Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1945, p. 5

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1111111801111 Iguousijio 1945 SUNDAY scuoor LESSON tBy Rev The White AlfGUST RECOGNlIlNG UUDS PRESENCE loldrn Text The Lord to all them that call 111111 all that Cull 11111111 1112 Ps3 16181 Lesson Text tick lNTflOlHlUIltLJ lctt home under the 1113a Wite from people and little and mum241 llwili 1111 unbeliever 111 the son was 11 Llic the ve his brother 127311431 211 Lv1i is 21 he no very unhappy for he ten 1011 lit HY ligt111111111111gt inc itLoid ed 1313211leth neither mother had foreseen the 1111111117l1c11hs Ebecnnic ment that his deceit 111111111 1111 lately bring 11pm bury it set1 from the record tint 11mm bans chicanery lie 11nd 1111 11111111131 Jatol 1de Rebekah 1111 an awltil llillLl low llc does 11111Vt1 111 lint11111111 him truthful the deceitful nevor saw each other 11511111 Jacob in his early ycuts not possess very c11111ble actor and many wander why Smithy llis Lance atroznphrh thwiigh 1111 iinxsniti to Iullttll lliiltcl Ulll we found 11 BEENCEMDFEATI The marriage Mrs wi Mullalt LlAigfllCl crsm vasrm W1 of CIZliLl ixtlllig Lea 11 UL d1 mzth lev lit 1111111111 LCll 111 n111t by 11 thc lJltdc More 1111 late satin 111111 11111 yoke 1111 1111111 11 buss f1i1n new to 1111 uf tulitlc ital1114 and gt11 curred dixllll 311 1111111 fulutfatt 111 11 11111 11 of lht 11151131 11 the 1111 1I1nd tllc lllltgtltlltltl l1c=it BJlluiltt lnltUlllCiableSymgch CWAL 11111 Tull Jusciiiilrtc All 11 ttl wno through 8mm llfVfihptntcr mut tatiisni rlliitlt HM VIlmwc mm Yiilcained Colonial bouquets gpmuiisman lgt Lie111 Allrri and they reapEtcrlcy llCNVlt and the 11141 tor their blll1lLUl Jack 311tlxinnon 31C ll1 lie 19 lldl Willie 1113111 Douglas lettigiew new llr Muffatt llanc ch and Mr Duncan Cameron il11111 tlnti never wndones lying can bcConie sincere chose such 1111111 to succeed incli mu honest and the hateful can WorthiCs as Abraham and lune aslperzence the love of 01le sheui Wlmm Ilmll 11 the channel throuah which llewanwd in 1111111 1101115 1111211 f1311l1nd1n 1111111 and 11111111 111111 WUUld 99 UV llll lUlliie iLktmldllllZ transforinnzland later the couple lctt 111 tacol gurding the Sowing of the Seed of power 11 God makes intn newme 11W the Woman but we must lLttltllliticatttttb in Thrnt Jesus 12 Corn her that God delight to Work 111111171 11 whatever our lJLhtflllll grace and in no 15110111 111411 11117 bc Wllclltci 1111111 1111 Form Histories Told know what lle eotald and wouldlthe eyes 111 men or open for all to Do you seller from MONTHLY llllltlllls liltlllll will its wealt tiled feelings If functional periodic llSEtlertllCCS make on feel nervous tired restless 1l$11ch linestry Lydia 15 Imkhzuns Vege table Com ound to relieve such synip toms Pink 11111501nipo111111 isoneot the 111mlctlcctivemedicmesforthispurmsc Follow label directions Buy today vmmm COMPOUND Ultlugt Alva1r WASTE through pickle spOil age because of few cents saved on inferior lowpriced vinegar It happens every season but you can avoid this waste in your pickling Always use Canada Vin egarits absolutely dependable CanadaVincgarhasbccn recognized as at highest quality vinegar for ovqr 80 years Sold at all grocery stores For FREE Pickling Re cipc Booklet write to Canada Vinegars Limi ted 112 Duke Street Toronto annnn7 Vinegars adteurfzcd illehold Christ the Saviour of 111 11 it 51 1115 1111e lent 111tl in Jacobs feet lht IAt Cundlcs Institute Li 11 able and Within to give 111i 111111111 21111 uil deliverance when We 111111 1115 1111111le 11111 in faith Til 317 liti 1115 August nmetii tin 111111 111 IIIIIO II IIIII