mg lanaley Miss Georgina Spearn Daliftdlll district Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and 3111s Eco Speam Bradford St William Pratt and 5111 Cni 111 Pratt WV 111 Eu lultJIzl 1111 Wednesday attending thc funeral the late Mrs Lamb Guests of Mr and Mrs 111211 105 Cumberland $1 1111 vcck 1111 Mrs Lelth 1111s Muir and Mrs MIliloy all of Hamilton Donald Cout lorantu visiteti friends over thc vcck Aubrey Jarvis 1d moved to his 111111 11 FO Lorne West Montiiuil 5110111 the weekend with Mn 1111 Mr and Mrs John ll11 ronlo spcnl S11111i1 11 Harrison Miss Isobel 101111101 1111 Miss Ina B1131 011121 their humcs for the 1w AlvTFS Brunt5 li1t day for Ntlt1lllgtl1 the St Johns to pital The WMS 311111 on 11111110 of Mr 1izr present Mn charge 2111s VJliitl Ivotional period Aftcz 1m the usual 11l1ll 11111 delicious rcfrcgtl1nzc1ztlt joycd 111 1lt 11le lltv WIIYPOTAIOlZSCALLED51471191311311 PM 11 Witli potatoes so scarce it 1x 11 Ml teresting to note that uids unhealthy food 01 gt11 5111in of well1110111111111 Irishmen felt when they thought that too many pita toes were not good for the 111111111lilt consumption ll1cy fulllltltd uniHid CietyI he Smeicly fm FHWWIMMIthotuand pcoplc look lhc tutt of Unhealthy Diet from which 111w ganizations initial came spud Perhaps were better off withoutl so many potatoeslltcufrcw Mon cury PAY attention to your car How about replacements in the generator starter carburetor 1mm IN TODAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Scrvlce BARRIE NI ImluMgnueuunI+ WE HAVE ON HAND New Engines FOR CHRYSLERBUILT Ii CARS and TRUCKS To Fit Chrysler Dodge Plymouth DeSoto and Fargo Trucks FactoryBiiilt Parts Stock Wholesale and Retail Lubrication a11ancpairs to All Maks all Hill 55 ElizabethSh BARRIE Wincmlkquunnu lTrestroit to Continue lWork of Information lOn SioteSoclalism COOKSTOWN Valerie Carling 13 holid11 linco1 pLlzt 111m 11 il 11111 l11111lti IUIIlhlllJH NEWTON ROBINSON v11l1l 11 Sunday 11v 311 i1 Kidd 1111111111gt il11l 11 111111 l1won Ltllllldll lHI v1c1111l v1gttozs 1111 Lolcmm lituillIV 2111 ur 511111111 Ithl illa 11111 311 11 111110 111 111 Film 111131 111 11111 week 111111 tilc111y tnopcr Toronto lnlltti 111 and liuld 11 the 111111111111 Illhclt tluurh and N11 311111 1111111 Burzic 1c11 pctkcnd lI1111o 11111 3111 11111 111 111 l111111I11111 lllttl Al llmjunl Ion luc Ililil Joini Hanna liclovcd huw Ilund of the late Mary Awrall 11d 111lhc1 111 John 111 111 him your 11l 1111 take place from 1111c 11 lilgt you John 1111 17111134 We 1111111111111115 ll1111 r11111 51 at pm Scrvicc 111 John Anglican Church Cook Johns Coinc wI 11 next lrdnt llutv 11111 I1 H11 111 Stove Mcnniiial August 1811131111 1111 1114111113va 1111 town lulcruunl St ltiI What the XRoy Reveals i1I li tl 11 1111 lucn 11111 Ilil liAItltll EXAMINER BAIlliIPZ ONTA til 111111 l1f1111 vciltl 1lllt ult 1111 uninhs 11o 11111ofgrap11 11111111 111l11w11v111111111111 t11111lt11l 111 1111 C11daioldt2 RIO CANADA I121 11111 111 115 and wr mi Mnt Sunday 1L11 111 and 1411 Icthi Bull 311s WYEBRIDGE 11lf11d Ilrhidcu Orillia isIvis 1111 friends here for few