Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Aug 1945, p. 8

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THE 0va mar Willi lilionlilc BLADE CHANGE toshavc spots PREWAR MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION THROUGHOUT The Schick Illytil Razor has an exclusive featllreits the only razor with Automatic blade changequirk as wink pull and push on the injector and out shoots the old bladelslidcs in fresh one instantly Saves time iris llnllll jll li Tiiiiicoinpnrthead has only half the bulk of other razors Getsrightintohard Wliilellieli last SCHICK IlleCor RAZOR Al allDealers SUPPLY OF RAZORSJS llMlTED BUTTHERE WILL BE N0 HORTAGE OF BLADES Lith ll illirzimisui ll lliii iei lili lllllii lllllit li ll Relative iii ll lmolio Siiilmw on Im loii lillidl Soylil izili rll ternil ii llalrix THOMAS UNIZN tliiitllfl Fillilmyl to llnllulv tlrrwliaz lie on till Tllit tlil Hlliillay nrliliilna lit ittli lie tlltLl in his birth year lzle an extruded lie lid illin 31 Ulsei will up yell lllltllillilltltlll it lellllie twi lrekers ltlti vi llifl in Der ni lriiir to twllllllii to lllllpl it llgt an he iilli been superj Illltlllltiil it the Harris Abattoi loiolrtli lie instigated the cxpn of tlinlluiiliaeoii In llltllllll llil one tf the best illlowir men it llir intuit paekiii industry iilitonly iii iialla and Britain but also It Sunfh Alrieiiel member oi the Masonic lhller Mr llsen belonged as well to the llltlllll llllliigllli and to the development Council of the Meal llrekers Association lie was enthusiastic fisherman and once played clarinet iii the 26th Reei merit Band London Ont Surviving Mr lseii are his wife the former Flora Buchwald twl soils letcr of lallltlllll Ont anc Thonllls of Guelph who returned from overseas recently rhiileliters II Chicano Manyrelatives friends and busi ness associates were ill attendance at the funeral Tuesday afternoon Rein Buchlow BA pastor of St Pauls Lutheran Church con ducted the service in the fuirera lhomc and officiated at the grave side iii Woodlawn Cemetery Pall bearers members ofthe staff at Wellington Packers were William Fisk Bernard Faxtel Reg Dimoiid Roy Miller Reid IVIIIIV First Manage occupant Mr Olsut was resident of Bar rie for several years in connection with the establishirrg of the hog packing industry here Comingin to Simcoc County lll 1929 he sold the idea and was the driving force in building the first farmers co plant in Can Under hisdirection the First of Ontaric Like many other industries the young packing enterprise washard hit by the big depression 4aiid the com lotus and Geo Harnpson operative packing ada Ctroperative started operations Packers in 1931 pany was reorganized and two Mrs Christa Cuthbert iGuelpli and Mrs Marie Marklcy Stainton spent the weekend in Newmarket Ray Thurman Stayner spent I187 and smoot 232 Schicks WE aheadoi sets UP you can mow Safer rem down shaving no com protected come you BladeChang gig no fusstrNothmg take apartlblo danger Oudlnblillg Wlth blades in parwrappinzr Al Shaivsl hatlkz ks cxd uslv to Schlchead there are bteeth hm is to nick few days with Billy Pearce Mrs depathrand children Not li tawa visited MrsIVan Duff Fred Pearson Toronto calmdon his sister Mrs Josaph Gordon CC Congratulations to Mr and Mrs El IJim Grant on the arrival of baby W1 Miss Norine Knewles Lansrna spent towidays last weekwith Jean Armstrong Quitea number from here at HTUT TEETHVTWWWWW MTG tended the flneral of Mrs Joseph Mumberson arrie ter Shaves SClHCk Mrs HerblPaddison and Gail To as are double ronto spentthe weekend with Mr blades ubje5trop and Mrs Ed Paddison honed thick Rev and Mrs Edward Newbury pea thce edge and children Torontoare spending They takeakenfar some time