Izmir fliax 311qu 11 the 1111tf1li 111 51111111 31111 Nev ltnn picnidctj lhe 11111111 Wm lii 111 Al ONE F011 lfiisl day 111 he travelled lll lhcQ Leiulihurhwtl 111 31 1111105 and atjh 11111 111111011 ll lit1 11iiit he lay down to sleep theiantl p1pc1 111 the motto bleep ot utter wcariness 19111 ttlll 3111 l1ll111 11111 11111 ilwath lttlttllutl on hilt auxin15hhmnc mm Iluimd 1IlliI llhl Wlpdtltl iEHI lln 11111 v11 1111 111 111111 111111 211 17 11 11 in illslllil 11110101 $111111 1111171y7711 1111111 1e 1111 111111 11 tnytI 11s IKUtIY II ittss 111 Hlltltllll the llllllllillli lb 11 Mi nil1 llhese conditions were to he 101111 tpn 111d 111ml strip us before 11qu on mm iiI1y can tht our 1111s and before Wei near llzlllZ lleb 111 but lid 11111l Stillltllllllu far better or him even the once even as did Abraham 111111111111 honics about Barrie have lilhisloilc elzllllii 21111 is Well 11111111 ot blltitillit 11111 tllirti The 0111y gt1111 lllllUS What 11 pity it is that so nt 11111111119 11111 Ceived from the Crown 11113 11 feel our need of 111111 YINI No1 HUN HID ngd 1111111 froni Mii111eot1 11111i 111111111 lJttillilll comfort to his 5111111 H115 Iiipm mm mild ll still 11 Comfort for ltutlslllibl lltilltl Where the l1hitu1t is are resided piepznetl by Mr lihttr111t tlzill11c Newton arm has an interest in story and others arouiitl llaiiie have an old story to tell for 111111 Country Inspirinzt letters weIie itttltttlI troin the new and the retiring 111111 Vincial presidents of the Women Institute The meeting 1lgt intro lllthtl to the 1111111 from lllgttillll llarry lrinnan via Charlie hlitliied reporter pleasant social time was en joyed at lea when Mrs Orser and Mrs Newton were lltilltl people to know that the ange us for our protection realization of 1115 onn prev Read the four sections of this promise in Verse 13 and take heart and rest in His promises 1151 11111 lhil 112 ltoni 11211 AWAKE 1622 For the first time in his life lacob the man 111 keen mind was awake lle awoke to the fact of Gods claim upon him and holy car was in his heart lle aWoke to the act that he who had been so clever in obtaining his own advancement was 111 short of tool having tai lto wholly seek after God He also realized how good gracious and longsuffering his God was to him He built no altar the previous night but now the stone is raised consecrated and named Bethcl House of God to continually rc mind him of all that had taken place there Then he dedicated himself to the Worship of God and recognized His rightful claim upon His substance 11418201 One of the marks of truly converted and consecrated soul is this recognition of the Lordship of Christ over self and substance NCOEWELL JV BARR OMENS lNSlllllllI Mrs Corbett entertained mem bers and friends of theBarric W1 mens Institute to picnic at her home on Duckworth St at ihcl August meeting 111 spite pf occa sional showers very enjoyablcvl time was spent 1111 the cool lawn After short business session dur ing which it was decided to hold sale of needs at the next mectingl each member being asked to make an article from material not costl int more than 511 cents those pre sent proceeded to enjoy themselves in the warm sunshine Later thel hostess assisted by members servl ed adelieious lunch after which hearty vote of thanks was given to Mrs Corbett for her klndnessl and hospitality One new member was received The next mectingl will be held atlllrs llarrisons home 011 Bradford 81 Sept Mcmbcrsl are asked to put their own sellingl price on the goods they are bring ing Mr and Mrs Fred Brunskill and family Huttonville spent Sunday at Brunskills Fred Tolman and Miss Connie Coker Cooksville