THURSDAY AUGUST 16 1945 THE BARRIEEXAMIXZR 13311112113 ONTARIO C1ili PAGE III nnidole Councrl in British Government Ves ras Tax Total In British Government 258 11 Pl CLOWES lPa $1501 Accounts THORNTON WE RECOMMEND nus TIRE FOR specials 8y Trustees gFor Police Village II CindydCiIozs I414 31 43 411 77777 noid 11111 11 1II lCC 11 it 111 11 par Llrie Clerk Wm 1115111115th 11 write In I11 11L 11 gt1 1111111 111 iiiidlw 1111 thi IIIIEIIEIIIIIII III IIIL SIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII by IcIIIIIIIII IIIIdI cuixut 1gt 1111 11 that 01 111 11III1i ELgt 211411 cignt llltllrgt 111 111111111 11IIIIII 511 lctzvi itltltILil 51111 11 I3Ill11ll 21111111111 1111121391113 him 111 1A1 10 Q1ti11c 111 1111lL11c11 1111l=1 Almt Itd MN 11011 WWl Held Council adjourned to 111211 1t Wusictn llillll 1sztcd 1111111115 lltl1 it 7111 Line at ll gator115 lllfll 1111c l1t lti C1111 o1 HHlBth MORRISON IIJiNIl i111 Lela the Commons 111111 11i1111111 111 III IIII IIIII IMKIIUIE EAEGIIIIo 11 11 up 1I1 1r fmwj ittit wziz 11i11 11 iii 1111i 311c 11111 1111 111ltti11c111111lt ton ti 15 11 the action 1111 13111 3111 1111 1111111 111 1111 tax 111111ii 111111 111 trike Etitlllll 11111111 nonunion 111 lTI 1111111 11111111511111 111 lI1J Il 11111111111 to 1111111111 1111 iv prosccution 11111111 the by 1111 llw tliik was incicd 111 111111iiiioliibjtmg ii11115111111 of gurbugc Mrs 1111I1s Rowe is Visitinig tin Vtspixi 111111inv 1111111 1111 l1111 11111111 11111111111 11 11 11 11 III BIIIIICI 111 1111111111d11111111td II lhi following aurounts 111113 his inottici 11111 liiotlicr 119111 Sziittn 6111111111111 mt Tho linin is visiting his 1111111 llIIhlLIfnd IIIIII1tIiII $16 thn Hi 19 My Gummy SidynclI IllixUQlii 11111 1h IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIUIMII III EIIIIIII1I1IIIIII IIIM 11H 1I1IIIII1 HI 311 II II 111111 11 111111 511 11 111121 111111111 in 1111111111111 11 PE II 11111 1111 71 suit $18 hits 1111111n1n1 51111111 111 13 II 31 by 14 II SIIIIII III III MIIicIIIIIIIIgII SIZI IIUI IIIHIIIII 1IIII 1I1IIIIIIIIIIIIII II II II III II IIIIIIII III III MIGIIWIIII 57511 DIIIIIIIIIIm 341 DIM MIN1mm 1111 111 Jo on 181111111 lt4 Souths 111111 llll I11111111bii is 1112111111 his lidrcnts 1Q 13 um III Wm 11 II 1110 rithll ti Lount 111 I11 I1 fOR lSllllLot 1111111113 accounts indigcnt 111111111 1111 Sunday 11 Spriugwutcr SYNlHEllC PA SINGER IRS III IsIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIdS IIIII pd II II II Qed 111111111 11111 hauling 111115 $f11l Jonnctto 2111111111 Toronto is 111111 1111111 Vmuiiii No $13155 i111yin 111111 lltl LHllSiIlS 11 ll111i111 1I 11 bylaw us pussrd for I11111In1llIlIII III II III III II III II II 111d 11111111111111 11111 following 11X III II Hg 10mm III hi bury 11tcd tll Mr ind Mrs 11 11 1111 SIIItI bI IIII III IIIIIkllc Spock l111gt1111 1111 111v 111111 II MI III III Mr and Mrs 81111111 Toronto vis 57115 11 II1 I1I II 1111 11 ditnlinllllllsffllllllfnillitlhliiiliiilmtilin Cd ltW 1111 W11 51 Mlr Municiim 11131 2311111 11 1111 11111 f1 Qr 484 III IIII III 17 David Dull IIIIIIIIII IIIIII III Tlffcj11511 5111161 by Sgt lim Mother Mrs Mother IIIIIII1UIII1HENRII HIM 1111 1I lt 11111111111 11 ItIiIi ST IIIIoIIIIII IIIIIISIIIIII IIfIIIIIIQUS gm rind two daughters loronto Cull IOU 111 3111 3111 11111111 11 II II IIII IIIIQS II Iw ILqujgjnny 1111111 int 15 111111013 511 11 IiillIi 5111111113 II IIII VIIIIIIIIII hIIIIl SIWHIIIISI 11111 Sunday School hold picnic ll 1111111 52 II l1 1111111131 3I111111ll 51111I1111I 1111 