ARRlE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAYTTCTMW 1943 Section 2PVoges to l4 Sens Son Again lMade In Simcoe County HOUSE or HITS DELIGHTFULLY AIRCONDITIONED THIS WEEKS 153cc 7025 COpies 82nd Yeorfhlo 29 Ntmwnmopmnwo WWONW Imperial ThurlriSat AirConditioned for Your Comfort HELD OVER MlGHllESl lHRILL BLAST smog scniiiicrfririiiiii CAESAR Shocking life Story of The Most Notorious Outlaw of Our Milk Board Gives Warning on Violations rit tsi1tlllolx in the lgt 1131 been Lit Cheddpr theme was made Lil Slil 1coc County in June for he iii mm NW ltiiie in about 25 years Howevci5 lilille of this cheese available for gtc raider it ll qured lfershipmeni in lBllldlll Thi Bzr lll1ndl Dziry hit WAY THROUGH GIRLS SCHOOL bcguii lolla tlichcliedscinakfl =iig industry which was dune tXltll ln Cheese Business Jive throughout tit Countyhalt ll iCcritury ugo Pt KUUlitllu to VV lll dairy llllllll board ust to nice ill Barrie once ill spine citscs there wcret month and George Brown wanl 1igtioi of Board Order No 4260 secretary This board represented SAT PnM EVE SHOWS AT WW 69 PM NEWS gt STARTS MONDAY GALA DAYS lASSlE IS BACK WITH NEW THRlllS All it The concurrence of tlic lli fllt lia id Trade 12 or 13 Ch makers in the north lpait of Sancoe llUWCvLl tinty gradl MONOGRAM PICIURES presents tltl endd for children ually went oat rf biinclts until Vevery chcmc tict try ill 3me was lshut down Among tlzc placer ii the district where there were chccsc factories around the turn of the century vcrc Crown Hill Eutlirte llills of On irio bottle delivercd toi when another lll illt rcCcircd in exchange lllit Iiltlt alo piovulcs that milk dale Edmmlcl wvcmle Cook lainl izirlk products gthall be mild Iinl 3mm and when 11 for cagth or prepaid inilki lily llih ordcr cfcctiycf According to Sheriff la Drtlry lli iiix Jiilv Til 1milk for tlic CllCCSt factories in ME milk hdulbutmc those days was from Shotthorn mm mm will COWS 0CV lelm ll kill lilliltilllll of tlic ClilZflli of W0 Cheese and ml llaiiiv iii cairviii out lllLnt iculi beat it became more profitable to Wm 22in iiiiiidatiiii1 1A raise the Shortliorn calves on skim dai ldittx tipm milk and use the cream for bultcrt This cut off the aipply from the 12 no CllCCSC factories and they were com pulled to close In the latter half of last month 100 boxes of CllCCbC averaging 03 pounds were shipped from Barrie to Toronto for grading and inspection This was the beginning of busi FLYING OFFICER AIKENS Who was prisoner of war in Gcr many after being moi down early in January this your saw quite chance in hit younz son Marshall when he arrived home this week Vlitli F0 Stanley Aikciis left liix wife With her parents Mr and Mrs Lambert 104 Bradford St their son was just four days old He was 16 months and four days old when he returned F0 Aikcns enlisted with the RCAl in December ltHU vii lltllll DUCKS fameya Edmund roman awaits EDUARDOWildlyMARCllWllfllfl fllSllA COOK llmllfe 3712M IIIIoDI 2ND IriiAruiic CRAZY KNIGHTS BILLY HILBIERI Slllilll HOWARD MAX ROSENBLIHNMI Litljattlll to the dairy on ct and ix now ready WNW chior at full capac mm Wth VVVLNL1IIKVV MA lilf =i 111AM who made LliCCnC in La iczi Ontario and Qucbcc has lllllnldrnllll lllwl llLLll placed iii charge of production In the your the LllLtt will he llt in Itttlil thch has been an lllllllt lllt tlltitcxua iciiiand foi milk in tlic Barrio 10 manufacture who nutter litlll imam account of he heavy my rent mm math llllw titillt ll 1t lll pm mm 1mo0ly Wm Ultimo every duy ml lWi TWP ll wim Him ii iilk liar been used forthin Ninetyfive filllllCiS are how xup le duty lltl wanna ou mid tl1tnu we 01 LhQQSt litnvllVyr plying milk to the UtilfleAlltilitllllt tlm iaiim It Iil li Imp ml oiii be making Dairy for the manufacture oilsalc to bataim tEltl la whine in my im cdpucity Wm Cliccsc it requires about 20000 back to taunt who Hamily Nikon up Vmcmn of Cheddar ChemC pounds of whole milk for one ion for the cheese ctory 3mm day of cheese thn the cheese is made Bob liodgcs proprietor of the giw1y tyuty 15 the chemc up into blocks weighing nearly 100 BarricAllandalc Dairy inadv liltlllfutHy had been pmmm we wcc during which 300 CllCtSC vciatin fillillbs each were iiitic thus faking 300000 lbs of lillll