THURSDAY AUGUST 11 11145 THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARlilli 121111131 1115171 VV SPENCERMOFEATI CENTREJLSPRA WI frmV V7 01 fertlxi VlIVeVVnmrrzuge bliss ll1111edV 1119 WA Cir Sincere symo all relative JI 14 SUNDAY scuoor 1Vj55ij LESSON aw 1131116 lViCl By Rev Thus White mi Canada AUGUST 31 1917 i111 hullwrfont Killrd HHIMJ VVVV7V11 11t1 we Lunch Incw 11111 RECOGNIZING RODS PRESEM til Golden lixt llzt 1111 1o all them 111111 1111 11 11ml c1111 1111111 111 1115 11mm Lesaif Text 11 291131 111111 11l 741111 lNTRODUClllUK W131 31 unis new DDT 11291171 Snider I1lli 11 1111 Claire ShaftItal l1 bride om 112121 111111 11Lt 1111 loft 1111110 under 111 11 lulu 111311 willie 11111 1111in ws from net 11mph and mu wire 1111111 111 v11tc lLnlitcls and 31le served on the shaded lawn 111 11111 shemiiiii gt 211 111111 1511111121 son Wm 3ch 11c 1V VV VV his 1111111111 1271lli3u 11131111111311 111 ugh 11m 1111111111thhonor 1an 1w1 it he 11117 very 111111 13 111 he 111111 liie instizy iifVllit nanIIkiIm the 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frth 11101111111 Mrs 11111 vanillilrvlgiiTlKirollgil VV 111mm visitor 1111111 31111111511111 112111i iliiniin 11111111111 1111111111111 111 1113 soulzihlf 11 VilllVlHll IVIVV liilill 111111 11 still 11 Comfort 1111 loilksliuke 1111111 111110 the 11V1111111 ltll10 to know 111111 the angels 110 Ilslllctl 1111119ch by Mr 11hlfcol BULK VINEGAR 111311 111111 111 71 MOTHER JACKSONS 411511511113 11111111111111 19 cocoon VII WW Rein on WAX BANS WRADISHES rCER UNPCH assrswnmnaors TVVVVV cV m5314111111rillIIEIILrIIwsure 7231 99L VV7 VVV VVVVV V7V VVV VV 11 11 7V 17111 N117 1V77j In 71 11111 V11 VillllVKI 1111 1111111 11111 lllll1lltllllll l11i 15111110111111 211 lcr or 11111 even 11 IV the realization of 1115 1in11 pres Jimmy once 1101111 1110 lolir sections of VV 11 11191 VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV WHO 13V and Mk Impnum mu M1 111m VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVV HVVV 24c 110er mi 151 1115 11110111159747 lroInV 1111 now 1111 the 101111111 1gtIo on 1m in even 14 1liltl Abruhzinl 11511 41111 lltlill plgt1111lt 111 the Women Pl um 421 hmiunl Tn 1Wng mm through pickle Spoil VVAWVAKVFVX VlV1Vi22V 1731 VVVlLllVVVVV1VllgtVV Vquced lVo 1111 1111111 51311111 liVsVsoVuri 19 11 10 VAC llll 1111111111 lll 1111 11 llxlt agL because ofV low VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVL WVVVV VVWVVMV WVle VV VVVV 717 44C cents saved on mfcnorV VVV VVVC VVVVV VVf GM CVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV 117111V7VV VV lowpriced It My 61 11 11 1111721113 11121 11111111T mm mm VHWM he 1le1 happens every ocason VhVVLd We SVV Clever in Nahum Mm Nam hVVVVmVVVUVV butyou can aVOKl this this own udynnceineiil7 1115 11111111111 waste myour pickling shorl of tool having failed to BARK WOMENS 51111111 27c wholly seek zilter nod lie also 77 VVV Hum mm Alwaysuse Canada Vlll nmmcd hnw Md muciuus and NIs Corbett 01110114111011 nieinV 11VV VV VV hVV 1V VV VVVV VV VV VVVVV cgallts absomtcy millElmiiidmirifivlidliI lllhlllllillflliillllflle1111133311111 DURHAM BRAND 111 ru VC 11V VtVV 1V dependable night but now the stone Is raised home on Duckmnm SIVV 11m CanadaVinegarlnsbccn consecrated and named Beihel Anuuq VVWminu In Wm CH VV Home may 10 continually TC VVn VV VVVH recognized 85 highcSt mind him of 111 111le 11nd V1111CILITXU1 in CV1 VIV VEIV VCSfUIVlekL quality Vinegar for OVQI EllilCeiiflVClCn lhenVV Vhe fglleClelCdV AFVVLVVVdefVVilfLVVSVV1CVVLVVVSVVVVV LOBLAWS DELICIOUSLY FRESH 80 cal5V Sold at all