mos FOUR THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRll l7lARlU TANADA rm JOLLY 1111 simuuum UVLRTHEWAY WomanBViowpolnt on This and That Brim mm mm MM AM Hi1 In Ht lill VV 17 111114 15 HY Cm Hr 1i 11 413 1421 fell for 71 17 111 gnu111 it1t 111A monies 77 if ZH uti WkVgWw 1111 Service 111 111111 compeuuve Pnces an ersona 11 11111111 lcssl 1111111 1117 1111111 1111111 tlilj NunV1 lllttlLtx 11111111 ll Ites own HM mlM lxrL 77i The main 11 with 1211171111 111111 11112111111 will lilflu Wk 11 11w 1111 111 VVVVVi IV 11 bromine 1Ihliinlilm 11 1111 31 11 1111 11111 111111Vl 11 11111 1111 14111111 511111111 mow 11111 1111111111 111 11 111 ndirs rJllllb 11111 Hit 111 likirl l1i11gt17r 11113 11111111l 310 Stumg slut 11 md VV 111 11 11111 111111 41111111111 11111111 111 11v 112111111 111 11111211111 11111 1111111 ror lhlIrStlzl hula 111l 5111111 $3111 Large gt1ltlls nl 114111111111 111111 Luv Hi1 $112111 111 Mark 11 ll 111gtlllllCl WMW rli 111 11111 111 111 Flt115 11111 Ilills 111 11 11 lt 111 111 7111 111 11 1111 111 11101111 mlouh Inil 3lVll llll llirthillln n1 g1 717 1111 11111i1ull SUMMER NEEDS MWWW 111 11 111111 111 11o olim 11 1111 111 111 to ti mention Mollx lllmth 1111 tl1gtv llll 111111 1li 1111111 1111111211111 is 11111 VV VV mVVVV VV VV VV sliulVll ltiVVthiVlVlVlVV 7VlerlVVVVVVlVV UVIVVVVVV l= 111w oi VI inlet 111 11111 11111 Vl 11 411 hour 11111211111 11 11 lll1111111 111111 1111 111 Lll 711151 ll VV Plilllm 111 11 11114111 1ll 11 the ill lJr v1111wl for 11111 tune llow 35 ul 111 11ml 1112111111111 1111 11117 111w 11 1111 will W1 ll illllk ll 111 Hinllin health 11111 11111111 111 the thuriu 11111411121 11 Iilll kiwi liven with Cream Deedoranl 39 VVVVl Ham 111111 11 1111 111 11 ill Drugmst inlvi 3111111 quality eruIAI 40 SUNTONE prevents sunburn 60 FROSSTS TanGel 50 125 FRESH Creom Deodorant 1939 59 cepper Tan ltrlon l1illhinel 500 Supplied by Simone ounly 1111111o1111111111 the nmml Mlut omens Institutes p1n1111V 111113 Tlllllll 95 11 lul loiiloys WWW V111211 121 11111 111731111 111 LPm4 MINT 1H1 Him 0me hate plenty ml in lllurlll7r5 VDIAN lt11 l21e e111 11=1111111 11111111 wllli 111i111s luyu 11111111 111 butter 11111 1111 1111r1il 1111111 1111 1111 Hum LOSE 11101 111 11111 11 Mn ll 1h mm mem VUHIMV 507 1117 11 11 1111li1l7 1111111111 llll 7ch John Malhews letter 0111134111 of verses to be set7to music and to express Her Majestys thanks for the sameV will reside in Toronto nu Pniilm vehel 1mii 11111111111115 INTIPOLL VACCINE TABLE 161313121 Gui 33c music It sounds messy business to me LarLANTsItun rrrrlllie Church of the Immaculate Conceptionat DoininiOII7Capc Bre Por know that should always be pullinolf not just the rufed V7ltV VV gloves but theuholecaboodlof Lw Inilts and ring pd 1111111 smnl in semi 11111 use 11 1111111131 11 11 19 11111gt111v 111 111111 1111 scalloped 11 111 1111111111 lllliVlttl VV VV 74 77 1111 761 1717 Wm of mm mm ml 113 11 11 11V111 imi1ltl 11 V1gt III Willy Milt 71 Face Powder lrusliuy lltlllllllllml IN 11 1111 1c11l 1111111 11 111lt1 1111 1111111 111 lurillilvH billl My Ilysllck 1191 1111 V7 49L li my 11 Hill tc ELlyr 1514 mdk If mil 17 NEW llhlgiih 111 Princess llll Powder 3311 11 Uh VVVVVVVVVV grw G96 11w mi LN ilmwll XV VVV1VV1VV1VVV1V1V1V1V1V1111211 