuulthsing requirements over ileth We will piospclll Lu lltt pm BUYS BOYS 05 19 10mg 1111 tWUHd ial rii ll kiit Io lilully lxttthtl 11 dUlll mrld for ole Mm 11Tgt oiiiors Notaries Pub Uniting the Mllitnltt of Finance tEXplillllcd lwclVe months will not be as large making it unnecessary to have lllb they now been in recent years gt wummgn ilolls kind to than 11 Wqwv Victory has been won in Euri Oni large 1011 now lllrltutl of lope and in the Pacific ilotililtes means the endof many wm costs lint we now face newt And these ncthusks bring needs liiiiltilili1 tinue at high levels llllilllc other next wring The end of towards noznizil peacetime 11v 1103 lululliu Unfold Ill flasks ncw So total outlays and requirements will con THE connnnn CUPBOARD FULL COURSES OB LUNCIIEONS CATERERS for BANQUETS For men in hundreds or nominating liiusl be limugliruacki to their homeland from ovcrscaslm This will take time because shipping shortages and continuing optrations 1canwliilc they must be paid lcdl mum the lll5 housed and cared for ill hundred andonc different ways costs money Lhcn occupch areas This all large amounts of it the wounded and sick must 1w restored to licallhjmulll sigma Vclrrmls will be given good start WH mm me in civilian life Manywill be train wm senm gmpon the way up But the supply of mums new things to buy at current prices flmh WW hm liltl Hill ill Yb is vexy much 1055 Um lellilLlllC Act llnl forming people it amount of sliclldable money in tlie MP 0W illlllltlimh mumWWONN SAN FOR TREATING FALL WHEAT Comes in two sizes lb and lb tins LAWN GRASS and LAWN FERTILIZERS September is the best time to renovate your lawn or build new one TRY OUR XXX LAWN GRASS MIXTURE together with BONE MEAL NEW COTTON BAGS FOR CLOVER SEED BROWN CO MEMBER OF BARRIE CHAMQEIL OF COMMERCE VBELTS For POST OFFICE SQUARE HOLMES Proprietor ed for new jobs uitics and rcvstablishme will be paid These and othe GER REFRIGERATORS WASHING MACHINES COAL STOKERS and other Power Machines Made by Goodyear From 20 to 100 in length in two widths DIAL 3874 36 BAYFIELD ST MEMBER OF BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mice lame Members the Armed Forces us crsnon Clllllculum etc is givgn we And Tlieirlriends alli$l333has sum Mk 9599K STRETCHERSGH 51295 2E The Council of the Town of Barrie wishes to procure the names mbers ofthe armed forceswho enlisted from Barrie Of allrryrne It is the intention of Council to prepare an Honor ROIl Contain 1119 these names and to present some form of recognition Ofirvl ordftOObtainasfdll oistasgpossi iltll llit Lldl ilnl KlilTlrill IV 11 It merc tilliC TS ll ll WM flit 1195 tlt itlll1t INN or rest Tiltn lllclt iic outlays of Vol flit 13 Owen St Masonic Tcn Heads lhe support Oi yo IlY Alttil liiocraul and in start its on on tdillviiLtmal villi bits Lttll WM MEDICAL Buildinet Harrie Branch office dollars Give generously gm l1 Vlcroiukv 01mm or Nillists Emma my llicsri 1mm mi Nut Mimi llltl lltl of the Royal Colnnsls Balm Brfmm 5in Bug mmiL Sim donated by lulc reasons why Canadas llhiluilr 31 Ellmiilllll llllldillxtltl by from 21111 to 41111 oclock rimiv ch ILSIOSTONEAICURRIE till requirements for the next Man the ltlttllllllttli He referred nesday irlitxitiui of Lur SUI New lWl villain at llilth lcwl ttll 13 to 11W rtliiiultls on minor Vim my lumdcdnvct tutorial Balllllgllllxsgl itjtgitmglt lthouuli direct war crisis have ic 15 N151 SVZSWJ lilld Dtllll duu Telrlmm mm 015011glllilltIlilUlDtOIle 31 FlRNITllH ml with Victory inuxapemilliliter illn ldwll41311539 Tfmfzzrg MONEY lO LOAN 113mm TIM 1mm mutiny tcntim Vocational luid MUSICLESSONS wliy Canadians alc being asked in than liw Bowl in llviuiiun in COWAN COWAN tannin me mace mm MW llralln illltl lltil ltoml lftllil JESSIE 11 333 Barristcrs Solicitors Coiivevancers l1l for llltlll to hill on liducnvim Kahlil 8nd Choir Ulrcttor Nillltlt lubic 1c1 leml Ml luwh lwiIn Street Dhrric leuumzh 123 1M TEACHER OF MAN SINCENG Branch Office Stavncr Thurs All in hum mmloymem Wimpy school problem in loronto the and MUSICAL THEORY all grades Ajm Cowan imitating AlCM Modern Methods mm 27 Bram FRANK HAMMOND 8A Kc Edmund Hardy