Viiinse VV IveVoVIVsin oV VVo 1111 17 St recognized 111s llhlVlllllVl claim upon 111h which 11 hurled to hold 11 grocery HIS bubldllkc 1118301 Ollt sale 117711011115 11 the next Iiicetiiiil jlhc marks of truly Converted 11nd each member heiiin asked to male WHITE 240 For FREE PCkllg Rc CUHSGCIElltd Sill is 115 lCCliimllWlin virticle from Iiiiiteiil not eisl WHOLE WHEAT Ci Booklet wntc to Uf Um Lurdsmp Christ OVCHCH V11 1n mmc rm cents lhoxc 10 CRACKED WHEAT 77am $11517ch 777 VV VVVVVAVVVVVVVMV VVVVV VAVVVVVVV Camrda Vme 313 lex sent proceeded to enjoy llicmselvcs ted Duke Strait in the whrm sunshine 111101 the 17 Toronto COLWELL ORANGE e1 lClOllS unc1 11 or V7 77 77 heaity vote of thanks was given V7 MrV and MrsVVFer Bmmkm and to ItlisV Voere711 for lieiVl111IiieVsVsVl VV7 VVV VVVVV family Ilutlonville spent Sunday and 110591111113 one new mlll iVVArSfirjfifV4111VV1 1Vf77777777 at Brunskills was received The next meeting Fred lolIVnzinVVand VlViVssMComIicV 1Wlll be held 111 Mrs Harrisons homcl VV VV VVV VuK VV VVV 1111FJ111511111V 111111111 1251 telegram adteu7ze Mr and Mrs Bill Brunskillzmtl pllCC on the goods they are bruit DI VMonletVV BQIch7Vl7Cv We mg Thursday Hills VV W7H SELECTED QUALITY V77VVVV VVVVVV 1y ONTARIO GROWN Fragrant V1 and lNSIDE mosED Delicious 10 1111 Iowan V7VVVVV huh Each PgLTSQCLIXSLTNPEigD BBXSKEIES 5C ARRIVING DAILY FROM THE AVV 11s CANADA NO GRADE ONTARIO CROWN 1211 Each VVV7r V7 EH LP LOBLAWS BLUE LABEL Pkg Mixgp 0315 V7 77777V7 Ve VNV VVV VV 67th SELECTEDVQUALITY ONTARIO GROWN FRESH Wm V7 mm DAIL 77 We VV VV VVVVVVVNO VV VVVVV COMBINATION 70R ONTARIO CROWN QUEEN Battle 3911 VVV VV TRANSPARENT or 11 111155 worms emus is 111 VV VV VT 10 mV Ims we soup semao Of me Nam AA vmlubltThls week The famous FISHER vari ctryellow fieshrfreesfone ll peachF7 an earlyseason 77 11V peach of delicious flavour 77 77 edevcloped and produced lb cw byC Howard Fisher CV Sons of Queenston grower and ourAlOf PEACHES Vpacker of VVVV 7VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV 7V FOR WG F0R0G mm 11111111 1101111 WAX 1111 271 THEYRE cooD FOR You 111 11 BM 196 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS mm Observational the following inslruClt 21 01s 11 be found heIPfUlil Securing Pkgs In makimum satisfaction from your VV gun or THESE SIZES IN Ercn STORE peaches Remove all peachesfrom the con tainer VV Spreadlhem out on shlljmor table in dry any place at ordinary room tenipciiiture Mould 071 brown rot develops nioic raoldly it kept in warm damp basement where they is lack of air circulatiOn Examine daily using those fruitsT having reached maximum tlavour and juiciness for dessert and for camping fl The placing of peaches in refrigerator for longer keeping is not advisable unless such peaches CALIFORNIA SUNKlST VALENCIA ORANGES 7379c 351 11 25c ONE FLTIH ABOVE SIZES IN EACH STORE CAGEORNIA SUNKlST mncv for Coffeeii oIts 15gst too good to keep crisper cereal that stays crisp Kelloggs Rice Krispies Rich awwwnc7 golden bubbles that sing Snap have first ripened to full flavour CracklePo when you ouron milk 01min Crispierl tastier gtv=1Fdlcm55 LEMONS because theyre ovenpoped and These recommendations have 15661 5m 3m 51 35 V1 fed VAiVVV1eanVVdme supplied by the Niagam Peninsula 51 tile mmgtmw Madeby 7Fruit Growers 111 an effort to ensure 1021436 n02 47c IV 11 more consumer appreciation of Ontario in ireKelli In London camda Peaches ONE iii 21111132 Eggfmsmm WediVum Grin Canada Limited for its delicious brand of ovenpopped rice itkice Krispies is registered trade mark of KelloVVggICoropnny of