lgtIlVVVVVVVr1111 tiny 1111111 11111 111141 111 t1 31111111111l1 lllllt vhvr Mum nuholly vi11111 11111 Wllh atomizer 2l VVVVVVVVV WVVVVVV SVVL 150 2Ylll fight Willie hurls 11le fl 11m in the 11111 1111 idliilll lhrm 01111 KM it In it in Colored hunt 111 1111 1111111111 1111111 lurk 111 111111111 1211 Deodoran DESIGNED PM my 11 HP 11 1111 111110 The 11111 Who 111111111lii11111llls 1111 ESPECIALLY HIVlimfvvpimwdw exrcllcnt 111111 the uniiiitlels itell 1111151111 1111 111111 11111 11111 tub of for sunburn T1 fililzlha 535 11 11 FOR YOU V1V1 VV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVV VV VV VVVVVV 1111111uil 111 1111 Vin 111 111 1111 1111in 111 111d hi Sunburn Cream VVVV VVl VVVVVVClVd VVVI 11V 11in 111111 111011 11 111ltVV VVil21gtV 111111111111l17111111 VV VV The Better DIG r1111 11 1111 Mm UNGUENTINE OINTMENT 44 39 JP mm Wu rurerci will 111111121 inn Dress Barrleszimlmt 110 111 rial ml will VVV VVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVJlVVVVV 11111 11 V111 V1111V11l out 1111 ii by tl WW ll 11W 1110 11111111 in close and gttllllt1lllll 111111 mm mm Wild MUM WI Milli ane VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV7VVVV7 111111111 Mylo 11 Merle Oberonw Nmi V77 WW wli ill 1mg 011 17V 11111 mill 1lllllllll 111 1111111111111 gtL1Vl5 lilk llll Make VVV VV VV VV1VVVV VVVV VVV VVVVV 111111111115 11cm 1111111 cillul 1111s 111111111 11 xvi1111 in be 10411 Hit IUI M1 11 Di tment 1111 11111 51111111 slim young pLlll 1111101111111 1111 Ndduuiwcm was My Tcwnuy Hi Colonge 65 120 More than iVVVLV VVV iiqi 111151110 V7777 77 7VVV 31 VVV7VV an 1141mm dfm mm lddmli frmuently 111111II down hr lVHl H7 ml tunnllml anew Shade mm hm mmm ill Clllltll llo owc me Inf mum 11 mum NEW 13111 when youre tall and getting f717 AWN CJIIIH Ulllli =Cl0lt WI 711 AT 131 mid VlmkiUdV whm mm dont IVVUT EMU 11 711191171111 111 111111 111L 111111 lenionsV ny of In Fm E1VVV7XC7VVV1 TV 3175 11CV7V Villa 111111 mnleloupc but this was 11ch Jay 11 we 11 ill 11 71 77 H111114 time 111 lime 111111 the mince1 VV mm mmk 111 11 1111910 la stilll lullva 1mm JHm WMIHV M10 my 7VA MW 11 70 mm mg 55110 lllllllllll 11 low to 1r DeOdOlCInt hmpvmm men from an over lw Md mm mm 11 can WW ea dose of weather 71 mi mivll lumlimv 1111 10111 1110111 5mm new dressing or meat My llltllll hurme Alstlllt Soup Il Homing Ab 11 11 11 11 111 1l01lltl nd 11101110111 llllliulcimlidml 11171101 butcher 1hut 31101 111111111115 MII mu 10 111111 1111 duel it 101 101 VV WV 11 WV mm VV VV VV VVVVV VVVVVVVV diVVVVVVV VVVVV11 Imogen 11 Hum 490 980 lam mm The Itll le llllli return Wis 11 drug Inqu 11111 Vmuls Bllh Oil 1507 $1011 Newly Decorated 11 11211111131111 E111 lilLL Wclcomc 1191 13117 S111 39c We Specialize In All limes 111 mm 11m 13 bowlers md VI an lhcn threw the glove but not Rclict IVV If Beaut Lulth 1VllVlVVlliVlVlVgtVVVV 111ient enough with 111110 11111111 in the 111115 lluuhet Lipbiilck 600 =1 ngmm 8003 11 And that anything from half Hum Cried FHHMVVV TiVVhVV loin YRTIFIED Proprietor 171111V lVo Vzinostillion of fur will be Vdone 1n and he NC 7le uooHO lJlVilVVV mu 1Ci Vyg VV 1T1111F 111 111 11111151 dd M1819 WWWWON mm Ln77VM WCHV WCHV well If 10m 110 VbUl Mill Al 111111111011 United parsonage Dominion 01 7l1mly7V1 0l