111111i I1 Council adjourned to 1111101 1111 IINIII10IIVIII$FIlISIIIIHKTIO MW 5pm IlImth P1I1I1Iir 571 11 1111 1m11hl11 Muhm Mm IfII I1 IIIIL 511ltI1111II1II1 vI IKIImh II IIII 1v II 11 11 11 11 I11 11 SH 11 Mrs W111 Eddy 11115 1111 syni WIIII IoII II II If 111110 1viiiliiil ttNl IIIIIIIV III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII I1I In III II II IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1mm IIf hm hmbandI who Wng Mllwnli 1311 511 l11111 11 Ii 1111J1111111II III Ammwmwv way very Suddenly from heart 1111 531111 11111111111 11 311 111111111 11 umk CullingwmidI point1111111 51M it 11111111I1I 11311 5111 1111 111111 gt111II Mr and Mrs lad Puddison 11nd policeman $1150 111tzil Stiltllit 111 MAW 11 51 1111 ovuscus 111 11111111111 111111 on tziiI 31 II III 111 Ml 11ml M15Gc$helllle ed the funeral of MW mm New ovoll ll l1 Ith lIIFv lost 111111 holidaying1 11 Nidgm 11 md lldlltl 1111M Supt lI 111 VI 1111 II II YI F1vloi All1nd1lc lhuisddV 11gt dld MI 11 ML HM M11 II 3181 Mr and Mrs John Mitchcll l30 W11 11111 lr 191211 1511111211 11111 Mrsl III Bunm from Milli you know how sick 111i only on egg Mary Bunting LS bin lnd Cltno Nllg Taylor W115 in 111151 1111 5WV1LC iiUp lrlltd lltV tllul Kll 11 mur in 1t Cim Kitchilscwunii nezir lloncy M1 11 1151dlv WY W10 Y0 TL IIIIIII III hm mm IVCIIII me in 11gt1Iu 1111 1111 1111111 lCl II 11111 11 111111 111 IIIIII me IIII IIIIII II II IIII 0W Hammr izimilv 111 11 Her one hobby in Dilntllt 1111111111111 1111 1111111 1111 11 111 li1 liiu 101 01 mm gtlllng from 100 MtS Burke IToronlo spent to Iv mIking quim She on was served by tho 11111111 11 IIII 1III I1 mm MI MAI IIIIIIIIIIKImiIl the SIVSltlll 11nd Just 1111111 you 1111111 1111 11111 1111 111 11 11 mm IIIIII III lllL tcclxcnd 1th Mis George IIIIICII IIICCIIIII IIICIII IIIII IIIIIk such lncIfainilIi 11 li Alsz Nor 111 1111 111 11 1111 1111 lL11llul 11 111111 111 0111 unolliir 1111111 1111111I1111 111 1I111l 1111111111 11111 will pay any wgmcgili went me an interest in the different colors mfiIl 5011011 11111 11111Iv 11 11111111 11111 next two Sundays 11lt lltI Dial our1niscry llll lllttlillltlllg 111111 11111111111111 ymi 11111 1111 i111v 11111 stop more iss illLyv 111s II 11 crnoon 11 1111111111 1111 1I IIIII MIX GIG IIII Um IIIIIIIIIIII ditl1r 1111 ifilicrc iIIIIIII iIItIIrIIIc IIII weIcltendI 1n goionto with MI and Show was held Wednesday lIioiioi 11f llltfllIfilJlmI =I ltlllll 11111 izic 111111111111111 I11 1111111 11111I1111gtI 111 111111 111111111111 11111 you 11111111111 111111111 11111 1111111I 111 llI not give MS mold 955 night in the Town 111111 for Mr rind 331 All FINHI Wt 111115111110 11 1ni11 21111 Mr lhc 1111111111l1111 15 SHH Will Unit 11111 1111111111 111111111 1111111111111 1111r1l111l 11111111 1111111 11111111111tosliow Mr 11nd Mrs Stcinliolt have II ff time 11111 11111111111 11 111 111111111 zind moved III IIICIII new IIIImC In IIIC Mis Biixtci 111cc lll11nct CIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIII 11 111111111 11111I1II11111 1111111 1tI II 11111 II IIII II IIIIII III lint 1t1ll 111111 1111111111 111111111t r11lol 1111111 11111115111111 li1111d it for Exfleslffn you an Inc former IIWIICd by MI qIIIIIwI hmIIIIIIIIIIIIII IHIfII MI IllKI 11IId IUW IIIl IIIIIM II1IIIIILIfIII IIIIIIII IIIIIlI this plirposc for tho post 3113111115 1111 11111 11111 3311 21TH 1E11 Ulillit irlitl ill11 l7 FIL THE BASKET Ftld Schcll Mrs Fred chb returned home 1111 11111 1I I1I III lle llicl Milliiir111linit1ill111o11t111t 51111111111I 