Dvr Lorne Carruthms IOrillia went the wcckcud Willi 1115 111111 lit of the MM DounaI Scarlc Waverley lo11y111g 11111 her grand111ol11cr 11311 llc 11 Douglas Simcoc Clll the tint11 Mctulhu llccnu motor lion 111131 1111 Illuccllan 1111 lltti 1km 11 lcruzuth 1t 1111 ttilllttl Dolly 51111111 bean 111 1ilt 111 l1l1l 11111 itll1111 The p111 of 3111 11111121111111 111 1111 Who 1111I1111v11 to1t 11111111c ltill1ltl 11111111 111111 11tul1111j 11 1111 1111gtt 1111111111151 flhui fftlll Social IAug Celebration lA Decided Success IReceipts $600 to $700 The 111 11111 crI li1cygcr persinixl ltt1ltl 111itllt111g1 gt111111l1t1 uul 911121 111111 hovonrl and 11121111 will 11o 1ct 1111 then hat t1 tt=llljllt 111 land well lililllltti August celebration cccmful although the wrath furorable 111 111El111t1 111 the Jittcr11oo11A goof prur 11111g11111 oi sports was arranch Their 1x not pcrimhcal politnmlltvcryonc enjoyed these events Forfuct proceeds of the day itllltlllllIL 1to between $1500 and $700 The 11121111 feature of the afternoon was the softball tournament with six teams cutcrcd 111 the first round licf1oy won from Cookstowns N1 team lost to Cookstowus No and Shanty lucls lltllll publ Tillttlll c1u1dc thc Socialists have 3lllClllltCl 1111 old 1111111gt1o11 111 Jar 111 Ioronto and 11111111 it 111311 be 1110 aiound tor the l1ofcltloi1 11 Social Sludcun of the lulurc 11111111111111 cxznnplc 511 via 51 V1111lgt traini 11111 llomc llceton 1011111 Northern round Shanty Bay defeated chroy and 111 the final 441 victory over Shanty Bay Winners 111 the foot and novelty ocl on friends herd Sunday Bay dcfcatcd Inore cvcry reason why llltL second opposed to such lotlllll gtl1ould SlItH equal c1111y ancc is the p11cc of ficcdom firmly Convinccd enough Canadians conccriwd about this situation to support Cougtta11t c11111paiui1 and we are pla1111111g ac cordingly IITRSIJICI The handwriting IEathor11c some of his manuscripts remained unpublished because nobody could l1011 tlc11I This walt 11111151 true of Carlyle The story is told of 111pr comlt posltor who was London printing office because of rccom111c11dat1o11 Scotland of manuscript hi111to set was by Carlyle Great SCottl typesetter heretoo avoid 1111111 Itcrngil viidbl Looksiown won amlI that thcre races were 200 yds ope11 John Imadlay Bill lcinu1oi1 100 yds lilth Bllll Alli1 like opcu Jack Smilh John Lcadlay 51115 11 yrs and over Daisy Cope land Vcra l1umblcy girls 11 to Doris Mapcs boys It and over Alf Arnold Dee Cliantlcr boys 11 lo 14 Alan Daw son Billie Iicmmon girls to 11 Shirley Bailey girls to $1 Mary Lou Wands Joan Wilson girls to Marie Vausc Gail Morris boys Dawson John Loblaw boys loft Iommy Button Fraser Carr boys to Jim C1irrie Bruce Lock bi cycle race Bill Lc1nmo11Jeffcry friends here decorated doll carriage Joan Wilson Mary Lou Wands dec arric Marling Bet Isabcl lamsay Nathanicl was So illegible thatl Barbara Miller to 11 Alan employed by which The given strong he brought first piece from Dovhey oratcd bicycle ty Gilroy large crowd attended the c011 eert and dance in Reeds Pavilion at night The concert put