PAGI TWO WWWMAM 1w Inrwwy THEPARRIE mm 3mm ammo CANADA m4 777 WWm 77 Siauth Simcoe Plowman Cl II IT gtAwl lcnlt gain New Alma ggitilzzesnggate 50 Years 25 13an 031 lmA wnlefcml mm Cl Ellw Pl lei v54 Audit Bureau Circulaticu fglAREN mscnxpmoxs in it lwilfhur AUGUST 1895 luvs one in garA Canadzo Get rtln no Ali ll Barrie Local Notes lI gin 19 N9 clccil Billr ll gt2 it ill ct cht at ycrs wanI iyms vltrnyy 62 Chum $me United State 50 year 811ml Cole be each xi 10 133 the erzlw In announcing mt 1me in ht Sunczm ill Mum Medium 22 gt gt rH 40240 bounty Historical cxuinlmtions inc Plnl Farmers ml limkf KI School Inspectors this year noted nursed Ahl ill illU lntcrcst in ii studies ile the pdrt oi lep gtlIl7 IllA lynx heklgl lulu in All lllxlu Eltbl ldlhl ALFl lztlltlllo Llitl iuClK Lu llLUlL ylltljslrriliiullvt and hzs in lZleiLISll it ltikt pllulo hi the by IA mg it my 5t 0015 to nurture more out lllfill ht 513113 my Ml 1d Ward LE mu mm mm tnude 01xnlurdizzv KIA Esddvx of our cunn Ihat URI 13 Still aux YULIH vm Not be Mr Cunldgmus1n 7i Particulnrlv is tl illusc count for improvement is cridcnz from the lIItlllI II IM sens dmn uric cf 31nd lug0 lilifit rics which or its in lmr 24m your Published lbursdsy Morning THE llklllilll liXMlNER LIMITED AM TNT t$73 IANAII RimpbcnRb 57 IV was szllflE cents in puzl on the lnnlhdIIT II II II III Ii II directing brunt Bldall rents lul 1an lmlllc Agriclll Editor Wonders it lllre will light7 bunch ll ton Min IMPROVED AREA Touxsnzw lililll AREAS llvcr lomorrowIs horizon llltrcwill worltl at pcnco onlnl iicltls lzy llilt roads and hours in vhicll to rebuild zlsllzlllrrcd world worltl in which Iizlnzulns Youth men and women to crystalliizo llllll For90 yours the Bank of Toronto has never failed to utter the experi lllltl guidance the friendly counsel and the sound nancial hacking inilispcnsulilit lo resourceful Icntcr prising men and women in their requirenmv concurilionsncw liluc contribmiml the mpid progmf of PrilllSOWIlml ll Will We the young and forwardlookingnation unfcllercd invigorating vision of It will not fail to take an 301va and Youth it will require the Vprovcn vital part in supportng the con stimulus IIol free cntcrprise And struclion of tho licltcr world to come may know the meaning of true progrcss The rchuililing of this world will he stupendous undertakingit will Swallle fillnltliat in this second year of the onlyliltionst Mm MM I7 lliatlon when lillll ilpllllcs of here were 28 Eulet and my 119mm hump there was lol replace12 history than ours and it is it fine thing for Hm ma Midlit Im mem In Blli llmllille boys hcl girls to learn as much as brownie roucs VILLAGE or WAS KM 2014 much 01 srllmc gt2 Aime Kc liimwv Phlument or 34th ill Bottle Wczc llcxli llll liltillh luv lllttl 1M er alumna gtllltull quite WOlllElil Ll Sllbililllllillf Sll Harold Alexanders itpptllllillltlll its To Altlugli Arthur Ault Arthur Beth retail and ll part of the tin mix ll muting ILlll lltilll rle DLODR of 4134 gtI 15 it this llll tollllillllll to tilt pug remixme any Cduxmw 55 on national My MI lzlinly not Autumn lt tznxiot Will lllCClglltlilllsll0tlll come to Government Home at m1iflufxljidlti 91 fougllunnuli Ln Knits Mi in on ewis Chaill million lJtlllliti ztl must llll for the exalted p05 to which has iv VJ lnllx llllldhlkb 13W builders umSundcrs llrignli be met Tllclt 11 best LtVLlIll llllrc or al ml lid inn llt is ltltt as Mb into lle lolnc VllllI WWW if any Ur rcmnintr to gt no betteriorlc as the greatest soldierof his generation iii I0 IIIIIIIIIRI II 1me Whyl bildb in MN lI gt gt fully small sung New 593 1111 bring found Continually lilil mm trllsices All appoint Lmtpd Kingdom Infmmmon OURWVPMIL lll0ll as lhc Roiid of llllsy Cmdm Frame Hem lk England are as lolloxvs Fauhy teeth have llopcsdion This much nn be 0mm one WWW spaitic views of Premier gimp cation that lltli ll 11 lllh ill 311th09 on lazily pay Fire Department Clll LOIldOln hmplml and blllllplll 0f Delll1nillto appoinllllcills and set salarr lltleul und lurncst which we note is porn rr hs Hv ceases and root infection In one case the Wm Summll muml Premier Carson it is unncccs semi should co ti lv lenmnablc request of the Polg ll ll Ht Ill out IS not only in lhl itlls bit in the the tooth replaced the sockets which had 160 lrnsiccs hus been granted lv 1mm HSJUSMCIUIy fom lllllllll