11111 11141 1111 111111 11111 111 11 FK La MI oAkLAND 1111 UNTIL IIIW RI 011IfdtlvfhzmEarly IIIIQI hIl 7HM leccnt ophrzition Andy mumleIIIIIIIII1Icd HIIIIIIICI WIIIIIIIICC ISI II paIICnI III MCIVIIIC TIICkI TOIOIIIOI Spent ti WW 1W th Boirc hos ital following 1111 last week with his parents here 0111s when you 11111 IllauIiordx uptiicndixI opcrxzition lost Fridziy Mr 21nd Mrs Sid Bislioplicin liltlic1uk11 Em Mush111111 they His many friends wish him good icc and Sylvio CIILctanC VISINd 11 II recovery MIMI HICMIIIRSI 5311mmva are anI and Sunday Sums In PICI and MINI Ken MCGmIYIIIy So1rliy 11111511111 now to food chided Mrs Walker Toronto zit and Louise of St John NB v1s1t AdIIIII WILIIIIIIIIIIII DImIIId MCAII Cd MIII IIIIII MIISI IIIImIIIn IIICkIImI 111 iurI Coldwatm Hlll lllh ilncle 151 wmI MCAIIIIIIIIII MII and MIISI Sympathy II amended II the II II Bzirclziy Ness Columbus Ohio and Iftltlllly of thc lzitc Mr Allen who II WI III III III II M11 Gordon North Bay with died Siiturduy 111 the 1151x111 VH 41 517 their iiunt Miss McConkcy toriu HUSDllill Barrie Mrs Elmer Rugman Barrie with her parents Mr and Mrs Lennox Black Kenneth Robinson and Mrs TORONTO ONTARIO Weeks and family Parry Sound with their mother Mrs Sold by Robinson iv Forty Stitches for Childs Injuries Mrs Snider lsIvmtmc IiIrIiIIlITln1 BROWN COMPANY BARRIE vote ayellKillEgIIdEIIgggefJTLIif Miss Mary Craig spcnt the week painful aCCidcnt last Tuesday end Endy OLIVER WILSONMXNESING While playing around in the yarId 1IIlBIurngIVisitson is in Toronto HICKLING he got too close to thc electric 00 sicefih Knox Church St SHANTY BAY ItTllzltOillestlllllllzitvwllisis Illiltrllglidn thn 8J0910Ck 110 McCANDLlSH gm caught in the motorI His par Jimmy dml Flttyd 5mm 311 visitin ht Proton Missb Jean Czisthn Wonder V211 ley spent Friday at her home here STAYNER ents rushed him to the Barrie hos JIARRISON BROSII STROUDI pital where it was found his in iuriffortunatcly were notser VAN MAW THORNTON iousI although 40 SmcheS were re II Mis EIlIivIe lsehrggfotezged BELL UTOPIA quilel bind them e111115n OTiiiis Higgins 151111 11111111111 WILFRED KINGSLEY is endin some time 111 her home CHOPPING MILL BRADFORD The forest area of Canada now WEI STOWN being used to produce pulp paper We are all glad to see Sgt Gm 30 ROSS COOK and newsprint for the UnitedNatL don Craig home safely from over ART HOBBS EDGAR 101151 is equal to the combined 335 sciSIX MI pedlindham and CHRIST CO 0f the British 151951 Flancev famii ans ent Friday 51 fosaga ELMVALE Netherlands Denmark Norway and Emil JACIKIIBIALLAN LEFRQY Swede SSter May Rbe0f0ttdwa is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs John Moran Mrs Harold Cooper and Mary Lou McDonald are spending this week in Toronto Mr andMrs Earl WatsonI Parry Sound spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs Roy Watson Mr and Mrs Russell Drysdale Mr and Mrs Max Hewrtt fat themqekcnd James Jack of Adanac ISaskIis ff Spending few days With Miss Janet and Wilson Greaves Mrs Bert Caston Dorothy and Betty and Mr and Mrs Align are enjoying holiday at Lake Simcoe Mrs Watkins Miss Margaret In IWar or Peace Business ANp iNDUSTRY NEED you LBetterTraind People GetIIithiIIBetter Positionsf Your Opportunities Will Never Be Greater Than Your Preparation The SoundevsFlimnt dEmest Watkins Your Own Future Btnme HarryIaInI You Can Make 33311141 visitingiheir old home The miiathy 111 the village to Franbcis Home in the death of IBUiSI1NSSTRAINNG organs 111111 PAY his sister Mrs Curtis