from Overseas Homes of Men md Women Returning from Oversns Wclcomed For This Column use Telephonc 24H WWW Continued riom page one Clitl and was Ilirr pilCIiis II IIII m1 rail Til Ilrgt Gorrcil firm ilc the heyand mate THUIHIHJIIUI iii Jr illtil Ito Iith til it nor tiic IIII cicncy Mufti if Will Live lIrrc il gr di Dunner Station Hidit tm to im the Officczs l1ir Gaul=11 Ilitil IH llltk OWL ll lll15 i=tii to crxct 11 Jim1 ago lint Jurr ItL 31 civlditn I113 Incl 53 If 11111 11 luul Sir Arrivcrl Sunday lt Iaiitm ii1ci Mi Sin lititl in lirv ll Barrio ictiiiiicri to ship Louis hour licc Qiiciwc fruit of III L211 till which 311 Itll liltitlt IIEL itHii IUlllrl ilt lttlll mm 111 him ucrt ctiiiiiuitabh ilii 11 amp Iziii1 Itll pti ii itcd Cross rcpiccritvvs it irijtwiitihcii lllIt iwrsca Iltllltl to chcci lilttt with mix Rcfnrc ho lcft for norm 111 lildli for IMific across Capt Ross Turnbull 111 stcrdziin At Vliiililllii izt by inotiici 111 nm 311 ml to Canada two llIl his not iiitililtiWli tin Have you ever thought 01 Life Insurance as PROPERTY ECAUSE Life Insurance has no visible form to be seen and admired you may not have thought of it as proper1yand yet it is one of the most desir able forms of property that anyone ever possessed Ciation What other prop city is realizable in Iiill and without delay by your dependents in case you die and with all future in stalments cancelled yet guarantees you quaran teed income if you live Life Insurance isprop erty that always has guaranteed capital value and guaranteed income value In what other form for tnstancecan you buy property that increases in value every year and is guaranteed against depre MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1887 iier ouic BRANCH OFFICE70A DUNLOP STREET WENSLEYBRANCII MANAGER BARRIE TORONTO CANADA lt jvicronrs VANCOUVER litllfINNIPEG Adrditgibtrtor ofEinergeny Shelter whitih you plan to prove vllVltl Iti HAMILTON Tifffronouroy an WESTMINSTER OTTAWA in any of these congeScdaroaswithout pennacho theygt4 Belch making arrangomontsvto vacate yourlpresent homo lie sure that have other accommodation and permit to occupyitf Applicatigis for should be addressed to the Administrator ofrltlrnaroencySholler in llvdcy poison nulls orioccupioxtlomily Installian on of those districtscontrary order coma onoonoo and in addition to at or penalties will be required ii tini It Lnl Sp tiltiiit ilildr Itll v11i III Ali ii It tizlliti iiitiisc tlitlllt 11 Ito tlilll oi Iialild ii oi litll ill Itll Wrttl Iltl Iivlt mil tl Ill tor llllltrll iii Ipi ilizicc Icy day Inlt for ill Illlll iiiiitil Itllv lill l1lt for Ii fiu tx 11 tlltilt 121 iiil tl Itrtll lrt iIltgt11 tit IIolIiii litlliuii and itlitlltgt ilc sun of Mr and Ilgt Iitlll ltt iIllci 51 liariic ind IltA fiic enlisting hc drch truck 1311 civcil 1111 ix Iatlnr Iit now lttIlllit hi illstcllulltj VVV first to Iriinsfcr Ipi Itoimld mnr llairn II It It iSolditrs Scttlcinciill ilii tiii1ii iii Canada on tho IIc dc liliaiicc 111 vcck was thc first 111 icil from Illt rcscrvo to tho ilio foic in January IllIII Whilo scrviriuin lllt wcstcrn Iioiit 11c siiffticd bioktn Icft wrist work ing on liilt tank and riflcr bcin hand gt111lgtIll iii llltitlltl iccidciit Ii1lliill his furlough htic Ipr iunc xpccls to icport rm duly llll tho lntifit llospititl Ship Vic 11 Jimmy Smith vhiisi mic and young son IIVLLZILEESSII ltoatl rcccnlly arrier Ill1llllltl Elbtitlltl the hospital ship Letitia Whilc srrving in Germany last May with tho Argle and SUIIICIItlIle iliglilandcrs he suffered severe 10g wounds Ptc Smith was employed in Toronto bcforc enlisting in Feb ruary 1942 He went overseas year rpm last May and saw his