With his mother and on CE slsers it hold Thomas Sharp Toronto spent the Gilpin Jim Frank Horrile obituary from overseas ccnts office Itching Burning Stinging Eczema 0r Salt Rheum Eczema or call rheum as it is commonly called In one of the most painful of all skin troubles The intense burning itching and stunting ciallir neighbor when the affectedde Islam 10 heat or the handsplnced in hotrwoten are most 011 ladiy welcomed Thor of offered Burdock Blood Bitters is based on the knowledge that such ailments alleczema and othskinitroublesaro caused by on heuabl rlif is Inpureblood condition bloodof ibuim uritieo Win13 weekend with Mr and Mrs Horace ledhome with him after week with his housing mistake was made inthe notice Therefwlerc rec sonngim and Alex of Toronto and Henry home Single copiesoi The Examiners At all newsdealers or this Bring about inner clunhnmby usinzB 13 to help cleanulna counter forB Price $1004 bottle The minim co minim Tomi on itizYOND LIVE Radat TIMI no1 mar llltf In rrlsrs IIH the fate UL lrit ullfm Niel our fl rtfirl Hf imam rtrr Irlmf Irliil ll lfifnisn Barry lvr tlnrit Skili llll ii llarw lnzeii Lotion lhr Cleansing solicits iiltl lztclally drags on Iilhtllil prune the titr Freshener itlamer that rgtllilr oi lirritielilen tlilllll which remains Il llr l1l aiil hull tissue rlih ear ltl Ilrltll lhe lioniilf italiri Lotion iioziperl liv llu Harry the thrill Margin 1915 THERE ARE Tire caucus wnv IM SMALLER TNAHI USED arm ltJlllY tttlllll luxaiise it pit tells the skill rlil inlkrs it sotl lilPlHl it the liiplitaiioii of law glilvln Wilbur zltl vuillllti Itlxl THORNTON returned from overseas litlliiHvllll MAll 54 lllt Ross and Henry lliitnell simis WA mu Tirslfoserrioiill liilliy is holiday Tlw SUN Him 51 ill toroiilo lfft returning Illlrll ptT WNW Wm rlp with relatives riiSlielbiliiilni ishi 1llll ririidillcr MN 583 ml Mm AHmr RMMANH ll sill Irliiri lliilish liluiiiiinn llllly iiiiiiniliiioii will be held iisiell lrlgti weekend with All St llllt Lliurch rill Sunday at in in Miss lIllailor lealilk is BlltviflJW In days at ll Mauis Min Slllg Surri to report is ill the lllllll of her dllljliv Mrs iii ll George llry lllls turned his post at Vllllllfrj allr ii lunch with lils parents Mrs Charles Jobbitt and Berna gtl Jobbitt have returned ti loiaiili after lSlilllli it Neville laiiiiesoii= Rev ll lien will return flllill Woodland Beach this week and take his services lllXl Sunday Among the recent Tllllls Wti Jack Maw Mliicsinu Mr and Carson arid Alvlir Anten EIlllit at Ii Peacocks Mrs Jack Seott and Mrs ileviii it Jainiesoii are speiidin ek Miss Margaret MacKeiizie at IlIVllV huroii Beach lxiiicardine Mr and Mrs Spiers and Louise spent Sunday with Dr Roy Blackstnck and Mrs Blackstock at Willow Beach Lake Simeoe Mr and Mrs Ewart Burris Downsview Mr andMrs Beverley Burns and familyHarold Burns and friend llll of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Burris gtF1t Sgt Raymond Easton came up from ylnrehon Saturday and he and his mother and Miss Bar bara Ayerst vent to TOIlCllhtllll for the weekend to welcome hime Bombardier Jack Wice who has just returned fromoverseas Recent visitors included Mrs Stewart Petcrboro with Mrs Stewart Mrs Simpson Hunts ville at Simpsons Wm Arni strong Toronto with his mother Mr and Mrs Jas Spencer lidgely at Spencers Miss Melba Jar deiie Toronto at Mrs Greenes IWvo More Overseas Men Welcomed Home The Thorntoii Orange Hall was the scene of another happy gather ing last Wednesday evening when the community welcomed home F0 Mervin Galbraithandllpr Johnny Kelly from overseas It is some what difficultdo have different program for each reception That of last Wednesday night was real surprise when Mr Orchard and Mrs