citizen or my Canadian Gov7 units do noL lull lcv to etflcrencylplaced bone had reformed round the roots IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIcIIILIItI IIII um doom school areas are purpose bellev vnnendme illt taxmg unit ouncll agreed to do so Trustees ndjLM the imdcgmif flmm veilheI illilPCllllI the Clerk on instructions mane 19 Of course lrllll illllltllt and per lb adjustment Ihat was the lost heard of it Counw RF pe to provrde tor ll me attendance officer FORT Immmm mm DOIIgIaSI am neItIIOXI llc comlnl home What do lllcxImnllcrs could he amicably discuss secondary $01100 ll Li 0i type smtable want To some home mum in back vyhmixipd but were not favored with Llldottivllng the appropriate g0 men agencies Vuh powers want to be normal people livin gt great opportunum greater cha1n0 nolnml lilo or some ll by thslllCll lug traf and em lengeto the Hm nnl socrcty To make this chance mm 10 tum flc regulations parking etc noml Ulnlc MW 15 ecedllli 10 any lllllllllDlllrslerIntEKLAXV we man himself his lricnds nnd film to enforce their rcspecllV bYIElWS IZLtdCfCliun that ht 1W one Offlcll The Tueices ill the largel government dcpznimcnts and by the Coinznun Tllt Dali TIUSKCS Slled pd made rather than anomm centres of pODIllv mo beenimprovingiuvlng gt llollce Village would be called till1PCCdS llle IDIOVlnCeSI and BIG STAKE IN PACKING STRIKE orphanI 11 mcpalllles They have hill or the grants offeredl lc norm hoi to so and have 111 lllf 310d and ltlSll qlllke 15 Wm WM llhm 1m been use ma cral governments primarily are fin of utmost concern to almost every citizen of Cunidn l0 anCIal and as the DommIon GovI mvm cw mi The drainage referred to is not in with materi USlIY is threatcne mike Villa area Said drain was th rigs monetary system it is the Domin but the school W5 lesponSibility to ensure that Ielemnt the buiicl s== food citizenship andgang market their main production the transportation is glVllg SalleaCtiOIl 10 the rate an stor lge companies that handle that product and 1313 lhe dmmge me mom responsibilities The div been com let mentally phvsmo and spirituallyfor all gnored lvmce resent bl Am Br no pro ems winch am three work mm good Citizens lshable product and an almost as pep Under the present Act Trustees lcable Dommwmpmvmcial Wrelw Erma 15 1051 Important to him that big came flcatlon in respect to land Osltuated Incorpoiated 1855 025 and other meat animals are slaughteredIand in the village and reside within ing unsealed and perhaps more it two they begin to 10 lit NewmarkgtCanal Dy Get At price Ofysli qua and become bill Of me lo comp mlg tmean be Staynerv Augu 1945 VI IStevieinfMglT 000 Newmarket ought enough of the II liodllltd the Burric Cheese 339 is not 375 EFTI1 464 BEA AND MOVE To Witt 55 Marys thirdan llltlxll ill lIfi villicd tlli crnll Etiltur llze llzlrric Examinvr 11 llr great IUoverlIOlGcllelal has met with wlrm 1i mm Btll hdwurd Ilium Canada is to Nl lOllllllg Dimtint Itlitl frClll the Rllggtlloll pressed pm ll mnlllll raltllf Cw Imd Jus Closslnnd Alan 5III nyOI 115 ttvql 11 with pct lt Ilcu Marshal Althdlltltl hits ptl Al in lllx minimull of all Ill 313mm Wm comm for the change at loos Jutpmn Rm Tmm in Europe llit rugged true friend lle is the ables strnzccist of HUM muffled and luvv the to see it plight oilmdllom gt null Al ycnil Willi pillt in formci Hll dip in Huh 10m Fm logsifmm vfor the wonderful mmmr must come lltll llil of it Milli llln Pilllk lllll Ulll till Mil PRAIRIE PREMIHlS VIEWS 100 ol the Improved District llt DomllimitProvinle Confcr ih My llmeh MM lbt 0f been extracted and replaced to grow mum iilll no longer will the tnxpaycrs ml dCl WW Jr HI County WI Sun 311 0mm lllln Ilns revolutionary treatmcnt in deninn etc Manning of Alberta on this point There llli llllullllllei Im tooth was extracted the infected ends of the III I3 mummy unjusz mIgm we villa es rind sinclil turns The indivldmlit gt mined mde CUIHli been treated With pemcmm to weave them cif0l possible has been madtmlm men harming any Cum lno meet with trustees approvalommwt will reasonable We lllflll to serve their to carry mi the provinces this can be lLC in sslng neighbouring tooth on nidille should gm them the tlus it than township sources of the provinces ward haps justly 807 IIlt Illlllllllllty area pmpdmd nu necessmy Ilgleemem cil even wrote