riinc inorithsold son for the first time iwiicrrlic arrived in Barrie this wcck Slightly Wounded ICpl Albcrt Willirim Kniccly Ill North 81 who reached borne 111st weekend was slightly wouridcd in Italy while serving with IIICCEIIIZI idian Armoured Corps and he later went to France and Germany Ec fore enlisting in January 1941 he had worked at Copaco Following two and onehalf years overseas he 11 units arterial Normsn Johnson tiid Sqdn Idr iizil in icifii inf illltl Antoni 113 Wlnto own in l1iitv llldlilll in Barrie to bc liiiis1ciI iclmrcd from Ittlgtllllll had his lclti wife and fourLhildren including Billet Gambian it infantum and otherbowel from IiIi Ilrliiitli liXAMII it Hollis Johnson 1l IUIK Ulliitt 341 ii v11 111 Aotlvltleo of Mon Ind Wham tho NovyArmyAlr tom Continued from page one Vliorir liisx ncorriiii loiii ii71l Iriiiiioiiiicriiicizt tol1 illS trite is lhc foiiizcr Iltih Unpack of An lcn RIIIIK WC IIiciipflii is ruiwl icliicd from activc duty and locali cd II zilldoii HV lt1 Forcc Rctircs from Air Squadron lcilticr lltikc Ln tlttIlIII llariic who has scrvcd iiil ithc Itl gtllltL July 1010 has itilcd from active dirty and isibuck IlI foiiiiii position 11 Undor hills 1111111cdf shoc factory Aftcr linking thc iquiipiiiciil and Accounts Ltilllst at St Itioiiirs ho was post cd to Iiiiiloriirid 11tcr ItlLnglij litlldtllltllltlp at Ottawa Appointrd DAIJI anip Ilordcn Major Edward II Slcvcnson Milli ol Vaiicouvcr and Ottawa Illl Ilt orcr livc ycars ovciscus 1scivitc with tho provosls to his crcdil has liccn appointcd llcpiity iAssistant Provost Marshal at taiiip Aliiillltll rncrnbcr of the ItCMI from 19le until the war began Major Slcvcnson joincd iipwith thc 1st Cllltlltllftll limosl Company as fprivatc in 1939 and wont worsens with that unit in the curly winter of thc samc ycar He took part in tlic Dicppc igaid as officer commanding No Pro vost Company and in the Spring of 31944 was awriiflcdthc MBE inord crs The reward he believes was for his organization work with the provosts although he has not yct sccu his citation lie is among those bcing honored at the Lieutenant Governors invcsliturc zit London Our onchncsday August 15 is enjoying 30 dziys furlouin and Pacific Arriving last Sunday night after it voyage on theLouis Pasteur Cpl Kniccly was greeted by his twin daughters now three and onc lizilf years old Son Grown Up thnCpI Lloyd Goring loft for OVCISCQISII1ICC and onchalf years ago his son Larry was jiist homc curly this month he found quite change in Larry who will be four years old InWOctobrfMrs LlodeGoring and young son have been making theirlhome with Cpl Gorings pWMr and Mrs vFrnnk GOIIIIgTOl William St Cpl LR Goring is now awaiting his 118 charge from the RCAF ram for he attack Ontario receiving his divinity training at HuronCollege London and Wycliffe College Toronto Be fore going to Midland he lived in Otterville Atwood and Hespeleru of children During the hot sunimer and early fall monthsr 051 children and especially those ectlimg are subject to diarrhoea dysentery colic cholera plaints Every mother should keep nbottle of Dr Fowlers Extract of WIILI Strawberry in the 1101110115 pro BARIIIE Stops odd Mrs JohnsonAre Horne All1 11 has volunteered for service in the four months oldehen rhenrcttgned to noon choltu and the district Doc rl91944 his own expomo Intrinsic its authority of horqonzsllor RegulationbrdorinCounqll no 9539 IME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD tebtion 1o b11150 suddonottaclrs of tlicso tutu les Dont experiment withng and untried remedies Consider your child health Get Dr Fowlers It has beucuccessfully used by thousands of Canadian mothers dur ing