eve 590 sets love tlqk 11k 111 HlmClllitTrMthimrgfmfds Saturday 11111111 August 1915 Viceroy HAPPY PPY BABIES Vyou looking like an oversizd mar Rev Kent officiated 11 the Package 12 1111r1set peering out 10111743011113 sums IN BRITAIN 11111111111411 111 Gladys 1111111 1111mm pinescented Wing 01 monkeyfurnd carrying Prohibition of double cults 111 Mumn Gm 11111115 111901101 lb 11 something that looks like the 01d mens shirts and $111110ng VthCIIcl lo Elmer John Norlnck 10 moorskin rug with CIOCthtOp Shirt tail7by two inches in GrcdtJWm lt 11 may be Brilziin resulted in the saving of The bride bcumingly Hired Andzlgain it mayvnot For neith f0 11111011 Squalciyards of 11111 We hunk jersey Wk With otl lovlir NAIQAL sanv VCVIVVVIfhVVVS or postmions or 1014815 and theVlubUr of thousand matching 11111 and gloves and vnre VCDSO LI VVV VV7 600 IDA7NOSC Drops with ibiills illC in my line However VOlkClSyaccording 10 WNWth 0511 Forage M111 mss and glad 290 Ldn 15C hcdrine W30 Vthoiiglil you had better be warned males VVVVVVV VVVVtVVVllV ue Dental LIunldi 1901 33C RilZMah 0395111 DPGI 11 Immlum 45c COthaiL Mitts 71 7V 77 ucoie Im oz The same arbiter of feminine to my Old thirlgs gm 511k Jersey mess mm mum Rllbbelsm 100th BluSh 50C 1150 11 Nutrim Baby Cereal 29 49 fashions has even dreamed up Alld 801 1111 Burns Oars mild 1111411131 and El CtllSElEC Ul FilllllUIl lck Tooth Brush 290 2490 Ebtlwn 101 Eye5 23c WI Vnew COVCllllll for our hands mes 11001 ammt can the plillichiyidmh 11 11 A1 FrOSStS Allersm $1 32 Ephemm Inhalam 09 jl V1 ys VV wn APDEWemlV Will01 ngers cw 31thflffmgmS lVVuOV ll Impcrwrte 396 urc to be mercifull conceled Vi after WV1 John Mathews lainswiek 11115 lCCCDlVlH was held at the ironic JACK GUARAMEE A1 7171571 received from Buckingham Palm 01 1110 brides parents where the 0R ZV rm it Signilfatthggcltghc in acknowledgment of his DocmV brides niotlrer received assisted by MP1 RELIEFF The Beautiful Fruir Fl 1110 grooms aunt Mrs Helen Nol newebt weal tor Man the lollbwingg dn OW lock of Toronto gt unwell Mud COLDS July 31 194a The Lady lllWdll MILL me 4111 V1 $7133 mg 10 the Quccnis commanded 10 A11 pom blue crepe dross MW For casz shelves SII1111AVVV60mmis lt cknowed Ined with while The yr 11 to 1c 11 some at ulvuwdluinllo COnvnleVnt to use VVVVgrdVecononVF VVVVVVVV lon NSV Was the scene of lovely WW mwrihWf 19 CS and Eating military wedding Tuesday Inorn uaranleeu ham And my anticipation of the mg August 1945 when Cpl Mar Lalge blze 710 Easily removequltlIVVVV ISECIAB our121A1 BRANDS ulLIbbys Baby 160d is strained gtInd then HOMOGLNIZED xspegqlly processedto suit Wbys HelicziteViiitesriiizil tracc Bzibys undeveloped digestiye Dorothy Reid daughter of Mr and Mrs William Reid BridgeportL NS was united in marriage to Cpl Harold Edward LaPlanteson of Mr and Mrs Edward LaPlaiiterof troubleinvolved in their wearing isnt lessened by this cryptic com ment This answers the ageold questionof what to do with long gloves when eating JITVSV ADlOL1E 1L 1WBORACIQACIDJDzreg15c 11 11111 Include 9831135 155 ob Because of course belonged to BarrieiJIhe bride and 77 77 we rm 11 21155 thiioughcgglsafggg ltheV Voidfashioned aVVgVVeLOIgl school meinbeV 91 the RCAIVIEigZHinzgr Kkovah Salts 290 79c VV 90 912 