theirSecretory lsk ll In 11m litlll Ul Hlml mu plovmcialisl lllll listll mil nunl sound nan to the rural are heV belong TIley do no want to no tlllllll0i reply gt lsntlsfy human wants effectively Inc township schoolia successful Soldier idetelmined in Ottawa No hu Iarea board than 1qu in succebful ivlllzm r9 llllllllh and Llectlons etc also ity where he proposes to settle down and make hisllte City Fathers If they neglect Fiscal arrangements for the pm their schools for my limp and have pro tlhe Financial Postl system of garbage collection Premier Mmmingi mammal ness assessmem EM dispule between company and labor union It is Complaints have bwde as ernment has exclusive authority police protection etc Hundreds of thousands of farmers who depend COllsmcled under theproviSions ofI the provinces have adequate rev the living OJ it ll ll clfOlt should be the twelve million Canadian plus overseas consuml The Present lmVelled POIllon 0f ficulties confronting the Dominion ishable ex port market ale anleed must be iesident of the police Vll ms cannot solve once the home Processed Just as soon as they reach the right market two miles of the Village They must false declaration Should be made Brand expense Every day the packing house is tied gt gt upvl cgnal property municipal dumpr chances ofgettingrop grading for hisdivestock It hits our vitally important export market as well soldiers lifewmstllanoe pOhCIes containing Meatrfrom overfat stale cattle and hogs wouldsoonI warrlsk clauses will bg completely effective rruin that outlet There are plenty of world rivals who even if the soldier should dl overseas frcnnwould P9 delighted to take over and permanently nonwar causes it is announced Canada 19353 Place in the British iniport food market Right now we have an opportunity and duty to consolidate that market Yet we risk losingitI Thevvnational clevelopment and welfare entirely unless our abattoirs continue to function program of the Dominion Government ana Stands gain more from continued high levels of export trade than Ca nmmlied at the COIllmenceJn Ottawaayfmnds to loseimore from lrreslpzinigrblgvgikixiggiegydi lnvOlee an annual expendipure of overseven ership 7777 hundred millions natural questionls Where will the money come from THE RIGHT TO WORK Toronto Saturday Night If an employee cannot be dismissedwithout reason mate more mterest by his employerand thatis oneof the principles rot xvi swim antlwherelm in uni llllltlh count in Ullantlo lllll ml 7584 in was the ruling Mk gt on Inlru alts Ol lt bk legdldllll Smwt llmlOllC lOIO HAVE IT MADE AX llulliv lhe buys wno passed llltIlZlil iltbjmi ill illw illx In ilallubcl it the COlltllltllZ lllJl Sir rllditl persons huvellmc Bwmzmv Hum Bum this need ani mi for any imam Gunners that SIGmp panama pol in lltllllull xisllnl in the pol Ismdhy Rub Fm GU MW Th olyjogur in is to be ten tonal reputation and prestige 12m 11m lllWti AWN Mid $01150 with luv innkm Jul puwml libl Jone yaw L11 loud ht llOliSltlls ol mm uho or smug mm mm Tho met able reports Llllll lllOlllls war and has been referred to by somc ill IIm WW Woe County Briefs Winter in lZl1 mm lmmm 81 llllrgllollulld rum sell at 25c dolcn come from ms 31111053 we havenoticou is waned by the nililmmzltl in Council and shallUN CONFERENCE AT OTTAWAI on ars oi the use much occurred lnLondon it necessary discuss v1v lot xl nTcmnshlp 5d gram of edu by British surgeons St Marys the mm llll police illdge how any my low it lthould be ltlllUUL CrarSon of Manitoba Douglas the Ontario Elli lssotinliOll from tigtry Ins ecn Sllcccssfu lhc crltlcmn wron lllllv lly lpplltd to til bllll down to something like this 1Silly that the 1867 DOlninionlrl II my ln huge mensule untrue hv education for lJL lll rural areas rootmwre cut Off the pulp canals fined and of these small in vii file small assessingp1ve months after the tooth had bcen Smmilllo Comm Were all2 and economy that many of the The tooth Was so rm that it was madevaStem Claimed at one me Sumlullon between the Dominion and lll lililllll not be lessbrldge tee bonrdl ccrtnln sum of money 10d mlom Slhllondl llIilllllOl one to their Secretier II lighten the to me provinces Whatever typcn llilllll belarge enough Vocational gliliiliill ltti tnd an adequatei The veterans Im 0f meeting SOICrmsidey me question on the 1mm cial aid that will arable