on by the 1IICW that man said Have you fled from Scotland to ncuuun local talent from Thornton und Cookstown was exceptionally good with Bcattys orchestra providing the music for the dance The prize winners in the lucky draw were Occasional chair Ken Wood Brad ford Cookstowuend table Mrs Fred IIIIIIumbingL Heating etc lZIOwen St BARBIE 6cdspread Mrs Wm Walker Phone Cooper sHA Port Credit electric iron The 1111111 tensions BDWARE AND CHINA wHErigvouvBUvIIMORE FOR LEssIIII NWT ED WIPEV FARMGATES dcanizln GLAssIUGsf Ldrge and heavy 89c 4FIBE KINGOVEN WARE iCUPWfdJSmrsrsel Covered Casseroles 19c 951 Cu ford cape 161 10576 3251 PH 11 Nappies for 25c Measuring Bowls eotch 19c je PigleSII20C 25 ctnd 33C Pans eoch Ij 55c King Bowls30c 411a 50 c4411ch 2BASKETS decorated et of for KERSsetof 60150 BASKETS 8I9c BX ITHINETTES$819 No TURIN15NG II scrod spools 42 43E 20c Iayjolutpiexpsm 1111 Save Acclde SALE$ DpNLoP TIRES McxploIIAvIe timid I1PhonIe 3922 esnop mums11011 CLOCKI MURRAY 11110111131111 19101311111191 $125 $300 1191 Alice 31111 loronto spent 111111dy1f 1111 1111111 lll11c111c 11111111111 Sluyutjl 15 v1u111 l1ul1111 1ca11l 1111 IloIvil 1111111 spent Sunday wnh 1111311 11 Miles 111 Della 11111111p11 Centre lospm llltti hcr 1111111 M15 11 Mrs lricsl l11lll Gordon and laul 1511111 111111115 at North lluy lint week M1 1111115 11d 111111211IV 11111111 spent thc weekend will Aubrey Glffcu 1111 Ale MacDonald and Violet Kaye who were married in Scotland recently Mrs Ccrswcll loronto call in town on Sunday M15I111do11 Toronto spent 1111 week 1d at the l1o1111of her bro couple of days last week with Mrs II Lundcrklu Mr and Mrs 11 Dixon and fum ily spent the vcckcnd 11th friend 211 Iarkhill and other points 1u pull Smith and sister Miss Smith lorouto spent the week 01111 11tl111101f315f013 and friends herc Mr and Mrs Noble and Mis Isabcl Noblc loronto wore week end visitors with their mother 1nd with their parents Mr and Mrs Morris chroy visited Mr and Mrs Morris on Sunday Dempstcr Angus is busy basement Mr and Mrs Denney and fam ily and Mr and Mrs Gaulcy and family spent Sunday at Wasagu Beach Mrai1d Mrs Arthur Mrs Ruddick and Shirley St Cathar wcckcnd have returned to Toronto alter week with her parents M1Iand Mrs Hubbard Mi es Olive Ruddick and Mar jorie Semple Toronto speut the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ruddick I437 Mr andMrs Frank Worrall and children and Mrs Macphcc To ronto visited Miss Garner Iasl Week Malcolm Mac 21in who had an operationin Camp Borden hospital last week is getting 11 well dSMCTtlTlJC CXpCCth PAINSWICKIIIII Mrs MatgshaIland MissHilda BrucegToronto spent few days iris weekwith Mrs Walter Fra 1c IIWOl Geo Green arrived home from overseas on Tuesday night last and Was met in Torontojcby Mrs1Greenand Harold and Earl Mr and Mrs Alfred Webband KathleenToronto1and Sgt Gor don Webbond wife Calgary call cdpn friendshere on their way home from holiday in IMuskoka Miss Muriel Booth who hasbcen affiliating with the Sick Chil drens Hospital Toronto is spend ing three weeks holidays at her home here and will rcsumeher duties