the act 94 years it has been on tboiriur et Dont aceopi substitute Get tliegonuinoitDrFowlersl Tfmiiiiin Gym Toronto on ONTARIO CANADA CENOTAPH FOR THANKSGIVING Continued from page one iitfvlt ling tu it in mi lililt 11 111 tiitt Ir1i xi iutlirL Norris 11 iliintl liviillttitlt laundry Jlc uitt in1nirit litirlt 111111 tlit and of liltlltlllt icliiiil tic xfilltl of II it It lltI iiitii i1c grum of oral 3111 LillJliillS in uplauw iiiii zippiccmlipii of lil Illlii part it iiiiIc it 111ppy gt1ltt1 Lilac ctiitXti it 11ili ti 111 Qticons Park to wath 1ic Itltttl iii tIllltl Bar tlti ltlllt ltiltl 1111111 An account of tho guttiic Iliittlgt on tho sport it Ill Qiicst of Food 1illnvin thc 31211110 at tho park iriitgtlaiidiiig attraction in liar tiillllll lhc stippci hour was the rimst toi loud Many huiidrcds o1 llllilr from iiiiidcn iiid scvtral dicds oi citirns from tho out tllhllltl icrt Ittlt but llicy round lhc doors ol most of tlic thil in placcs loikcd tight 1in about four of liarrics iiiorc it scorn of rcstaurziiits wcrc own and thcy could not bcgin to triadic lhc grout lillllillltil limi lllstillb lhcio wcrc liiiciips at tho ttI upon and soon not to thc door only to find it lorkctl oc cauw ltic plucc had niorc custom crs than thcy could provide for Ilowcvcr thch was one happy phasc prisscd about among many of thc downlowiicrs Ill scorch of iiilicli Go to St Marys Church Scotts of tho tho 11111 on Mulcuslcr $1 vlicrc bazaar and suppcr was ILIll sponsored ltic nicnibcrs oflhc church had considcrcd cancelling tlicir planich cvciit iii vicw of V1Iriy cclcbiiitioiis Bid 4311 11mi gry pcopldwcrc thankful tho sup pcr was scrvcd In addition to the many IVISIIIIIS Iibppy to sit down to rbounlcous table wcrc scvcrzil citizens who had been cpught with cmptyA ItlllClS when the grocery storcs were closed Bitiznig poncho on Bay In the evening conccrt vzis piw vidcd by fire RCAMC Band play ing at the Post Office Squarc from pun until nearly niiic oclock After dark the fire bell was rung and when few citizens spotted fire out on thebay hundreds from the downtown sectionraced to thc vutcrfront There they saw flames leaping 50fcct into the air few builder fcctoff shore in front of the ONE station This too was one of thccvcnts planned by the Town Council to helpBarric cele bcen built and waspilcd high with crates and old lumber spectacular sight out on the water ing its flames up from the inky darkness to the stars and thc moon closing its first quartcrrovcr head Huge Crowd Enjoys Street Dance in front of the Empire Cfe on visitors found lhcir way to thc church up brute VJDayr Ailargei Trait flied It made 11 By the Itineftherdilnzconwtbe baychzid dicddoyvn thcrdunccrband Dunlop St was set up andstarted to play The whole block from the Five Points to Owen Stree hsz been blocked off from traffic but even this huge dance floor was otrhalf large enough The street was surging sea of citizens gEverywhcrew anyone at struggle but thethousands of Winnington Ing dancers and spectators were all in years TECIOI St the happiest of spirits Marks glican Church Midland first hour dancing was wenr nigh died dal AHEUSI fOIIOWing impossiblefbut happy couples shuf For the ed about and thousands of new was born May 274392 at All steps werMe undoubtedly learned Ont He received this earlyed few undaunted soutsleven at ucation there and took his arts temptedm whirl course at the University ofWestern step5as they sonie jitterbug the maze of feet and dance got under way incfiiont provided for the easthalfacreof the dance floor St betyveen theFive Points and the Post Office Square Thousands were dancing and thousands more laughing dancers There