our young th The trustee Jrwr mtg 11 velk am or m9 lm l0 b0 llSlll ll lc 113 trustees ass Il lcanuda ls nation and both fiscal Vlblml lnlo productive action ex ea he iol trustee in largqures 1Crlalnanlount ocorrm by caelyonc tlll brllw appointing their own policem hem Should be pmjullccl by 110131 ililell duty it is too bad that thevmces mu therefore be busel vldedvmany 01 cos needed for youthI the problems confronting provin illlll inc reach of the its working rural school lllii lllll small towns TheiFor what appears to be mom over the operation of the national deals with the human Completely on commercial packing houses reprocess the Municipal Drainage Act and enues to discharge their constitu made in develonllv in whole personalityels who eat it are all directlyoffectcd llltl lll how the 391011 is Cohtrolled by the Pro nd the rovr it 1211 bovclnments OF 134045 Aside from the advmhge 0f legulal income to the loge and have the prescribed quall meek ofvflnance has been removed At last some of has been made of the his stage Kept Beyond that point even for week 01 make declaration to that effect TFB BAanEHJIRTIicttleiourimmIN II II adds to the farmers feed bill and decreases hisi And that loss is not just confined tothe farmer Tl1eI telplione instrument is onlyuport ofjtelvepl1oneservEef affairs ofthe community at Guelph 0nt whentax bills are sent outthere is enclosed which seem to have been established during the war and to be likely to survive ltit seems to follow lawn easytolread folder describing how the moneyrlsrto bespent Afootnqte adds Dem ocratic government will surViveonly in this quite logically that he cannot be dismissed without cause by the organized unlon of his fellow workers dunlon is no morc exempt from the possibility of injustice than an employer uniendlyXWOrld rthelelecomte knows and Last week trade union whichbystopping Work ongrenoughrandron anextensive enough scale could IQWQBWhatlbS Dth 53rvant are practicallylstarvethe entire Canadian people sclaimp cd therighttg drive from his employment fellow The newspapers of SmlthotFalls and Carle worker 01 whmvthey disapproved They backed their Mohave becnihaving heated discus 1311ij 801313011 strike man eXPIreSSlYPT to the merits of therespectwe towns hlblted by their agreement with the employer and 3158 by the lawand ltilalnteresting toanotethaton as forap10D059dmenlia1 hospital Tms this occasion me union authorities differing from the Almgnte Gazette to remark If most bf thosewho have been heard from lately did com or our Iriends in two Lanark County notclaimthat thestrike was arwfldcat one and that mm dorm keep 001 over thisvmenmlghbs they were unable to control their own members The mstanftradunionibeglns tooamnion rights Hitnrmatmn they may her5va candldtes accorded itby law and not merely by agreement enI 191111 institutian of thoEdna igrcgdwupgrix ll emlzzloyei It is in Syposltlon Where eu cgi ma no tonallg tsmustbecare In therederarand provmcial elections this mltlgsftrutllizediby ghermbllc authority The public earthe OCFtsried tolnducet fI or as tea conferred upon the packing upgwimithe cm and hgwlgg house workers organization the right to fecagnltion Inyourown community there telephone Ilnstrument Itself 88 the in arga agent for the workers in that in may be ashortagg of overhead may be only Pam of the gt gt 4K umanorganlzeiuons on the ground thutjthey my The union gannomnjoy thatapriviloge with haveconlm0nlnterests Election results iron out acceptingsomc collateral responsibilities Men 031316 01 of underground equipmentrequiredtoProvide theirfellowworkers do not like them II facilities or 180k 0f equlp serVice and that wartime an ave mm 0th Wanted toConvlnce them the nance wltlrthe union olclsls Incldentally the ImiLI ee= or yrannlcalpowers1here lsalrcady awlde my ghsmratmgwgzhoweg spreadmglolonamongthepubllc that somelunions lemme and are walung an arm ebear 1n mind that the demands 91 bowed that the farmers were must not be derVed of their right to continue in the ment at the exchange materialshortagesare as acute unionln question showed particularly bad judgment Distinct noticing cooperative as they might with the idea 11th employment of their choicegmerely because some of in plckingon 011 have for asrvera 59 that We 31 Still fl matter 01 assisting War veterans to return to civil lite