llill was not required for llaiiix tainp Bordcn or tourist At liliil Day when tourists rc Vturii liiiiitc Mr Hedges cxpccts that his plant will be up to full production in 1035 before war started about it faimcrs supplied the four dairics tin Barrie with milk At the present time there are 230 furthers supply mu mill to Barrie and Camp Bor dcir Owing to reduction of per Hilltlfl at the Camp todays demand troin this source is only slightly llitilt than 50 per cent of what it was in 104243 With the cheese facloiy to take his surplus milk jinilk producer has now con lllllltills market and is not sub jcct to hold backs or layoffs which were always serious disadvantage gto the dairy farmers Back from Overseas Names OfMen and Woan Returning from Overseas Welcomed for This Column Please Telephone 2414 p4 yum to zv HELD OVER list of the donations to the Hospital for Sick Child rcn Fund is uriaeoidably held over till next issue together with considerable quantity of other matter CARTOON guilt COMING EVENTS Remember the Julian ll Fergu son Basket Picnic at Springwatcr Park Midliurst on July 25 Evcry body welcome 29b Starts sunday Midnile 1205 Its aPlcasurc Two wccks at Slicus Torontos big firstrun liousc Dont miss the pleasure of see ing this picture all in beautiful color pounds it is placed in cold slurllaxt ycar for this addition to hi metric new building has been CRAWFORD CO INVESTMENTS TORONTO MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE On motion Of Reeve Clark byvr age room for 10 days curing at ufOVr the million who levied Lassie Come Home here greater heart gripping adventUresl Throbbing with young rompnce pulsing with earthunduly adventure heres the story ofaniissioninlo bchrc third reading perilthattested wo ung can ssqun 10 um COM mu Ald Currie reported that he had SON 0ElASSlE it Swim peteriiwronnionaiaciiisr with June UGKHART Nigel BRUCE Wllllim8lllyiSEVERN6an Ammonium the whole f0 were iii favor HHSIHEM Rm Ms Ald Curries motion and seven 31 EVES789PM A55 and mm Ald Grant Mayor introduced motion to rescind previous action regarding Lakeview Dairy at the corner of POyntzaiid Dunlop Sts All the splendors and excitements of $600 ice showplus bigtime hockey thrills FLYNN BRANCH MANAGER BARRIE BRANCHV89 DUNLOP ST TELEPHONE 2443 weregivcn first and second read ing to provide for the installation of sanitary sewers and mixedin Dlacc pavements on certain streets The bylaws are being sent on to the Municipal Board for approval MENS STRAW HATS SMART AND STYLISH Sizes 65 to 711 $200 $300 $350 BOYS SLACK SUITS sizes to 12 yrs $175 $300 12 to 18 yrs $275 $395 BOYS MNNBREAKERS size to 16 $425 $450 $475 worm CLOTHES STRAW HATS 300 to 500 CAPS 30c to 50c PANTS $225 to $395 WORK SOCKS 751110 85c pr WILF TODD received complaints of smoke nuisance from residents in Ward If and he sought to introduce by law which would control this con dition as in other cities and towns Ald AllsOpp asked how such by law could be enforced and referred to the smoke from the CNRin Ali Iandale On vote in committee of 22 Mario The Body McDonald tries to steal tough Michael OShea away from Sonia See the battle MENS and BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlop SL Barrie ATTENTION FARMERS Dont forget that we can issue you short term policy tchovcr Listed As Home your Farm Produce for Fire and Lightning The cost is small Among the Simcoe County sol dicrs listed as having recently ar ALSO 2ND VROSALIND RUSSELL ewALrER VrmOEoN lijbESlGNfFOlt SCANDAL The Council had first ordered that the loading dock infringing on Poyntz street should be removed iiifivyears and the concrete walls for boiler room should be taken out in three months Stew art appeared on behalf of Mr Nor ris and Council then agreed to let the foundation remain for five years At Tuesday nights meeting letter was read from Donald MacLaren on behalf of residents of the district and Municipal Act statutes were quoted All council lors voted in favor of giving in structions for the boiler room foundation infringing rowTown property to be removed in three months Ald Ctirrie gave notice of mo tion which would require that Council could notyptei on motion 7V to rescind previous action unless midlmihmiu LAST SHOWINGTONTGH illTHURSDAY