Mus Han FTCllll BMlmsTlmn SOLICITOR ETC pm Singing and MaSonlc Temple Bldg Barrie Musical Theory rizauist liolri MONEY To LOAN master of St Andrews Presbyterian The valao of find supplied by lirathan lItltl for six express Canada to the llll$il vlinimy of will provide work for Food tllulil Wallaslv contracts low gt Moritlculctsi Cnlh twin Stillbillllt 11 litill to 277s iiuvtuui be end of Almost OlltlltUt in 15111 in inclsaw of over and lilt 51sz will 51 1110111 511 in days uvial Board few years 1111 Hard to dil being laid Continued saving over mm ll mm En yell he mowplun 11111 fathers ill111 chrsius was not the reason The Board War production has come to an IV end Production for civilian use lsil IM to on tivc attendance dcpartinent nnd Church Gold MedalistlorontoCmi DUNCAN MmuAm 34 servatory of Music and University1r1m15iiR SOHCITOIL ETC Oflorouto 113 Worsle 31 ltl Money to Loan ltoss Block Barrlr DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate Wyu AVOID DELAY PLAN NOW of Toronto Conservatory of Musitf DONALD MWLARRN BA hands of Canadians As long as Ml T111 lllilllllcd lciltlttls this condition farming the will welt tlltlilllttl ll 11l lllt homes if and London lilng CUllCKe of Money to loan HAVE YOUR illtl titlillltltl he upward pnwum mice ltlllltllltllls and try to get hum to Music Piano and llloory WWW which mum lend in want to go to school explain to 152 Maple Avenue lMasomc Temple Bummgv 83 INSIDI PADVIING DONE fiation then to mass uncmplov 1f MAYDFF McAlilIT ATCM thllnltt FRFF JOHNFWO0DS moat misery and hardship Pm ml 13 NW St Church Spending imwmcs his pmmm innrested in them Six teachers 0f Pianugnzj Theory ngkgfgtgglqqlggl For information on Interior or Saving Iwmrws continued vorrko and 115 Hayfield SL Barrio phone 266 Mbney 10 Loan Exterior work saving by the purchase of 9111 Vic cent 111 the last two years Educa JOHN REID it OPTOMETRY 213 liv2dingitpcfsnr5 tion should be sold to boys and cuts EARRWTER SOLICITOR ETC to maintain The buvinll powtir of llltit parents ROBT DAllRlI llSc Bamet om Colnmllnitv Ccntr 1s OPTOMlZIIlIST 111 money By helping to main is out tain stability it will help us to 11 0W 509111 movements and 93 DunlapSillindqncc mmne 296 VETERINARIAN win the peace splcnduidhing It should be car PrO Gllhooly The mmhmlm Objectives for mo rlcd on in cooperation with school ROBERT SMITH DR FLEMING work but our schools today are not OPIOMEIRISl VETERINARIAN and SURGEON aw Oun all built properly In futun schnmg 53 Dunlop StPhone 2586 Sophia St 15 Barrie Phone 4545 tory Loan history They icflcct the will Db bl mm 94 my two Loans in one feature of the 91h whmfl nn1lildigsjam OSTEOPATHY Xifiiii131atie313i2lil mm DIRECTORS RADIO REPAIRS me ts Inlay centres They are rccrcation EDWIN WILSON BSA no ottowlng lcqui centres also drama and LLOYD STECKLEY Slmcoe Street King Block Barri As individuals Canadians knowmndicrafts are featured so that TElephone 22513 HAVE YOUR RADIO REPAIRED OR CHECKED NOW the VIIIU 0f VlClOFY BOlflSlhe young and old may enjoy them on 4an St phone 2703 Hours 912 32m 25 9m FOR THE FALL AND WINTER PRGRAMMESI vulucfof ressrve it savingth Vocational Guidance my mm By appointment meet more rice am wan Hqu thin L0 rs 01lLlUll people Ewelge moth gagging wn min The speaker believed that every FUNERAL DIRECTOR d3in Rnxlmgu at the Ile boy and girl should decide on his ulabllsmd 135 OAKS 01 her own vocation It ma be all UNERAL DmECTons chases in earlier Loansl and most right to advise mum the pm AND EltiALMERS Db ALL Temporary Address others Will buy more iron Ole mdo but that is an 1C Schwl Motor ambulance in connection 89 WORK 189 Bradford SL The 9th Victory Loan will be OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Canadas Greatest Victory Loan 11F 1s Ml pmyam BARRIE ONT PHONE 353 mary St Phone 85 GUARANTEED Phonelzsm studies most pupils vrll bcnnblc to decide hen they 10 yelllS ld ww7 JTVTV TTTTmu TNm WVwa VA TTAAVTVV The Canadian lnlelC Fleet 15 The School in Relation to Healthl mud if its round of 2750000 sea is something that has not received miles in Admiralty SCYWCO CDTW the attention it should have lllei ing tr00135 