Hawke stone What Are You Dom T0 39 Officezlositions SalariesIup MrsI phimisfen Newmarket and we to $12000 Per month being Miss Phimistei usn are spend Isntit obvious that if you offered by qusmess and gov Iing me time with Mr and Mrs do nothingto better yourself vernment offices Secretaries Phil ewmanI you will alwaysibe exactly StenOgraIphersI IiBookkeepcrIsI MII and MrsI wfcowafdand where you are now This is 9nd OffiCe Machine operators son and Miss Norma Coward To II sucha reasonable conclusum are urgently needed We are 10be spent the wgelreiidwith Mr that anyone can understand it receivingilfar more calls than coward II III II II p211 113 cggagggim nmggwggggyiwgtggg II 7777777777 do know Somethingchill the DELAY NOLONGER cousinsfMr and Mrs Currie Bald 51 lifting povwerof educaiothe III Win and otherfrierids on Fridhy ii iii1lrttliiiiieailgei1s wiliiiniiici $3131 ling 11 51h animtylgnani 0U 5tmk mp essential 1incss1 You ml 30 Ydufmiy not he directly Iree sv eI IIa II II II Im III ItI 1I factorily In spite of the fate of probany Wm be IosII Your weeks Iwith MII and MISIEm Em tank With gasolino and drive At the end some of the gasoline is gonethe interested iII Mich II untgld millions who 1121ng Pr scivices will be worthImore as mereiandMr and Mrs Phil New petroleum1moleculc usedIIupmt you are at youu destination IIIIII II cee eduln the same em 50 15 you 9e1adequalely man fI or awnj eml Spec1ahzedbtraiing vIvdl Ian tiaainel so why not gttyour ERecttanEvIViIsIgItorfhWitlrlglr 32d That 15 only oneIof lettings that petro eum oes 01 you Automatic 1s 01 phqlic building bl out re erwserAeucaionnowro ayouv Imes or Sic 81 you cougtrygdilring the may enjoy ituse itthe st Mrs Brolley and Judy Balrie hmtmg 0f homes will 01 lgallmlm example DlIwImg 9f Shlps hams materialsI 1311511911uges nd IGan tISIIIIIIIeSIII IMowforth OI iagaraon Weekend visitors at Mr and Mrs 10 Pedlinghams Miss Genevieve Pediingham Barrie Mr and Mrs Baker Cundles and Mr and Mrs fGeo ICOOper Toronto Iwar It will qualify you for wofiyour life If you would airplanes is another more rapid advancement and like to know more about our for security in the competition school write today for outI for survival after the war is lines of courses1 Find out ex over It will prepare you for Iactly what you will get for legIdershipnotrjust job your time and 1money when ms fair to suggest that you you become member of our this same rcscarcll 1331 II1ericncc 11nd kill on its familiar petroleum prod Ilictsiwitli results that 11 These are everyday uses for petIroleumimolIeculcs But Slielllidd developod other ideasvwliich use pctroleuniimolecules in things that last longer For instance Shell scientists found in petroleum gas the raw materials 11 111 to mukTiglit unbreakable naturallookind teeth ask yourself the question Sh1 famlly Recent VlSl DIS 1171 an SI What am dOingtnoX 10 Infllgsgsgggeay Take the case of the chemicalMethyl Isolmtyl KCthe It is used 111 31513 393 02 prove my upper uni ies or cm 11 III IsuccessInIIhe future II Slack and Cant Toronto Miss lacquers to give elastch surface that stays bright undliesli longer II xIaII II Laura Curtis Hawkestone and Mr liner luluntlltilittuml MlK moans hotter furniture nishes lietter automobile nishes and Mrs Tuckei from the States IIIII your can II gt fI 90 III 91 IIC 0V8 per cent or the 0qu supply ls pro duced in Canada is taken from the ground by both ope pit andmin ing methods Th chief ore of nicltje 1s cictlcipgntlicdite 11 112511111 1111111111 1A1111E1191e3612