on Sundayat the Royal Vic lt toria Hospital Barrie St Pauls Womens Aux1liary met at Mrs John Huntcrfs Craigvifl on August with sixteen mem bers and twenty isitors pres ent The ladies quilted quilt then delicious lunch wasserved by Mrs Campbell Mrs Whitevand Mrs John Hunter Weekend and Sunday visitors Arnold Mr and Mrs Hamid route with Mr and Mrs George Wills Miss Aileen Guy and Ronr ald Booth Toronto at Lloyd Booths Mr and Mrs Harold 16 netgivemlktheI for Barrie andII District whileIlt is II I1 l1ltl Dulllil 3111s tcc11 Icutou 112111 gtomo holi 31 daygt with her daughter Mrs Illt xtlt fill 11111 111113 411 untuht 1n1ui1l1111 to 111111 1111I li111r 111111111 j11ci 111 tu 11111 l11tt l1 tulzil 111 111111000 rliltl 13l11 Wk litlltlll with their parents Mr and Mrs o11t1111u1d 11109170 1111117 Johnston 113000 The average Sunday visitors at Mr Camel WU will Ski 3H was silgsI 1111111 we ML IIIIII MIR IIIIIIIS MILtIJlei 1111 l1 Elyuuioun Miro 54 11km by 15112 11111411 11112131 1111141321111111was all11 AllltllJ 1111 11111111111 v1th it com 10 years The fur of wearcl Build 1111 11111111 LJ we Mr and Mrs Oliver Anderson 1111111 and ion IId Toronto and TODAYS PRICES CATTLE EGGS POULTRY MAW AI quoted by First Cooperilive llcxlip of Prescott Packer of Ontario Ltd Barrio The Womens Institute 11101 on HOGS BACON HOGS Dressed weight Tall Mulland has the special speaker III and SH and Grade pms federal and provm There was splcnt id attendance Donuu Albany NY visited her cial bonus 1111111101 111 Partridge last week lmiuy Coimratulations to LAC Allister 0m WWII IR lwo weeks ago ll11cc wccks aim lradc 11 Grade CATTLE Lois Wardle Allandalc is spend llutther Cultlc Stcc1 11p to $1150 lluichcr Cattle llcilcrs up to $1100 Mr and Mrs Egltitchie and Butcher Cows up to $900 Bologna 131111 Veal Calves Slllllil and Mrs Campbell Toronto for Iher lhmInpson Sheep from $300 to $000 few days Mr and Mrs llllll Ottawa spent Smng IImbSI WI 75 MI $15M coup HEAD gig 1553 tor Mrs 14 Young largzc 1nediu111 mumle Mrs Orchard and Orchard Grade and Milkfed Milkfed Mr and Mrs Barber and Mr leJllltl WCF 35 33 and Mrs Howell Toronto were lbs to lbs guests of Mr and Mrs G11111 Al lbs to lbs mersou Saturday and Sunday Under lbs 131011013 Over lbs lbs to lbs Mjscs 10 and Florence Gur Under lbs 23 Mr and Mrs Ray Bishop and don Toronto spent thcwcckcnd The above are dressed poultry daughtcr LOHdOH and Nancy prices and are subject to killing charge of five cents per bird on chickens and fowl and 15e on tur keys for birds delivered alive to the cementing the floor of th urch plant Ducks and geese are only purchased dressedahead off Un nished poultry not being accepted at present time 34 32 Mr and Mrs Lawson and 13 31 daughter Mary Toronto were 32 30 guests of their cousms George and 33 31 Irene Knupp last week Mr and Mrs Linton Goodchdd FOWL and family and Mr and Mrs Al ines visited friends 11Ic1c11ItIIIItI11c celllgkend visitOrs Miss Jeanette SttT ttMAlfd Foaigltdlils oliglllpl as McDowldil Mrs Ma1tin and two hildrcn vwn Centralia at hishoine Miffand loothicllSyulhctiU 11c is as ne tire asvwc