Maguire of Minesinrr came and put on program of readings solos stunts and instrumentals which captivated the large and ience Mr Orchardalso led in singsong The chair was ably filled by Frank Sinclair Mr Halbert es corted the two gueststo the plat form Mrs Gordon Dutton read the address and KenCrawford and Will Jamiesoirpresented each boy with wellfilled purse Both boysi linked the nuious9rgaeizations for the boxes they received during th two years and morethey were oVerscas lunch was served after which dance was enjoyed The music was supplied by Beattys orchestra toEugenia for avisit Mr and Mrs Dickey Ioronto arevisiting at Mrs Gapps Mr and Mrs Charles Campbell Miss ltuth Srigley has gone to spend weeks vacation at Miner sing Mr andMrs Wm McFaddenarrd family werewiththe latters par ents on Wednesday Miss Edna Hunter and Miss Nor Ian Middletoh Londonvisited Redfern thds week Threshingrhas started this week in thecommunity Itis hoped the weather keeps fit until all have finished that Mrs rimqu motored to Orillia last Sunday liiillllill pireiits Mr and Mrs Alehlalkiin lul am armqu ies it and fills ilvii IHII teal Alex Toronto ilirns on Sunday ll is more of the Angus buys lllfl ed their liillrsday iiiietilrus and would welcome all interested help litrand iLli rev 52 in liiiiilis Mural rnrl Wasaua llivllielhlnl Ttllli tllli Illtlllln il Calc llrai liimli lslflltl lilli ti 1th llls um illuilt last week ltlllill lrliilltililalrllx llcliihhliii illl ltlill ili and in Harry tann and All llllsli Tolliirawnoll and Ken visited ti HI laikriisoii sitr of Roy Me iii and lr lvilliliiris lu were the visitors of Mr Me Alcliirrnoll retained with them for few Alli for null itll loss workers have re liiere wrll he need for the Miss MarjorieGraham has gone Lya CARDS every package of KELLUGGS AllWHEAT Theyre so swell youll want them all Be the first in your gang to get full set Thng are ShipsunsIlanesSirange Aniinals$portTips and others 150 in thescricsl package Story ofcnch on back Junior Mathematics Composition and Grammar Ontario Public School Geography 78 junior History Of England Grade8 Speller Grades to Speller Grades to COLOURED in every continue to in lIviione vas happy last liles lllish and Mrs Woolsey Lawyer and Mrs Thurston K11 and Robbie lis lxees niother and sister and little girl of Clratilzlnr visited Miss Ioster over last weekend when on their way to their coltriige at Wasaga Beach Mrs lvis Desirirdiiie and son De troit visited last week with the trainers parents Mr and Mrs Frank oulsoir They returned home Monday and Mr and Mrs toulsoii went with them for visit ToriLratuiatioiis to Miss lleriiile Williughby only daughter of Mr and Mrs Randfiiph Willouehby iiid Ronald IIllrs youngest son oi Mr and Mrs Geo llllis Utopia who were married Saturday All III at Allandale by Rev ll Trilliliait Read and use llxrliiiiiier Classifieds REVISED 1151203 SCHOOL SUPPLIES There will definitelyboa shortage of Text Books We adviseearly PUBLICSCHOOL Arithmetics Grades 10 15 First Book of CanadianHistornyrade New course Bookkeeping Reader in Canadian Civics Grade Public School Health BookaGrades ONTARIO READERS Mary John and Peter Garden of Stories Grade Golden Windows Grade Gateways to Bookland Grade iTreasury Reader Grade Treasury Reader Grade Life andgtLiterature Grade Life and Literature Grade 30 COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FIRST YEARGRADEIX These bookstore for all students in this grade Little Oxford Dictionary 55 Modern Literature for Schliels 65 LivingEnglish si 75 General Mathematics 360k 45 Cours Primaire de Francois 81 Britain and theEmpire 70 General Science Book 50 Geography e75 Mathematical Dravving Set 65 Laijge Loose Leaf Note Book 75 Paints with