811d SUDPheS 111mlth number of rejections for the armed enemy infested waters forces is reflection on the type gt During thewar Canada has be of training our boys and girls have come the leading exporter Of base been getting An effort is now ThetalsiVOf the cOmbincd output of being madam jtymmpmsmyl the United Nations Canada con forevery child to be medicallyexx tributed 94 of the nickel 75 amined before starting to schooll gt lot the asbestos and 32 of the and then periodically during the aluminum produced school years We spend lot of money on building schools but too often we neglect the most im portant features More use should lEigngggiiiihyvggi321153ng Keep Your Stock Healthy PLOW SHARES For most makes of Plost Royal Purple Stock Tonic Royal Purple CREAM CANS=w1th tqp and gauge much for the health and progress of the children The schools should Tonic SalvelLice Powder gGIS for The ROyl COmmlSSlOn EdU Roup Cough Powder Sweat have the best in equipment cation was appointed some months it by the GWCIHment with Mr Liniment Diarrhoea Pills Hog Tonic and DE LEVAL PULSO PUMP OIL can nncrmc nouns Justice Hope as chairman The Commission is ndw receiving CondlllQner briefs on school buildings on teach ftdlgtimalcgnnfgiggfonishpg 522i PoullfyT6h1Y and 13qu ProduceriKidneT fWicklessOIL STOVESO OlLHEATEBi ingst Willi submitted to the De and Blood Powder Hog Tonic Cattle STEEL FLUE BRUSHES zscjiioc 69r75c gaggimgfdummn and Cathartic Liniment Medical Wonder unduth $195 offenderlimited131 Healing Powder Distemper and Cough 30ch LAMPS 10 15 25 40 and sweat win extended thanks POWder Ilnqigeson Remedy Garget eqch Cure Vetennary Otntmet and Gun lOOWOll 20c and 29 each 15012007watt For the service given The Barrie Examiners advertising rates are 0mm KINDERGARTEN lope SETS BRITISH CAV LRY HOOP OINTMENT Light Oak Finish therwest among Weeklies 990PERS DBLKILLTinsandBqu lUSIBIIEiSIBD slim odsiirruss JiQYAI PURPLE GALEMEAL DO YOUR OUTSIDE PAINTING NOW lefmernbers of the armed forces or their friends are reg General conditions are much better than r5 rrmwith theiollewingiaformation Name in rail crpg or nip rinsed in iiii clip this mile animal some toAWvaitliTovh Clerk Boole syvl 711 rl Copies of the above form may be obtained from the Town Clerk Robertsons Drug Store Cosdens Pharm 101 at the following places nitEd Cigar SforeWhittys DrugStore ocy Knighterrug Store iondJ CroigSons It is heped the informationrequeSted Will be furnished at anearlYdate DatedztitBdrrlefihls8th day OfAiigust 1945 SMITH Clerk fiBlNIERS11rE$195r$2200$250$275 in Spring andSurnmerWOOCI and other Pale YEIW surfaces are diier temperaturemore CAVALIER DOMESTIC Thbs Fliers use FlYDed $1150 SIOKER ls luaumm wmedr 7Sreaking of flies what can be mare repulsive thafifth spider Every one ivapts tokill themdarnedthingsfflhe tr modem Spider employsa much smootherteohnique than hismore oldfashioned pfedecessorsThisone uses halt in the form of an attractive female spider who lur esthe malefflyinto her net and when the time isripep 31162113 male pounces like anger on itsvictlm but does not kill him gt tretitelll 13 4llailllale HHeltivngacketisntit JPity ltherpoor ies GuessDDiT wouldwieiOut titers lllmll8a Fuel 00 1gjorwguldtt toil Coke Wood BulldersvSupplles no le Bowels Bowel troubles although happen ing at any timg of the year are more prevalent tiring the hot sums mer and earl fall months rummer is one of the worst troubles but diarrhoea dysentery colic cramps and pains invtliein testmea or an lameness of tho grniiiierLOOit LAMPS Complete $2150 KBABY WALKEES Blue anciPink $2175 ROCKING HORSES $395 34351 BROWN BETTY TEAPOTS cupl149c Your Guinness50 Quads $1500 KIDDY KARS $239333512 Aladdin Lajm 5581502m1d39o7 complete withshudedtriip6clg TTRESTLE TABLizssvso $825 chateau DOLL BEDS Blue and Ivory $150 $200 In Pastel Shades of Blue Green iiii $159L $375 $450$595v Thenctiono DrJowliExtmct if ofWlld Show 11 pleasant In HARR than phfwtht Patgsmw bowels should ve immediate at tention rapidtolisbloundo actual in hot mg to check the unnatural wlthmuduntod Getmilfaw1lfiudteal aim mmmom0omiwmm0m MEMBER or stand tumult or common set $295