Jaye ever been privi IIlcgctllo offer Built with lliFlcx Cord and PlyWeld co1isrructiontrlicscncwBrI Coodricli Tires can give you the long safe troublefree mileage youll need for extra drivinginI the postwar period Their Lifesavcr Tread gives surcItracItion Tor Wet Surface driving Rubber FIor Iprompt Vserw vice on all Goodrich pusII cougar car tires call our tire deE portment today Mrs Geo Dusto gave anilnterpreja tion of the motto There is nothing my BI Fl SYNTHETIC Mr and Mrs Spriggs Ann and RUBgER Institute Was held at MrsCharles Grants with 26 present Mrs FOR pASSENGER CARS ness Mere Grant and Barbara Orchard favored with pianoselecI angiey aIlnId and IMrsi Gerald 311332 With Ml mil gave ahmnorousreading andIMlS WHITE ROSE 0rchttrd demonstrated on soap andNBS Wilson ex Bayfield s14 Barrie few days with Mr and flip 111111111 11 11d1111111 Clurkson 1111111 11 l11 3112 Chas 111111 and Soil 13111111112 1iudso1 arc 11111111113111I 11tl1 1111 1111111c1gt 11111tl1cr Mrs Iu1111111s Mr and Mrs Orville Ad11111111 1111o11 are spending 11 wool with Mr and Mrs Ccc1l PlCanll 3111 and Mrs Arabucklc and 1111 41111113 Montreal arc holidaying 1w Tip lllt 15121 11125111 Mr and Mrs C111111111g ham and 311111111 Preston all of lo Morris of Kitchener and familics 1111 spending weeks vacation at the Anl11li farm llcv laylor Munroe is taking his holidays for three weeks 1111 1111 which time the pulpit will be taken by two pastorsjfroni Iene tan and 11 former paslor llcv Wednesday at Mrs Archie Ed lwinds and had for guests the Ebenezer Institute Mrs Cranstou omimmmzmwmom 1A very dainty lunch including ice lt10 50Icrczun was served $171ch $2000 MINESING SOWS vrm $1130 $1460 Mrs 11 Pearson Barr1c spent few days at Fred Pearsons ing week with her aunt Mrs Scott Rev Newman will take the service at 930 11111 at StPctcrs to $800 on Sunday lo $1300 Larry Durnlord is visiting Mr Mrs Campbell and 5011 Bobby spent week with her sis Iaul Dickinson Hamilton has been holidaying with his grand Zm parents Rev and Mrs Clements WV 50 Mrs Marshall Washago and Mis Hilda BruceTorontovisilcd 40 last week Mrs Jim Paine Elmira and Pie Lillian Paine CWAC Ottawa have been guests of Mrs Fred Paine for the past week Grade Grade bert Goodchild Barrie viisted at 25 Lucksduring the weekend Mrs Richardson Geraldton Dumford Stayner visited Gurf Durnford last week Mrs Mur by is visiting her daughter Mrs arris Sage at Sud bury Mr and Mrs Mel MIcCabe and sons Toronto are vacationing at the Murphy home Mr and Mrs Henry Seguin of Montreal have been visitors with the latters brother Vic Millet Mr and Mrs Donald Miller To ronto alsovisited their brotherIrc Mrs Gordon Campbell Toronto at Campbells MargaretPriest Toronto at Will Priests Helen Johnston Temple at Irvin John stons Mr and MrsgAlmond and daughter Helen Toromratdwu ray Ronalds Mr and Mrs Trim ble London at Russell Knapps Thus Hindle Speaks on China I011 Sunday evening Kindle gavean illustrated lecture on his expeinlences 315 aIIjiionary in China and he told of his life while interned in Japanese prison camp to an interested audience tha filled