THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7025 Copies THE BARRl BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY AUG 82nd YGGFNO 33 SECOND GREAT WAR END Citizens OfBarrie CelebrajJ Day The Second Great War is ended In Barrie the celebra tions lasted from the first official announcement over the radio at seven ofclock on the evening of Tuesday August 14 Wednesday until the early hours mm mm 1945 through the followin NvyAmyIAh hm of Thursday morning The news Tuesday night was received withspontan eous rejoicing and thanksgivmg Within altiminutes cars were racing 11p and down the main streets with horns blaring and the news Was quickly spread to every citizen Byl30 pm the Barrie the reels had joined the celebrating and the Screaming sirens were added to the din of auto horns Bylght oclock halt dozen members of the BCI Band travelling in small truck added their favorite tunesto the increasing volume of sound Allithe timetheraucous tooting of horns continuedwhil hundreds of shouting children and grownups jumped on passing vehicles waving flags and shouting with joy Suddenly at 815 torrentiaLd crowds scurrying into deorways for shelter and the din of the evening was silenced The heavy rain lasted but few min utes and the crowds were again on the numbers than before ITorn paper was tossed from second windows The most popular streamers were long rolls of fine white tissue paper the kind bought in grocery stores at four rolls for guartfifA Stiff and none too warm wind was blowing the paper and hunting about Wildly By nine ocloCklpeggyvere so many people on the main streets it was difficult to move along and the traffic was such that It was practlcallyimpossible to cross the street From the back lanes near the Five Points boxes and ngckipg cratestereIbroughtIIoutIand bonfire wasIstarted aboutnine The wind Was high and police kept an eye on the blowing embers until the flames died down similar blaze was lighted up over in Allandale Returns to Civilian Life Sgt Frank Taylor received his Canadian Army Barrie from the Enlisting in Jan uary 1943 he got his basic train ing at Peterboro transferred to Camp Borden He was stationed at A19 Canadian Army Senice CorpszTraining Cen tre in the School Prior to enlistment he was Barrie manager for Durance 81 Cu insurance adjusters discharge and was then of Instruction Major Adamson Returns Position at Midhurst Forestry Major Methven Adamsoii who has been overseas for four years with the Forestry Corpsreceived his discharge from the Canadian Army last weckIIIand has returned to his position as Superintendent of Forestry Station Major Adamson who prior to the war took large part in the de velopment of the beautiful Spring water Park at Midhurstwas with Simcoe Foresters Rcserve whenhe joined the ac tive forces in September 1940 He was stationed at Sudbury and Val overseas Prior to eoihirfwhomeifirionth ago he wasin charge of lumber comp and sawmillzin Scotland ownpour of rain sent the streets in greater Midhurst nd third floor the Grey and going cartier before MUST Promoted to Squadron Leader Mr and Mrs Fletcher Thornton have just received word hat their son Fletcher has been promoted to the rank of ISquadron Leader with the Counselling Branch of etches of the the RCAF overseas and others surrounded 1th flags and Siriutamfew Day win Practically every place of business was clos erchants opened their stores to put in Speeial lows with flagsand pictures of the leaders One of the best decorated windows wasjhat of Zellerswith Ibingour leaders patriotic colours The celebrating along the min streets continued asenpflugformer Chief Flying structor at No SETS Camp SL Fletcheri Awarded Air Force Cross Wing Commander William thmughout the eveningwithimpromptu parades ahdadded In demonstrations About 1930 pm numberofBCI musicians Borden has been awardedthe Air and others including Alderman Grant Mayor with trom bone led afband ofmarchingyoungpeople up and dovimthe winainthoroughfare The musicIIwasinot that usuallyiheard fromVthe BCI boys and gt of the Oceasion Among the throngo Turn to page eight please Receives Surrender rl 1911111 all coded to the hilarity the streets weremany service men and minefing not many more than are usuallyln Barrie There was much goodnatured fun and =merriment IVIIuIrIrtIil the demonstratingdied down arbund midnight Several Town police Provincialpollce and Provosts Were on duty but there were 110 untoward incidents during the celebrations Chief Constable Burtchael said he Was veryiwell pl the behaviour of the crdwdTuesday night In addition to the hundreds of Barrie rejoicing that their sons and brothers and fathers would socm be home therewas another group particularlyhappy about the end of the SeeondGreat