STAGEVDOOR CANTEEN ism SA VCOINT SHOWSAT 230 53er notice had been given four weeks utadlyjliium irfiadvance This matter will bet HIT mum considered bythe councillors and decfded at futurerrmeetmg STAGECOACH To MONTEREY VCOuichil granted transfer of bil liard room license from Brown to Russell Landry formerly 9fVMeafordcffectiveluly30z up Someiqouncillors reported having had complaints that night soil has not been Aremoved in Bariie for several m9nthsThe feeling was that it was in aceount oftheWPTB not permitting arraisinpricefof 35 to the workman About 1200 VANHMILLER 10E BESS places are affected The chairman mlnit Hiiucinrvnuiiis nncnesm the Board of Works Was asked 0511 pROGRAu to take somelcction MURDER IN THE ltausteredictated Wilson Knapp who is confined to WED ViisMATWED1230 his home with illness oh VMayor Sinclair and nd Mayor reported that an agreement had beenreached with Walter Sarjcant lregarding roadway to be put through from Mary Street to High street few hundred feet up from theBayU letter was read from Boys and 2ND ADDED FEATURE Boys regarding request fromdtIrs LOYEABLESDORY OF CIRCUS HORSE Smith to erectmore cabins in Ward It was pointed out that gt MW W1 astribunengylawguntidy ROBERT YOUNG HELEN GILBERT upwaituntiLtheycVoulltLheaciro residents Vof Ward 31 before taking ing to thisand the Council decided curs cciiimimrnuium 11mm cg action but the return is large if you floseyour seasons crop by FIRE LIGHTNING or at THRESHING Time DONTIDELAYTHE HAY IS GOING IN THE BARN MALCOMSONS 41 DuplopSt INSURANCE AGENCY MEMOERJHLBARRIEHAMBER OF COMMERCE MOW RS HAVE YOUR MOWERk RECONDITIONED NOW cottage trade during the next two months Telcphone 351278andcrs Brosrefit pickup amid PARTS AVAILABLEMFORvMesdlrMOWERwi as We have large We now have large stock oft and cold relied sgeel heavy angles and channels JOHNsoNs SON ENGINEERINGCOMPANYV BARRIE 961i0ss ST Dial 2735 Phonemic The MSievemmiuom TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE variation Notice FFICEVcuid RANTmu stay Amman an Nrxr wnmr 95 clivciy lt IllON 3094 ABOUTYQURINSURANCE iVDo NOT TRUST TOTUCK BESECURE WITHVFIILL PROTECTION WESELL ALLgINEs Pity We will clgse atS pm on July 21 and oper again on July 30 qt830 cum MW giv 1i Ptc Horncr New Lowell Ptc Wright Gilford WrigtcleaneIS rived back in Canada are Pie Bridge parmTpFer Fokmead Pie Camerbn of Angus Cpl Sellars Lcfroyi Pte Austin RR Barriei Cpl Hunter RR Shanty Bay Pie Tomporowski Lislc Pte Evans Elmvalc CplJ MMcKee Duntroon Pte Barrio BSM Prince Edcnvalc ngn RM Whitton RR Elm vale ngn McQueen Candles Capt Mulch RCAMC Painsi wrc Bairrie Cpl BakcrrCookstown Pte Muir Utopia Pie Wildclmrakg EhMMiskcy1ameh Clarence SmithrBaxtcre Donald MacDonald Baxter Jack Stephens Utopia John Muir Utopia Russell Whitton Elmvalc F0 Thornton Stephens chroy Robert Burns Watson Craig hurst LAC Alvin Robbins Everett Sgt JohnCrgsson Everett Samuel PVgithnRCAF Everett Cpl Geo Baker ingkgown When Dvr Ayerst VWire Died Was Overseas was notgieeted byihis wife At the age Of 24 years She had died AVSUEldenly in September 1944 while was serving in Italy There are two childlen Harold 6and Larry Pie Ayerst is son of Mr and Mrs HarryrnAyerst 155 EssaRoad Allandale Before enlisting in the Vsummr of 1941 he drove for the Valley Taxi HeWasborn and ratsV cd in the Thornton district Five Years Overseas Tiffin Stboyn Staff Sgt Jack Hill RCAPC was among the thousands who returned On the Queen Mary via New York He arrived home on Thursday night Hehasbeen with theactive ser rforcesfoknemlyfiveyeat since his enlistment at Camp Bar denrnnd homelooked goodrto him Nearly fouryears were spartan Turn to page fourteen plase Wallace RR into it AlllllPlcllllllstilC ADDEDSELECT SHORTS NEW DISNEY TROMBONE TROUBLE COMEDY GIRLS GiiifsGIRLs Also MOUNTAIN ANGLERS Time for and is now pvrThomas EVastonV Ayerst rcl turned toCanada last vypek but he 11 vvvv receiving Classified VQOmihg Iyao friicinchdnied Cottage Pie Bi VllllzllsonliCliSC TERI vrvvvvvwwvvvvvvv Styrene the clearerthanglass Adlcts has been advanced an hour ddle williVsOTnV beVprVoduced in FHFE OCLOCK on Canada for tTiEfirst time at the rate Wednesday Dont briiigtlicm later of about 500000 pounds month WW Sailing 11 Swirnmintgr Divingl