were square dances fox trots waltzes and dance steps tornove about together among the shuffling throng VariedThrong men women and children infants soldiers sailors airmen and hun For the babies and children under six years of agc dreds of visitors it was their first day of arworld Iongritw enbefmenscbqplsseught temptedo moVewit was great gain tripped about in Finally about 10 oclock secI of Simmons Store andmusic was Never in thehistoryr ofwBiirrie Was there such ciowd nor such rejoicing and merrimeni Itseemcd that most of Barries T0000 citizens and many more were on Dunlop Stoodron the sidewalks and enjoy ed the galaxy of happy faces and For ththDUSandsofsclfool cil Included in the huge crowd were now AVAILABLE For Farm Use $100 per Quart t350 per Gallon STOCK ON HAND AT 177 RObinson Hardware 21Dunlop St Phone 2431 MEMBER imiuur crmurmr or commoner dicii ll mcant tlicy would not havciAt none of thc bii vcrils was there wondcr whats going to huppcn to don iiiiifoiiiis ltllfi go to thc battlcficttts as their oldci brothers and gt1gttcrs had done For thosc in uniform it meant boy would not have to do to thc lacific for which so many had voluntccicd For tiic hundreds w1th suns Still in IIiiropc it mount they would soon In liotlit and this time to siziy For thosc who had lost Iovcd oinw it mcant that all tilIlflS would bc sparcd this sacrifice for sonic tiiiic to come 1or tlic vctcrrins iltlll War and all others who could llltlllICl the Armistice of llllll it was rcriiindcr of the cclc briitiiig of that timc For thc Mayor and thc lltCIliICl of the Barrie Town Council the bit daiicc was the climax of full days successful events for fitting obscrvancc of VJDtl Undcr Mayor Ictcr Sinclair tho council lors had sct up committees and the uccoss of Wednesdays events was too to their work Tho gala street dance which did not brcnk up until 130 Thursday morning was the last of the big words A11 Ordcrly Celebration The pool up feelings of six years of war were rclcascd this week but the celebrating in Barrie was of the First dircctcd into wholesome channels int andmany began to ask Wcll Godbe Prais 11 The War iseruled any Llitiltftllilill of IIMIHICI although now iillusmllltfl to bc ciijoym t11c111 sclvcs immcnscly cspcciiilly thc thousands at tho duiicc lticrc was grout contiiist hcrc bctwocn tho cclcbrzitingi this vcck and thc obscrvuncc of thc cnd of VETERANS PLEASE NOTE CITIZENS the war in Europa thrcc months Whu ttic liar CCiClllciilltm was Llllltltfll tlicic was coiisidcrablc confusion 0F BARRIE rcgarding thc official date for Vii Iay and Iottilly it had liccii tiiIfi cult to iiiiikc ndcrlurilc plans on ac count of not knowing just what could he done onshort noticc AND DISTRICT Office 38 Bayfield St Telephone 3218 Ilowcvcr inc Iowri Council litid the mattci of VJli wcll in hand in plenty of time and plans wcrc vcll mode In addition tiic ari iiounccmcnt over the radio at scvcii oclock Tuesday cvcning was an opportunc time for spontancous rc joicing that evening and it dolin itcly fixed the dutc for the plan ncd arrangements of VJDay I11 Britain Prime Minister Attlcc and in United Slutcs President Iriimrin announced that lVCdIltls din and Thursday WUtlItI bc holi days but in Canada the official holiday was Wednesday only as announced by Prime Minister Mac kcnzic King In Barrie thc celebrating was over and omployccs were back on their jobs as usual Thursday motllv 71f your battery is down all the time and causes slow starting 1n cold weather have the generator checked for possible worn parts Drive in today BRENNAN Auto Electric Service BARRIE ONT niunuuaunun at TITTusondk THURSDAY AUGUST 15 1945 it v11swrrAWAuIMV1rN