War There are some 60 Chinese in Berrieand for their homeland lt was the end of 14 years of war with the Japanese Long before the war in Europe started theJapaInese war machine hadswept in on Main churla and large part of China has be Japanese fer morethcn 10 years Approximately 91874 of the 1111 VI 600 army and RCAF men scheduled We be returped to Canadabetween VEDay May and the end of yearnow have returned eased with amines Who were en dominated by the The tail of rocket bomb will be eiectgdgs aiv1 memorial in the Waltharnstow one of frondons most Iagqclboioughs GEN conduits MacARTllUlt 0fUnitdStatesArmygfappoint Supreme Allied Commander toreI fbombd ccive Japanese surrender to Allies broadcast tothc people of the Brit lsh Commonwealth Wednesday af lter noon said We haveIspent fihlimhil we had now we shall have to labor and work hard t0I restore what has been lost and to estab lish peace on unshakeable fourldaa tionIs not alone of material streygth but also of moral author ity Then indeed the curse of wr may be lifted from the World and States and peoplesgreat and small may Iswell together thipugh long periods of Itranqullily in Dance at BientwoodF1iday Aug Willoughby Orches tra 33p Oldtime Dance at Midhurst Friday Aug 17 EXAM 051 15 1921 NER Section lPOges to Gather At Ce For Thanksgiving Long May He Reign Home from verseas Names of Men1u1d Women Overseas This Column Ivmyrmc krruv 111111 in doc 11 Although 1111 1111111111 shone brigllly and 111111111 wow llvities Almost every plxnc 111 1111414 11eg1ihe1111au Returning from Welcnnml Please Telephone 2414 Four Years Oversea pr1 Herbert Chapman son of Mr and Mrs Charles Chapman In welcomed back to his home here after four years overseas After crossing the Atlantic to Quebec City 011 the Pas travelling Toronto he was met at the Exhibi tion Park by his father and sister They motored to Barrie last Sun day evening and 11 family gathering was held at his home Ip1Chap man enlisted in October 1939 and wont overseas with the Canadian 7tr111011rcdCorps 111 June 1941 He served with the CAC 111 Italy Hol land and Belgium and has volun teered for service in thePacific Wounded in Germany Dudley could not z1cco11111111da11 over The streets early hours of chnrwlay 111011111134 papers proclaiming at Lust much in cvidcucc only one or two magazine stands were open citizens picked 11p the papers from doorways and left tl1cirpc11111cgt 111 the remaining bundle The first Sign of fly Wednesday I1 parade from the BCI to the 171M Officc Square Led by standard bearer the RCAth brass band under the direction of WOlI Albert Croasdale provided 11111511 for the marching veterans who 1Jl berets 1115111 Dame was were IIIIC xvii 11 1tC Wth tram to tour and outside 11 wk cd gained activ 10li Legion their hands and medals The band music and the posters in store windows u1111otnicing1 the service attracted hundreds 111 1111 Post Office Sciuurc where zinlo gramof thai1lltgiving was hegunlit 11 oclock in front iff the Cenotaph of the First Great War Mayor Peter Sinclair address ed the gathering as followsg Dear Friends We meet again to cclebrmch surrender and to reached his 1111 home in Barrie early this month after crossing the AtlantiLon the of Bcdford wounded 111 action 111 Italy and in Germany back while on mancuvres 111 Eng1 land The 19yearold officer was one of the first Canadians to return complete battle ribbons that had beanissuedivtcgs lIc IEJJIIQQPEIIl 193945Starltaly Star France andGcrmanyistar De ifence Medal andVoluntary Service Medal He enlisted in the ranks at Vancouver and served two and onehalf years overseas aHeisthe only son of Majorrranders Dudley 162 Dunlop StMajor Dud ley veteran of two cramm agcr of the Barrie Chamber of Com merce Lt Robert Dudley has vol lamimmrpmm heotrgehgnidiwill report for post ingdollowing 30 days furlough Robert Duchess was II he added and suffered broken wearing at tls Cenotaph unconditional Countrys enemies that once more there is peace on earth We pray that never 11 the world become involved111 war war which has science not death for soldiers xmenWblevhoiw nations Amongpmhiymcnew dear oneshve paid the supreme sacrifice We mourn their loss with you and ask God to comfort you with Ithe thought the suviours of our country and tht the memory of their noble deeds well done will be perpetuat ed to aftertlmes byrIall future genw c1ahons To you members of the armed forces Who have come home and to Ithose Who will be home very Soon we sgyTYour country is very grateful audioill never forget your scrvice and sacrificein her hourof heed We are in your debt forever tGiod has been good to us Let 115 alltresolvc to be Worthy ofthis victory He has given us May we and allntlons be no more divided by horrible