1116121 11111231 Pepinsemi 111 1151 7EPSOMSALTS 112 reg 159 skewerSimilar an afdigestdeood Vpasses intdtheV 101de thein so useful for wip MzicDonald performed the core AIMSeltzer 290 57G reg 19C 311011103 24c 430 73c 3513139 meslm it can log the lips with and to perectmy mouy WW LIV cause scrmuVVV1 disturbances tinge1vhenVtoyingwith thedrumV VGiven infinairriageby her father reg 25C 1751 777 7V eomlfy straining 10857 no stick or wavmg the asparagus the bride wore whitemslipper satin COMBINATION 616 bt 11 IDA BRAND 13515 300d ceufv but 171bbe But perhapsthe neat ruffles at gown with boulfantSkirt olnet and c33523c for 45C in Patete HOMOGENIZAHON the wristare intended to take the fingertip veilof embroidered ne CAsoARA Tablets reg 39c 29o v17 process breaks downcellgualls 31 with the resultthat Libbys HOMOGENIZED 7BaliyFoods 111 bedigested jug3112911 30 tuinutes No otherbaby food gtV 15 so casyzto digest becadse no gt it gt itvith cV Vgiiet of orange blossoms 7lt VV on wther baby food is HOMO 71 gt lt gt gt gt 11 lsheciiried bouquet of pink and white roses The bridesmaid LAW Anne Reid sister of the bride wore gown of baby blue taffeta on princess lines with shoulderlength 1n thejshape of giantsized bows and halo baby anllmS LAC Gordon Allard of Ottawa Wars and fourinhand cravats We are groomsman Mrs Genevleve Gra told 111111 these will distinguish our V7 ham played the organ music and shirtwaist dress fromith shirt Irock the soloist was James McVeigh of other years 4on 1211555116 11111 Mine dont need any distinguish ing ofthat kindThey herald them th reeep 1011 was ome 4tbsFrench SMusmrd tbs of the brides grandmother Mrs selves aloud as the products of yesteryearand it would take of 137 creamVVQr V3P0ra Con Browncr Dominion NVS She ted milk tbs Of 1831 received the guests with the brides place of the alinost extinct serviette1 Get It inthe Neck Finallyas Vifladifdas on our heads and hands Werent enough we are going toget 111111 themecky tool Gives healthqu tone 111951 WED STRAWBERRY CompJeElo 25 1795 SETS RDWCHELLESALTSIGQQ15C2 711v IoVntpletcVh3 to the System VBiovyni 8132 for 1153 lb 01749 396 STWECBEAMreq LOCAL 11m 01101111111111 cIIsnIINs 111611195 11111111111 gtGENIZED1 Writ for free zVbooklet oh baby feeding Evaporated Milk is HOMOGENIZEVDJOO uAsiizVs HAVPVPVY ales morethan giant bow to bring themLup to date A5 to the VfourinhandVVVVthKLV it tbs of vinegarll PidtclhogV salt mother The brides mother were DBUG VBTOBI DRUG STVORE VDRUG STORE doesnt help me bit to read that Beat mil an dress Of blaCR crepe With mauve BOOKS STATIONERQY Helene Rubinstein wily rnaydbe miled aid mniieih WU 1111111111diiilsligoiiiwfliliis3513 KODAKS FILMS Elizabeth Arden Toiltries Toiletries Opposite stOrice sou SUSDICVIOUS ll 35 cl with wht Harold Cusden Ph 1113 LAURA SECORD boots were sabotaging our styles by in Vurun 1se cp V1 Vac 50 Dunlop street Next to Roxy Theatre CHOCOLATESV111 Olstingb on us tuft 0f Spor Liswflegeand ziggiggsgierosegm wemngtm Hatel Block ran ewom nee ee 85 en DIAL DIAL DIAL DI from BarrieVHBrookline Mass and Montreal The bridal couple left on wedding trip to New Waterford Nova Scotla But wgrn them that shall rev sist7 any such attempt For after ingthaseneariousdeslgns4or VI ohmic 1122140