visited Mr and Mrs Jus Brunskill Mr and Mrs Bill Brunskill and Dr Moffet Long Branch spent Thursday at Brunskills gt THE HARRIS EXAivINER 85111111 llilzllllil 111le1 WWW Ross was no Sincere 51 ed all relatives ul Helium 71 6X 1l1il 51c11 drum imte service 111 Canada 111111111916 51111551 1111 II $13343413 1111 ltiU Culi X943 l7 tzLLithl 111211 1943 11 are RATlON Icourous VALlD BUTTER 901 13 sue111 4662 PRESERVES 33579111 915 lnrludin 111111111 hunt GRAPE JUICE 13 Fluid oz Bottle SELECTED QUALITY ONTARIO GROWN ATTRACTIVELY PRICED POUND AND 6QT ARRIVINC DAILY FRO NIAGARA BURLINGTO ST CATHARINES ruMAToEs 7BY THE BASKETS THE AND REAS CANAoKNo GRADE OFF1110 GltOWN BLENDED or SPlRlT BULK VINEGAR 11111 7c 111 111 tlcptilll Pix lfx dfiat lll cintniiicr 1111 111111311111 MOTHER JACKSONS JIFFY PIE CRUST under rctriuuiion iznouxn tor 110 pic RED ROSE ORANGEPEKUE TEA 1111111446 11111161811111 MARASCHINO CHERRIES 27c 11 uid It ottla Nerd nut hr kept lDUltHAHM BRANbWWHhJH CORN STARCH 9c LOBLAWS DELICIOUSLY FRESH cormar annnn WHITE 24 5c WHOLE WHEAT Loave MARMALADE 27c AYLMER BITTE Preserves ouvonI Fluid orJar LONBONbEnRv ICE CREAM 2IIgS 27c POWDER LACO Fagfa MAZDA LAMPS 33 111510 FROSTED Dellcwus 23 in no 7100 Watt Wattliach Each 7r 150 20 MASTER BRAND DOG F0 DS DOG BISCUITS TERRIER KlBBLE MlXEDOBS 110s Each 11 35 lkgs 15s TEA 311952 351 BEL LOBLAWS BLUE LA SELECTED QUALITY ONTA E10 CROWN Yellow rims LocILAws snow LABEL ill113313 11111g 25c COMBINATlON OR olts 11ch too good to keep crisper cerecl that stays crisp Kelloggs Rice Krispies Rich golden bubblesI that sing Shapn CracklePop when you pour on milk or cream Crispier tastier because theyre ovenpopped and gently waisted treat anytime Try them tomorrow Madoby Kelloggs in Lbndon Canada rk of Kelley Combnny ofCImda Limited or its delicious brand ofovenpopped rice JamaalVG THEYRE GOOD FOR YOU 111511313111 1111115 11111111111113 roREArIvs beaches gtI sI 17RIm0ye all peaches tainern basement where 11 air circulation 3Examine dziily canning refrigerator for These recomme supplied by the more consumer Peaches 7CUCUMBERS CABBAGE GREEN OR WAXIBEANSI RADlSHES IoI CELERY BUNCH BEETS AND CARROTS Spread them out onashelfgt or table in dry airy place at ordinary room temperature Mould or brown rot dvelopsmorc rapidly jit kpt iniaxwarm damp having reached maximumilavour and juicincss for dessert and for com on THE con ONTARIO CROWN 71111115111111 111 llllCllESSItEtltllllNllAPPLESIII3 11 231 Variety II tiltlll lltlllSE 01111155 Anmcrcssumomwcmwu CONDENSED 1011 Tins 12111 191 1111112 111111111131115011 GREEN ONIONS LETTUCE aULirtowm 530 Fluid RYLMEll VEGETlllllj JUICE HEALTH SRETS Available This Week The famous FISHER vari rum lhe c011 1ey is lack of sing these fruits The placing of peaches in longer keeping is not advisable unless such peaches have first ripened to and juicincssi full flavour iidatious have been Ntagara Peninsula gFruit Growers in an effort to ensure pprcciatlon of Ontario Apgf IIIfrlilllltltlllllll 1115111111 50111 oNE7orI THESE SIZES 1N EAcri STORE buttons helpyellow fleshfreestone777 peach an early season peach of delicious flavour eveloped and Ham by Howard Fisher Sons of Queenton growei and 1Vpacker of the fa mous Worms IsmNmss Jl IDULVERITONVERANDE Ill CILFQEMTSEDSS 11111115111111 11111111111111 CREAM 111 191 Giant Fakes 23c 1151111111110111Wm Itd 119773777iir CALIFORNiA SUNKISIT Truman 21 788 Sizer LSlze Doz Doz 11 Slzc Du 31 ONE OVTHE AROVE SIZES 14 IN EACH STORE CALIFORNIA SUNKIST JUICY LEMONS 25126 I301 IVISlze 2535 1192431 1102471 ONE OF THE ABOVESIZES 1NEACH STORE MCOffee Perfection =lb

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