hvars but may all 1114 tions ever recollect and be govern ed by that precept which is the lUQueellS Park cornerstone unto others whatever you could Cal from Boumerfel Greehouse justly wish that theyshould do unto you Service of Thanksgiving The service of thanksgiving was Que arranged by the Barrie Ministeri pa 0f Association with Rev Fl Bewe11 of Central United inxcharge MUSic for rejoice WORKHARD TO ESTABLISHfEACE 0N1 TUNSHAKEIABILE FOUNDATIONS His Majesty the King closing his brighter and bettertdays than we ourselves have known The worldhas come to loolfor ccrtainthingsrforcertain qualitig from the peoples of the Common 7wlthahd Empire part to play in restoring the shat tered fabric of civilization proud and difficult part and if you carry on in the years to come as you havedone so splendidly in the war you and your children can look forward tojhe future not with fear but withhighIhopes ofa surer happinessionalli is totbisgiieat task that call you now know that shallIIpot callin vain 1orc will developed in 101 into unteere We haveou It is Visitihg Parents cricIIk Gorrell 1etu1in ed home from overIseasvlastfweek Turn to page eight please chinestggdelf They are and COMING EVENTS cents1 wordMm charge 50 Annual Flower Show Barrie Horticultural Society Trinity Par ish Hall Friday Sept Doors 0va on land pm Bellewgrt Baptist Church 49th Anniversary Service 11 amIISpecial speaker Mr Fred May internationally known instru mentalist vocalist and evangelist 630pmMr May willpreach and play the Thcremin Solovoxr piano accordfon Everybody welcome to Foster 3336b Admissioh 35c Everybody welcome 33p Bingo AllanIdaIle Orange Hall Tuesday August 21 Auspices LO BA lgamesfor 25c 830 sharp Dance every Friday night at Cookstown Pavilion to BIar wicks eightpiece orchestra from DeHavllland Aircraft plant 33th Alliston Lions Club Annual Sum mer Frolic Fridayand Saturday evenings August 17 and 18IBing01 game um Jzaliiablelprlzes lucky number draws refreshment booth Fun for all 3213313 August 19 Christianity these services pastor Church the hymns was led by Generallssimo of the Chinese forces the band with the first selection which heroically fought the Japan ese for 14 years MeatlessTuedbys and Fridays CHIANG KAISHEK Btegwcteg4tosaVe 0ne million of meat aIIWeek in Can People THEE OnEarth in E11 McCormick pound adac Dwell Fther 11 111 he holiday eventhe cool for August the sun ll 1111 1110 parade and other fes 11111111 was closed Wednesday and housewivcs 11111 had 11111 laid 111 11112111 of groceries were out of luck Nor Could those without 111111 111 1111 l11=111 mi 111 restaurants N01 more than four of Barrio eating pl11c 11 11 open for business and they 11gt1z1t number of transient dlners St Marys Roman Catholic Church iilftl1i up prayer of thanksgiv 111 and intercession The Scrip turc lesson Isaiah 402111 was read by Capt PBrown of the 831 valmn Army The second hymn God our help in ages prayer of remembrance v1 led by Rev Haire of 1711111 Baptist Church followed by period of silent worship Rev Dr Sinclair or Essa Road Presbyterian Church deliver cd short address First of all he stressed thank527 giving to Almighty God and re minded thegdthering of the testi 111111119 of that ancient people the Jews Then there is another thought We ought to repoice and rejoice to the full but ourrejoicingvmust not make us forget the long weary road ahead Then we shall help to bring aboutihat time Concluding Dr Siluoted verse of Scripture from the finial Hallelujah for the Lord Go WILGnnpotentrergnc nu Rev Bewell read short ceremony of dedication The final hymn was theINational Anthem three verses being sungIZIIIThe bcne diction was pronouncedby Rev 11 Howden of Trinity Anglican Church gt Following the halfhour setvied lthe band and veterans paraded 11m Duniafr nd Elizabeth55 agi11j1vith hundreds of children and otherIs following theroute of march The bigoccasion of Wednesday afternoon was the paradegfollows ed by ball game Iin Queens Park BigIParade Starting off from the Market Square at two oclock the parade proceeded down Mulcaster St and thence along the main thorough fares over to Allandale andbaek Leading the paradewwasa green profusely decoratd with large bou ducts of flowersf FloWers filled the car windows andcolorful bollI ts were tied on every possible he vehicle recore of brightly trimmed bicyci Iollow the travelliti window ot flovverSz Thelong lowuatung structlo truck wag Km our rmmw those who paid the supreme sacri licc And we remember those who 111111 any part great or small all the soldiers the sailors the air mm the women in th forces and all the folk who cam on in their severalglaces But it would not 111F111erelyx tomrememberpwededia cale ourselves to carry on the peace that was Won