large brush SECOND mummy Little Oxford Dictionary Living English General Science BookII Latin for Secondary Schools New Course lnfBobkkeeplng ruugunrunny Basic French Building the anadianANation General MathematicsBook II 55 75 95 85 50 05 100 nunnun geribblersLExeieisoa Books Pencils Rulers Erasers Pens Inkand all School Requirements carried in stockiffGoodfHEItlr WEAYMUTHS BOOK 3150 ElizabethSl World sugar stocks are dangerously low Tun wnnrmn omens AND moon nonnn Mr and Mrs Norman use less use with discretion LlitiTiitlllts which the tted era UTOPIA GRENFEL day fillilll Ill when the lfilivrm Juries VlMlltl lllrlly came that Japan Find slllreiiiiil lll lll Wk llt of lira lrllt was lltld Mil it 19 ii and Mrs li Forel Detroit lliv lrlilltkl llilm If ttllltr Alis 2ilwhi Iii li lKlIlTlE Mr and Airs Frank lIl lli tlilllll Aug witii Iiiv ML Biiil ori llit lAlVJ rl iv phllir iill in Llllll 1gtwi Ht l1 lflllNl1lti rr Lyllia tilllvtll is lllllll ii lvll lthtlxlrl follirli For in ellzioudiv with her aunt ilsilan of rllll ind at lllx HH hornr llll elziwnie ve Toronto QIH lf and was buried in the Aliens ceiire NINA Mr llallgr Muir and Mrs Jul tery onAui1 13 He was brother k1 hive returned home after nt lire lan Mis llenr Lou lar ids in Woman Bench li MeCaiin Mrs Ker as AHL1I fuw mmfll Iflush olilirpwmd and Ken llllsn Mi remitoil rias lllilllrtl Hrlhd Jun ll ill rll llit two llllltiillr wppp lll ll lllhl Mls lilberl McMasler Dianne llmvvitlur Visited the furiiicis ls fer llis lriiillly Sliillal School lll be cancelled or one to the rilliiiorizil ssrva irelilel Tinted Church Sept at Cl piir lhl lzlavcs at the cemetery will be leeoiill 11 in played lull iiiriioitaiit part or perl ritioir llllto the ulnaiii engineer ing feat piped under the English Channel Read fillil use Examiner Iassifredsl Latin for Secondary Schools 100 Jar Grammaire 35 Le Tresor du Vieuxg Seigneur rounrHvEAIirGRAoE x11 Learning toiwrite Wihort Stories and Essays New Algebra for High Schools 90 Little Oxford Dictionairy Creative English Shorter Poems 40 Cours Moyen de Francais Part 100 Ancient and Mediaeval History 100 77 NeW Algebra for High SchOols 55 Bock of Latin Poctr HamEetruul Mr and lrs lewm llirii and Douglas spent few days last week with the forlners paielit All llfl Mrs Colltts loroiito Morning service all Sunlin Sliidiy Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Tuesday Sept 1945 and other specific dates lllll information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS 7v gb Canadian wire and cable fiiiri in which zasoiiiie was When on buy ackngc of ALLWllEAriftlpicturecatds are not in it Kelloggs will send outlrightawayIScnd AllWheat ioxlup with your name and address to Kellogg Io of Canada Ltd London Canada universal EN RIGHT as WINNER You can he winncrif youll folloiv the rules toprank alli letcs live flymill rigilm rig1 Whole wlicrlr is one ofour finest foods AllWheat is whole wheat in its most delicious form Eat some every lay buying THIRD YEAReGRADE XI VModern Geometry for HighSchools 50 Elements ofPhysics 100 100 Shorter Poems VCoursMoyen rde Francais Part Median Geometry Chemistry First Course Chemistry Manual LatiLIQrHSecondary Schools Latin Reader for High Schools MacBeth 50 Grass of Parnassus Lost Horizon IchtyOne EsSafys UPPERSCHOQLGRADE x111 Shorter Poems Short stories And Essays Longer Poems Book of Latin Prose Advanced Course In Algebra VNew Analytic Geometry Elementary Trigonometry Chemistry Cornish Mechanics North America and the Mo Vicar 0f Wakefield mpuuuu 100 VSeniorLatin Composition Cours Moyen de Francais Part II Marla Chapdelaineji La eriperedewhuvercy AlliBCI Girls will purchase the textiiook Baringonh

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