the United Church The ser vice was in charge of the Young Peoples Union led by Mar IMc Lean president Geo Hinde de lightedall with his ne re of some of the familiar hymns on thespianon Presentation to Five Members of Forces 011 Saturday night the memb of St Peters Anglican Church met at vHoWard Priestswhere the we in Auiliary presented lea metWriting cases toIthefollow jugmembers of the armed forces and HerrIsabel Groves CWAC Mrs Stan Eralickread the address and the presentations were made by MarionMayes program of orchestra music readings and vocal selections was enjoyed and lunch was served by rtheladies Womenshistftute 0111 Thursday afterboon the August meeting of the Womens Andrew orchard convener of Agriculture Iar1d Canadian Indus tries was in charge of the program more conta lous than cheerful tions Mrs Darcy Armstrong gave splendid paper on the cotton in dustry an interesting pictures were shown Mrs Wes Johnston making Thehostesses were Mrs meeting will be at Mrs Harry Mayesj MITCHE 11 so ARE mt daughter 11 guezt of Con Treudwell Sow Vlb 11 11 d1 lulitO Mrs Cenotaph tlzi 1111 Aug Kenneth Gil 111 and Cu lr and 311 llowldnd Pry he and 111gr one b11111 by Walt Ilclievlllt and 111 Im111$ Toronto spent the week mum end 11 Mrs C1111 lercS mg mp nth 11 Owen Dells 1111151111 MINI day were LAC Frank Turpin LAC ImI and 311 ll 31111111 11 thn 8011 Betty 1111lkcm mi Twin lt1llllt111 131111 lllkil hoax 1c ll1ot arold Icthick Miss Holly Mr and M13 Jamcs of ii wool Iom McDonald and Rou nugobiono inc all of Toroqu baseball team 11 1311 11111 pl 11l Shanty SUGAR MAB OUR OWN FLAVOURFUL Ilb PALMOLIVE 25131 11 3312 23 SUPEBSIIDS SODA YUKON CLUB 3002 Bill Contents only murmurs fLAllES 2511 Imrwwcns son 11 OGILVIE Pkgl15 ROYAL HOUSEHOLD TAN GY IbI Comb No and Dom COLWELL 211111 friends here 311 Juch torrop has return half 31 and Mrs Jos Tiffm 11le ltlnzt 111111 game 11 the town 111111 Friday Aug 10 at p111 lll the new superletluil 111 13 mum now being punitich 111 Canada vs 2159 Event AltNHC PACIIC leoColtd PIKE SUN To In CHAN IISIIVI nun 30 um outmmr man SILVERIBROOK FIRST GRADE lb FINE GRANULATED 6lb Bag Blended Cider or Spirit Gal Contents only Jar Pkg MEDIUM SEALERS CERTII RUBBER METAL RINGS MEMBA ISEA OVEN FRESH ANN PAGE snunwrcn mm EXTRA SLICES 553 11 2311 2112131 pucnrss Attics 9c BARTLETT 1655 II for Cal Valcncia ORANGES 28 California muons 5211111 HEARTS 34 10 431 Washed 110 195 FirmnIbemls cAnBAGE NNcw Local Potatoes Fresh Daily mumscinemas IIf 542 Gratle I11111111111 row 1151 20110 511111111 EBESJltlnltrlllIETS 3lc77f Iriicsn 11111111111211 Hurts 351 11111111111 sham Hurts 336 FINNAN 1111111135 113111 SALMOI 311 Sliced or cm Cuts 1b 390 11111ch Simon 11236 sliced centreuts 111251 ers 11 IPAWK to any 1mm mw you quhnse inhiimlar return ln3 yr or money Fresh Eris 1143211 WHIT Fresh Halibut 11 4c IchtchJStyle tennis 2511 Fresh 111I THURSDAY AUGUST 1945 McKinley Pinkerton one 1511111311111 Cooksvlllc the weekend at 185 811111 1n after week 111111 Bzomkill has 1ctu1ued to 1111c111111 weeks with 1111 Ted Tiffiu 11nd o11 spent the weekend I00 290 AbroamMu II